Under the blood moon- Eyes as black as night still flash in the light

Story by Jason Skyy on SoFurry

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#2 of Under the 24 moons

Hey before I start this I am going to say sorry for one I didn't give you the name of the main character. I went back and rewrote it to check spelling and other errors so cause you don't know his name is Ian. Well anyways here's another part to my story and I;m sorry to start out this fast as you will see in a little but like I said this story ain't a normle love story. Enjoy :3

After I was completely awake my mother called for dinner and thats when my night ended up being one of my worst. At dinner John sat closer to me then my mother but she didn't notice and I prettended not even when I caught him starring at me. John was a pretty buff black panther and was one of my mom's weird boyfriends she brought over but instead of being weird to her he was being weird to me and It was really starting to freak me out. Even when I was putting my dish in the sink he still had his eyes on me. I tried to not think about it and continue my day. Just about 7 I was breaking out my books and getting ready to do some homework in my mom's living room but then I saw John walk in while my mother got to the dishes so I decided to take a shower instead and do my homework later when I had some alone time. Kind of what I needed right now.

Twisting the nob to our upstairs bathroom as the water started to flow out of the the shower head onto my back soothing my back. Drenching my back fur and the the rest of my body. The water clearing my mind from the rest of the world. When I was done washing my fur and drying it whch takes like thirty minuets to become completely dry. I walk out of the bathroom with a towel around my waist and walked down the hall towards the stairs and stopped as I saw my mom pull John into her room and thanked god that I had my own seperate place outside but as John walked through the door way I saw his eyes flash in my direction just before the door shut behind them. I shivered as a weird feeling shot down my back as if someone poured ice water down it. Standing there for a few seconds I shook off the feeling and started back down the hall.

When I got to my back house and laid out on my couch and continued my homework. It was easier since I kicked in some music playing Bring Me the Horizon until Anthem started playing as I started rocking out and acting like I was on stage. After it reached the end I calmed down and went out back to smoke and walked to my back patio and sat down looking out towards the setting sun as my lighter sparked a flame as it lit the cigerret.

On my patio I could so over my fance out to a point that the sun looked like it was being swallowed by the forest and the the light that the sun put out and the wind blowing through my orange colored fur made it look like a raging fire. Somewhere from the distence a worried fur was calling the fire department. I put out my cigerret as it came to the end into a ash tray i had out with me, took a deep sigh and went back in to continue my homework.

While I finished, the thought of my mother's boyfriend popped into my head again and again I couldn't bring myself to stop thinking about him. Why did he stare at me for so long, why was he acting so weird around me and why the hell did my mom date weird ass people. Maybe I should tell her about it but they were probably sleaping by now and talking about sleap I felt tired and decided to change up the music to something more smoothing. I set my Ipod to play You Stole by Brand New and I dozed off and hating the fact that tomarrow was Friday, my dreams took me away.

But then suddenly I heard my door open as I perked my ears up to hear who it was.I had extremely good hearing and I could usually tell by a persons footsteps who they are and by the sound of loud footsteps tryng to be silent I knew it was John again and cursed silently wondering what he wanted again.

" What do you want now I'm trying to sleap." I said turning the light on with the remote but froze when I saw him standing there as he had a gun and a smirk curried on his face. Fear shot through my body.

" Oh don't try to call for help cause I won't hesitate to shoot you." he said as I sat back down," You see your mother and me were upstairs fucking and then she passed out cause I was doing so well but you see," he said while pointing at the tent his pants showed and knew what he wanted and my eyes widened in shock," I didn't get to finish and I know what you are faggot so don't act like you don't want it bitch. Now take off your pants and we can get over this as soon as posible and don't worry about getting me going caused I'm ready to enter that sweet ass of yours." I couldn't refuse as he had the gun pointing right at me. I stripped off all my clothes while tears streamed down my face. I didn't realize he was already behind me as he pushed me down onto the couch shoving my face into the pillows and just as quick burried his ten inch dick in my ass. As I screamed out in pain he took my boxers and tied it around my mouth so I couldn't scream. I was a virgin and felt every inch and every spike he had into me as he franticly pounded my ass.

" Oh ya you take it deep bitch." he yelled at me," Bitch take it. Take it." Out of all the times he called me bitch I started to believeit as I let my brain shut down.

I couldn't tell how long it went on. I lost track as my mind went blank. It came back to me as he pulled out signifying he was doen as he put his clothes back on and walked to the door but before leaving he turned around and said," You better not tell anyone this or I'll rape and kill your mother right infront of you and kill you got it," I shakingly nodded my response to him," Good now clean up this mess bitch." he said walking out the door closing it behind him. When he left I creid every tear that I didn't when he raped me. I felt so alone. I felt like dying. I felt like killing myself. I passed out in exhaution on the hardwood flooring.

After that night I didn't go to school the next day and then the next day and then the next week only leaving my room for water. I always brought it back and sat down on the couch to drink it. My fur was strung out still fealing the shock of but then for the first time in nine days I let my mind open up dropping my glass on the floor shattering it as I spoke the only words that could come out of my mouth.

" God, why do you hate me."

I hoped you guys enjoyed that and sorry for the rape seen but it's apart of the story so please don't hate me for it anyways cut short again so i had to rush it and writing this so i don't have time to reread it and check for spelling.
