
This is a notice to those broken people who stand at the line The line of decision making, those who ponder whether Or not to end it all, to answer the final call With whatever method they choose, to kill themselves Don't do it It's not for...

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Eventually" can't come soon enough. so..they kill themselves...commit suicide..the ultimate commitment. when it's over..ask yourself...what does it solve?

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I'm sitting in the library at my school, googling "How to kill yourself" because my stomach is in knots.  My tail's drooped, my ears are low and the worst part is no one knows.  For the first time in my life I curse my ability to lie exceedingly well...

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A ram sat upon a small chair, the chair sat upon a porch. The moon's watchful gaze judging him as he simply gazed into the cold winter. Nothing better to do, and the wool provided enough comfort. Soft peace of the wind, white flakes silent and without...

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The Suicide Message

#3 of poetry sad that ive seen a lot of people wanting to commit suicide here and there. this is more of an anti suicide poem than anything.

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Suicide- Prologue

#1 of suicide series # 1 suicide: prologue "stop!" my friend yelled as he got to the top of the roof. he is hyperventilating because the elevators were broken. i look at him and said, " why? why should i stop?

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A Love Suicide

A short piece based on the title theme from the game "rule of rose" _a love suicide‾_ _say where is my shame when i call your name?_ "andrew!" the young white rabbit called out to someone nearby.

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Poem - Suicide

My life is a struggle I yearn for release. Like a knife through butter, I am finally relieved. Where the sun will shine, The stars will remain. My blood will be grime, My attempt is in vain. Together they will cry, Their hearts will bleed. I...

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Justifiable Suicide

Justifiable suicide (01/17/2018) life has been a struggle, with the darkness in my heart, his voice is often muddled, but recognition is a start, i do the best i can, to walk always in the light, i do not know his plan, it's every

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Reflections on Suicide : Double Trouble

Reflections on SuicideDouble TroubleThe world is a violent place. Some choose to accept that as nature. Others reject that nature and strive for peace. To live a peaceful life is not easy in a violent world. One is surrounded every day by violent...


Reflections on Suicide : The Screams of Sorrow and Death

Maybe that's why i refuse to allow suicide to swallow me whole - though we can't see it, there is a very dark world out there, more horrific than our own.


Reflections on Suicide : What If ...

Reflections On SuicideWhat If ...This is the story of the life of Ben. Ben was a timid and easily intimidated young man. Raised in a small town in a once happy family, once his family had lost their strength they fell apart like a house of cards in the...

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