Rabbit Test: Chapter Seven, Part Two

Story by Dasher Cheetah on SoFurry

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#8 of Rabbit Test

Rabbit Test: Chapter Seven, Part Two

The Foxes all laughed and even Thorne smiled at the human's answer. The Wolf nodded to one of the Foxes and Rich felt his shorts being pulled down! He tried to kick but his legs were grabbed and his underwear, along with his shorts were pulled off. They held his legs as his ankles and knees were next tied to the tables legs. Rich's eyes went wide with fright and he struggled as he cursed them until they were done.

The table and room felt like they were spinning around and Rich was feeling disconnected from things. He heard Thorne say,"Each of us will fuck you before you can go. Sil! You're up first! Don't hurt him too much."

The silver Fox thief came up behind Rich, looking the human over as he said,"Me, Thorne? I thought you would ..."

Thorne grinned and threw his chest out as he said,"If I take him first, the rest of you won't have much fun. Besides, you can loosen him up so I won't tear his ass apart. I will make him suck me off before I fuck him, so have fun. We'll make sure he remembers this festival! Ha-ha-ha!"

Rich struggled and cried out,"Why? Why do this? I won't tell, I swear! Please! No!" The sound of unsympathetic laughter covered his sob, then Rich fought crying. Sil bent forward and pulled the ass cheeks apart. Spitting, he hit Rich's tail hole and stood up.

Rich couldn't see it but he heard Sil remove his shorts and spit again. To the calls and hoots of laughter from the other Foxes, Sil bent forward over Rich's back. Letting his muscles do the work, he probed up along the cleft for his target.

Rich struggled but it didn't stop the Fox, who located and pierced the little wrinkled pucker. He quickly shoved it in and held it as deep as he could get, pulling back on Rich's shoulders. Rich winced and grunted with surprise. It was much smaller than he had expected, even smaller than Ben's!

He looked up at Thorne who laughed and said,"He seems surprised Sil! He doesn't seem to be impressed with your size."

Sil chuckled and said,"That will change very soon, Thorne. I used the penis bone to put it in him."

Rich did notice it was getting bigger, swelling up fast! His shocked look drew peals of yipping laughter. Rich struggled again and moaned out in a fearful voice,"Wh-what did he put in me? Take it out! Please, stop this!"

The Wolf and Foxes again laughed at him and Sil tugged back, testing the hold of his rapidly swelling knot. Rich gasped and cried out, fingers clutching the table edge, then panting. Sil then began rapidly thrusting and not pulling back as Rich grunted. It lasted only a couple minutes but prodded sensitive spots inside the boy pretty well.

Sil held a final thrust deep and grunted in short bursts as his cum pumped into Rich's bowels. Rich's eyes lost focus as the heat spread inside him and he moaned low. After panting for a moment, he looked around and saw all the Foxes watching him. Rich shivered but said,"That wasn't too bad. I can stand this. So . . . now you get soft and you pull out, right?"

The cruel laughter from all around worried Rich. Sil gave a sharp tug back, making Rich yell out and he said nastily,"Did that feel like I am getting soft, human? I'm tied into your ass for about a half hour before it will go down and I can pull out. I'll cum every few minutes while I am inside you and love every minute of it. That means at least three hours of you getting ass raped and maybe longer, if you are a good fuck. Feel so sure you can take it easily now, boy?"

Rich felt his spirits drop towards despair as he thought thru the alcoholic fog about what he had just heard and he cried out,"What? I don't believe you! You're lying!"

He was laughed at again and Sil began humping him hard until he pumped a second dose of Fox semen into the dazed young male. The second cum made him believe and Rich cried out loudly,"N-o-o-o-o! Please no! I don't want to-o-o!"

Thorne back handed Rich across his mouth hard, cutting his lip and drawing blood. Thorne growled into Rich's face,"No yelling or screaming man! You can cry but get too loud and I'll shut you up. Understand me? You came snooping around where you aren't wanted or welcome. You are in our lands here and you are only getting what my brother got out in the human lands. He was raped by a group of humans then beaten to unconsciousness . . . before they tied a rock to his neck and threw him into a river to drown! You are only getting fucked and hurt a little compared to that. I'd tell you to stop sniveling but I don't think a human can take this, without doing so. Screw his ass good Sil! I want it to hurt him!"

Sil did as told, pulling back roughly on Rich's tied anus with his knot, then stabbing back in. The yanks back hurt most and didn't feel very good to Sil either. But the Fox knew Thorne wanted to hear the human yell.

Rich was drunk enough that he couldn't tell how long it went on until Sil came again, then rested atop him panting. Rich sniffed back tears, not wanting to cry in front of his tormentors. What seemed like only seconds went by before Sil started humping him again. Rich groaned despairingly.

What none knew was that in the enclosed room, pheromones were building up, affecting both them and Rich. Rich was feeling some of the good parts of tail sex, even if he wasn't a willing participant and he was growing hard. The Recombs were getting hornier than they already were and becoming attracted to Rich.

For his fifth orgasm, Sil humped Rich more slowly, rocking himself against Rich as he licked the back of the perspiring human's neck. Pheromones and the salty skin were good and Sil came a final time, pumping thick cum into Rich's butt. This time after cumming, Sil got soft and he pulled out after his knot went down. Semen ran down Rich's legs, flowing out of his abused ass and he panted brokenly.

Sil cleaned himself up as Thorne designated another Fox to mount the human and continue the rape. This ones name was Ascotte but Thorne called him Scott. As he stepped up behind the young male, he gave his ass a sharp slap, then pinched it with his claw tips. Both actions made Rich yell.

Rich heard comments that let him know Scott was getting himself hard first, before trying to enter him. Scott leaned over the human and used a paw to guide himself into place. Rubbing his cock thru the leaking cum Sil had left behind, he got ready to force himself in. Rich tensed up and clenched his jaw before Scott hit his mark and immediately drove it in.

Rich grunted, then panted and made soft moans until he felt something else pushing against his sore butt hole. He said with bafflement,"Huh? Oww! S-Stop! It hurts!" Scott laughed and braced his feet, then shoved harder until the partially swollen knot made the anus stretch far enough to admit it.

Rich screamed and was promptly slapped hard again by Thorne. His head rang from it and Rich shook his marbles back into place in time to feel Scott cum in him. He panted, an occasional sob getting out until Thorne stepped up in front of his face and said,"You hear me human? Good. Now you keep watching me, or I'll hit you some more... understand?"

Rich mumbled yes, then watched as the Wolf Recomb took off his kilt. The belly fur was lighter and Rich immediately noticed the sheath and balls. He couldn't miss them, they were so big! Thorne idly scratched his balls, which were large and sparsely furred, showing the black, shiny skin under it. The paw moved up to the sheath, scratching up along it and showing how heavy it was too. Thorne grabbed his cock thru its sheath, stroking it as he said,"Ever see a Wolf's cock up close, human? Keep watching, 'cause you will. Ahh, there it comes! See? The tip has come out to see you. You'll see the rest of it soon."

Thorne's voice grew threatening,"And taste it too! You are going to open your mouth and I am going to stick my dick into it. Then you are going to suck and lick it until I cum. Now, you have teeth and could hurt me very badly. Oh yes, you could . . . But what do you suppose would happen to you then? Uh huh, five of my friends would be very angry with you. You would still be tied down and unable to get away . . . Removing your teeth would only be the first step of a long and very painful death for you. On the other paw . . . *snicker* if you were a good boy and sucked me off real nice. I promise that we will let you go after we have finished fucking you. Which way will you have it? Death or your freedom with a sore butt full of our cum?"

From behind, Scott jabbed in and said softly,"Do it, human. It's not so bad and if Thorne says you will be let go after, you will be. Don't be stupid. Just suck him off and you will be closer to getting free and away from here."

Confused, half drunk and aware he didn't really have a choice, Rich looked down in defeat and said,"Alright . . . I'll do it."

Thorne chuckled briefly and said,"Good choice. Maybe humans aren't as dumb as I have heard. Open up but take a good look at it before you take it and start sucking." Thorne had pulled his sheath back, baring the long red shaft and the bulge of the knot, just beginning to swell. It grew as Rich looked! Quickly swelling with blood, it was growing longer and thicker. Thorne bent it down and held it pointing at Rich's mouth. Pre-cum oozed out to drip down the underside and Thorne said,"Nice one, isn't it? Now open your mouth . . . that's right. Remember, if I feel those teeth, they all come out and you will still suck me off after I have pulled them. Be a good boy and suck me nice now."

Thorne put the top quarter into the open mouth and watched as the lips closed around it. Contact! It was warm, wet and quickly becoming very good.

Rich tasted salty cum, the rusty taste of a canine's erect penis and felt the heat of the blood engorged prick against his tongue and the roof of his mouth. The flavor was sour with smegma of an unwashed sheath. Combined with the musky smell of Wolf, it made Rich gag. It was awful and he began to cry as he disheartendly sucked upon it.

Thorne let it go on for a while before he pulled out and growled out in a taunting manner, "I've had cubs cry less and suck better than you! Come on man. You better do better than that or I'll have you practice on the others before letting you do me again. Now, suck it! Or do you want to suck every cock here off too?"

Rich didn't want that and the cub remark hurt. He focused his hate on Thorne. The Wolf was the reason he was going thru this! Because humans had killed his brother. But Rich knew he wasn't that kind of human and it wasn't fair that he was being singled out like this. His tears stopped and Rich glared at Thorne before opening his mouth again.

Thorne smirked at the empty threat, then said,"I think you will lick my balls before I let you suck my cock again. Stick out your tongue and lick every bit of them, or I'll make you lick my tail hole too. Understand?

Rich gave him a hateful look, then dropped his eyes and said,"Y-yes... I understand, Uhhh-haa! Ohh shit! Uhh, ohh, ohh *pant-gasp*! Scott had cum again and it increased the pressure inside of Rich. Rich looked up and saw Thorne had turned around, raised his tail and was shoving his balls back at him.

Thorne growled out,"Start licking and do a good job of it or you will lick my ass clean too, human."

Defeated, Rich leaned up and began tonguing. After wetting them down with saliva, he sucked on each one separately. That earned him the reward of stopping but he had to return to sucking the Wolf's cock. Rich opened and took the pre leaking penis into his mouth, sucking better than he had been but nothing like he would have done for Ben or Don.

It was good enough for Thorne tho, who expected the human had never done it before. Thorne slowly slid his cock in and out of Rich's mouth, only half of its length as he didn't want Rich to gag and possibly bite down. This was good enough and he expected that after he had fed the human a dose of his seed, he would still be pumping a fuller load into his ass.

Thorne growled,"Good, that's much better. Suck it like the humans made Jeff do theirs before they killed him. You will swallow it, understand? Drink my cum or I'll make you do it again! Ahh, yes-s-s! Harder! Suck my cock, ohh, suck me!"

Thorne held Rich's head on his cock as he came, pumping long thick jets of semen into the unwilling boy's mouth. Scott was humping furiously, trying to cum too and as the last dribbles of Wolf cum trickled forth, the fifth load of Fox cum shot off into Rich's ass.

Rich sucked until Thorne pulled his softening penis out of the boy's mouth with a wet slurp. Rich coughed, swallowed and coughed again. Thorne smiled and patted Rich's head as he said,"Good boy! You did that almost like you liked it. I enjoyed it anyway and that is what counts. You will go free, as I said."

Thorne sat down and Scott licked the back of Rich's neck as his knot went down, then easily slipped out on a flood of cum. The Fox got up and walked away to start cleaning his fur as the next Fox rose to take his place, slipping his shorts down.

Rich laid his spinning head down and waited for the insertion. The Fox slid it in easily now and held it as he waited for it to grow erect. He sniffed Rich as he waited and gave a great sigh before saying softly,"I'm sorry. I don't really want to do this to you but Thorne's the alpha and has ordered it, so I have to, you see? I'll act like I'm fucking you hard, so yell or something, if you don't want him to catch on. I'll be as gentle as I can."

He felt the Fox begin moving on top of him and grunted as tho the knot was pulling on his bung hole but the Fox never really pulled back. One of the other Foxes yelled out,"Hurry Vic! I want my turn!" Vic laughed back,"You'll just have to wait. If I catch you sniffing around my tail, I'll pull yours off and beat you to death with it!" He turned his muzzle down and spoke softly into Rich's ear,"I'm going to cum Rich. I can't help it and I can't pull out. Uhh, ohh-h! I-I'm sorry but it's too good! I've got to cum!"

With that, he thrust reflexively and began spraying his seed into the young male's ass. He didn't need to put on an act about that. After he finished, he panted a moment before licking Rich's shoulder and cheek, as well as his ear. Soft and warm, the licks were the type of kindness that let Rich relax a little.

They also permitted the feelings of pleasure he had learned to feel from Ben and Don to start to rise within him. No mistake that his ass hurt but inside, the Fox cock was rubbing some good spots. Rich didn't know what to do. This shouldn't feel good but it did! As Victor slowly increased the speed of his movement in him, the sounds Rich was making were distinctly different than before. This time the pleading note in Rich's voice was still clear in his moans but an additional note signaled his enjoyment too.

The Foxes all watched closer and Sil went up to whisper into Thorne's ear. Thorne thought about it and nodded, then whispered back. Sil grinned and wagged his tail lightly in response. He walked up to the bound human and knelt down to be face to face with him. The Fox smiled and said,"I'm going to reward you for doing so well. Actually, the reward is mine but you should enjoy it too. Can you guess what it is?" Rich looked up and blearily replied no, to which Sil grinned wider and seem very pleased. He said happily,"I am going to suck you off! I want to see how you taste, so Thorne is letting me do it to you."

Rich looked scared and he struggled again harder, forcing Vic to hold onto him as Rich cried out,"NO! Not that too! You mustn't! Plea-ea-ease, *sob* don't make me cum *sob*. Not that too-o-o-o."

Sil was surprised and shocked but Thorne leaned forward and grinned as he said,"Good idea you had Sil. That got a reaction out of him, eh? Go ahead and do it but tease him a while first, so he cums real hard when you finally let him. This should prove most interesting."

Rich pleaded to Sil, who now had misgivings about his idea. Sil had thought that the human would like to get some relief and pleasure out of all this. The Fox had hoped it would make Rich happier but it had the opposite effect instead. He couldn't back out now that Thorne was interested in seeing it. Sil wanted to taste the human's seed but not if it was going to cause such distress.

The attraction of Rich's scent had Sil in it's hold now. He regretted having raped Rich in the first place and now had to do it in another way. Sil gulped and after a look at Thorne, he crawled under the table Rich was tied to. He could see how hard the human's cock was and how swollen to an almost purple red color the head was. It looked painful and a long string of pre hung from it's tip to the floor. It was bobbing from the motions of Vic humping his ass and the smell of Rich and his semen hit Sil harder.

His mouth watered and he licked his muzzle before his tongue gathered up the string of pre-cum. It tasted even better than it smelled and Sil could not stop himself. He licked the head, getting more of the semen that had already leaked forth. This made Rich cry out louder for him to stop but Sil couldn't. The taste was too good and Sil wanted more! It would feel good to the human, Sil reasoned and he would try his best to make it good.

Sil licked with increasing hunger, then opened his mouth. Taking it inside his long slender muzzle, he sucked it down to the patch of fur at it's base. The sounds changed slowly from sobs and pleadings for him to stop, to wordless cries of pleasure being fought off.

Rich's ass bucked against Vic as natural reactions took over. Vic moaned and fucked into Rich's rhythm, building quickly to another orgasm. Sil tasted pre-cum in an increasing amount and greedily sucked for more.

Helpless to prevent it, Rich rose towards orgasm and spilled his seed in thick spurts with Sil swallowing as fast as he could. Vic thrust in hard and came too, forcing Rich to cum a little longer. He collapsed atop Rich, drained of all he had to give.

Rich panted and sobbed softly while Sil sucked on him until he went soft. Sil finally pulled off and licked his muzzle as he crawled out from under the table. Standing up, he looked to Thorne and said,"That was much better than I expected! He tastes really great Thorne. Uhmm, I'm done so can I split? There are coins to steal and stuff, you know?"

Thorne grinned and said,"Sure, if you want. Good job Sil. Keep your ears and eyes open too." Sil nodded and ducked outside the fort, getting his first breath of fresh air. He was not free of the effect of Rich's scent and wouldn't be for some time but the Fox shook his head and ran back along the path to the fair.

Back in the fort, Vic was finally able to pull out and he did so, his balls drained of all they could give. The silver Fox stroked his paw tenderly down Rich's lower back and told him,"Thank you for the best cum I've ever had. It was really special."

Thorne looked disgusted and said,"Last one, before I take your ass human. Enjoy yourself because I'll see to it that you don't enjoy it when I do you!"

The last Fox named Ricky stepped up with his cock fully erect, knot swollen and leaking pre. He guided it to Rich's stretched anus and slipped it in easily until it hit the knot. Ricky said,"I can't get the knot in Thorne but I can use the rest of it to fuck him good until I sum a couple or three times, before I am done. Will that do?"

Thorne grinned and teased the youngest Fox,"You should have thought of something nasty to make it go down but you always were impatient. Go ahead but make sure you use it. I want him to feel it, understand?"

Ricky did and grasped Rich's hips, pulled back the length of his shaft. He started running the length in and out of Rich's sore asshole but it still pulled the tickles up too. Rich had laid passively after Vic had pulled out. He now began to rock with Ricky and the sounds of reluctant enjoyment came from him, not long after. Ricky blew his first load soon after, then went right into fucking again and Rich grew hard as he felt the heat build.

Ricky soon injected another round of semen and this time rested against him for a little as he recharged. Ricky licked the opposite side of the one Sil had, tasting salt, sweat and inhaling the pheromones Rich couldn't help secreting. It kept the Fox hard and made him ready to go again sooner as it excited the youngest of the gang. Ricky had pawed off before but Rich was the first time he had ever inserted his cock into another body and it was better than the youngster would have imagined.

He wanted to drive his knot into the hot body beneath him but the other effect of Rich's scent made him want to please the human too. Ricky started up slow and he pushed up so he could lick Rich's back and shoulders, gathering up the intoxicating smell.

Thorne was getting impatient but waited, as he had said Ricky could do it until he got soft. Rich was worn out and not feeling good. The room still spun and tho dry, his mouth tasted awful. Thorne held up the bottle and made Rich take another big drink. The taste of the brandy was still bad, tho the liquid was welcome. Rich coughed a couple times and moaned as Ricky sped up, forcing Rich to feel the friction and repeated jolts to his prostate.

His moans excited the young Fox who pounded harder into Rich and soon came for the last time. He cuddled up against Rich, hugging the sides of Rich's chest and rubbing his muzzle and face on the young man's back. The young Fox was well into the after glow of emptying his balls into the warm body below him.

Ricky slowly grew soft and slipped out, then got up off of the human. He went around front and knelt down, paying no attention to Thorne. He leaned in and licked Rich's mouth tenderly, then pulled back a little and looked into Rich's eyes as he said softly,"You were my first anything, male or female. Thank you for the best thing I have ever felt and . . . I'm sorry it was like this for you." Another gentle lick/kiss and Ricky stood, then walked away.

Thorne was confused by the behavior of his normally rough acting gang members, who usually tried to do what they thought he would expect them to do. Now, three had even thanked their captive victim. He was confused and upset about that but he was also feeling something else. He was trying to suppress his reactions but they were still there and nagging at the Wolf. He hated humans . . . but this one, he couldn't sustain the anger and hatred for. Seeing Rich's cock hard again, made him want to lick and tastes it but he wouldn't want to make the human feel good, would he?

Thorne looked over the rear view of the restrained human. Shed fur from all the Foxes clung to his sweaty skin. His tail hole was reddish and no longer a tight little pucker after being gang banged by five todds. Their cum was dripping out of it and coating his ass, running down his thighs and legs to drip onto the ground.

The human had been well raped, as Thorns had wanted but it did not provide him with the satisfaction he had been seeking. Thorne growled his frustration. Why didn't the suffering he had caused to be inflicted, satisfy the desire for revenge of his brother's death? And why didn't he hate this human? Muttering darkly to himself, he picked up Rich's discarded underwear and began wiping him clean.

Rich blinked dizzily and groaned out,"Huh? Oww! Wh-what are you doing? Is it over? Are you letting me go?"

Thorne chuckled and said,"Not yet man. There is still the matter of my turn to go but I wanted to clean you up a little first. My pack must have pumped a gallon of cum into your ass! I'll add mine very soon but I want to play with you a little, before I mount you." Thorne fondled Rich's balls, then his cock as Rich moaned while protesting weakly. Thorne grinned as he had an idea! He moved up on Rich but instead of shoving it right into the open, defenseless asshole, he aimed his own cock down.

Thorne had to crouch a bit to slip it under the human's balls and slide it forward. He slid it along the underside of Rich's cock. Bringing his paw around, Thorne gasped them both in his hand. He stroked them together, excited by the feeling.

Rich gasped and cried out,"No! I don't want to cum! Stop this and just get, oooh, g-get this over with! Please, *sob* just fuck me, *sniff* and let me go."

Thorne was enjoying it. He patted Rich's left side and began humping slowly. Feeling his cock slide along the human's and stroking them both with his right paw felt very nice. The Foxes watched curiously as Thorne treated the young human gently. They never expected him to do that and it was confusing them.

Thorne said as he stimulated them both,"My brother was raped and beaten before they killed him. You haven't been hurt that much and will be released after we are done, alive! Why are you crying over being made to cum? I can feel how hard you are. You need to cum. I can feel how hard you are and hear the need in your voice. Why not just accept it as part of your punishment?"

Rich weakly struggled and fought against feeling the pleasure of his cock being played with as he moaned out,"I hate you! Ohh-h-h, *gasp*. You rape me and want to make up by doing this? No! Rape isn't good, ohhh, it's bad! *pant* I don't want to feel good! Ohh-god, stop it! Please stop!"

The Wolf called out,"Ricky! Get a cup!" As soon as the young Fox found one and brought it over, Thorne told him,"Yeah. Now get under the table and hold it. I want you to catch our cum in it." As soon as the Fox had moved into place, Thorne told Rich,"You will soon have something warm and nutritious to drink. You will cum because you can't stop it. Our semen will mix together and you will taste our seed combined. *soft laughter* Holding back will only make you cum more, young male."

Rich knew he was right and with a sob, he surrendered. He let the stroking paw bring him up to and over the point of release. Too tired to thrust, his cock pulsed and throbbed as the spurts of cum pumped out. Thorne felt Rich shoot and he milked it out, then stroked himself harder until he too came. The long jets of semen spurted into the cup and all could hear them splash into the cup until dribbles were followed by drops. Thorne moaned happily and panted lightly as Ricky crawled out from under the table and held out the cup.

The Wolf took it and sniffed the contents, then tasted it. Smacking his lips, he licked them and leaned over Rich. Holding the cup to Rich's mouth, he growled warningly,"Drink it and don't you dare spit it up. Do it! You already sucked me off and swallowed a load . . . This is the same thing. Drink it and I will hurry up and get this over with."

Rich felt ill at the thought. Somehow it was different to drink it from the source, rather than from a cup like this. He opened his mouth and Thorne sloppily poured it in. It had cooled slightly and felt slimy as he swallowed it down. After a bit of coughing and retching that he fought down, Rich sagged down on the table, panting and sweating.