The Brothers Grimm -Prologue-

Story by Green Fuzzball on SoFurry

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#1 of The Brothers Grimm

-------Authors Note-------

I would like to take this opportunity to apologise to all my followers (still can't believe that I can actually say that) for the long wait. I had MAJOR writers block and everything went on hold for a while. Then this story strolled into my head, playing itself out in an enjoyable dream *wink*.

Let's see if I can do it justice

Also, give a little cheer for my fursona's first written appearance (still haven't named him yet, but what matters is what's on the outside right?)


The Brothers Grimm


Dried twigs crunched under my boots as I trundled along the small forest path. I was heading toward the small village of Hahng in response to claims that a witch had been terrorising their little valley. That's my job you see, I go around solving people "supernatural" problems. The vast majority of the time it's just something utterly silly, but occassionally I do run into something unexplainable, on those cases I tend to skip town as quickly as possible. From what I'd heard, Hahng was just having a run of bad luck, if I just hung around for a while, heading into the forest for various "missions" eventually the villagers would see my great efforts taking effect and I would walk away a richer man.

A sudden shower of water from the trees above me drew me out of my reverie, I watched as a flock of sparrows flew into the sun bleached sky. Listening closely I could hear the sounds that heralded life, high pitched childrens shouts of joy, the creaks and groans of wood houses in wind and the occassional neigh or moo of working farm animals. They were far in the distance however, I wouldn't make it there before nightfall. Shouldering my worn pack I picked up my pace, ignoring the aches from my much abused feet. I almost sighed as I saw the lights come on, only a mile away as the sun dissappeared behind the mountains.

Half an hour later I swung open the door to the villages only tavern and inn. Subdued talk heralded the close-guarded nature of the town. Dog eared men nursed heavy tankards of ale, hunched at the shoulders, bent close to beat out rumors and neighbourhood talk. I signalled to the serving maid and slid onto a stool at the bar. I quietly ordered a meal, an ale and a room for the night. So tired was I from my weeks travel, that I didn't notice the gradual quiet growing in the room. As I dropped my empty tankard to the counter, I missed the synchronised scuff of several sliding chairs. With all those subtle warnings missed, I was entirely unprepared for the arms that grabbed me, slinging my own arms behind my back and slamming my face into the wood with a burst of stars and swooping darkness.

I slowly rose out of my stupor to the trundle a thump of a wooden cart being trawled over uneven ground. My face ached where it had been slammed into the sturdy oak bar, each successive bump both spiking and numbing my cheek. Several torches surrounded the cart, swaying in an cacophonous, jittering image. The sky above was a matt black blanket, blocking a light from the stars. It was a new moon. After an amount of time which could have been minutes, or an hour, the loose tree line dissappeared entirely, the cart stopped and rough hands dragged me out. My legs skittered across the grass and dirt, still to weak to support my weight. In front of me I saw a tall wooden stake, driven into the ground, worn rings indicating where numerous animals, and presumably people, had been tied. The villagers wasted no time in securing me with rope, leaving me just enough slack to inch around the pole if I tried, but not enough to wiggle myself free, not for a number of hours at least, which was most certainly not enough time as the villagers filed away, still as silent as they had always been. At that point I tried calling out, but my voice fell on apparently deaf ears and I was left alone in dark silence.

I was not alone for long however. After another timeless pause, I heard a soft jangling as a woman stepped into the clearing. Instantly I knew that this was no parlour maid, or even a fake witch. This girl was the real deal.

How did I know?

The glowing eyes and clothing made of living nature were a dead giveaway...

She gave me a smouldering once over before breaking into a clear, ringing laugh. Stalking up to me like some high class street-walker she gave me a blistering smile, literally, I could feel the temperature rising with her proximity. With an odd jittering movement she suddenly reached out and grasped my chin, lifting my head directly to her gaze.

"This is beyond perfect. You've been a bad boy haven't you? Tricking people into thinking you helped them. Too bad these villagers already knew how to fix their problem, or so they thought. I'm sorry, you're probably wildly lost. Allow me to introduce my self, I am Kyoudu Tadashi. I was sent by the spirits to test humans, punishing those who don't respect life. The people of this village failed miserably, do you know what troubles I put on them? I made it rain for two weeks. That is all. They came to me a begged me to stop. I told them to bring me a living sacrifice, that was only three days ago. They care more for their comfort than they do for you life. However you, You are an odd one. I can see that you are not far behind them on that path. But you can be saved, all you need is a little push, a lesson as it were," Throughout this expositional speech she began removing my cloths, gently tugging sleeves and legs in what should have been a wildly ineffectual way, yet within a minute I was born to the wind, only my bindings remaining. She studied me for a second, again talking to herself in a disturbingly detached manner.

"A large cat would suit nicely, but wolves are more popular. I hate these desicions, I think a wolf, yes?, perfect," She clasped her free hand in the air in a sharp exhultation. Her eyes took on a new hue, a light green as opposed to the previous blue-white. I groaned as a sharp burn spread over my skin, and sank deep into my very bones. Almost detachedly I watched my body writhe, every molecule charged with supernatural energy. I watched as my skin darkened to a dark grey, with lighter stripes of cobalt blue slashing across my ribs and probably around my back. Then I realised it wasn't so much my skin, but the hairs growing from it that was colouring my body. A series of sharp cracks followed as various bones popped and reshaped, including those in my face. I soon found myself staring down a rough furred muzzle, extending maybe four inches from my face. Again I saw that blue on grey pattern emerging. When the rope suddenly tugged against my chest, I realised that not only had my shape been changing, but my size had too. I had gone from your average traveller, well able to handle trouble, to something reminiscent of a blacksmiths godly build. The witch took a step back and evaluated my attributes, before evaluating my, attributes.

"You know, tigers don't normally have prides, but I think I'll give you some," She giggled to herself almost girlishly. My gaze shot down to my crotch, where I saw for the first time, that even that had been changed. My previously normal human penis was now apparently wrapped up in some furry-skin pouch. Oddly enough it looked, dare I say, Cute? if that word can be used to describe the male genitals of any being. However, rather than an average sized package deal, mine were slowly plumping out. Before they got anywhere near dispproportionate they stopped, but still at a very nice size.

I raised an eyebrow, or well, the area where my eyebrows should be, to her. She smiled back, seeming almost human at this point.

"You took everything like a champ, so I decided to give you a little something. Hope you get some use out of it," She winked at me before once again performing one of her odd jitters, flicking me on the forehead with apparent preturnatural force as blackness welcomed me with open arms again.


Well then, That's basically all I need to set up the story, so I guess I should end this before I give away too much.