The Tent & The Change Series "Starward" Part 2

Story by thwale on SoFurry

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#2 of The Tent & The Change Series "Starward"

The Tent & The Change "Starward" Part 2 By thwale ©2011 - 8/26/11


The Tent & The Change "Starward" Part 2 By thwale ©2011 - 8/26/11

Writers note: If you have not read The Tent & The Change Series "Earth" Parts 1 - 7, please do (as it was posted August 13,2011) although the "Starward" series could stand alone, not having a background on the main characters might make it confusing in places and less then enjoyable. It will also introduce you to my style of writing, while the "Starward" series is still in the process of being written. I would also like to point out that I am not used to writing yiff, so when it does appear, don't expect Shakespeare & Aphrodite. If you wish to use any inventions, characters, places or ideas I come up with please ask me first, as they are ©me and give credit where it is due. --Thank you.

( 2354 Hours ) Ship Time

The showers surprisingly had hot water, or hot sand or whatever the species using it needed. The scanners would decide what would work then offered you a choice of different materials suited to that purpose.

The dryers were just as efficient, though we still needed to brush each other as some things were thankfully not automated. Then again grooming is very important to many so perhaps it will never be automated. I hope this is the case as there is nothing like a good brushing to make one feel right. We hugged then headed to the bridge.

Upon exiting the lift I immediately went to get Renai, Elden headed to the galley for some food.

"How's my little Renai?" Flo was bouncing her on her knee while Vrit and Drevon watched (I noticed Drevon was still Alotl. She handed Renai to me, I picked up her carrier, placed it over my shoulders and set her to feeding.

Drevon looked at me and I could see him sniff the air, I must still have had a bit of mating pheromone present as he got a tad excited. I sometimes forget how powerful our sense of smell is. He excused himself and exited the bridge, Vrit just stood there silently.

I gave Vrit a look, I knew I needed to speak with Drevon so followed him off the bridge, forgetting to join Elden.

I found him in his private room, we all had private rooms as well as our sleeping chamber that we Alotl slept in together. Knocking on his open airlock he turned to look at me and I could see he was still aroused.

"This is very new to me, I am sorry it has been so difficult on you" I meant this.

"I knew the job would be demanding when I chose to do it, our people are not used to being by ourselves and..." he did not need to finish. I knew he had a family and must not only be lonely but missing them terribly.

That is why I headed to his cabin door and sealed it. I did not know if this was the right thing to do or not, but it felt right at that moment. While doing computer searches on the Alotl world, my world now, sex as well as family often involved many Alotl. And our species is very gregarious. Sleeping in a group, as we had that night in Fainbourn had felt natural and we continued the practice on board the ship.

I headed over to Drevon and stood looking at him, I saw him sniff the air and turn his head away again and I reached over and turned his head back towards me, then gave him a quick kiss on the muzzle."I understand how you feel, would you mind if I helped?"

He all but melted at the suggestion, I placed Renai on the unused bed and proceeded to offer Drevon my tail. He moved up against me "I don't know about this, what about Elden?" I thought for a moment then replied.

"I have been showing him the information on our new people, he said it would take some getting used to but that he could handle it if I could" well this was part of it.

"I mentioned you and he said he understood, but that it should not occur while I was in heat that was his job" Drevon looked at me nodding, understanding in his eyes. "You have been very helpful and seeing as I will soon be on our peoples planet I should maybe get used to doing things in a non human manner" and there it was, the reason I needed to not feel guilty about Elden for what I was about to do.

Leaning over forwards I invited Drevon to mount me. He wasted no time and penetrated immediately. He had been without a mate for over 3 years and it showed. All his pent up energy and longing for his own kind was currently being thrust into my womanhood. Further proof of his need happened a few moments later when he grunted similarly to Elden and fully hilting released his seed. Not being in heat I was able to feel it entering, warm and thick, as I orgasmed and trembled beneath him. The flow was sustained and began to leak out, puddling on the floor. Those cleaning bots were going to be very busy shortly.

I let him finish, then waited while his member twitched a few more times and he withdrew, "thank you Nuree, I hope this does not damage your and Elden's relationship" as his penis slid into Its sheath.

"Our relationship is in perfect condition, once he reaches our planet he will also be free to mate with females as per our customs" I continued "However, when it comes to my children he will be my only mate."

Drevon just shook his head in wonder "humans are going to be a very interesting addition to the Galactic Community, here I have been amongst them for over 3 years and still I learn something new."

"Well we better go get cleaned up before heading back to the bridge, and remember I am no longer human."

He nodded as I picked up Renai, then we headed to the lift, Elden was still in the galley so we encountered no one on our way to the showers.

( 1532 Hours ) ship time

After exiting the showers I headed towards the bridge and Flo.



"Have you decided yet if you are going to remain human or choose another form?"

At this point Renai, yawned, giggled then went back to sleep.

She looked thoughtful for a moment "ya' know? I hadn't really given it much thought, I have been human for a very long time" another pause "I think I will need more time to consider my options as I have yet to see the choices. I may become one of the few who decides to remain as such."

Now it was her turn to ask me a question "I know it's not really my business but how did you and Drevon get along?" Oh, she knew about that huh?

"Well, I had already talked with Elden about it and he seemed to think as long as I did not get pregnant with another's child it was OK."

"Are you serious? but I thought you two were mated and married."

"We were and are, the culture on our new world is different than on earth, the taboos and morals that we had do not apply to normal Alotl society."

She looked a bit shocked then relaxed "It looks like I will need to study these new morals so that I don't make another mistake in judgment or speech."

"If you use the computer on the ship it will give you all the details, there are things you will find shocking about my species, I sure did."

"Heh, if this old woman can't handle a few new ideas or shocks then what good is she?"

"I think you have handled yourself admirably, you are a credit to humans you know."

"How so? I just did what most would do given the situation."

"No, when you took us in and introduced us to the council in Fainbourn you went way beyond what most would do, well most outside of Fainbourn that is."

"I guess maybe I did, so does that mean my moral standards are better or worse?"

"Better by far, me and Elden are now Alotl and the opposite sex from when we were human, you are human and still here with us going someplace no human has ever gone, by choice."

"We have no choice and you do and did, that makes you a fine example of humanity, perhaps you will be the main reason Earth is accepted into the Galactic Community."

"I think I would like that honor" she mused, at this point Elden came back onto the bridge, Drevon had yet to appear.

"Nuree? I was waiting in the galley for you, what happened?"

I told him, though he had said it was OK he took it better than I would have thought.

"So, this is what I have to expect from Alotl society?"

"I am afraid so, you saw the files on the Alotl species and their home world yes? Just the fact that I have chosen you as my mate for life, for both offspring and companionship, is going to make us stand out."

"I know that, it's just I still have that inborn human reaction, though I am no longer human, It's how I was raised, just keep that in mind."

"Baby, you are the only thing on my mind."

We hugged and kissed. Renai reached up and pet Elden's fur, making him smile and Flo blush.

"So how is Drevon? I have not seen him since I went to the galley."

"I think he will be fine, we separated at the lift."

"Did you tell him we had talked?'

"Of course, he did need the release" I put emphasis on the word release "he had not been among his own for over three years, our new species is not really used to that" I said "it can cause physical and emotional damage" it was the truth.

Sigh... "I may not like it but I do have to accept it, anyway, I will have all those Alotl women to service..." he trailed off looking thoughtful, with his long tongue lolling to the side and a big stupid grin. I bopped him on the back of the head and he skittered away laughing.

"Just keep me in mind, husband."

"Yes wife."

I had found myself getting a bit jealous. Hold it, now is no time for a double standard, my voice in my head said. Shut up already, I know, I know...

( 1606 Hours ) ship time

Vrit had watched the exchange "so I see you two have truly acclimated to your new forms"

"When I was wearing human form I found a lot of the species was very xenophobic, with limited senses."

"Limited how?" that piqued my curiosity, just what senses did Vrit have.

"Well for one thing human beings can only see a limited part of the spectrum, my species sees well into the Ultraviolet while the colors Red to infrared are nearly invisible to us."

"We can feel infrared as heat just as humans can, but we cannot see anything with the color red in it, you can imagine my surprise when I first saw this until then imaginary color."

I just hope it wasn't humans at war that introduced it to you.

"How do you hear then, I don't see any ears."

"Hear? If I understand the question properly we hear from all directions, one of our biologists discovered that we have membranes on our skin that vibrate. These transmit what could be considered sound to our brains."

"Our brains by the way are located in our feet" he proceeded to wiggle his "feet" for me and I laughed.

I was still laughing when I heard something that made me stop, one word "Vrit."

Renai suddenly did something that had quieted the whole bridge, she was speaking.

I looked down "Vrit, Vrit, Vrit" he first words were Vrit?

Elden and Flo rushed over and even Vrit moved. There she was, little Renai saying Vrit, again and again.

Vrit's color suddenly had streaks of Orange in it and he shook.

"Are you OK?"

"Yes, yes I am fine, it just so exciting and humbling to have the first word of a child be your name."

Exciting, well I guess, I was hoping for Momma or Papa or the Alotl's equivalent.

Flo and Elden said in unison "did she just speak?"

"That she did, welcome to the world of speech my little ball of fur."

Renai just smiled like mad then went on saying Vrit again and again until she got hungry. At this point Drevon walked up looking confused.

"Did I miss something?"

I curiously sniffed and could just barely smell myself on him, Elden did the same thing then shrugged.

"Yes you did, my little Renai just spoke..."

"And what did she say?"


Drevon gave Renai an odd look, then smiled.

"Well what do you know about that, it looks like we may have an ambassador on our hands."

"How would you know that?"

"Her first words were not mommy or daddy but Vrit..."seeing the slightly dark looks on my and Elden's face he quickly added.

"I don't mean she should have not said your titles, what I mean is she had spoken the name of a person who was not her species, without fear."

"This shows an inate undertsanding of alien cultures and the complete lack of xenophobia, early traits we look for in ambassador."

My little Renai an ambassador, I like the sound of that. Me, Flo, Elden and most likely Vrit were smiling now.

"This calls for a toast, do we have any wine?" Flo knew just how to complete this event.

Drevon went to the galley while we crowded Renai and tickled her, Vrit even tapped her a few times with his foot.

"Wine and glasses" Drevon announced a moment later.

He handed us glasses and proceeded to fill them, Vrit extended a foot and accepted his share.

"To Renai, ambassador to new worlds!"

We all drank at once, Vrit's glass disappeared under his body then reappeared empty, held aloft with one of his feet.

I don't think I want to know how he drank that, but the next moment he fell over, asleep.

"He forgot that to his true species alcohol is extremely intoxicating, he was human for a long time."

So we finished our drinks and left Vrit lying on the floor, snoring quietly.

( 0116 Hours ) Ship Time

Just after the seventh day of star travel we came upon the Alotl Star System.

The G-Type star was plainly visible, but we could not see the planets until Drevon brought up a holographic real time display of the Star System.

"This is our Solar System, there in the center is our Sun Irundai, of course at this distance and due to the brightness of the Star you cannot see the individual planets except on the holographic image.

"Here, this is our home world of Trihs" he zoomed in on one planet and we watched it, the detail was so high I expected to see Alotl's looking back. I knew this was silly but the image was so clear.

He tapped it again and it zoomed out then he began to zoom in on each planet and name it for us.

"There, this is Tilet and here is Tchysr, I got a stake in a slisethodol mining company on Tchysr" he said happily. And happy he was, we could not keep him still.

Then a crackly voice popped out of thin air "This is Irundai monitoring station Til, please identify."

Drevon spoke to the air "This is Oft Drevono of the contact ship Lche, I have Tek 1, 3 and altered members on board, please clear for landing on Trihs, I am sending the identity code for confirmation..."he called up the interface and a holographic image of a 4 level keyboard appeared. He proceeded to tap on all 4 levels, the board vanished.

All I could think for a moment was his name, Drovono? I will have to ask him about that.

"Irundai Station Til welcomes home Ofp Drevono and "Clicking marbles and metal bearings falling onto a piece of thin wood" Vrit's true name and designation. Vrit responded "appreciated."

The voice continued "On Behalf of The Galactic Community and The Irundai star system we also welcome Nuree, Elden, Renai and Flo, formerly of Earth."

We all blushed, and now I knew how to tell when an Alotl blushes, our noses turn a lighter shade of Grey.

"We have a message for Ofp from his current mate" then an obvious female Alotl's voice came on with a floating image about 3 feet square "Ofp? I have so missed you, your son is doing fine and my Res mates are all doing well" she was a lovely Alotl female with auburn and gold fur.

"Res mates?" I said out loud and the female's voice answered "greetings Nuree, welcome to Irundai, I bet you and your family are glad to be here."

"Yes we are, as is Flo."

"Oh yes Flo, the Human. I apologize, welcome Flo, what do you think of us?"

She thought for a few moments "You must have invented the hair brush and comb."

The Alotl giggled "You would think so, huh?" a bit more giggling.

"Oh to answer your question Nuree, res mates are the other males I mate with, you have studied Alotl customs I hope."

"You know it, Drevono taught me a few first hand."

"Oh he did did he? Was he as good as I remember?"

Answering this is going to take finesse.

"Actually he was substantial."

She laughed "Oh he is, in fact sometimes it seems to be the only thing on his mind."

We both laughed together, two women sharing the same joke.

I had not looked at Drevono since she spoke with him, now I turned and saw him both elated and embarrassed, he was blushing.

"Don't worry Drevono, you are now home and she is very interested to renew your relationship."

He blushed some more "I will be there shortly, I need to get my friends settled in and then we can substantiate my substantial-ness."

"I look forward to it, my res will leave us alone together for as long as we need."

"See you shortly love" "and you my sweet."

Before the female signed off she had some parting words "and Elden, I will be meeting you soon as well, the name is Xees..."

Elden waved to her and before I could respond...

"Let's set landing coordinates and get home!" Drevono's excitement was out of Its sheath, and for a moment I forgot what I was going to say to Elden.

"Um Drevono, your showing" he looked down and quickly sheathed his penis "sorry about that, but we are who we are."

I glanced at Flo and saw her blushing fiercely, and Elden, he just stood there looking confused proud and hopeful.

"Cool your rockets spaceman, we haven't even landed yet."

"Yes wife" in an artificially subdued manner.

"Damn straight" again with the jealousy? I am going to have to have a very long conversation with my inner voice.

-To be continued in Part 3-

©2011 by thwale