The Northlands, Chapter IV: To go where many others have gone before and presumably died horrible and painful deaths.

Story by Beowulf1990 on SoFurry

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#4 of The Northland

sorry for the huge title...I couldn't resist :P

The Northlands, Chapter IV: To go where many others have gone before and presumably died horrible and painful deaths.

Fenrir looked around and saw nothing but ruins and flames. He felt waves of heat strike his face, strong winds fuelled the flames and rippled his fur. The fires grew impossible large, he was surrounded by flames as tall as houses, shadows rushing around above him like bats in the night. He heard a low, rumbling voice and turned towards it. A massive shadow emerged from the wall of fire, a great horned Demon. It shouted unintelligible words at him, waving a large spiked axe over its head. The demon charged at him, the earth thundering with every step and brought the evil weapon down on his head.

The grey wolf shot up as he woke, he looked around in panic for a second. He restrained himself and took a deep breath, rubbing his paws over his face. Calm down, just a dream....just a really quite realistic and absolutely terrifying dream.

As he forced the instinctive panic from his mind he looked around the campsite, bathing in the early morning light. Ulm was snoring rather loudly at the opposite end of the, now extinguished, fire. Thrashbarg was nowhere to be seen, which was odd considering he normally woke them up by ramming his staff into their ribs. He looked down at the naked Demon-girl next to him, she looked up at him with large reptilian eyes.

Emily smiled at him, "Morning wolf...bad dreams?"

Fenrir shrugged, "I'm fine. You see where Thrashbarg went?"

He yelped as a sharp pain announced itself suddenly in his side. He turned around and saw Thrashbarg standing over him. He held his staff much like the nightmarish axe, his eyes showed a glare of annoyance.

"Stand up and get dressed you insufferably lazy wolf! Unless you want to waste more time mating with the teenage Demon girl! You and your damn primitive instincts!"

Fenrir shot up and started putting his clothes on immediately, Emily giggled. "Wow, he's really got you whipped huh?"

She yelped as the staff sought her ribs out as well.

"You too half-blood! You'll not shy from your duties!"

Emily looked up at the old wolf, while rubbing her side. "What are you talking about? What duties?"

Thrashbarg assumed one of his most theatrical poses and adopted a grave, stern voice that would not have been out of place in a Shakespearian play.

"You are part of my grandest of prophecies! You are the Guide that will lead our party through the dangers of the Demonic dimension so that we may slay Bob the Destroyer!"

Emily and Fenrir's jaws made a concerted effort to twist loose from their owners. Ulm sat up, a look of supreme incredulity smeared across his face.

The girl, still quite naked, stood up and planted her feet down in front of the old wolf. "What in the nine blazing hells are you on about?!"

After tearing his eyes away from the plump, firm breasts in front of him, Thrashbarg began to explain the prophecy and the events that had lead up to this point, explaining their significance. He used a great variety of dramatic poses and complicated phrases, often making sure his audience payed attention by poking them with his staff.

This took a while.

" you see, you must be the Guide whose existence I had predicted! Granted you weren't in the right place, but I'll forgive you that mistake."

The three listeners had meanwhile gotten dressed and sat next to each other on the ground in front of the pontificating mage, rubbing their bruises. Fenrir and Ulm looked at the girl in between them. She, in turn, stared at the old mage with a look of astonishment. This look soon turned into one of calculation. After a few moments she addressed the ancient Master of Prophecies.

"I think I can help you out...on one condition."

Thrashbarg frowned, "There was no mention of conditions in the prophecy!"

Emily shrugged, "Well there should be. I'll guide you through the Demonic plane, but only if you do something for me in return, first."

Thrashbarg furrowed his brow into an unparalleled chasm of disapproval. He breathed a sigh of surrender, waving his paw around in a circle, signalling her to continue.

"I want you to help me kill my father."

A moment of stunned silence.

Ulm was the first to react, he simply asked: "Why?"

Emily stared at the ground, pulling her legs up. "He's an evil bastard, that's why. He raped my mother, forced her into slavery and finally killed her when got sick of her. He does that sort of thing with hundreds of people of all species.

I was born a slave just the same, made to serve his every whim. I was beaten for minor transgressions and tortured for larger ones, always careful not to leave any marks of course. Wouldn't want his property damaged after all...I escaped when I was 15, a year ago, just before he was planning to use my virgin blood to power some sick ritual of his." she glanced over to Fenrir, hesitating for just a moment.

"...So yes, I want him dead. I want to kill him myself, slowly and painfully." She looked up at the mage, "And I want you to help me get to him."

Thrashbarg plucked his long, grey beard as he considered the implications. Clearly her father was a powerful lord, it would not be easy. But on the other hand, he couldn't risk going after Bob without a Guide. He realised he had no other rational choice open to him than to accept the young girl's offer.

He sighed deeply once more. "Very well young one, you leave us no choice. We will help you. We shall head to the ancient portal of Arganok, which I can manipulate to take us into the Demonic plane. It is in a valley near Heaven's Peak."

Fenrir and Ulm were silent, both had pretty much accepted the eccentric mage as their leader. They looked at each other and shrugged.

Emily stood up and picked up a pack of supplies, "Then lead the way old one."

The party broke up camp and headed off towards the mountains which housed the ancient city of the avians. They walked in single file, each silently going over their own unique thoughts on the situation.

Thrashbarg thought about the hardships ahead and how to best forge his party into a weapon suitable to destroy the great evil. He also thought of ways to do this as dramatically as possible. He considered new poses, gestures and incantations that might lend a suitable ritual to the opening of the portal. He shivered with the anticipation, grinning widely.

Emily was planning her revenge in great detail, the Demon half of her blood boiled with rage as she remembered her past. She would kill the Incubus bastard that made her, or die trying. She brooded and pulled her hood further over her face. Her muscles strained and several small bones popped softly as her Demonic blood took control. Her eyes lit up with fire.

Fenrir went over the last night in his head. Did the girl walking in front of him just use him to lose her virginity? He felt strangely hurt by that notion. Strangely, of course, because why would that matter at all? She was an attractive, young girl and he mated her. What's to be bothered about? Nothing at all...

Ulm cursed the fact that Fenrir always got all the action. Damn wolf must have the god of sex on his side or something. He made a mental note to change that. Also, he thought about the cask of mead he was carrying and when he could sneak in a drink.

They walked uphill at a gentle slope for several hours, passing through a large forest which ran up into the mountains, thinning as it got closer to the top. The party struggled through thick undergrowth, the avians of course had no need for paths. Progress was slow and tiring.

A bit after noon, they sat down for a quick rest in a small clearing near a babbling stream. Thrashbarg passed around cold bacon and flagons of light ale, before standing up and spreading his arms.

"Hear ye! I shall now head into the forest in order to gather herbs and spices! When I return from this most noble of quests, we shall resume our travels!"

He solemnly walked back into the woods, carrying his fluffy rabbit skin spice pouch.

Emily crouched by the stream and splashed water over her face, enjoying the crisp, refreshing mountain water. She turned to the wolves, "Is he always like that?"

Ulm shook his head, "No, not at all...he's been pretty good today. Usually he's much worse." The Demon-girl raised an eyebrow.

They sat down together on some soft furs and drank some ale. It was a wonderfully light brew, a soft pleasing flavour, with just a hint of bitterness. Ulm downed his flagon in one go, giving a small burp as he grabbed Emily's

Emily yelped in protest, "Hey! Give that back, you greedy bastard."

Ulm chuckled, "You have to earn your keep around here girl, I haven't seen you doing a whole lot just yet! I'd be happy to share if you contribute."

The Demon-girl tried to snatch the ale from him by lunging forward. Ulm dropped back and kept the flagon well out of reach, letting the girl fall on top of him. His legs shot up and clasped shut around the girl's torso, one sudden twirl of motion later she was flat on her back with the charcoal warrior sitting on top of her chest. She gasped as the wind was knocked out of her.

Ulm chuckled again, taking a victorious swig of ale. Fenrir shook his head, but couldn't suppress a smile.

Emily squirmed a bit under the massive warrior, before realising there was no way she'd be able to throw him off. She smelled a strong musk coming from the male, some back part of her brain registered this with glee.

"You big sack of stupid, get off me!"

Ulm tutted and wagged his finger, "No no no, be nice now. What's in it for me if I let you go exactly? I mean I'm pretty comfortable on here."

He emphasised the point by grinding against her soft breasts. Her nipples grew hard. She wavered between anger at her treatment and arousal at the male's show of strength. Her mouth opened slightly.

Ulm grinned widely as he saw the unmistakable face of lust appear on the young girl pinned beneath him. He moved back off her chest and placed his paws on her breasts, he started rubbing them through her leather vest. She tried to protest, but the words stuck in her throat. Ulm started undoing the threads keeping the vest closed. A few moments later, he peeled away the soft, black leather to reveal a pair of perfectly sized tits, nipples standing at attention. The smooth grey skin contrasted with the rougher, small scales covering the underside of the perfect orbs.

Fenrir felt his loins stir as he looked on. He felt strangely protective of the girl, but this was soon wiped away by lust. He got up and walked over to the pair. He got down on his knees behind Ulm and worked on removing the leather pants.

Emily felt the soft second skin slide down over her legs, the cool forest air brushed over her exposed sex. Ulm's chest was naked by this time, she looked at the thick, dark fur riddled with scars both small and large. Her spine tingled with primitive desire, wanting this powerful male to breed her. She gave a slight scream as something warm and wet lapped over her pussy.

Fenrir dug into the Demon-girl's folds, spreading the lips wider with every stroke of his tongue. He tasted her sweet juices spilling out. His cock was sliding out of its sheath in anticipation. He stroked it with one paw, using the other to knead the girl's thigh.

Ulm stood up and let his pants drop to the ground. He dropped back down to his knees, beside the panting girl. She moaned quietly at the grey wolf's attentions. Ulm grabbed her hand and placed it on his growing cock. At the same time he massaged her breast with one paw, pinching the nipple. She gasped at the sudden sensation. After a moment of confusion, she began stroking his growing length, her soft skin sliding over his hot, red flesh. Soon enough, his large member stood up proudly.

Emily looked up to the side, towards the wolven cock in her hand. As she gripped it firmly a bead of precum formed on the tip. She slowly pulled down the throbbing cock and licked it off. She flicked her tongue over the tip repeatedly, savouring the musky flavour, before taking the whole into her mouth. Her tongue ran over his stiff shaft as she suckled the lupine eagerly, working to extract more of his fluids. Ulm put one paw over her head and grabbed a horn, his head thrown back in pleasure. He bucked forward, pushing his cock in deeper, yearning to feel the soft tongue reach his knot.

He moved up his other paw and used both horns to help him fuck the soft, wet cavern. The girl gagged softly as he pushed open her throat. Slowly, he worked his throbbing length deeper still, he moaned as his knot hit her mouth. Her tongue shot out and caressed it lovingly. He started bucking in earnest now, fucking the tight, but flexible throat muscles.

Emily was bucking her own hips, encouraging the soft, wet invader in her pussy to penetrate her deeper. Fenrir obliged, his tongue lapped at her insides as deeply as he could reach. His nose rubbed against her clit, sending jolts of bliss rolling through her. She grinded herself against him faster and faster, her tits bounced back and forth as she desperately tried to break the dam holding back her orgasm, she moaned and gasped around the meat fucking her mouth.

At last, the waves of pleasure washed over her. She bucked and squirmed, Her thighs clamped down on the wolf's head as he brought her up to heaven itself. A squirt of juices shot out into the wolf's mouth, who lapped them up greedily. As the orgasm died down, she slumped down and rubbed her hands over her body, brushing the smooth skin and tiny demonic scales.

Ulm withdrew from her mouth and picked her up. He lied down on the floor, draping her naked body over him. Her breasts pressed against his chest as he manoeuvred his cock to sit against her dripping pussy. The girl slowly pushed back on him, encouraging him to fuck her. He looked up into her reptilian eyes and saw the pleading look she gave him. The wolf grabbed her ass and thrust up into her, burying himself up to the knot in one smooth move. Emily yelped as her near-virgin folds were violently stretched around the large wolven cock. She clasped onto the male's arms for support.

Ulm growled softly with feral lust as he began breeding her, he adopted a medium-fast pace and plowed into her. His knot pushed up against her entrance. Wet slapping sounds emerged from their union as the wolf pounded his bitch into submission.

Fenrir's cock had become fully erect and throbbed impatiently, precum streamed down from the tip. He stroked it gently, spreading the pre all over it before kneeling down behind the girl. He rubbed his member against her tailhole, lubing it up with his pre. Her tail thrashed against his chest, whether in urgent lust or in fear he couldn't tell. He pushed forward into the tight virgin ring.

Emily tensed up as the slippery invader pierced her tailhole, she gasped loudly and wrapped her tail around the wolf behind her. She squeezed him tightly as his cock dug deeper and deeper into her tight confines. She could feel the two wolven cocks grinding against the thin wall of flesh separating them. Her resilient succubus flesh adapted to the intrusions, but not without pain. Despite this, she'd never felt this good in her life. The two throbbing members buried inside of her made her feel so full, it was unbelievable.

Fenrir dug himself in to the knot and immediately began pulling back out. He pulled out until just the tip of his painfully hard cock was in and then slammed all the way back in to the knot. He slammed her virgin tailhole with reckless abandon, satisfying his feral lust.

Ulm timed his rhythm to match Fenrir's, pushing up in time with his thrusts. He grabbed the soft, swaying tits and squeezed them hard. Emily opened her mouth wide in pleasure and pain, the two massive wolf cocks felt like they'd split her open. She bounced forward with every teamed thrust, she felt the two even larger knots bumping against her holes. Surely they'd never fit?

The wolves slowly picked up the pace, moving into a truly wild speed, still in perfect timing. They added force to their thrust as well, both looking to knot the girl and fill her up. Fenrir growled fiercely as he lost his mind, slowly being taken over by his feral lust. He lifted a paw and slapped the girl's rump hard. A loud clap sounded and the grey flesh immediately turned somewhat pink. Emily didn't even wince, she was locked in a vortex of pain and pleasure. She simply moaned and grabbed onto the strong arms under her, weathering the storm. Fenrir slapped her again...and again....and again.

A few moments later, the pair started thrusting more erratically, no longer in time with each other. Fenrir bent down and bit down on the girl's neck, the scales protecting her from the sharp teeth. The pounding reached a feverish crescendo, the pair of knots slowly working their way in.

With one final thrust and a howl, both wolves slammed their knot through. Emily screamed as the impossibly large invaders stretched her open wide. Her virgin tailhole and near-virgin pussy clamped down hard on the intruders, she writhed in orgasm. Her vision blacked out and she balanced on the edge of consciousness for a few moments.

Fenrir and Ulm growled and howled as they filled their bitch with their seed. Twitching wolf cocks coated her insides with thick ropes of cum. They grinded into her, prolonging their orgasms.

A minute or so later, they slowly came to their senses. Fenrir ripped his knot out, a gush of cum ran down from the tender, abused hole. He dropped to the ground, panting heavily. Ulm was next, tearing free with an audible "pop". He lifted the spent female off of him and stood shakily up to his feet.

A loud, indignant voice came booming from the forest.

"Can't you blasted people last one hour without indulging your most primitive instincts?!"

The wolves looked over to the old Thrashbarg. He stood at the edge of the clearing, feet planted wide apart and his staff pointed menacingly at them.

Ulm chuckled, "Come on Thrash, you should join us sometime!"

Thrashbarg ignored him and headed over to the exhausted girl. He pulled a small vial from a pouch and poured a bright pink liquid down her mouth. She coughed and spluttered as she sat up suddenly. Her face contorted in a disgusted grimace. "Ugh...what the hell?"

Thrashbarg stabbed at the two wolves, "That should restore your energy, so we can move on."

He poked and prodded the group until they had all gotten dressed again and packed up their things. Emily playfully slapped the old wolf's rump once, being rewarded by a menacing glance and a poke of the staff.

Driven forward by their evil taskmaster, the group continued to the valley Thrashbarg had spoken of. If all went well, they'd reach the Demon world safely some time before sundown.

Obviously, not all went well.

Another few hours of dull trekking after their midday bonding session, the party came up to a narrow pass, just wide enough for two people to walk side by side. Thrashbarg took the lead, with Ulm beside him. Fenrir and Emily took the rear.

After a few minutes, a large shadow flitted overhead. They looked up in surprise as an avian landed in front of them. It was a larger than an average specimen, with a strong straight beak and large talons. His white feathers were dyed in a bright red tribal pattern, a mark of the Heaven's Peak guard. He wore lightweight leather armour and a slender spear. He lifted one arm in a defiant gesture.

"Halt! This path leads to the sacred valley of Arganok! Only citizens of Heaven's Peak may enter the ancestors' home."

Thrashbarg flailed in wild, indignant protest. "What are you talking about you half-witted cherry coloured chicken?! I must get to the valley!"

The avian, not taking kindly to the insults, raised his voice in anger and lifted his spear. "YOU SHALL NOT PASS!"

Thrashbarg pointed his staff, one red flash later the bird lay on the ground in a crumpled heap. "I'm the one that yells out dramatic clichés around here birdy. Right, move on!"

Ulm commented, "Where there's one, there's usually more...I suggest we hurry."

Thrashbarg lead the team onwards through the pass, until at last it opened up into a small, lush valley. A large clearing sat in the centre, dominated by a massive stone arch.

The ancient structure was tall enough to dwarf the trees and wide enough to engulf a large house. Intricate carvings and runes covered it all over. The sun, setting slowly over the crest of the adjoining mountains, cast light into the valley, painting everything in a flaming orange. Thrashbarg unpacked his belongings in front of the arch and started etching designs into the sand, using various chemicals.

"This won't take long, be prepared to move through the portal in a few minutes."

As Fenrir looked around the valley, he spotted a collection of small stone structures. He walked over and realised this must be the reason the avians called the valley sacred. They were tombstones. Large, marble tombstones, evidently dedicated to the city's greatest leaders. They each had a small statue on top of them, depicting the dead avian in a characteristic pose. Texts were carved into the face of the stones. He tried reading some of them, but the writing was unfamiliar to him.

He turned around as he heard Ulm shout. He saw him waving urgently at him and ran over. Ulm pointed towards the way they came. "In the sky! They're coming!"

Fenrir looked up and saw a large group of black specks moving in the evening sky, growing really quite a bit faster than he'd like. He drew his blade, the dragonbone sang a song of death, soon to be delivered. Ulm already had his axe in his hands, its silvery blade reflected the orange fire from the sun.

Fenrir turned to Emily, standing nearby.

"How are you in a fight?"

The girl looked uncertain, "I...I can use a bow pretty well."

Ulm took a hunting bow from the luggage with some arrows and gave them to her. "Don't shoot until they're close enough to hit."

The girl breathed deeply, trembling. A paw grabbed her shoulder, she looked up into Fenrir's eyes. "Stay close to me Emily, I'll keep you safe."

His calm, certain voice soothed her. She nodded and shook of her doubts, stringing the bow. She wanted to kill her father? Well then she'd better get used to this. Her Demon blood started boiling up, her eyes flashed with fire and her muscled shifted slightly. Her nails extended a bit and her tail whipped around. She looked up to the approaching avians, the wolves taking position beside her.

The birds arrived shortly after, streaks of vivid red swept down from the sky. Shrill screeches accompanied their charge. They swooped down low and tried to stab them with those slender spears.

Ulm swung up fiercely, connecting with one of them. Blood and feathers rained down, the body crashing to the ground some distance away. He moved closer to Thrashbarg, to keep him safe from the attackers while he worked feverishly on the spell to open the portal. Another bird fell as he cleaved it's skull in two with his mighty axe. He grabbed another and plucked it from the air, slammed it down to the ground and stabbed it straight through the throat, the creature gurgled desperately as its life spurt out in great jets of crimson.

He jumped back as he spotted bright red from the corner of his eye, a spear nicked his arm, causing a sharp pain. He growled angrily and lunged, the bird was caught in his fangs. He clamped down hard, breaking the wing. The taste of blood spread over his tongue as he killed the bird with the other side of his axe, sporting a massive spike. All his senses turned to battle.

Fenrir was much the same, he furiously worked to keep Emily safe. Blood dripped down his blade and he foamed at the mouth. A pair of avians dropped down to the ground near him and charged together, spears held forward. He growled loudly and lunged forward, shattering one shaft with his blade. He slashed the owner in the stomach, whose wings fluttered in pain as his entrails fell to the ground with a sickening thud. The other bird came forward and brought his spear up, but suddenly fell to the ground a mere moment before the hardened steel would have buried itself in the wolf's back. Fenrir spotted a white feathered arrow stick out of its side.

Emily turned back around from the dead bird and fired another arrow upwards, striking the wing of a warrior, who came crashing down. He hit the ground with an audible crack. One avian dropped down near her and jumped forward. Her Demonic instincts took control as she dodged the incoming thrust and clawed open the attacker's throat. A spurt of blood splashed over her chest and arm.

The tide of avians seemed never ending, over a dozen lay dead and still they swooped down from the skies. Thrashbarg quickly applied the final rune to his spell and stood up straight. He decided, for once only, to dispense with the time-consuming dramatic rituals and slammed the red gem on the tip of his staff into the ground on which the spell was inscribed.

A magnificent, blinding flash of light burst forth from the stone arch. Avians fell from the skies, blinded and stunned. Those that managed to control themselves fled in superstitious fear. The Champions and their Guide shielded their eyes with their arms.

As the blinding light subsided, the party gathered around Thrashbarg. The arch was filled by a strange aura of red light, not unlike the effect the sun has on seawater.

"Behold! The gateway to the ruinous plane of the Demons! Great peril lies beyond this gate...great danger and great destinies!"

The old mage impatiently waved his staff, "Come on! We don't have all day here!"

They took a deep breath and walked through.