The Road We Walk On Ch 4

Story by Andrea The Wolf Baranova on SoFurry

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Hay guys sorry for how short it is but I've been under a lot of pressure and stress lately but I came out with this so far hope you guys like it.


The Road We Walk On


Andrea was standing in his own house wile some type of ominous music was playing. He looked around quickly and realized where he was and blinked rapidly to make sure he wasn't dreaming. The first though that poped up into his mind was. My brother, Nikoli. He moved out of the room and found that his little brother wasn't where he last saw him. Andrea looked around questioningly as he heard a weird singing from a trashed part of the small house. Andrea swallowed hard as he moved closer to the door almost shaking. He threw open the door and found his little brother standing in the middle of the room staring at a wall humming a heavy metal song that Andrea recognized from the older ages as Slipknot. The older wolf bear knew something was fucking with his head. Andrea called out to his brother and moved tward him only to get thrown back by some invisible force. Nikoli turned around with a evil grin on his face and giggled creepily and said

"Welcome home big brother"

Andrea moved back as he saw where his little brothers eyes where suppose to be was fire. Andrea shook his head in shock and got up and ran into the living room only to find blood on all the walls. Some of the blood showed out signs of little children's drawing of houses and family's together. He turned to find his little Nikoli sanding not 5 ft away from Andrea. Nikoli jumped and grabbed Andrea by the throat and lifted Andrea up into the air. Andrea gasping for air heard saw his brother slowly start to catch on fire and his fur burning and flesh melting Nikoli said one last thing:

"Your only at the are a failure!"

Andrea woke up shaking and drenched in cold sweat, his fur matted up from sleeping wet. He began to cry silently remembering what had happened from the incident of his brother. After 10 minutes, this seemed like hours for him, Andrea slowly climed out of bed and stumbled out the door and looked over the rest of the house as he made his way to the kitchen. The house was a medium sized 2 story house with the bedroom he originally awoke in witch seemed to be a guest bedroom. He finally stumbled upon the kitchen and walked in being as quite as he could. Rusk smiled to himself as he could hear his love sneak toward him but he wanted to give Andrea a surprise. As Andrea was almost right behind Rusk, the wolf turned and grabbed Andrea and gave him a passionate kiss. Andrea was startled by this at first but then relaxed and kissed lovingly back. Rusk pulled away after a minute and smiled at his sexy wolf bear,

"Good morning Andrea" Rusk said as he grinned at his sly moves.

"hehe good morning to you to babe" said Andrea

Rusk smiled and turned back to cooking as he asked Andrea about his sleep. Andrea looked sat down and stared at the floor. Rusk knew something was wrong instantly and turned off the stove and moved over to his broken wolf bear. Andrea looked at him with teary eyes and told him that he saw him brother and what he had seen and said. Rusk was holding Andrea moving him back and forth. When Andrea was done with his story the wolf bear looked up and said.

"I have to go back..."

The Road We Walk On Ch.5

Rusk nodded and hugs Andrea tightly in his arms. "If that's what you need to do hun, but I'm coming with you" Andrea smiled and nodded in agreement. The wolf bear loved how Rusk was always so reassuring and how much he actually cared about...

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The Road We Walk On Ch.3

The Road We Walk On Ch.3 The hot water rushed over the two lovers as steam raised around them. Each of there moans echoed around the room as they started to get friskier and friskier. Andrea smiled at his lover as he kneeled down and nuzzled his...

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The Road We Walk On Ch.2

## The Road We Walk On Ch.2 Andrea opened his eyes and gasped at where he was and winced because of the ache in his arms and legs. He quickly scanned the room seeing that it was what looked like a very nice house. The wolf bear tried to get out...

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