The Road We Walk On Ch.5

Story by Andrea The Wolf Baranova on SoFurry

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Rusk nodded and hugs Andrea tightly in his arms.

"If that's what you need to do hun, but I'm coming with you"

Andrea smiled and nodded in agreement. The wolf bear loved how Rusk was always so reassuring and how much he actually cared about him. Rusk kissed Andrea and got up to the stove and turned it back on, resuming cooking. Andrea asked Rusk.

"Can I turn the TV on babe?"

Rusk nodded in agreement as Andrea flicked the switch on the remote to turn the medium sized HD TV on. As soon as it flickered to life it was set on the news channel. The reporter, which was a tiger, just stepped into view came on and started to talk.

"Well right now where at the European and Asian boarders as the heats really starting to boil up" As the reporter swooped his paw to show a riot with SWAT keeping them back with riot shields and shooting who ever got through.

"Everything's going to hell here as you can see!"

Andrea turned up the volume and Rusk turned around and started to also watch. The TV showed a giant riot of what seemed like thousands of people trying to get into Russia. The reporter continues to say:

"People are dieing out here and the Russian leaders say if this doesn't stop all civilians in the riot will be gunned down!" as the tiger yells over the sounds around him.

The TV shows a fox with a bat get through a bash a SWATs skull in as he is immediately gunned down by marksman in the back of the line. Andrea continued to watch as it switch a major conference room in the UN as a different reporter, who was an otter, start to say:

"Well things are getting drastic in here as the UN officials of Europe are getting angry with Russia as of its new decree to close its self off from the rest of the world which has baffled all of the leaders here, they say something is going to change about that soon but no one knows what the outcome might be, back to you."

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*Scene switches to a war room in America*

A black wolf with a beret is walking around a war room table with a concerned look on his face. A screen pops up in front of him showing a spy satellite picture of Russian armys proceding south to the back sea's and some to the west front. He shook his head and frowned as he picked up a phone and said:

"Follow step one that should do.....for now."

Andrea turned off the TV and frowned at what was happening. Then he was surprised to see a plate of eggs being placed down in front of him and looked up to see Rusk with his plate smiling at him. The wolf bear smiled back and started to eat as he prepared for a long day headed of him. He shoveled his food into his mouth as he could not wait to get going . Rusk watched Andrea eat fast as he knew why so he ate what he could then got both there plates and put them in the sink.

They both whent to Rusk room and got something warm on prepairing for the cold and dident say a word to each other till they got to the door. Rusk looked at Andrea with worried eyes.

"You sure about this babe?" asked Rusk

Andrea looked at him with seriose eyes. "Yes hun I have to do this."

Rusk nodded and opened to the door to reveil a open winter forest around them with a road leading through it.

"Can you lead me to where you found me please?" Asked Andrea

Rusk nodded and motioned him to follow his lead. They walked for about an hour till they stopped and Andrea felt something inside him like he knew what to do as he set off running in the direction of his house and Rusk ran after him sensing what he felt.

They ran for about 10 minutes as Andrea found his house. Or what was his house. There was almost nothing left, no roof, walls or much of anything else. Andrea panicked and ran into what used to be the kitchen to see his brothers frozen body face up laying directly facing the sky, smiling with his eyes open staring into the sky. Andrea screamed as the dream came back to him. Rusk rushed next to him and gasped and hugged the big wolf bear who was tearing up. Andrea sat down next to his dead brother and closed his eyes. He wanted this to be a dream. Rusk sighed and sat down next to Andrea and hugged him close as Andrea surprisingly shrugged off the wolfs arm. Rusk was surprised but knew why. Andrea wanted to be alone. The wolf stood up and walked into the other part of the house and sat down in the snow and watched Andrea.

The wolf bear started to talk to his dead brother in a whisper.

"Why did this have to happen to you.....what did you mean in that dream...please tell me some how lil brother...I loved you and I still do......please give me a sign...." As he dropped his head onto his brothers chest to feel.....warmth?

Andrea looked up with surprise and saw Nikoli looking at him. He screamed and jumped back as his brother leaned up still with a cut throat. Rusk saw this and got up running to pull Andrea back. The wolf pulled him back and hauled him up to his feet as they both stared at Nikoli. Nikoli smiled happily and said.

"They saved me....." As he stood up and brushed the snow off of himself and felt his neck and screamed at he felt the deep gash in his neck with dried and caked blood on his fur.

Andrea and Rusk continued to stare as Nikoli looked at them and passed out.

Alright theres the 5th chapter it was hard to think about some of the things in here for me but i did it hope you guys enjoyed it!