Like Something Out of a Story

Story by DracoOfZeradaith on SoFurry

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So, I was involved in my friend Zev's first Story Challenge on FA and failed to produce a story in the time allotted. The "fee" for that was to give Zev something. So I wrote him this. :3

Zev © himself

Draco and story © dracoofzeradaith

"You're insane," chuckled the fox as he leaned back in his computer chair, rubbing his right eye with one hand while the other held his cell phone to his ear. "You went how long on the MUCKs without sleeping? Seventy-two hours?" He paused, listening to the other side for a moment, his mouth crooked up in a grin. "I'll say!" he laughed, "I'm surprised you lasted that long, you naughty dragon!" Zev leaned forward in the computer chair again, the light from the monitor giving him enough room to see in his bedroom without the use of the lamp on the nightstand. "Uh huh," he grinned, moving the mouse to ensure the monitor didn't go into sleep mode. "Yeah, we'll see. Okay, Draco. Good night."

The fox chuckled again, more to himself, as he laid the phone back on the desk, the illuminated main display showing "2:43 AM" before shutting off. He peered back up to the computer screen where he had just finished reading the comments on the story he and Draco had posted entitled "Bio-Ethics" about a struggling medical student named Stephan and his "insertion" into the field of biochemical augmentation. Thinking back on the particularly hot sex scene he and Draco had penned out over Google Docs a scarce two nights before posting the story made Zev's member throb dully in his shorts. "Quiet, you," he scolded, pointing down to his groin. "It's long past our bedtime and you know it!" Zev's dick gave another threatening throb as if to show it knew damn well what time it was but didn't give a shit.

Ignoring his cock's attempt to squeeze one more good masturbation session in before the fox succumbed to the sweet caress of slumber, Zev stretched his arms over his head and yawned before he stood from the computer chair, powered off the monitor, and slid into bed, pulling the covers up over his shoulders. Within seconds, the fox was sound asleep.

His dreams were rudely interrupted the next morning by the alarm clock blaring its cacophony of buzzes and beeps in its effort to wake its master. Zev groaned as he rolled over, blinking hazily at the blue numbers flashing "10:00 AM" at him from the nightstand. With a deep sigh, he pulled the covers off of his frame and slid to the side of the bed, his footpaws resting on the carpeted floor. Giving another yawn and stretch, he pulled himself to his feet and began going through his morning routine of taking a quick shower, getting dressed, and fixing himself a bowl of cereal for breakfast.

As he sat down to eat, a knock came at his front door. Curious, he stood up from the table and headed towards the door peering through the peephole. Seeing no one, he unlocked the deadbolt and swung the door open, letting the sunlight filter in. Sitting on his welcome mat was a small box wrapped delicately in ribbon with a card taped to it. The fox raised an eyebrow as he bent down to examine the card.

"'To our destiny'?" he read aloud, noticing the lack of return address on the package or anything that could help him determine the anonymous benefactor. With a sigh, he lifted the box from the front porch and brought it back inside with him, closing the front door with his foot as he made his way back to the dining room table and his milk-logged cereal. He placed the package on the table beside him, mulling over who in the world could have dropped it off on his doorstep between bites of soggy breakfast.

With a resolute sigh, the fox finished his cereal and placed the empty bowl and used spoon in the dishwasher before turning back to the package, the claws of his right paw extended. With a swift slash, the ribbon was torn away. Zev removed the lid to the box and peered inside. Laying on a bed of Easter grass that baskets are normally lined with were two items of note: a stoppered test tube with green liquid and a folded-up piece of paper. "What the hell?" queried the fox as he reached in for the piece of paper and unfolded it, his eyes gazing at the handwritten note.

His cell phone ringing made him jerk out of his reverie, and he shakily fished the phone from his pocket. "H-Hello?"

"Zev?" came the deep, gravelly response.

"H-Hey, Draco," he responded, taking a deep breath as he regarded the piece of paper in his paw.

"Say, uh... did you get the package?" Zev could practically hear the grin in the dragon's voice. This gave the fox pause, and he pulled the phone from his ear to stare at it for a second.

Grinning, he pulled the phone back to his ear. "I had this sinking suspicion you had something to do with it," he growled. "What is it?"

"Only one way to find out. Enjoy!"

"Wait! Draco--!" But the phone line had already gone dead. Zev stared at the note in his other hand, the words "Drink me!" written in cursive staring back at him. With a chuckle and shake of his head, he placed the phone down on the table and reached into the box, carefully retrieving the vial. "Silly dragon," he smirked as he carefully popped the cork from the vial. Holding it away from his face, he wafted the liquid's scent towards his nose with his other hand; if those chemistry classes he'd taken in high school had taught him anything it was safety around potent or volatile chemicals. Whatever the dragon had concocted it was likely potent and volatile knowing his demeanor for getting into mischief.

Sensing no unpleasant or dangerous smells coming from the container, Zev then mulled over how much of the vial's contents he should consume. There was quite a bit there. His phone suddenly danced across the table, vibrating from a text message, making him jump again. He glared at the phone, then blinked when he saw that the message was from Draco: "Remember: winners never do things half-assed."

"Heh, well here goes," announced the vulpine as he brought the test tube to his lips and tilted it back, feeling the liquid splash on his tongue and cascade down his throat. It had a minty aftertaste that wasn't unlike mouthwash, which made the fox smirk. With a bout of fresh cockiness, he pressed "redial" on his phone, then hit the speakerphone, listening to the dial tone as he waited for Draco to pick up.

"Talk to me," greeted the dragon.

"You're such a dork," retorted the fox. "What was that? Listerine? I can't believe I fell for that!"

Draco laughed on the other end of the line. "I can't believe you did either. Had you going for a minute, though, didn't I?"

"You did! 'To our destiny' on the card, two days after we posted Bio-Ethics? For a minute or two, I really thought you had devised some way to recreate that tainted champagne!"

"Yeah," said Draco, his laughter trailing off into a small chuckle. "You should start feeling it any second now." The vulpine's laughter abruptly halted as a warmth radiated throughout his entire body. The silence from Zev prompted the dragon to continue, his tone more serious but still filled with mirthful excitement. "For your own sake, I hope you're in your dining room. The tile will be much easier to clean."

Zev's breath caught in his chest as his vision began to blur. His body trembled and he stifled a guttural moan that erupted from his chest. "You... I'll get you for this, Draco," he growled, trembling, his clothes already beginning to feel much tighter on his frame.

"I'm counting on it!" came the response, and then the line went dead once more. Zev moaned anew as the seams in his t-shirt began to pop and shred almost all at once, his orange and white furred body becoming more visible as his muscles ballooned and surged with new sinew and strength. The growing fox reached a shaky, swelling hand up to the collar of his shirt and simply tore it away like it were made of tissue paper. He feverishly unbuckled his belt as it began to become tighter on his bulging body, then tugged his jean shorts down over his thickening quads, his eyes bugging at the enormous swell of the bulge that was beginning to fill the crotch of his boxers to the limit.

"F-fuck," cursed the fox, amazed at the sheer size of the monster growing stiffer between his legs. A huge moist spot had formed in the middle of the fabric, the heat spreading through his body concentrating on his groin as it throbbed, bulged, and grew before his eyes! He shred the boxers with his claws, letting the thick, monstrous cock and scrotum stretched over what looked to be a pair of churning, roiling medicine balls fall free, the blood surging into his shaft making it bob at half mast. Zev took a shaky step backwards feeling the incredible power present in his legs without being able to see them and pressed himself up against the counter as he continued to watch the changes run rampant through his body. His chest had grown tremendously, mimicking a pair of cement bags with their size and firmness, deep striations forming between the cords of brawn that had formed there. His arms exploded from his shoulders, each ball of muscle pulling his skin and fur tight, a large vein lining the huge bowling-ball sized bicep that bulged from either of his enormous guns. His hands were also much thicker and stronger, the bone structure having grown right along with the enormous amount of muscle that had packed onto his body. As he balled his paws up into fists, he suddenly wished he had diamonds around to test their strength on.

The vulpine's chest prevented him from seeing all of the changes that had gone on south of the colossal mountain range that had become his chest, but his hands brushed against a very trim core, packed with obliques and twelve individual bricks that made up his abdomen. In fact, the only part of him that originated beneath his chest that he could see was the gargantuan cock that speared up from between his legs and rested against the enormous swell of his chest. He reached a thick, meaty hand for it, an electric tingle of pleasure racing up his spine upon contact.

"Oh, god..." he growled, his voice deeper than the dragon's now, he was sure, "s-so good!" His new, stronger hands wrapped around his meaty fleshpole even as his body continued to change, inches being added to the fox's height every few seconds, the kitchen becoming more and more cramped with every second that ticked by. Zev slid to the floor on his rump, the sheer force of his new tonnage striking the tile shattering most of the ones located underneath him and making the entire house tremble. He had to use both of his hands and his tongue to pleasure himself (because there was just so much more cock to pleasure!), the crown of his thick shaft rising high into the air over his head, streams of pre gushing from the tip, soaking its length, owner, and tile floor alike in an impromptu shower of musky, sticky cream.

Suddenly, the heat in his body swelled along the sides of his herculean frame. The fox began to groan as he felt his skeleton pop, snap, and reform as two more appendages pushed from his sides, forming a second set of identical arms capped with meaty hamhands that Zev immediately went to work rubbing over his tremendous chest, feeling the muscle shift, stretch, and split into a set of four huge, powerful pecs.

The sensations from his new, gargantuan body and titanic cock were becoming too much. With reckless abandon, Zev began using all four of his huge hands to pleasure his cock and balls, wildly thrusting his hips up into his grip while his other hands busied themselves squeezing and fondling his huge, churning sac. Finally, he threw his head back and half-roared, half-moaned into the musky air of his kitchen and dining room as his enormous sac suddenly pulled tight against his body and his cock began erupting like a firehose, huge ropes of cum flying across the kitchen and plastering the walls in his release!

Gallons of spunk flew from his shaft, covering every inch of the far wall and much of the floor in viscous pools of his smutty, pungent emissions, the vulpine's new body flexing and clenching with every massive volley that shot forth. Finally, after what felt like an hour of constant eruption, the mega-fox slumped back against the cabinets and took a deep, shuddering sigh.

His phone dancing across a puddle of his cum on the kitchen table interrupted his afterglow. Leaning forward, he snatched the phone up, then very gently pressed the speakerphone button.

"Hnnn... hello?" he asked, his new voice surprising him a little.

"Mmm. Sounds like it worked just as I planned." Draco's grin could not be mistaken through the tone of his voice.

Zev panted, trying to catch his breath, his huge cock laying semi-erect in the cooling pool of his essence. "You're a bastard," he grinned. "So now you're gonna get your ass over here to help me clean up, right?"

"Damn right I am."