The Chronicles of Lussuria - The birth of Skoll

Story by Tenebrous_Wolf on SoFurry

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#3 of Lussuria

Welcome to The Chronicles of Lussuria! This is my first time writing a story so I hope you enjoy it, if you do I have got a further 20 odd installments planned. I look forward to reading your comments but please be gentle I know my writing isn't that great. =P

OK onto the main event, enjoy! =D

The Chronicles of Lussuria - Chapter 1 - The birth of Skoll

Deep in a hot and damp forest a large, strong male Rhino with the figure of a heavyweight body builder and a sleek, sexy female Black Panther with the much smaller build of an acrobat made their way still deeper into the forest. The sun was setting and its golden light pierced through the trees and into the small clearing they had just walked into.

They had travelled for weeks, walking half way across Lussuria. Luckily the forest provided all that they needed, plenty of water to drink and animals to hunt.

"Its getting late Lara, we should set up camp" Said the large Rhino.

The slender Panther turned to the Rhino. "I know but we are so close John!" She said as she turned and dropped her heavy bag to the ground.

"This time tomorrow we will be there and we will have our answer." John said as he to slid his bag from his back and embraced Lara, placing a gentle kiss on top of her head right between her ears. She was so excited and couldn't wait for tomorrow, the journey had been so long and now it was nearly finally over.

She looked up into his grey eyes and he looked down into her piercing green eyes. Both of their eyes shared love and hope. Their gold wedding rings caught the light and shined brightly.

Lara shot John a lust filled expression as she felt a hardness between them, filled with love and happiness she quickly slipped down through his arms and onto her knees. She wasted no time in undoing his cloth pants and pulling down his underwear, both falling to the ground around his ankles. John's massive Rhino cock fell straight on top of Lara's nose, a small bead of precum leaked from the tip and her senses became overrun with his strong musk. "Oh god Lara I love you so much!"

Lara reached one furry jet black paw up and wrapped it tight around his hardening cock, her tongue lapped up the precum with a strong purr escaping her throat. John moaned with pleasure. "I love you to my big, strong rhino!"

She then guided him into her maw, unabe to hold herself back any longer. "Ahh yeah" John let out a deep sigh of relief as he felt her warm, wet mouth engulf his cock. She began bobbing her head and swirling her rough tongue around his cock. Her tongue was perfect the roughness provided just the right stimulation to his thick skin.

He was now fully erect and as always Lara was struggling, she was so enthusiastic when it came to sucking him off, she loved how big he was compared to those in her own species and all she wanted to do was swallow as much of him as possible. She had managed to get about a quarter of his 20 inch cock into her maw which was stretched by a near obscene amount, a small bulge beginning to appear in her throat.

Still she was trying to force herself down; she moved her paws to the backs of his thighs and used them as leverage. She managed take him past her tonsils and another couple of inches before she looked up at John, he knew that look in her emerald eyes. He placed his huge grey hands on either side of her head and interlinked his fingers. She closed her eyes as he began pulling her head into his groin. She coughed and spluttered around his thick meat, unable to control her saliva as it dribbled out of her mouth, into the fur on her chin and then dripped down into her fur. Inch after inch of his cock slid deeper into her maw, the bulge in her throat was huge and you could clearly see the end of his cock as it slid still deeper. The feeling of getting used for her husbands pleasure made her wet, every time they had sex she wanted him to get rougher.

John lifted his head to the forest canopy and closed his eyes "Fuck yeah." he said as he finally felt Lara's lips at the base of his cock, Her throat felt so good.

Lara opened her eyes and looked up again at John who dropped his head and looked deep into her eyes. Lara blinked and tried her best to smile around his wide shaft. He pulled her head back slightly before slamming her face back into his groin; he did this again and again, slowly at first but steadily getting faster and faster. His whole cock getting massaged by her throat muscles. His balls were now covered with a thick layer of saliva, long thick strings swung back and forth as they slapped against her wet chin.

Lara lowered her paws into her underwear, she began rubbing her engorged clit and fucking herself with three fingers. As her head was pulled forward and Johns cock made its way down her slick throat again, her pussy began feeling empty even with three fingers buried as deep as they would go.

John suddenly pulled his cock from her throat with a lewd wet slurp. Lara fell onto her back; with legs spread her glistening snatch was on display for him. He stood above her, his mighty cock stood magnificently, glowing gold as the sunlight reflected in her saliva. Her maw was a mess, covered in a thick layer of spit and precum; still she looked up from the ground with a lust filled gaze that he could not deny.

He picked her up from the forest floor, cupping her ass in his hands and lifting her, she wrapped her arms and legs around him as she kissed. John could smell and taste himself on her lips. Lara was kissing him with such ferocity he nearly lost his footing as he carried her through the clearing. Lara was so lost in passion she didn't realized what he was doing until she suddenly felt the rough bark of a tree against her back.

Her lips and tongue stopped their onslaught on Johns face.

John's hips pulled back.

Lara looked at John and then looked down.

She saw his massive throbbing hammer, aimed right for her pussy.


Her eyes and mouth shot wide open as she cried out over his shoulder and towards the darkening sky, startled birds flew from the trees.

He slammed his strong hips into her. Crushing her lower body against the tree. She had all of his cock inside of her tight little feline cunny; she was surprised for a second at how easily she had managed to take him. In all of the 26 years that they had been sexually active together never has she been able to receive him like this, normally they would have to take things so slow but that was okay because as big and strong as John was he was even gentler. But this, she thought to herself, this was not like John at all. He was being so rough and she herself had been feeling even hornier then usual. Maybe all of it could be explained by their excitement for what tomorrow might bring? Maybe it was something they ate? Drank? Could it be something in the air? John had never left his village in the great Pianure plains so what ever it was it might be having a greater effect on him, and she had left here in her teens as soon as she was of age. Old memories suddenly filled her vision, flashes of orgies, cocks, cunts, and tits and not just of her species but of others. Anthro's and non-anthro's alike. Great beasts and monsters.

An especially hard thrust of Johns hips awoke Lara from her vision with a scream of pleasure. He was still pounding her hard against the tree, his pace quickening. She knew he was getting close and she felt the warmth of her own orgasm building.

The smell of their sex was heavy in the air. They had no idea how lucky they had been on this journey, something must have been protecting them from all of the sex crazed creatures that walked this land.

Again and again John drove his cock into his wife's wet hole. Her pussy gripped him hard almost sucking on his cock.

Finally he impaled her once more on his fat meat and with a pulse in his big balls and a deafening shout he came deep inside of her. She could feel his cock pulsing as it delivered huge amounts of his Rhino spunk directly into her womb, filling her with its warmth. This caused her to loose control as her orgasm took over, her muscles spasmed and her eyes rolled back in their sockets. The warmth and pleasure washing over her body was like no orgasm she had ever had before. Her tongue lolled out of her mouth.

John's orgasm finally stopped and then he realized that Lara had blacked out, her arms and legs hung down and her head was lent back. He wasn't too worried because although this had never happened before she was still breathing and purring contently.

He looked down between there bodies to see the Lara's stomach was bulging slightly like she was in the early stages of pregnancy. He was stunned by the sight of her pregnant body in his hands, he was so happy!

"Lara? Lara look! It's a mira..." Suddenly the fantasy was shattered as his cock slipped out of Lara with a wet slurp, followed by a huge torrent of his Rhino spunk. As it splashed on the ground her stomach shrank and returned to its normal size. His face dropped, he had never produced so much cum in his life and he had never seen or heard anything like being able to fill someone up so much that they look pregnant to him it just wasn't possible.

A great sadness took him over. He laid out the blankets they had with them and softly placed Lara down on them, wrapping her up. It was to late to set up their tent and luckily it was dry. He looked at her content face, "The cat that got the milk" John said quietly as she laid there deep in her slumber.

He went to collect firewood from nearby, haunted by the image of her pregnant form that could never be. Why had the gods cursed them, all those around them as they grew up had now been pregnant at least once, yet still no matter what they did Lara could not fall pregnant. "AGHH!" John yelled out in frustration at the gods as he punched a massive chunk out of a nearby tree. Then out of the corner of his eye he saw two glowing yellow discs and what looked like the silhouette of a feral wolf against the moon. Only it must have been standing as tall as him even on four legs. He shook his head, he was tired and his muscles ached after the weeks of walking and the rough fucking he had just given his wife. But then his powerful rhino nose picked up the sent of a wolf, a she-wolf. With caution he decided to look around, but after 15 minutes he didn't find anything and the sent had disappeared.

John returned to their camp, Lara was still sleeping. He built a fire and then climbed into the blankets behind Lara wrapping his strong arms around her; she let out a soft purr. John took one last look around and then laid his head down and closed his eyes.

The fire crackled and burnt its self out. The night sky spun and was sliced through by meteors, soon the sky turned red as the sun rose up in the east.

John awoke to find Lara sitting in front of him staring into his eyes with an extremely excited look on her face.

"Morning John" She said with a massive smile.

"Good morning my love" John said as he sat up. He looked around with a puzzled expression noticing that what must have been left of the fire had gone, there bags were sat neatly beside each other and even the blankets they were laying on had been rolled and secured back on top of his bag. "Have... Have you already packed?" John said.

"Yes" Lara said followed by another smile

John was even more confused. "But how did you get the blanket from under me?"

"Oh never mind that John now come on lets go, we can be there in 7 hours!" she said as she quickly got up and grabbed Johns arms and helped him stand up. They threw on their bags and set off out of the clearing and back into the dense forest with more drive than ever before. Lara smiled at John and he laughed.

7 hours later they began to see a gold shine appear in the distance between the trees.

"Oh my god John there it is! We made it!" Their faces were the very image of joy and hope. After walking for weeks and weeks they had finally arrived.

They both started running as fast as they could towards the light. The pots and pans on their bags clashed and rattled as they ran. They were now close enough to make out the golden light; it was a huge golden dome shaped temple.

They came to a stop as the edge of the tree line shot past them. The temple sat within a huge clearing in the forest, it was surrounded by a garden of extremely healthy looking flowers and trees. As they appeared in the clearing several non-anthro creatures were startled and ran back into the forest, they to appeared to be exceptionally healthy.

As they approached the temple they saw that it was finely decorated with engravings of various sexual scenes between all kinds of creatures, it surely couldn't be covering the entire temple? But that wasn't the only thing covering the temple; it also had a thick white goo running down its surface and into the ground around it. "Smells like semen" John said. Lara placed a black paw upon the side of the temple; soon she had a thick handful of the stuff. She brought it up to her maw and tentatively lapped up the goo. "Tastes like semen too" she said with a soft purr.

They started walking up the steps towards the massive golden entrance way. Close to the top John said to his wife "Please try not to give your hopes up, we still don't know if she can help us."

"Of cause she can help us John she's the Goddess of fertility and besides Pan promised us!" Lara snapped back, clearly she believed this to be her only hope. John agreed and didn't know why he had just said that because he had strong faith in Pan's wisdom.

Lara and John reached the top of the stairs and entered the temple. "This is it John!" Lara said overcome with excitement. John took her hand.

They walked together down a short corridor which opened up to a massive domed room filled with life sized golden statues of every single type of creature in Lussuria, they were all female and all of them pregnant.

John and Lara made their way between the statues towards the centre of the room. Lara gave each pregnant bump a jealous glare. John could not believe how many types of creature lived in this world, he rarely travelled outside of his home village and when Lara arrived he had even less reason to go anywhere. Lara was much more travelled than he was but even she couldn't believe quite how many there were.

They passed statues of pregnant females and herms. Pregnant mares, cows, naga's, dragons, dogs, bears, birds and huge sea creatures that neither of them had seen before and so many more! Anthro and feral alike. One statue really stood out to John, it was a huge golden She-Wolf much like the one he thought he saw last night.

Soon they could see a large round bath of cum and at the opposite end was a big curved white throne. Standing each side of the bath are two muscular horse men, they wore no clothing what so ever leaving their huge pendulous dicks hanging between their strong thighs.

As John and Lara approached the pool they saw her. Laying in the bath of cum was the great goddess of sexual pleasure, fertility and childbirth, Luciana. She was a gorgeous lioness with glowing gold eyes. The cum concealed her mid and lower body but partially covered on the surface lay her huge H-cup breasts, at least they would have been an H-cup but because she was a god she was roughly twice the size of John.

The horse's turn and face them "Who enters the great Luciana's temple?"

John speaks out "My name is John your majesty and this is my beautiful wife Lara."

"Please great goddess Luciana, please help us." Lara pleads. "SILENCE!" shouts Luciana lifting her arms to the horses, her wrists were wrapped in golden silk ribbons that hung down loosely. The horses reached down and took her arms, blessed with strength they lift her from the cum bath. John and Lara are stunned by her beauty as she is lifted, almost as If in slow motion her body is revealed to them. The cum lifts with her but quickly slides away, her huge tits on full show and then another set of breasts reveal themselves and then another, slowly becoming rows of engorged nipples down her heavily pregnant stomach. Her wide, sexy child bearing hips are next to appear, followed by her long legs.

Both John and Lara are incredibly turned on by the sight of her. John's cock is threatening to tear open his cloth pants and he can feel precum running down his leg. Lara's pussy is gushing forming a wet patch down her pants and making her weak at the knees. Lust was beginning to cloud their minds but no they mustn't forget why they came here. At the same time John and Lara shook their heads and step forward.

Luciana was helped into her large curved throne which perfectly fitted her pregnant state she put one leg up on the edge of her throne with the other stretched out onto the floor and she placed one hand on her massive round belly and the other on the arm of her thrown. She said "I know why you have come, I know Lara that you are unable to fall pregnant but I cannot help you."

Lara screamed and dropped to her knees hard, devastated she burst out in tears.

"Why can't you help us?" shouted John.

"It would seem as that at least one other god has plans for you two." Luciana answered.

"But..." started John.

"But nothing, do not question the gods!" screamed Luciana. "Now go." She said abruptly.

The horses left the sides of Luciana's throne and walked around the bath, approaching John and Lara who was still on her knees crying out "Please, please help us." Tears running down her face.

"Come on my love we have to go" said John as the horses got closer. He scooped up his wife and headed for the exit of the temple filled with a great sadness but feeling as though he had to be strong for his wife.

John looked back over his shoulder to see that the horses had turned back and between them he could see Luciana in her throne. She was clutching her breast with one hand and rubbing her pussy with the other as the horses approached her, their big horse cocks no longer visible between their legs. Every statue they walked past mocked them with its pregnant stomach.

A sudden cat like moan echoed around them as they left the temple.

John carried his wife through the corridor, down the steps, through the garden and back into the dark depths of the forest.

"What are we going to do now? Sobbed Lara being carried in the large arms of her husband back to the clearing they had camped at the night before.

"I don't know my love, I just don't know."

9 hours later John walked into the small clearing it was night now; Lara had finally fallen asleep in his arms. He carefully put her down and this time he set up their tent. John was about to pick her up and put her in the tent when she awoke, her eyes were red from all of the crying.

"Come on sweetheart let's go and collect some firewood, take our minds of it." John said as he helped her up. They embraced each other tightly. "It's going to be OK my love we will think of something." John said trying to comfort Lara but he feared that this had been her last hope, after all Pan had promised them that Luciana would be able help them an now that hope had been taken away.

They had walked for 10 minutes collecting up the firewood that they needed when it began to rain, lightly at first but very quickly it became a full blown thunderstorm the likes of which they had never seen before. Massive blinding flashes of lightning forked across the sky followed by deafening thunder. John and Lara ran through the trees and rain holding each others hands tightly, heading back to camp for shelter. The smell of the night and the damp forest floor filled their nostrils. Suddenly a bolt of lightning crashed to the ground in the direction of their camp. They dropped the firewood and ran faster, clothes, fur and skin drenched by the rain. Filled with worry that the lightning had struck their camp and that they had now truly lost everything.

They ran into the clearing and slid to a stop in the wet mud. They looked at each other with surprise as they saw a fire with logs carefully set out under it; it was as though someone had made the fire. Sparks from the fire danced around them in the wind and rain, then they heard a high pitched crying. It was coming from their tent!

John ran around the fire and Lara leapt straight over it. John stopped dead, he could smell something. It was the She-Wolf and blood. He looked down and saw a set of huge feral paw prints in the mud leading into the tent.

"No don't!" Cried John as Lara threw open the flaps of the tent.

Their eye's fell upon a small grey male anthro wolf cub covered in blood lying on the blankets in the centre of the tent. He had a soft golden glow and clawed into the dry dirt inside the tent was the word SKOLL.