Vengance denied

Story by Portentous1975 on SoFurry

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"You have some nerve, following me here. Especially after I let you

live the last time." the muskox-woman kicked the captured wolf-man

angrily in the stomach. With his ankles shackled to an eye-bolt set in

the floor and his arms strapped together at the elbows and wrists he

had no way to avoid the kick. He doubled over, whimpering trying to

protect his stomach, which only lead to him being kicked across the

kidneys instead.

"Stupid whelp. So I killed your brother. So what? It was a damned war

  • people kill each other in wars, didn't you know?" she kicked him

again, this time in the shoulder, before she hunched down besides him

and grabbed his head by his hair. "Hell, you can't even really have

known your brother that well. How old were you at the time? Seven,

eight?" she held his head up, forcing him to look up at her.

His eyes wet with tears from the beating, he still stared back up at

her with defiance, only baring his teeth mutely at her question. The

muskox frowned darkly. "Wolves." she muttered. With an expression of

annoyance she reached down with her left hand and squeezed his

testicles brutally through his jeans, hard enough that the wolf wasn't

able to hold back the cry of pain for more than a second or two.

"Well?" she said after a long squeeze, leaving her hand resting

threatening on his crotch. "How old were you during the war?"

"SIX!" the wolf answered in a panicky, pained cry, "I was six!"

"That's better." the muskox said, and gave his crotch a light,

'good-dog' pat and let go of his head. The wolf let his head sink back

against the floor, whimpering and with his eyes filled with tears.

"I let you go once." the muskox reminded him, getting back to her

feet. "A gesture which was apparently entirely wasted." she pulled her

leg back for another kick, but changed her mind and merely grimaced

when the wolf didn't try to protect himself at all.

"Plus you have found my new hideout, and I really don't intend to have

to leave it just yet." She gave him a half-hearted nudge in the

stomach with her hoof. "However I don't like killing people out of

hand, and I can think of a use or two an outlaw woman could have for a

young, healthy, good-looking man." She crossed her arms over her chest

and looked down at him with a scornful smirk. "So what what do you

think I should do?"

The wolf-man's upper lip trembled in an attempt at a snarl. "Just kill

me quickly." he told her, trying and failing to keep the fearful

pleading out of his voice.

The muskox laughed. "Ooh no. It's not going to be that easy. We'll

play a little game of carrot and stick. If you win, I'll kill you - if

you lose, I'll keep you as a sex-toy for a while." She gave him a

quick kick in the stomach again. "Hell, I might even let you go in the

end. Not that it's very likely."

She went over to a sack lying just inside the cell door and pulled out

a long night-stick made from heavy rubber. "This is the stick." she

told him, and held it up so he could see it properly. "And this is the

carrot." She held up a broad dog-collar made from leather, and tossed

it over towards him.

She got up and advanced towards him, holding the night-stick down

along her thigh. "The rules are simple - I beat you with the stick

until you take the carrot or you're dead. Shall we play?" she grinned,

dark amusement twinkling in her eyes.

Crying, the wolf pushed the collar violently away from himself with

his bound arms, his teeth bared as much out of fear as of anger. "Go

to hell, Cow!"

The muskox snorted and brought the cudgel down hard across the wolf's

upper arm. "'Cow'? Is that the worst you can think of calling me?" she

asked, and set about beating the wolf with calm brutality.

He lasted for a good two dozen blows before he broke down. "Stop!

Please don't! Don't hit me! Stop - I'll do it. Oh god, oh god, don't

hit me again - I'll put it on, I'll put it on!"

The muskox deliberately swung the night-stick one more time, across

the bawling wolf's kidneys. Then she wordlessly pushed the collar back

to him with her hoof. He reached for it with the fervour of a drowning

man grabbing for a piece of flotsam, squirming on the floor to be able

to grip it with his strapped together arms.

He wept as he frantically attempted to strap the collar around his

neck, barely able to reach with the way his arms had been tied

together. He eventually managed to get the collar around his neck and

to thread the buckle. Staring at the floor he tightened the collar and

fastened it. Crying from defeat he turned his head and stared emptily

at the far wall.

"Not so stubborn after all, eh?" the muskox asked with a mocking

chuckle. "Well, let me take a proper look on my new doggie." She leaned

down and undid his jeans and tugged them down to his knees, ignoring

his weak, tear-chocked "Don't."

"Oh, I'm going to have some fun with this." she said, stroking the

soft fur on his sheath with her large hand. When he tried to squirm

away from her touch, she simply grabbed a firm hold of the fur in his

crotch, tugged hard and waited until his cry of pain had stilled

before she let go. "Get used to it, doggie. You'll lie still when I

pet you, or you'll hurt."

To underline her statement she stroked a single dark-skinned finger

along the length of his sheath, then slipped it inside the opening and

rubbed the head of his soft cock. The wolf sobbed, but lay still under

her touch. "Smart dog." the muskox muttered, her voice a little


She pulled her hand away, and moved to sit across his waist. The wolf

howled briefly in pain as her muscular mass settled down to rest on

his bruises and aches. Ignoring his discomfort, the muskox tugged her

coarse denim shirt out of her trousers and pulled it over her head,

needing to pull it up and backwards to have it clear her forward

slooping horns. Next she undid and removed her bra, revealing her

heavy breasts, mostly covered with shaggy, brown-black fur.

With a mixture of stubbornness and shame, the wolf turned his head to

the side, staring at the floor. "Shy, eh?" the muskox asked with a

grim smile and grabbed a hold on the tear-soaked fur of his cheek and

forced his face back up towards her. "Well have a good look at them,

because you will be spending a lot of time brushing them and pampering

them. If you're a really good doggie I might even give you a tit-fuck

or two."

Seeing the look of disgust in the wolf's eyes, the muskox laughed with

dark amusement. "Oh, you'll learn to like that, doggie. It will be

just about the only thing I do to you that won't hurt in any way." She

let go of his cheek and placed her hand around his muzzle instead,

easily holding it closed. She got a length of rawhide lace from her

pocket, and looped it tightly around the base of his muzzle. Ignoring

his struggling and his involuntary whimpers of pain, she tied the lace


"I got rather horny from beating you up, doggie, but I doubt there

will be much use in your cock for a while after that beating, and I

don't think it would be very smart to trust you not to bite, eh?" she

smirked down at him, patted his cheek roughly and got up to take off

her trousers.

"When I've broken you down a bit more we can see about finding some

uses for that tongue of yours." she said, opening her fly and

loosening the hem of her jeans enough to pull her tail free of them

before pushing them off.

"For now I'll have to settle for this." she sat down on top of him, her

knees level with his shoulders. She grabbed his head with both hands,

scooted forward and ground her warm sex against his muzzle. He

squirmed and whimpered under her, hardly able to breathe as she rubbed

herself against him with short, vulgar grunts.

His lips was shoved back and forth over his teeth as she ground

against him. Soon her sex grew slick and wet, and the taste of her

seeped into his mouth - a warm, heavy taste. She kept working against

him, sliding her muff firmly along his snout, rubbing her juices and

her scent into it. She was moaning now, deep rumbling moans made

in between short, gasping breaths. She pressed his head hard up against

her, burrowing his face between her thighs, and came with a rolling,

rumbling outcry, and her taste his mouth as a stream of her juices

gushed against his muzzle, dripping further down onto his cheeks and

his throat.

She climbed unsteadily off him, panting deeply. "Oh sweet fucking

hell, I _needed_ that." She wiped herself with her shirt, then put her

trousers back on. She glanced down at the wolf who was lying still,

gasping as best he could through his tied muzzle. She gave him a light

nudge in the side with her hoof. "Yeah, you'll make a good dog." she

told him and laughed darkly.

"I have a few things to take care of, but I'll be back and have more

fun with you later." she said, picked up the sack and went over to the

cell-door and killed the lights. Glancing back over her massive

shoulder she added, "And doggie? Don't forget that you put that collar

on yourself." she grinned with sadistic amusement and closed the door,

leaving him alone with the darkness, his aching body, his shame and

with the unfamiliar tightness of the collar around his neck.

Placating the skipper

The Skipper had sex with me today. I keep looking at the sentence and it still looks completely unbelievable - wholly bizarre and out of place on the page - but it iss true. She did. The Skipper did. The Skipper did have sex with me. ...

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