True to Yourself Ch.3

Story by Arghos on SoFurry

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#3 of True to Yourself

Yes! two chapters in one night, wait... 1:30 in the morning!? ah damnit...


True to Yourself Ch.3

I had never been into a club before. Ketheren led the way while I trailed closely behind, my mind half on the swaying of her lovely hips and tight ass, the other half wondering what one does in a club. I had not been to a bar since my 21st birthday, back when Zarak got me so drunk, that I passed out on the barstool and then somehow migrated to my bathtub late the next afternoon.. "Thren?" came Ketherens voice from in front. I snapped out of my thoughts and smiled, watching her as she motioned to the large building behind her. The line stretched into a nearby alleyway, and judging by the way those in line were dressed compared to myself, I judged I would not be getting in. "This is the place?" I asked stupidly, not recognizing any other buildings near me. She smiled with the sharp fangs again and grabbed my arm. "Come on, I get in here all the time." She dragged me along until we reached the bouncer, a overweight Asian human with a baton in his right hand, and a clipboard in the other. "Name?" He asked rudely. "Phon, you know who I am." Ketheren urged as she pursed her lips, the fangs now seeming to be much longer and sharp. The Asian bouncer turned paty white and flipped through his clipboard until he found to VIP cards on lanyards and handed them to her, ushering us in as quickly as he could. Once we were in, I gave Ketheren a look that seemed to ask the right question. "He seems to think Sergals rape and kill every person they meet." she said with a toothy grin. "And do they?" I half joked. She looked me over and I could sworn her green eyes glowed a little bit. "We'll have to see." She said with a serious tone before abruptly laughing. I focused on the pounding bass as she led me to the bar, promptly ordering a margarita for herself. "What do you drink?" She yelled. I really wanted to make a good impression for her, but truth be told I liked my wine. Cabernet, Chardonnay, and White Zin were amongst my favorites. Something in her eyes told me to be true to myself though, and I smiled as I leaned over the bar. "what kind of wines do you carry?" I yelled at the waiter. I hardly could believe myself as the bartender looked around and revealed himself to be Zarak. His expression was as shocked as mine, and immediately Ketheren picked up on it. "You two know each other?" She inquired. Zarak got a wide grin on his face as he looked at Ketheren and back to me. My eyes told him to please not hit on her. He seemed to get the picture, because he picked up a glass from under the bar and spit into it, rubbing the inside with a rag that was previously slung over his shoulder. "Thren? Yeah we're roommates. Known each other since we were raised together in the orphanage." He explained as he slyly slid me a glass of Burgundy. "Roommates? Not every day you find a human and a Sergal bunked together." Ketheren stated with a sense of wonder. We talked for awhile about my life in the orphanage, moving around with Zarak, and eventually starting school at EUA. She barely touched her margarita as I downed two glasses of wine, the alcohol soothing my tensed up nerves. My god she was beautiful. She explained her red fur was due to a genetic mutation that occurred on her mothers side, and how her father became the director of the cities plays when she was very young. I felt like I was having the best time of my life, until two large shadows hovered above me and a hand painfully gripped my shoulder. "Hey buddy, mind if I talk to your friend for a bit?" Came a gruff, scratchy voice. I turned around and saw two very muscular male Sergals behind me, both of which appeared drunk and horny. I looked back at Ketheren as she simply smiled and looked at the two with a cold expression. "Sorry boys, I'm talking to my friend here, so if you could please leave." They appeared to want none of that, for the first, a black furred, mean looking Sergal, tossed me to the floor as they cornered her at the bar. Zarak looked at me and nodded his head, already knowing what I was planning. I may be slender, but Zarak had taught me how to fight when we were kids, and in some cases we had to defend each other. He pushed the nearby stool to me and I hefted it up, bringing it crashing down on the first ones head as he brought his face close to Ketherens and released his tongue. The force of the chair crashing down on his head broke the stool, and blood poured from his mouth as he bit into his tongue. The second turned and roared while tackling me to the ground, and brought his jaw incredibly close to my face. "Fucking human trash, I'm gonna rip your face clean off!" Not if my knee had to say anything about it. I kicked him in the chest, and proceeded to pull my foot up, planting it in his jewels while I was at it. He cried out and rolled onto his back, giving me enough time top jump up and wipe the spit from my face. The first stood and held his tongue, pushing it into his mouth as he spit blood onto the floor. He probably couldn't even speak, judging by the garbled garbage that came from his mouth. Regardless, he sounded pissed. He charged at me, just like his buddy, but a quick drop kick to his chest sent him crashing over the bar and into the liquor cabinet. Zarak grinned and broke the wine bottle over the Sergals head, knocking him out cold. The club fell silent as the chubby Asian bouncer came charging in and grabbed the neck of my shirt, dragging me out as I smiled at Zarak. Just like old times. I sat on the curb and smiled as Ketheren left the building, tossing the VIP badges at the bouncer. She sat next to me in silence before shaking her head and taking my arm over her shoulder. Being slightly taller than me, she had to slouch a little bit to carry me. "You know, I could've handled that." she said with a smirk. "What? And let Juliet fight her battles, what kind of Romeo would I be then?" I slurred. Shit. I knew in my mind I was drunk, the adrenaline from the fight effecting the alcohol in my system. She just chuckled and walked me part way home, and it might have been the wine, but when she looked at me, it looked like her eyes were actually glowing. I managed to stay awake until we reached my apartment, and then my vision went black.

~Back at the bar~

Zarak shook his head as a group of ladies, Sergal and human alike, approached the bar, looking at the two unconscious attackers as they were drug out. The first to speak looked at Zarak and twisted a hair with her fingers, her eyes looking at him with a sultry glare as she ordered a drink. "That a friend of yours big guy?" Zarak smiled and nodded, his eyes fogged with memories of childhood. "Sure is, my brother right there. You ever seen a human take out two Sergals in heat before?" The ladies looked at him intently and all giggled. "No we haven't until tonight." Zarak grinned wickedly and leaned over the counter. "Ever seen a Sergal man take on five beautiful ladies at one time?" He said while whipping the keys to the penthouse around finger. They followed him to the elevator in a giggling cacophony as he looked back at the door. "Looks like I owe you again brother."

~The apartment~

I awoke to the sounds of Jackhammers in the background, and immediately tried to remember what had happened the previous night. I looked at my clock and noted it was 12:30, I had already missed my first class. I probably was in no condition to go out anyway. "Morning wild tamer." Zarak joked as he handed me a plate of the greasiest bacon and hash browns I had ever eaten. "What happened." I asked groggily. "Well, last night you took that girl to the bar, you had a few drinks, and you kicked the shit out of two Sergals harassing her." He said with a sense of falsified respect. "Anything else?' He looked at me with his head cocked to the side and smiled. "Yeah, you were saying something about glowing eyes in your sleep." I paused between the mouth full of grease and bacon and remembered her eyes. "Yeah... Zarak, is it normal for a Sergals eyes to glow?' He smiled as if he already knew I would ask. "It's a sign of attraction. I didn't ever think you could take on two guys at once in a fight, but when I noticed her pheromones were kicking on... Well you should have seen the damage you did to them." I rubbed the back of my neck and sighed. "I think the second guy snapped my neck out of place." Zarak stood up and handed me a piece of folded paper, written on the top were the words, "from Juliet." "She left this on your passed out body." he joked. I quickly opened it and read, turning away as Zarak slyly came from behind and pressed his arms over my shoulders. "you know, I should be thanking you. Along with five very satisfied ladies." He growled into my ear. "Creepy, and your welcome, spare the details please." "Noted." he laughed as he grabbed his hard hat and left the apartment. I pulled the note out and began to read as the sounds of the jack hammers came to a still. "Thren, I hope you wake up without a hangover, so you can read this and remember it. Last night was eventful to say the least, and I want to thank you for standing up for me. No one has ever done that for me. I will be at the auditorium at 1:00 to rehearse our lines, hope to see you there, Ketheren." I twisted my head and saw the time was 12:40, and jumped into some pants and another one of my trademark turtlenecks, bolting out the door as fast as I could. I jumped a cab and made it to the school in less than five minutes, and took a minute to catch my breath before walking in. The room silenced as I walked in, and all the eyes followed me as I walked over and sat next to Ketheren, who merely waved at me and smiled. A couple hours of rehearsing and acting later I was outside walking with Ketheren back to my apartment, talking about the nights activities and avoiding talk of the club. We made it to my door as she stopped and scratched the top of her head, finally looking at me to speak. "Listen, about last night." I started. She stopped me and leaned against the door, averting my eyes for a moment. "That was very brave of you." she said while making eye contact with me, "And very stupid." I nodded my head and shrugged. "Sergal or not, those guys shouldn't have treated you like an object." She seemed taken back by my comment, and she stood to her full height as I saw a hint of a blush. "Well... Thank you Thren." She said as she walked away. "How about tomorrow we study at my apartment?" She said just above a whisper. "I think that would be great."