Toons From Space! Emergency Room Emergency!

Story by Von Krieger on SoFurry

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#4 of Toons from Space!

Toons From Space! Emergency Room Emergency! By Von Krieger

Doctor Chandra Levine sighed and glanced at the clock. She'd already been at the hospital for going on ten hours now, and it scarcely seemed like she was going to be allowed to go home any time soon. Full moon, an eclipse, and a meteor shower, just about all of them seemingly designed to pull the crazies out into full force as well as swamp the hospital with various degrees of medical 'emergency.' She'd been called in from the clinic on the other side of town to help with the massive influx of patients that had turned up. From the sounds of things it sounded like some sort of gang violence, or drugs, or a frat party gone wrong, or all of the above simultaneously. As overworked as she was, Chandra felt sorry for the bomb squad. Some jokers had left large, brightly colored boxes all over town that were rigged to give a bit of a pyrotechnic display and a large cloud of smoke. Not deadly, hardly even painful, but a few folks had some minor burns when their hair or clothes were set on fire.

Joining in the hijinx were the folks coming in with bruises and concussions from having rubber anvils dropped on them, broken noses and lacerations from being hit in the face with boxing gloves hidden in a variety of things. There were the people brought in for hypothermia when a refrigerator malfunctioned somehow, along with a bunch of penguins likely abducted from a zoo somewhere. A few people had nearly drowned when an office building downtown had somehow managed to fill up with water. And there were some seriously traumatized people whose experiences sounded like someone had slipped them some LSD or some other hallucinogen. The blood lab would be backed up for weeks looking at the results of that.

Chandra found herself hoping for something that wasn't cleaning off powder burns and consoling people who swore that their cats were now six feet tall and rather interested in sexually harassing them. All the strangeness that was going on tonight began to seem routine a good six hours into the mess. The good doctor was, of course, about to get her wish.


The door to her exam room was kicked open and the smell of alcohol wafted in. Chandra was almost shocked by the sight of the young woman, who looked very much like some sort of clown-ish gang member-type, exactly like the sort of person who might be responsible for some of the other people being in the hospital. Chandra didn't consider herself all that conservative or one of those people who sat around grumbling about the degenerate youths and their newfangled culture breaking down society, but the sheer look of the young woman startled her.

She had multicolored hair sticking straight up in a garish mohawk, tits that looked artificial barely contained beneath a torn up t-shirt, ratty leather jacket and jeans, an inordinate number of piercings that seemed more numerous on places that were not her ears than places that were, not to mention the tattoos on her rather prominently displayed, rounded belly, poking out of her shirt, and on her wrists and hands as well. Oh and the bottle of beer that she was drinking from. She literally sloshed when she walked, rather loudly and nosily. She gave just as a loud and noisy burp and wiped her mouth with her sleeve.

Chandra stared at her patient for longer than she ought to, far longer. "Are you... pregnant?" she asked, not quite sure how else someone could acquire such a round midsection.

"I really fuckin' hope so," the girl said with a grin in a voice that didn't quite fit with her appearance, more shy and squeaky than something befitting a rather boisterous punk. "But this? Nah, this is from all the drinkin' 'n fuckin' I've been doing since last night. I bet I've got like three gallons of beer and two of cum in me."

Chandra just gawked as the young woman smiled proudly at her. "Yes... well... it's not allowed on hospital property, so if you wouldn't mind?" she said holding out the garbage can. The young woman nodded and dropped the bottle inside.

"Damn thing was almost empty anyway," she said with a sigh, hopping up onto the examination table, and giving another rather noisome belch.

The doctor rolled her eyes and turned to put the can back where it belonged. The air positively reeked of alcohol. Chandra picked up the patient's chart from the nearby desk and gave it a look over.

"So, Holly..."

"Holli, with an I," Holli interjected.

"That's what I said, Holly." Chandra said, rather confused.

"No, you're definitely saying Holly with a Y. There's a difference between Holly, Holli, Hawley, Hollee, Hollie, Holley, and Holllii. That's with three L's and two I's," Holli said, repeating the word identically seven different times.

"Umm... right, Holli. It says you've come in for me to..." Chandra paused as she looked up from the paperwork only to find her patient gulping down another bottle.

The doctor groaned, cleared her throat, and held out the garbage can. Holli giggled and blushed a bit, muttered "Oh, right," and then tossed her bottle in. Once more Chandra placed the wastebasket back in its proper place.

"For a skin..." and once again the moment she'd averted her gaze, her patient had somehow managed to conjure another beer from the aether. Or the pockets of her jacket.

"For a skin condition," she said snippily, grabbing the beer and tossing it with the other two in the trash can.

She was downright baffled to find yet ANOTHER open bottle in her patient's charge the exact moment she looked up from the garbage can. It didn't seem possible for her to un-pocket, open, and then begin drinking a beer in the scant second and a half Chandra's attention was turned.

"Stop that!" she virtually snarled, snatching the offending beverage away and placing it with the others.

The doctor openly gaped the moment she looked up and saw still another beer in Holli's hand. The punk girl grinned mischievously.

"Hmm, how about if you take off your jacket so we can look at the area of irritation, it says here that it's on your arm?" Chandra said, deciding to get the source of her patient's booze supply away from her.

"'Kay, doc," Holli said happily, grinning and showing a bit of buckteeth. She shrugged out of her jacket and handed it over.

Chandra found herself looking the garment over as it felt rather odd in her hands, smooth, almost slick, seeming almost, but not quite greasy. It still held the heat from Holli's body and somehow the doctor felt as if it would be tremendously comfortable to wear. She hung it up on the back of the door.

"Good, now that we've got the beers out of the way we can..." Chandra's eyes just about bugged out of her head as she turned to find that Holli had once again managed to procure what seemed like her dozenth beer. She ought to have rattled like a china cabinet upended by a tornado while she was walking in.

Chandra pointed at the trash can and just about growled. "No more beer and no more silliness! Where are you hiding these?"

"In my jacket, in my pants, in my cleavage. You know, all the usual places," Holli said rather happily.

"May I take them so that they cease being a distraction and we can get on with the examination? If you've come to see me about something than I presume that it is rather serious."

Holli's smile vanished and she nodded, looking at some bandages on her forearm. "Yeah, I suppose we better get to business, Doc. I don't have too many more; you can just reach into my pocket and grab my last ones."

She stood and turned, holding open one of the pockets on her jeans with both hands. Chandra sighed and began reaching for it, but pulled her hand back with a start.

"What?" Holli asked, innocently.

"I could've sworn that... nevermind," Chandra said, sighing loudly. The day was getting to her and the long hours seemed to be wearing her down. She could've sworn that there had been glowing red eyes peering out at her from inside the depths of that pocket.

She reached forward again, almost making it in before she suddenly pulled her hand away.

"Seriously, Doc, make up your mind! It's not like it has teeth. My pocket isn't going to bite you!"

That was exactly what Chandra had seen. She steeled herself once again and actually reached into the young woman's pocket. It felt rather large and roomy, and the doctor was sure that she was reaching into a wide open space like sticking her hand into a vase. She could feel the pocket around her wrist and arm, but felt nothing around her hand except... ah!

She seized hold of a bottle and pulled it out. The bottle seemed to stick and didn't want to be freed from Holli's pocket, so Chandra gave it a good yank and stumbled back when it gave way with far less effort than she thought it would have.

Her eyes widened once again as she found herself holding not merely a beer bottle, but a beer bottle with a handkerchief on it tied to another bottle, and so on and so forth. Somehow she managed to pull out a good fifteen or twenty feet worth of handkerchief strand, each knot sporting a bottle of some liquor. Some beer, some whiskey, some wine, some tequila, and some glowing blue thing that she could swear came straight out of Star Trek.

Chandra gaped at Holli's almost skin-tight jeans, clinging to her shapely figure. Now that Holli's jacket was off and Chandra was up close, she could get quite a good look at the young woman's tattoos. They were rather beautiful in their lewd, pornographic way. They looked like they'd taken weeks of painstaking needlework to create. At least the ones on her left side. The ones on the right seemed to be more simply colored, flatter, and not anywhere near as detailed. They lost detail the closer they came to Holli's bandages.

"How did you manage to fit all this down your pants?" the doctor asked, shaking her head as she put down the string of bottles.

Holli interlocked her fingers, tilted her head to the side and batted her eyes. "Come on now, Doc, a girl," she pronounced it goy-el, "has got to have some secrets!"

The doctor shook her head, feeling a headache coming on. She ignored the matter and felt like the sooner she could get Holli out of her exam room the better. She pulled on a pair of gloves, just in case Holli had an open wound or a skin infection or something of the like.

"So what's the problem?" Chandra asked as she began to unwrap the bandages. They didn't seem to be gauze, but rather some sort of brilliantly white fabric. It almost hurt her eyes to look at it.

"Well, everything started to feel really funny there, and it looked and felt kind of weird."

"Can you maybe be a little bit more specific, in what manner was it funny and weird?" the doctor asked, continuing to unravel the bandages. Holli had wound quite a bit of material around it.

"I came home from the party where I got my tattoo work done last night and..." Holli paused at the doctor's expression.

"You had all this..." Chandra gestured to the intricately detailed work on Chandra's midsection and left arm, "done last night? That is impossible."

Holli nodded, "Yeah, that's what I said! But the guy didn't even have a needle, just a paintbrush. I don't know how he did it, his hand moved faster than I could see, and when he was done there it all was!"

The doctor rubbed a gloved finger over the tattoos on Holli's left arm, "This does not feel like paint."

"I know! I don't know how he did it either. It's actually under the skin somehow!"

Chandra continued unwrapping the arm, frowning at the rather large pile of unraveled bandage growing on the floor.

"Holli, please, enough silliness for tonight. I have had a very difficult day and this is not helping. How much did you wrap around here?"

"Um... I don't know. I kind of lost track. My friend Suzy has this pet rabbit, and I was holding him and he kind of scratched me and it stung and kind of tingled. I was bleeding a little bit, so we bandaged it while we were doing some other fun things. Here..."

Holli pulled a switchblade out of her pocket, the same pocket that Chandra had just reached in and felt nothing but a beer bottle. The doctor gawked at it as Holli began to cut off the bandages.

"So you've had this on since last night?"

"Yup!" Holli nodded.

"You have not taken it off?"

"Nope!" A headshake.

"So how do you know you have some sort of skin condition?"

Holli paused in her cutting and held up her hands. "Because this hand and this arm are colored differently from this hand and this arm, and it seems to be spreading and totally ruining my sweet tattoos."

Chandra looked at Holli's hands, a good long look. Her right hand looked strange, oddly smooth and colored. It looked... strange. Flat and lacking definition, her palm lacking lines entirely and as best the doctor could tell as she held Holli's hand up to the light, no fingerprints, nor any tiny hairs on the back of her wrist. And...

"Holli," Chandra asked quietly, "You had five fingers on this hand when you came in, did you not?"

Holli paused and took a good long look at her hand, actually going so far as to count her fingers. She looked at her other hand and then began counting fingers again. Try as she might she couldn't get her two hands to add up to the proper number of fingers.

"I... think I did. It was here earlier, I'm not sure where it went. Fingers don't just go wandering off by themselves, do they?"

Chandra looked over Holli's hand but there were no signs of trauma, no scars, the bone structure didn't even feel like there had ever been a fifth finger there.

"So what happened after the party and the rabbit scratch?" Chandra asked.

"Well, that's when I started to feel really randy, so Suzy and me went to a different party. There were a few cute guys and girls there, but no one really interesting, Doc. Just me and Suzy. So after boinking a few folks we headed back to her place. We'd both gotten really plastered, got dressed up all sexy, had our hair done somewhere along the line, not sure when. She looked hot, I mean smokin' hot. So we started making out, sparks started flying and... there we go!" she'd cut the bandage free, it seemed to spontaneously fly apart into a pile of white strips that covered the floor and a rainbow row of knotted handkerchiefs on top.

Chandra sighed and sat down on the nearby desk, pinching the bridge of her nose in agitation. "I think whatever some of the strange patients I've been seeing today have is catching because there are quite a few things not making sense."

"That's what she said! That things were all weird and funny and not quite right, but we couldn't figure out what was wrong! She seemed like she needed to loosen up a bit, so I coaxed her into bed, tugged off her skirt, and then tugged off her, if you know what I mean." She waggled her eyebrows suggestively.

"Wait, your friend Suzy is a... transsexual?" the doctor asked, confused.

Holli shook her head, "Nah, Doc! Suzy is this perfect blonde cheerleader type. Went out with the captain of the football team and everything! She's not some sort of weirdo like that!"

"Then how is she a she?"

"Well, she's pretty much all girl; she's got all the girly parts. She's just got that one thing extra. I figured it was kinda normal, since a lot of the girls at the party had one. At least they did once we started having fun. I was kind of drinking a lot. But all the girls I've seen naked in the past twenty four hours have had one. It was awesome, like Sausage City at that party. Everyone had a dick they wanted me to suck. It was too bad they were all kinda flat personalities."

Chandra shook her head and waded through the pile of knee high bandages on the floor to grab Holli's file. "Including you?"

"Including me! How d'ya think I got this bellyful of spunk here? Once I found out I was flexible enough to cut Suzy out of the middle I went to town! I only stopped when my tummy got so big I couldn't keep it in my mouth any more!"

The doctor looked at the file, "There is nothing indicating a hermaphroditic or intersexual gender for you in here. It lists you as a female. I am tired of lies and silly games, Holli. Now please can we..."

Chandra looked up from the file to find a buck-toothed grin on Holli's face and her skin-tight jeans peeled off and tossed aside. The girl had suddenly developed a larger bust, a narrower waist, broader hips, and a sizeable erection that would have been impossible to conceal in such tight-fitting trousers.

"Boy, Doc, it sure feels better to get rid of those!" Holli said with a chuckle. Her tattoos wriggled and writhed as Chandra watched, changing into simpler shapes and colors, less pornographic, merely simple lines giving the appearance of the biker-style tats she had sported. The young woman's skin darkened as well to a deep chocolate color, the lines of her tattoos nearly black. Her thighs, stomach, and chin were a shade of creamy white. Her mohawk seemed to grow larger even as Holli herself seemed to grow shorter, her legs a bit out of proportion with the rest of her.

She brushed her long, lop-like rabbit ears back behind her head and seemed to reach into a pocket on her brown, furry hip, pulling out a trio of pyramid-studded straps, one for each wrist and another to keep her ears back in a semblance of a ponytail behind her neon mohawk, which seemed to be constantly changing color.

Holli cutely wiggled her pink nose at the doctor and reached into an impossible pocket again, pulling out a carrot and chewing on it noisily, "You'll have to forgive me for stealin' another rabbit's line but, eh," she shrugged. "What's up, Doc?"

Chandra gawked at the sight of her patient who had gone from a tattooed pregnant-looking girl with multicolored hair to a tattooed pregnant-looking cartoon rabbit with multicolored hair and an oversized, fully erect, seemingly fully functional cock. "This is not possible." She stated adamantly, "I must've been slipped something hallucinogenic. This sort of strangeness has been reported all day!"

"It sure feels real to me, Doc!" Holli said, giving her length a few strokes, a jet of thick precum splattering on the ground. The white tile seemed to immediately brighten where the liquid landed, the spots of painted cartoon whiteness slowly spreading out from the point of contact.

"Well, will ya look at that? I'm contagious!" Holli said, sounding downright joyful. "Maybe you oughta take my temperature? Or maybe give me some sexual healing?" Holli's grin widened, "But you're the one whose having hallucinations and looking almost sick to her stomach. So it's my turn to play doctor!"

There was an odd sound as Holli began to spin around, the wind from the motion scattering papers all over and knocking over several jars, which shattered on the floor. Holli suddenly stopped, otolaryngologist's mirror upon her head, stethoscope around her neck, a pair of surgical gloves on her hands, and an abbreviated scrub top knotted just below her cleavage to expose her bare midriff.

"Now open wide and say ah!" the rabbit in doctor's attire said happily, tapping her hard-on with a tongue depressor as she stepped forward.

Unable to think of anything else, Chandra shoved the chair at Holli and bolted for the door. Holli yelped as the chair seemed to carry her off and she collided against the wall with the sound of crashing bowling pins. The doctor slammed the door shut behind her, unable to believe the sight she'd just witnessed.

"Come with me to the casbah!" Holli called through the door, "We will make beautiful music together. Well, if your idea of beautiful music is Nine Inch Nails. Specifically "Get Down, Make Love" and "Closer." I wanna fu..."

Chandra grabbed a chair leaning against the wall and wedged it beneath the knob. "I don't think so," she said with a sigh of relief.

"Who are you talking to, Doc?" said Holli from immediately behind the doctor, munching on a carrot.

The doctor yelped and jumped several feet into the air, taking off as fast as her legs could carry her down the hallway as she did her best to get away from the potentially infectious, rather lustful she-rabbit. Chandra turned her head to look back, and despite her reckless pace, Holli didn't seem to be losing any ground. In fact she seemed to be gaining even as she walked forward at a rather leisurely pace.

The doctor looked down at her feet, finding herself somehow on some sort of treadmill with a scrolling background of hospital hallway on one side. "This wasn't here before! You can't DO that!" she said, hopping off the treadmill and taking off for real.

Chandra ducked into a nearby room and slammed the door shut behind her, not paying attention to what it was. There had to be another exit, even if it involved climbing out a window, or if all else failed breaking one. Luckily it was an empty patient's room, and while the main door lacked a lock, the bathroom door did indeed have one. But then again Holli had managed to get out of a room with only one exit without seemingly even using the door. Chandra cursed her rather studious childhood; if she'd watched more cartoons she might know what she was supposed to do now.

She yelped as she looked back and realized that the door she had been leaning against now suddenly lacked a wood grain. It was just a plain, flat-looking brown door, like it was painted in the cartoon style. Chandra moved away from it quickly, pulling off her labcoat and throwing it to the side. As she watched the garment slowly began to lose its texture, turning more and more to a simply shaded object. Horrified, Chandra rushed into the bathroom, flipping on the light and looking at her back in the mirror for tell-tale traces of the strange infection. No, it was more than a mere infection if it could outright alter reality around it.

She would have to go out the window to get away from whatever this thing was. She'd pay for the window later if it turned out that all this was just some kind of weird drug-induced freakout. The doctor drew in a deep breath and turned, stepping out of the bathroom door, wary for mohawk-sporting pervert rabbits. But rather than stepping back out into the patient's room that she had entered, Chandra found herself back in the hallway.

She paused, blinked a few times, and then turned around, stepping back through the door only to come out somewhere else entirely further down the hallway. She could see the Wet Floor sign leaning against the wall just beside where she had been a moment before. Baffled she stepped through the same doorway once more and found herself across the hall from the doorway with the sign next to it that she'd entered in the first place.

"This isn't..." Chandra murmured, "It's not..." She sighed and shook her aching head. The entire situation was impossible, it violated the laws of physics and... just...

The doctor punched the wall, wincing at the pain that shot through her hand as she would expect from punching a brick wall. She was most definitely not dreaming. Her subconscious was not typically this creative, she usually dreamed of things that were normal. Stuff like doing her chores, or being at work, or occasionally finding herself back in high school for some strange reason.

"What is going on?" she almost whimpered, taking in deep breaths to both try and calm herself and get her air back after the flight from Holli and the close call with her labcoat.

"Beats me. You're looking awfully pale, Doc. Maybe I oughta check your temperature? I hope you're okay with my meat thermometer."

Chandra turned to see Holli coming down the hallway. The punk-haired rabbit waved at her and blew the doctor a kiss. Chandra ducked as a pair of large red lips fluttered across the gap between them and smacked into the wall behind her.

Holli broke into a run and she was faster than Chandra thought possible. Must be the bunny rabbit in her or something. The doctor was not going to outrun her on a straightaway, so maybe she could...

The doctor ducked back into the door she had just come out of once more, looking left and right before spying Holli slipping on the floor and plowing into a potted plant. She ran across to the next door, it said closet, but Chandra was hoping that it would work like the other doors she'd been through. And indeed it did. Chandra grinned, feeling hopeful now that she could turn at least one aspect of the wacky situation to her advantage. She ducked into another doorway, finding herself further down the hallway, closer to the exit sign that she could see glowing brightly at the end of the hall.

"Oh a woise guy, eh? Well two can play this game!" Holli shouted, and then hopped into a doorway as well, coming out of another one not far from Chandra.

"Crap," the doctor groaned, ducking back into the door she'd just come from. It put her further back down the hallway, but it gave her space to get into another one and get further away from Holli. Another door, another trip further down the hallway, while Holli skidded out into the hall behind her. Chandra grinned; the rabbit lacked shoes and thus had a tendency to skid on the freshly mopped tile floor, another thing she could use to her advantage.

She picked doors at random, finding that those on one side of the hall tended to put her closer to the exit and the other side further away. She was so close, so very, very close, but Holli seemed almost always right behind her. Only the seemingly randomness of the door exits kept her pursuer from catching up with Chandra.

Success! There was the exit! Just one door away from her and... ow!

Chandra crashed into Holly's rounded middle and went flying, skidding on her backside across the hallway and into the OB/GYN department. Holli went flying in the completely opposite direction, back through the doorway and further down the hall.

The doctor leapt to her feet, looking herself over for tell-tale ink and paint coloration that would hint at infection. She found none, though as Holli had said, she was looking a bit pale.

She couldn't go back out into the hall and there were no windows in here. The door trick might take her right back out into the hallway. What could she do? What could she possibly...

"Doctor, oh dooooctor!" Holli called.

Chandra ducked into one of the examination rooms, hiding behind the door, wracking her brain for anything that she could possibly use to get out of her situation. Cartoon, cartoon, cartoon, how did you get out of being cornered in a cartoon?

"You in here, doc?" Holli said, poking her head in, Chandra could see the shadow.

She tried her best not to make a single sound, her gloved hands feeling over the wall behind her in hope that she could find SOMETHING to use. Then she felt something round, like a wooden pole, or a handle to something. Chandra grinned as Holli flipped the light on and closed the door.

"There you are! I win our game of hide and go seek, now what do I get as my prize?"

"This!" Chandra growled, swinging the item she'd grabbed hold of. The sledgehammer sized tomahawk-style reflex hammer connected with Holli's head with an incredible "WHOP!" sound, sending her across the room and onto the examination table.

The rabbit fell perfectly; Chandra quickly placed her in the stirrups. She panted deeply, out of breath, terrified in ways she could scarcely imagine, everything she knew having broken in a single afternoon. She was just so sore and aching, so annoyed, frightened, and frustrated.

She looked over her hands to see if there was any trace of the infection. Her gloves were clean and clear. Thank goodness. Her breathing was back to normal levels and Chandra finally felt calm. More than calm, almost... giddy. She leaned against her hammer and grinned, feeling rather proud of herself for... for...

Chandra looked down at the giant reflex hammer. Despite its solid feel and heft it didn't feel quite... well... actually it felt perfectly natural in her hands, like it was made to fit them perfectly. It was absolutely gorgeous with its smooth gray handle and red-brown head. So simply and wonderfully colored, standing out against the dull grays, whites, and pastels around her.

The room around her looked so dull and dreary, the only things in it that seemed real were her hammer and the unconscious Holli, who hard stars circling her head. Chandra found herself looking over the cute bunny in the nurse costume, her magnificent breasts, her sexy tummy, her still-erect cock... the doctor felt a small stirring in her own loins.

She paused and moved to the nearby sink, peering into the mirror over it. Chandra's jaw dropped at the sight of herself. The color had leeched entirely out of her face, leaving it stark white and... painted. The change in her skintone was taking place all over her body, but the cartoon-y look seemed to slowly be spreading from her face.

Chandra watched with fascination as her eyes changed colors, turning from brown to a brilliant red. Her black hair began to fade to grey and then to white, matching her skin tone. The doctor just gawked at her reflection, not quite understanding what was going on. Trying to image how she'd become infected.

"Dumkopf!" she said, suddenly speaking with a German accent for no reason that she could think of, it just felt right. "You touched your gotterdammerung face in exasperation after touching her arm."

"Alterations apparently develop from ze area of original contact with ze unknown pathogenic agent," she said, making clinical observations. She touched her face with her gloved hand, finding rather oddly that her sense of touch seemed to carry through the gloves, as if they were a part of her.

"Though ze simplistic coloration makes it appear as skin, ze fully altered portions of my face are furred like an animal." She noted, watching her ears begin to enlargen and change shape.

The doctor's pants suddenly felt uncomfortably constrictive, so with a brief pull, changing them into a table cloth, she removed them, allowing her newly forming tail and already formed cock to be freed from their cloth prison.

"Hmm, it is as za patient stated. For some reason ze alterations to my body include a phallus. Of course not being a drunken ignoramus, I am fully aware of what ze typical female anatomy is and is not."

Chandra let out a soft moan as she stroked her new appendage, "It seems that ze initial stages of infection can proceed at a variable rate. Perhaps Holli's continuous drinking resulted in a slowing of ze alterations. Or perhaps ze disease is a drama queen and requires ze subject to notice zat zey are infected before rapidly reaching ze end stage."

She shivered as she felt her entire body shift into its new state. There was an accentuation of features, a narrowing in the waist, and a broadening in the hips and chest. Chandra ran her tongue over her newly elongated and enlarged incisors wriggled her pink nose at her reflection.

"Ze alterations seem to have proceeded along some sort of stereotypical role. Being a doctor my post-infection form is zat of an albino rat, a lab rat if you will. Also zat would explain my altered vocal mannerisms as well as my rising urges to further study ze infection by introducing it into uncontaminated control subjects. Also likely a symptom of ze disease to further its spread."

"Umm... who are you talking to?" Holli asked, a brow raised as she looked over the doctor.

"Hush! I vil deal with you in a moment!" Chandra said, admiring her new shapely toon body in the mirror, "I feel a sense of euphoria and also satisfaction at my altered form. I feel rather good, and yet so terribly, terribly naughty." Chandra spun on her three-toed, paw-like furless feet, giving Holli a wicked grin as she snapped one of her four-fingered gloves. The lights dimmed and a clap of thunder sounded as the room was illuminated by lightning. Even though there were no windows.

"Since we are in the OB/GYN clinic, Nurse Holli, I believe that we ought to conduct a rather thorough diagnostic session of both our reproductive systems." Chandra said with a grin, adjusting a pair of glasses that weren't there a moment before.

"Umm... can't we just have dinner and drinks first? I don't go past second base for the first date!" the rabbit protested.

Chandra clicked her tongue. "So much protesting after wanting to chase me down and put this in me, hmm?" she purred, running a gloved hand over Holli's hard-on. The rabbit gasped softly and lay back on the examination table.

"I don't wantcha to think of me as one of those loose women!"

"Well, why don't I conduct a test to see how loose you actually are, a rather deep, hands-on test. Of course there are not going to be any hands involved..."

Holli sighed happily, hearts in her eyes. "Oh Doctor, you know all the right things to say to a goil."

"Prepare for your examination!" Chandra said, following with a maniacal laugh as she stepped up onto the extended bottom step of the examination table, slipping her new manhood into the eager rabbit's depths.

"And another thing, Mr. Narrator Guy. Would you PLEASE stop calling me a rabbit? It's Holli Hare. It's got that illustrative thing going on."

You mean alliterative?

"Ghesundheit!" Holli and Chandra said at once, looking directly at the camera.

"If you'll excuse us, I do believe this falls under doctor-patient privilege!" the good doctor says, pulling down a shade over the scene, reading 'The End.'

'Or is it?'

A pan over to the cause of all this trouble, Molly, the lab-coated lioness waving her hands about as she plays a Theremin to give us some appropriately ominous music as we fade to black.