The Long Gift—Chapter 22

Story by zmeydros on SoFurry

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#23 of The Long Gift

The Long Gift 22--No More Secrets By Zmeydros AKA Lucien Quinn AKA Alexi Tishen.

Once they're all settled in on the couch with Kurt in the middle, Leneth starts to say something three different times, and then Jaime tries to say something, but he has no idea where to begin.

After a half-minute, Kurt says, "Before we go too far, I have to get something off my chest. I'm pissed that you two would hide something as huge as Leneth's cock from me. I still can't believe you neither of you took the time to clue me in."

"It's not that simple. The reason why I have a cock is a huge secret that I can't tell you without warning you that you can't reveal it to anyone. I didn't want to complicate the first part of our relationship together." Lenneth's speech is rushed and nervous.

"But, you didn't even tell me that you had one and let me ask why. If you told me that you couldn't explain it, I might have gotten perturbed, but I would have trusted you and Jaime enough to let it go. Do you two really trust me or am I already the odd cat out?" A bit of frustration is on Kurt's face.

"No, we trust you, but our secret is so big that we wanted to be sure that our relationship was stable before we told--"

Jaime is cut off by an annoyed sound from Kurt. "Our? You have a secret too?"

"It's the same secret. Like I said, it's a really big secret." Worry about Kurt's building anger causes Jaime to speak more quietly.

Seeing an annoyed look on Leneth's face, Jaime's heart starts to beat faster. She really doesn't like it when someone adds drama to something that she's already concerned about. To her, it must seem that Kurt is making this unnecessarily hard, but Jaime suspects that Kurt is unusually upset for the same reason he's keeping quiet about what happened to him over Christmas.

Jaime is sure that Leneth is starting to get upset when she says, "What makes you assume that we don't have a good reason to keep the secret and not tell you until now? Do you trust us?" It's a good observation, but her tone is a bit off.

A pained expression forms on Kurt's face. "I did."

"Are you serious?" Leneth asks with a bewildered expression.

"It doesn't matter what your secret is. The fact that you kept it from me and didn't include me till now really hurts." Kurt sighs in frustration.

Baring her teeth, Leneth says, "I'm telling you that this time it matters what the secret is."

Jaime's heart starts to race. "Stop fighting! Kurt, the truth about--"

"Zip it, Jaime." Standing up, Leneth clenches her fists at her sides. "Is this all it takes for you to lose faith in someone? One secret, one time that you fear you're being left out?"

Kurt bares his teeth. "Fuck you! Don't try to make this about my insecurities. This is about you two hiding something from me."

With an ice-cold glare, Leneth almost yells, "I don't believe you. I've never seen you act this way and I'm not sure I want a relationship with you, if this is how you--"

With a clenched fist, Kurt says, "Right back at ya, you b--!"

Putting his paws over his ears, Jaime yelps at what he's hearing. "Stop it. Please--"

"Shut up!" Kurt almost backhands Jaime in the face and then suddenly bursts into tears when he realizes what he was about to do. Shaking his head, he says, "I'm a fucking piece of trash."

Anger drains from Leneth as she stands there completely dumbfounded. Jaime pauses for a moment before hugging Kurt. These are the tears he was expecting. The same tears Kurt shed the last time he comforted him.

It takes Leneth almost a minute to calm down and sit next to Kurt again, and even longer for her to embrace him, but when she does, she looks like she wants to cry. "What on earth happened to you?"

"My sister's in a coma after a failed suicide attempt," Kurt says in between sobs. "And I'm responsible."

"How is that possible? I know you wouldn't do anything to hurt her," Leneth says, trying to calm Kurt down.

Holding Kurt in his arms, Jaime feels himself relax. He knows Leneth is right, Kurt is a gentle tiger. "Wasn't your sister already suicidal?"

Stopping his sobbing for a moment, Kurt wipes some tears on the back of his paw. "Yeah, but I pushed her over the... edge..." The way he says 'edge' sounds more like a gasp of pain than a word.

Leneth seems unsure of what to say and just lays the side of her head against Kurt's shoulder.

When Kurt's crying slows for a moment, Jaime asks, "How?"

"She complained the entire time she was there about how painful her life was. And..." Kurt gives a shaky sigh. "And... eventually I couldn't take it anymore..." He cries harder for a moment and then seems to get control of it again. "I told her that... that..." Each time he gets close to continuing, he freezes up.

What an awful thing to have happen on Christmas. If Jaime was in Kurt's situation, he might have said something he regretted too. For a few minutes, he just lets Kurt cry. Then during another calm in Kurt's storm of tears, he puts his hands on the sides of Kurt's face and turns his head so he can look into Kurt's eyes. "If you were trash, you wouldn't feel this bad about it. I'll still love you no matter what you said to her. She was the one who acted on your words, not you."

"I said... If life's so painful, why are you still here?" Kurt tenses up and a rush of words comes out of him. "An hour later we found her in the bathtub with her wrists slit and a note that said..." He starts bawling.

Tears fall down Jaime's cheeks as he hears Leneth start to cry. He understands Kurt's pain; one angry moment can lead to years of sorrow. Hopefully, he and Leneth can get Kurt through this soon. Almost five minutes pass before he asks, "What did the note say?"

"It said... Thank you, Kurt." A wail comes from Kurt. "Why does life have to be so sick and twisted!"

Tears flood out of Jaime. It's a poetic sadness. Kurt's sister must have seen Kurt as her liberator. Someone that gave her permission to end her pain. But, she used her brother. Stabbed him with grief and agony. It's not fair. One slip. One misstep and Kurt has to carry a burden that could break him. No wonder he didn't want to talk about it. No wonder that he tried to pretend it never happened. No wonder he wanted to protect him and Leneth from it. But this is not something that can break their triangle of friendship. Together, they can stumble toward the light.

It takes a few minutes for Jaime to feel like speaking again. "I love you, Kurt." He pets the fur on Kurt's arm.

Putting his hand on top of Jaime's, Kurt stops sobbing as hard. "I love you too."

Leneth kisses Kurt on the cheek and gives him a squeeze. "Do the doctors think she'll come out of her coma soon?"

Kurt shakes his head. "I don't think they agree with each other on that one..." His crying slows a bit. "She may have lots of emotional issues, but she's always been stubborn. I think she'll come out of it."

"Yeah, then you can tell her how much you love her and how sad you were when she tried to end her life." Jaime strokes Kurt's fur softly.

A slight smile forms on Kurt's face like a beam of sunlight that's just making it over the horizon. He cries softly for about ten more minutes, slowly brightening as his burden becomes a bit lighter. Soon the sadness on his face is replaced with a peaceful expression that seems somewhere between relief and acceptance. "I don't think she wanted me to be sad... Actually, I don't think she even thought about how much pain she would cause."

Drying Kurt's tears with his tail, Jaime nuzzles him. "When I was younger and all the non-anthro kids were picking on me for hanging out with furs, I came home one day and cried for hours. When my dad tried to console me, I told him I wanted to commit suicide. That's when he said something I'll never forget: 'Suicide is the ultimate act of selfishness. It's like a big 'fuck you' to everyone who loves you. It would put a hole right in mom's heart and mine. Do you want to do that to us? To put holes in the hearts of everyone you know? Everyone who cares about you?' I said 'no' and kept crying, but every time I've thought about taking my own life since then, Dad's speech comes to mind."

Kurt nuzzles back. "Heh, I wish my dad was more like yours. Mine just tried to diffuse my sister's circular logic and that went nowhere. Well, I guess it actually went in a circle."

After lifting her head off of Kurt's shoulder, Leneth says, "Wow, Jaime. I'm not sure if what your dad said would have helped Kurt's sister. That's a pretty 'in your face' way of dealing with it."

Jaime shrugs. "Heh, he's an 'in your face' kinda guy. I think he knew it would help me. When I was in grade school I told him that I never wanted to hurt anyone and I even felt sorry for mosquitoes when I killed them."

"I used to pick up worms on the road and throw them back into the grass after it rained, so they wouldn't get run over or drown." A sudden embarrassed look crosses Leneth's face. "I've never told anyone that."

One ear folds down on Jaime's head as he ponders what she just said. "Wait, don't you hate worms?"

"They're the most disgusting thing I can think of, but when I was young, I didn't let that stop me from trying to save every little creature I could..." She giggles. "I used to run around with bare paws and say 'eeeewwww' every time I picked one up."

Kurt laughs. "I can just imagine you running around saying 'eeeeewwww' the entire time you're holding each worm. It might sound something like eeew, eew, eeeeeewwww, eeeww, eew."

A thought causes Jaime to laugh so hard that he's barely able to manage saying, "What if it was the worms that were making the noises when she threw them?"

Len's ears perk up for a moment at Jaime's amusing thought and then she cracks up and starts laughing hard enough to shake Kurt. It doesn't take long for Kurt to start laughing as hard as his two lovers.

When the laughter dies down enough, Kurt looks at Jaime. "That was hiliarilicious."

Jaime and Leneth giggle at Kurt's comment. A few seconds later, Leneth lets go of Kurt and sighs. "Now that we're not sad anymore, are you ready for the biggest secret in the world?"

With his ears standing straight up, Kurt fixes his attention on Leneth. "Biggest secret in the world? I thought you and Jaime had a shared secret, but I didn't think it went beyond you two."

"It's about us and the entire world." Her face becomes serious. "There will be consequences if you try to repeat what I'm about to say to anyone."

Raising an eyebrow, Kurt thumps his tail against Jaime. "Seriously?"

She nods. "Yes. I had to get permission to tell you. Me and Jaime's kin will go out of their way to protect it. If you want to tell someone what Jaime and I are about to tell you, you will have to get permission from the same people I had to ask."

"I'm not sure I understand what's going on here. I don't like keeping secrets, but I'm too curious to say no. So, I agree to your terms. I just hope this all makes sense when you're done telling me." Kurt presses his body against Jaime's while Leneth gets off of the couch and starts transforming in front of Kurt.

A grin forms on her muzzle as her horns appear. "Let me show you part of the secret before we tell you." She brings her tail in front of her so Kurt can see it get thicker and grow its spade-like scaly tip, causing Kurt's eyes to widen.

When her legs start cracking and forming into a more animal-like shape, Kurt's jaw drops in awe. Then her purple highlights appear and her muzzle starts to take on its mildly draconic shape. Her ears lengthen and become even more pointy as her horns push out of her head. The slit above her cunny becomes visible and she parts it to show that her cock tip is just inside the opening. By the time her transformation's done, the head of her penis is poking out and Kurt's face is twisted in surprise and disbelief.

"I can do that too." Jaime gets up and starts to transforming. He has his legs pop into a shape similar to Leneth's--it feels kinda like cracking his knuckles when his legs change. Next, he lets his ears grow longer and his horns form. The tingling on the tips of his ears as they change almost causes him to giggle. The orange of his fur becomes a deep red.

When his muzzle pushes out and gets a bit wider, it feels very warm. He notices a bit of a shocking sensation when his nose area changes. He holds up his tail and sticks out his forked tongue to show it to Kurt as his tail changes. The base of his tail feels hot while the tip feels tingly during its transformation. Now that he's more used to transforming, he's noticing more sensations.

Moaning softly, he plays with his nipples while they get bigger and more sensitive. Then his balls and sheath get bigger and he moans louder. It feels like his sheath is being stroked from the inside as it enlarges. He resists having his horse cock poke out--that's going to be a surprise the next time he has sex with Kurt. The changes in his pussy and ass cause him to arch his back and he almost loses control of his flared penis. This form feels even better than his normal one.

"Damn, Jaime, you're well hung when you're like this--and Leneth, is the head of your penis bigger in that form?" Kurt leans forward to get a better look.

Leneth strokes the head of her cock and bucks her hips as it comes out a bit farther. "Yeah, the whole thing's a bit bigger. Not as big as Jaime, he has a--"

Jaime puts a finger in front of Leneth's mouth. "Shh! It's a surprise."

A puzzled look forms on Kurt's face. "Both of you look amazingcool and beautiful. I've never seen any anthro that looks like that... How is what just happened to you two even possible?"

Excitement rockets through Jaime and he raises his hand. "Can I tell him some of it first?"

Len giggles at him and says, "Sure," before letting go of her cock and sitting next to Kurt.

Kurt looks at Jaime, still in a daze from what he just saw.

The pressure from holding this secret inside causes Jaime to say it all in one solid burst. "I'm part alien; when I got Craddier-Zimblast syndrome I was actually having alien and anthro DNA incorporated into my genome and getting microscopic machines put into me. Those machines are why Leneth and I can transform. Our horns, having both male and female parts, the ends of our tails and the backward bend of our legs are all traits of the alien DNA that is added."

A chuckle from Leneth comes right after Jaime finishes. "Wow, that was fast."

As Jaime talks, Kurt's ears fold down and his face looks more and more thoughtful. After Leneth speaks, he looks into Jaime's eyes. "Hmm, I heard everything you said, but it sounds more like the plot of a movie I want to see someone make than real life... Are you seriously telling me that there are aliens on earth, that you and Leneth are part alien, and that CZ is not actually a disease?"

Holding up a finger, Jaime says, "Yes, but I should say that all the aliens are part alien. They had to alter their DNA to escape an apocalyptical technological plague." He sits next to Kurt.

Kurt shakes his head slightly. "I think you just turned my brain into melted butter. I'm having trouble believing all this even after I saw you two transform. I want to trust you, but it's hard. Maybe I just need some time to digest all of this."

"Now your brain even tastes good on popcorn, cool!" Leneth laughs at her own comment.

Kurt and Jaime chuckle and then Jaime suddenly sits up straighter as an idea pops into his head. "Len, let's show him your space ship."

Nearly falling off the couch, Kurt says. "Space... ship? You mean Leneth owns the kind that actually goes into space? Not the kind that crazy homeless people have that looks more like a dirty box?"

"I could find a dirty box if you prefer the crazy homeless person type." Leneth chuckles.

A belly laugh comes from Kurt. "I prefer the type that actually works."

Jaime giggles and bounces on the couch cushion. "When I saw Leneth's stealth penis, I started to believe her, but when I saw her space ship, I was sure. I still thought I might have hallucinated that entire day, but I'm pretty sure this is all real now."

"Pretty sure?" Both Kurt and Leneth look at Jaime.

A wave of self-consciousness washes over Jaime. "Don't take philosophy class if you want to be sure about your own existence. I'm okay with the fact that I could be a character in someone else's dream, but I'm sure some people aren't."

"I'd be okay with it. If this is a dream, the person having it is incredibly kinky." Kurt smiles.

Leneth nods. "To the space ship?"

Jaime gets off the couch and says, "Of course!"

Getting off the couch, Kurt pulls a bit of lint out of his tail. "Where is it?"

"It's above the house right now. I called it from the hangar in Canada after we had sex because I thought we'd end up showing it to you today. I'm going to have it snuggle up to the door that goes outside from the garage." She pulls out her phone and enters some commands.

"What happens if you lose your phone?" Kurt asks.

"Oh, I can't lose it. The machines inside me give me a sort of 'hot' 'cold' warning if I get too far away from my phone so I can make my way back to it." Her face becomes serious and she goes through another couple menus. "We're cleared for geosynchronous orbit. You two feel like leaving the atmosphere?"

Jumping up and down, Jaime says, "Definitely."

"Absopositively." Kurt stars jumping beside Jaime, causing Jaime and Leneth to laugh.

"I put blinds on the garage windows for situations like this; we can all board the spaceship naked and Jaime and I stay transformed without anyone seeing us. That is if you two don't mind being cold while we walk through the garage and into the ship." Leneth starts walking toward the garage.

"Holy crap! I just realized why you have an obsession with blinds," Jaime says as he follows her.

Grabbing Jaime's tail playfully, Kurt says, "That does make a lot of sense."

A slight moan comes from Jaime when Kurt rubs the end of his tail. "That feels good."

"What? When I do things like this?" Kurt takes the end of Jaime's tail into his mouth.

Moaning loudly, Jaime stops in mid-step. It almost feels like someone's sucking on his penis. He feels the head of his cock poke out and hides it with his hands just in case Kurt turns him around. "Umm, I like that, but I'm pretty sexed out for now."

Letting go of Jaime's tail, Kurt says, "I'll have to remember how sensitive your tails are. That was fun."

Jaime relaxes and his penis goes back in while Leneth giggles excitedly. She opens the door to the garage in a silly melodramatic way. "The adventure starts here. I will be your guide for today... Follow me." she says with a slight bow, before stepping into the garage. Jaime and Kurt chuckle at her antics.