A stroll through the woods

Story by Arti Collie on SoFurry

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Running through the woods Jam just had to get away, away from them eyes of lust and want, that sound of the beast chasing after him right on his heals as he sped through the woods. The golden retriever only came for a walk in the woods, to see what it was at night, his pink colourful dress and sucking on his lollypop with his cute golden eyes and perky butt showing then he saw those eyes and he started to run. His body was covered in cuts and his clothes where torn as he ran through bush after bramble after tree, hearing the thuds of the heavy paws behind him and that warm breath on his back, it seeming the chase was lasting forever, his heart pounding and his paws hurting. Finally, the end of the chase came and it came in a rush of power, amidst a wild exchange of punches and slashes that degenerated Jam throwing wild punches at the form to him just flailing around, all instincts telling him to run and escape, fear striking in his very bones. Jam ended up half-buried in the ground, his now damp fur covered in mud and brambles and little streaks of blood from the cuts of the brambles and his cuts and bruises ached, and his heart still pounded, and he could whimper and whimper as he looked up at the feral beast standing over him as if it was going to clamp its jaws on his neck, devour his flesh and drink his lifeblood. How weird it was, that he felt most alive when faced with such a deadly being. He reached up, ran his fingers down Arti's cheekbone, through the blood on his pads and clawed through a new wound on his chest, just to see the fury, the intense vitality in the multicoloured eyes piercing his. He was crushed against the ground by Arti's weight, the dogs body large with feral fur and his muzzle in a snarl looking more like a wolf, felt their furs mingle a rough wild texture on a smooth combed texture blood and dampness of his fur from the ground still on his skin mingle, spread, streaking them both with red, warm wetness. He screamed when teeth clamped down on his shoulder, just over his neck, arched against the heavy, muscled body trapping him, struggling to feel no more, no more pain. His clothes had already been torn beyond repair, but Arti apparently didn't intend to tolerate them at all. A loud rip and Jam was bare, except for the mud and the blood painting primitive designs on his skin. The remnants of his shirt followed quickly rrip rrip rrip, and Arti bit him again, rough, clawed hands running all over his fur and skin with no regard for his wounds. Jam struggled as much because he was too stubborn to submit, even then, as because he wanted more of that touch, of these rough pads exploring him callously, possessively. His thighs stretched apart by two strong forepaws and he saw the massive bright red hard cock grinding on his sheath, the Collie grinning down at him as he looked back up in his predator's eyes, fear really kicking in as the dick lowers down and pushes into his spread cheeks the tip on his tailhole. The shaft being way to big he felt it start to force its way in, before he could react his asshole was just being stretched wider and wider which brought tears to his eyes until with a hard buck it thrust in making the dog under the Collie scream. it hurt enough on its own with just that much in but he felt it push deeper and deeper into him. It tore and burned, and he could feel the dogs rough fur running all over his fur, searing him inside. It was madness and bliss together. He wanted more. When the Collie pushed all the way in he held it in there, making the other small dog sqwirm and cry at being so overloaded then he started to pull out, pulled almost all the way out and then seriously started to thrust, he screamed; there was just no way to keep silent. His legs wound around his waist, as if he could lend more strength, force him in deeper, keep him longer, as if he could actually control the feral beast who was fucking him through the forest floor. Arti snarled, bit him again as he pulled out of him. Jam hissed, eyes narrowed, nails clawing at his back, tightened the hold of his legs desperately to bring him back. "Down, bitch," Arti growled as he negligently slapped his thighs apart. Jam hissed again, rearing up to bite his jaw to the muzzle looking down at him. The world whirled, and then he was face down in the leaves and the muddy earth, and he scrambled to find something to brace himself against. Then there was a heavy, burningly hot body pressed against his back, and arms like steel bands around his waist, lifting his hips he yelled his outrage at being on his knees, squirmed, struggled to free himself and screamed again as the Collie rammed into him. He ended up with his elbows buried in the ground in front of him, every hard thrust threatening to shove his face down in the mud. Arti was growling nonstop on his back, the sound resonating through Jams body, making goosebumps break out all over his skin. A particularly vicious thrust brushed against his prostate, and he jumped, briefly letting his head fall on his forearm as he panted through the stab of mind-melting pleasure. "... good... good little bitch..."

"Don't call me that!!" he protested, even though hearing Arti's voice, roughened in pleasure, was making his insides twist almost as much as the way the shivers ran through his body. "You're on your knees." Thrust. "You spread your legs for me." Thrust. "You love being mounted." Thrust, again. "You're a bitch." Hot breath caressing his hair, his nape, the bite mark over his bloody shoulder. "My bitch." And before he could protest, sharp teeth clamped down on his nape, a heavy body forced his upper body down even more, arms tightened around his waist. And then Jam realized fully that what he'd thought wild pounding before was tender lovemaking compared to what was happening now. He couldn't breathe, couldn't think, could barely whimper and mewl as the dog fucked him fast and hard. He could feel with excruciating precision the thrusts in his whole body, just as he felt the ebb and flow of Arti's body; the outside world had entirely ceased to matter. And, as it went on, his own pride ceased to matter too. He abandoned himself, closed his eyes, and stopped restraining the sounds rising from his throat. He was alive and being fucked to within an inch of his life, and it was good, so good so good and he didn't even hear himself scream anymore as his world turned white. When he came back to himself, Arti was still moving over him, biting and lapping up the blood on his neck as his hips slapped against Jam's ass. Jam flushed, weirdly embarrassed, as he realized that he hadn't stopped moaning even one second, but couldn't find in himself enough energy to make himself stop. As his grip got tighter, tight enough to pierce the claws in his hips and with a straight back thrust Arti pushed his knot into his ass, it stretching so wide he thought his ass would explode, but with the massive shot of pain came massive pleasure, making him scream out for the dog that was exacting his pleasure on him. Finally, Arti arched over him, hammering frantically as he bit down harder on his neck Jam couldn't breathe, skin tingling so much and then he felt it. The warm seed blasted deep into him in massive waves as Arti raised his muzzle and blasted out a massive howl, it just pumping and pumping more in him with that knot plugging it all in that Jam felt no better pleasure as his own seed shot out of him in a already formed puddle of multiple orgasms, then he passed out, with the dog on top of him laying panting happily with a content look on his muzzle, sleeping together as they are tied.