What happened after the woods

Story by Tygriss on SoFurry

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#2 of What happened in the woods

Well, here we are with the continuation that I promised. Hope you enjoy.

"This gives me the creeps, crawling around a forest at night time like this" a young female puma clad in a black combat suit whispered.

"Why, couldn't you do this again old dog? You have more experience then us rookies in this sort of thing" a young female jackal said somewhat nervously on the comm. Clad in the same suit.

"Because" an old wolf started in exasperation "I lay down my arms long ago, and I'm past my prime now.

Besides, the succubus is more likely to come out for too of the female sex rather then some old wolf. Don't underestimate her, but try to bring her in, not outright kill. Understood?" he said firmly on the comm to the pair.

"Easy for you to say, it's not your ass on the line" the puma explained somewhat anxiously.

"Ssh, what's that sound" the jackal said, swivelling an ear round at a rustle in the bushes.

After waiting a minute, they decided that it was just a forest critter before moving on.

"Talk about an eerie sight" the puma whispered as she spied the craft in the clearing.

"Wonder what's it's doing in plain sight" she thought out loud.

"Maybe the cloaking malfunctioned after it crashed" the jackal said in the hopes that they wasn't walking into a trap.

They put an oxygen mask on, knowing what the alien's scent could do to them as they neared the craft.

"I don't know about this" the puma whispered as they climbed onto the craft, one with a stun gun ready and one with an assault rifle. Her long brown and white tipped tail quivering slightly.

They looked into the cockpit and found to their shock that it was empty. "Hey, what gives? This craft is empty" the Jackal reported as the puma took a closer look.

"Shit" the wolf on the end of the comm exclaimed "get out of there now".

No sooner had that been said when a blue furred figure suddenly appeared in front of them.

Quicker then they could react she ripped the masks from their face and punched them in the stomach, forcing them to gasp and take in a breath.

They quickly covered up their mouths as they realised what this would do to them, but it was too late.

"Get out of there, that's an order" the wolf sounded as the blue furred figure, with black bands of fur approached them.

"Thank you for the two meals old man" the blue furred alien said with a twitch of a long thin ear as she easily dodged a stun shot.

"To hell with this!!" the jackal snarled as she started firing her rifle at the alien.

Her shots where well off the mark though as the aliens scent started to take affect on the pair.

After she had unloaded her gun she dropped it with a horny expression on her face as she began panting.

"Looks like you two need some relief there, mind if I help?" she smiled as she approached a moaning puma, with her stun gun still aimed shakily at her.

"St-stay back" she panted as she desperately rubbed her legs together as the feeling for relief became more intense and this mysterious alien became more alluring to her.

"There's no need for this" she said as she put a black claw tipped hand, on the end of the gun barrel and taking it from her trembling paws.

"Why don't we see to your needs huh?" she whispered as she guided the hapless puma to a laying position as the blue furred alien straddled her face.

A clear tendril snaked on out of her pussy, moaning as the puma eagerly took the wet, clear flesh into her mouth and began sucking.

She turned her head right to find the jackal standing there panting, her combat pants wet through with sex juices from her dripping snatch as her tongue lolled out as she made whining sounds.

"Aww, does the puppy want some too" she said huskily as the jackal positioned her mouth at her entrance as a second tendril snaked into her maw.

By now, there minds had been completely wiped out of everything except for the goddess in front of them as they sucked and swallowed hungrily at the juices that dripped from the pair of tendrils.

I think that's enough of that for now, let's move onto the main course" she said as she withdrew her tendrils and on command like obedient animals, positioned themselves so she could insert a tendril into each pussy.

They cried out in unison as they was penetrated at the same time by those wonderful fleshy tubes as they snaked there way up their tunnels.

Eventually they bumped into their cervix, causing them to howl and mewl loud as they came.

"Mmm, that's it, give it all" the blue furred alien panted as her chest heaved with the sensation of feeling their cum fill her along with their energy.

She suddenly jumped back as she heard a rustle in the bushes, making the girls wince in pain as the tendrils where pulled roughly from their depths.

"Thought you was retired from this" she smirked as a wolf, just starting to grey around the muzzle burst on out.

"I can't let you keep doing this Melgane. Please, let us help you" the wolf tried to reason with her.

"What, you mean like your squad helped my people all those years ago by wiping them out? Fat chance Kira".

She then dashed faster then he could react, flushed with the energy she had took from her victims "and what's more" she snarled as she put her hand round his throat, lifting him off his feet despite he was a good bit taller then her. "Never interrupt me when I'm feeding" with that she sent him flying into a tree as she picked up her oblivious victims, as they writhed for more despite been drained of some energy, and deposited them into her craft.

"Now if you don't mind, I'm going to finish off my two course meal" she grinned in a predatory fashion before taking off.

"Damn it all" the old wolf grunted before passing out.

"Come on, make the drop already" a young, attractive female panther said in a slight snarl as she waited in some nearby bushes with a camouflaged camera.

By profession, she was a photographer for a small newspaper company, she had been given a lead on a local politician who was suspected of been corrupt and they just needed pictures for proof with the story.

But after a run in with a strange alien she had began to feel odd, as though she was constantly on heat.

Which wasn't a problem when she was with her boyfriend, a handsome and strong Jaguar called Rei, or her girlfriend, a pretty tigress by the name of Amber having developed an interest in females now thanks to her run in with the alien.

But when it came to moments like this, it was agony as she rubbed her furred thighs together in a vain attempt at quenching the building fire in her crotch.

She squinted her green coloured eyes as she peered intently through the camera, her targets was about to make there move on an exchange of sensitive information that she had been tracking when she couldn't help herself any more as she let out a quiet moan as juices ran down her legs.

They suddenly froze just before the hand over "maybe some other time" a lion said as he pocketed his package again before turning away and walking briskly.

Waiting a minute for the coast to clear, she came crawling out of the bush "shit, not again" the panther snarled with fangs bared as she cursed.

Just then a pretty tigress, clad in just a pair of green shorts and a short t-shirt came jumping down from a near by tree, landing on all fours and straightening.

After giving her orange and black striped coat a quick dust off she then looked at her partner "did it happen again Jade?" she asked with a half accusing look at the pantheress.

Jade had been able to persuade her boss into giving Amber a chance at been her partner in her job since she found out that she really lived with her parents.

Amber had also revealed soon after moving in with Jade that she hadn't had a boyfriend in the last year due to her feelings toward her, but made up the lie knowing that she wasn't into other girls. Until the whole alien incident that is.

"What?!" Jade said at her accusing stare.

"Well, I was just thinking that maybe I should take over. At least we might start getting paid then" Amber said, part annoyed and part jokingly.

"Piss off, you know that I've been to see a doc about it but they can't figure it out either. They wouldn't if it's some unknown alien affect" Jade said defensively, swishing her tail in agitation and laying her ears flat before she grimaced and mewled as another stream of juices ran down her leg.

Unable to take the scent of it anymore, Amber dragged Jade into a toilets that was near the park they was in and proceeded to lick her folds when they got into a free toilet and bolted the door.

Jade moaned as her hot fluids came running freely from her depths as Amber's tongue delved into her dripping furry slit, moaning and rubbing Amber's head as the young tigress eagerly gulped them down whilst she fondled her own small breasts.

The amount of cum that flowed from her pussy just kept continuing, with the scent only growing stronger the more Amber ate out of Jade's pussy as she delved two fingers deep inside of her own leaking hot tunnel. The scent and taste been more then enough to turn her on.

After about half an hour of Jade's almost non stop fluids, she told Amber that she was sated enough.

"Well good" Amber panted as she washed the fur around her face and her own cum covered hands with one of the crappy little sinks they had there "any more and I think I would of burst from your amount of cum. Not that I'm complaining about the taste like" Amber said as she licked her lips and rubbed her stomach.

"Come on, we have to get something back to the editors desk by noon otherwise we'll both lose our jobs after another botch up" Jade said in an urgent tone, still panting a little as they exited the park and headed for the town to look for a story.

"This is your third botch up this week girl, what's the matter with you lately?" a handsome Fox said from behind a desk in a small building as he eyed her pictures that was hardly noteworthy.

"Now I agreed to let your friend work with you as a partner because I knew that you had a good eye for these things and trusted that she would be a valuable asset to your work.

But lately, all that I've been seeing is nothing but snapshots that would hardly catch the attention of the public or make for a half decent story.

We're a small newspaper press here, barely keeping our heads afloat. If you can't produce anything decent by next week, then I'll have to let you go" the fox said sternly but Jade could see the look in his eyes that he didn't want to.

"It's not her fault!" Amber blurted out, her striped tail lashing angrily as she defended her love.

"Calm down Amber" Jade cautioned her friend "I'll be sure to, sir" she said before turning about to exit the office.

"Are you alright there girl" the fox said gently "I noticed that you have a heat scent about you, but I thought you had finished that a month ago".

Looking around the building, Jade noticed that several of the workers had stopped work and was sniffing the air with their noses with her intoxicating scent in the air.

"I-it's nothing sir" Jade said as she dashed on out of the building with Amber in her wake.

Jade kept on running, even after she had left the building as head after head was turned by her strong heat scent.

"Jade, wait!" Amber cried as the female panther ran for the outskirts of town.

Stopping as soon as she got out of town, Jade bent over with her sides heaving "damn that bitch Melgane for messing my body up like this, if ever I see her again I'll tear those tentacles from her body" Jade snarled, tail lashing furiously and claws extending and retracting as she got her breath back.

Amber managed to catch up with her, her fur damp with sweat "a-are you...okay, Jade?" she panted, bent over panting.

"Course I'm not" Jade growled after she caught her breath "how am I supposed to keep on living like this when I keep drawing unwanted attention from every guy, and in the odd case girl?" Jade said in frustration as she grated her fangs together.

"Well, why not pay that wolf a visit. What was his name?" Amber puzzled out loud.

"Kira" a deep voice supplied.

"When did your voice get so...oh hello Rei!" Amber exclaimed in surprise as she saw the big 7ft tall Jaguar walking towards them.

"Come on Jade, let's see that old wolf. He seemed to know something" Rei said in a gentle, rumble of a voice as he put his hands on Jade's shoulders.

"Yeah" Jade said with a sigh, turning round to press her head against his broad chest.

Rei couldn't help a smile as his girlfriend cuddled up to him as she enjoyed the feel of his muscles, with him running his hands through her dark fur.

The moment was spoiled however as Jade felt something press against her crotch "not you too" she said in exasperation as she saw his erection caused by her scent.

He turned his head away in a rare show of embarrassment, whilst Amber chuckled at the pair.

"And what are you laughing about miss wet pussy" Jade shot at her as she spied that Amber had made a bit of a wet spot on her thin green shorts with watching the pair and Jade's scent.

The pair laughed at Amber's reaction as she dabbed at the spot with her tail in a vain attempt to dry it up.

As they climbed into Rei's car, he immediately opened all the windows to vent the smell so's they wouldn't become too intoxicated by her scent.

"I'll gather things didn't go well then" he said as they drove to the clinic where Jade was brought after she had been rescued from the alien, Melgane.

"No" they both both agreed before Jade added "the affects seem to be worsening slowly. Soon I'll be nothing more then a walking sex machine" she said downheartedly as the car made it's way to the clinic.

They both wanted to say something comforting, but their heads where starting to get foggy from her scent even with the open windows.

As they pulled up to the clinic though, Rei shut the windows in his car before locking the door "hey, what gives?" Jade said as she clamped her legs shut to stop her from feeling herself as the sensations returned anew.

"Thought we'd better relieve you now, before we walk into the clinic and have every male not bedridden after you" Rei said as he turned round in his seat, looking at her with a far off wild look in his eye that both frightened and excited Jade.

Jade tried to protest, knowing that wasn't the only reason but was stopped as she felt a nose press against her folds as Amber shoved her head down her shorts to inhale deeply before pulling out with a feral look and proceeded to kiss her with hunger on the mouth.

No longer caring as to the reason, they both moaned as there furry lips locked and caressed each others face, Jade hardly noticed as Rei scrambled through the seats and pulled her shorts off to stuff her full with his ten inch cock, causing her to moan into the kiss as Amber put her hands underneath her blue vest to fondle Jade's furry D-cup bust.

It was a good job that Rei's windows where tinted so no one could peek in as they mated like a group of feral s, with Amber grinding her crotch against Jades mouth in which Jade would delve a pink tongue into her folds, and Rei who's massive length would stretch her entrance wide before pulling out and plunging back in again.

They ended up all climaxing at the same time, with Rei filling Jade right up with hot seed and Jade who was french kissing

Ambers gushing pussy with all three of them making guttural noises as their claws dug into the car seats and their tails lashing in pleasure.

"I'm glad...it's a...big car" Rei panted as they came down from their peaks.

"That isn't the only thing...that is big around here" Jade said with a cheeky stroke of his still hard maleness, causing it to twitch and an affectionate lick from his tongue. Which set them all off as they tongue cleaned each others fur off, not wanting to go in covered in cum.

As they climbed out, they did attract some odd looks from other furs and making the three feel slightly embarrassed at been heard.

After making sure that they was sufficiently clean enough, and leaving the windows wide open to vent the intense scent of heat and sex. They made there way into the clinic, taking their time to allow the summer breeze to get rid of some of the scent out of their furs.

Despite their precautions, they still got a fair bit of attention whilst they was waiting for the old wolf and were relieved when he came round to collect them.

To their shock, he had a bandage wrapped round his head. When asked about it he just shrugged and said that he simply fell over.

"Anyhow, it's good that you dropped on in. I took some tests from you whilst you was here last time and have discovered some alarming reactions from your encounter with the Succubus.

"First things first, how do you seem to know about this alien creature?" Rei asked suspiciously.

"That is a subject that I'm not at liberty to discuss right now" Kira said more violently then he intended. "Sorry" he said drooping his ears truth of the matter is that I used to belong to a fighter squadron and word gets about things like that amongst the barracks and that is all I'm going to say on the matter".

"Now, first thing is that I'll have to take some more samples. Just in case my theory was wrong you understand" he said gently towards Jade.

"Fine, I just want my life back on track is all so if it helps then go right ahead" Jade said feeling a bit of hope of having her body back under control.

The tests took about half an hour, which by then the room had started to smell strongly of Jade.

Even the old wolf was having a hard time keeping a clear head as he ran through the results. "Just as I thought" Kira muttered before saying out loud "a bit of good news then is that my calculations where right, these tablets should help you for now with the side affects though you might experience some slight loss of pleasure during sexual activities.

"Guess it would be worth it for now, but please try to come up with a permanent cure without the side effect" Jade said in swallowing the pill.

"I'll do my best on it, rest assured" Kira assured her.

After they had all left though, the old wolf flung the window wide open and breathed in a big lungful of air to try to clear his head before telling the reception to not send anyone in for a while to his room.

"Well, at least there was some success there" Amber said cheerfully as they made their way to the car.

"True, not looking forward to the side affects though" Jade admitted. Since becoming more sexually active she realised that she would miss been able to feel as much pleasure.

"I take it that I'm not the only one though who found that Kira's reaction to be be a little strange am I?" Rei suddenly spoke up.

"Hmm, he DID seem a little odd when you mentioned about that alien" Amber admitted with her ears flicking thoughtfully.

"He's hiding something" Jade agreed "but we have our own problems to be getting on with. Like securing our position again in our job for instance".

The next few days where spent with the pair of female felines working their butts of to make up for the lack of pay recently, not to mention putting themselves back in the good books of the editor.

"Well, glad to see that whatever has been ailing you has passed now" the fox behind the desk smiled as he looked through the photos.

"Yep, she's back to been her old self again. For good or bad" Amber said with a cheeky grin, earning herself a swat on the head.

"Yeah, I'm back to my old self so don't worry about a thing" Jade said with a smile and a glimmer in her green eyes whilst Amber rubbed her striped head.

"And you also did pretty good for capturing the nature and beauty on our planet in some of the photos, I knew I could rely on my beautiful little pussy" the fox said with a sly grin, typical of his species as his bushy tail waved in amusement.

Jade turned her head in embarrassment at that comment, he used that line from time to time to embarrass her but it was just in good fun.

"Ooh, looks like you've got a foxy admirer" Amber giggled outside as she ducked another swat from Jade.

"It's not like that, and besides you know people generally frown on cross species".

"Some would frown on our relation, it shouldn't matter what others think as long as it makes you happy" Amber said as she wrapped a tail round Jades black one and held her hand as they headed for their little village.

Jades black fur bristled a bit at the intimacy in public before she realised that she was right "ahh to hell with ideals, if I can't be open with the ones I love then anyone who says anything can fuck themselves" Jade thought as she stopped and caught Amber's mouth in her own in a deep, passionate kiss.

A few people stopped to stare at them as they kissed, one or two made tutted at them but was drowned out by some whistles from the males who where watching and a general smattering of applause for their boldness.

"Is that open enough...for you?" Jade said slightly breathless with a grin.

"I can't...believe that you just did that" Amber said panting and suddenly feeling very turned on by her actions.

Same could be said for Jade, as she grinned and looked at the onlookers who was applauding them.There was something very arousing about been so open as she suddenly wanted nothing more then to be with Rei and Amber in a very intimate session in bed.

Pulling a flustered Amber along they made their way to their house that they now shared in the village, as they got a few good natured jibes from those who had seen them or otherwise just heard.

The sky began to darken as the pair of felines neared the house. Soon they where making a dash for the cover of the house as a steady rain began to fall.

They stopped only once they had got to the little roof that jutted over the door way of the house. They shook themselves vigorously, shaking off as much water as possible and then laughed as they saw the state of each others fur as it stood all frizzed up.

"I think we'd better dry off, we look a mess right now" Amber giggled as they entered the house.

"We're back Rei" Jade called cheerfully as they closed the door behind them, but no reply came. "Huh must be out then" Jade muttered aloud as she looked around the room. Been typical of their species it was usually kept quite clean and tidy.

They closed the curtains before stripping their meagre amount of clothing off. "I'll get the shower warmed up" Amber said with a cheeky wink before making her way towards the bathroom.

However, Jade for some reason was feeling frisky right now and when she saw Ambers sexy butt with her tail waving almost as if in invitation, she just pounced on her from behind.

"Ow, J-Jade, what's gotten into you" Amber panted and struggled as she was pinned underneath the black feline as she groped her breasts and nipped her ears.

"I-I don't know, I just feel so wet right now though" Jade said as she panted.

Amber couldn't work out what had gotten Jade so worked up until she noticed through her strong sex scent that their was another that had entered the room, and this seemed to have a very enticing smell.

Suddenly, she heard an amused chuckle from behind as a strange looking blue vixen, Melgane padded towards them both.

"You" Amber said as she stood up as Jade's grip seemed to loosen, fur bristling in fright at the sight of the blue and black furred alien as she made her leisurely way towards them.

"Ohh, why so tense, your friend looks glad to see me after all" Melgane said with a calm smmile running across her slightly pointed muzzle.

At this Amber whipped her head to Jade and saw that her eyes where glazed over as she panted heavily as her pussy seemed to drip constantly with need. Her pussy dripping constantly with the juices running down between her furred buttocks.

"What have you done to her?" Amber said as she tried to shove Jade off of her.

"Keep her there for me would you Jade" Melgane purred as Jade obeyed like an obedient pet as she wrapped her arms round Amber's.

"Jade, w-what are you doing?" Amber gasped as she tried to brake her grip.

"Do you know that our scent acts like a toxin to the mind? If our intended prey escapes then the scent slowly weakens the mind and heightens the need for sex" Melgane said as she approached the tigress from the front and gently held her chin in her hand.

Gazing into those feral eyes, and coupled with the increasing scent in the room as well as Jade's leaking pussy who would moan softly as her need to be pleasured increased, Amber could feel her resistance slipping away form her as a fire seemed to start inside of her.

"Why? Why come back for her, didn't you do enough to her the last time?" Amber said through pants as her claws extended and retracted as she fought to keep control.

"But we always finish off our prey" Melgane said in amusement, a long thin ear flicking in amusement to her struggles.

"P-pleeease" Jade moaned as she started to hump Amber's butt as her need for release became intolerable as fluids ran in a small stream down Amber's butt.

"In a minute, first let's get our friend properly ready" Melgane said, swishing her bushy end tail as she bent down so her crotch was level with Ambers partly open mouth as she gasped slightly to the feeling of the warm fluids running down her furry butt cheeks and Amber's rough thrusts.

Amber's eyes flew open as she saw two clear tendrils emerge from Melgane's beautiful red pussy, as they made their way inside of her mouth.

Amber thought to clamp her mouth down on them until they started dripping a fluid down her throat which turned the fire inside her into a raging inferno as she suckled hungrily at the aphrodisiac like fluid.

"Well, looks like your good and ready" Melgane said with a smirk after a minute had passed and she withdrew the dendrils back inside herself.

"You can release her now, Jade" Melgane commanded her. Straight away as soon as Jade released her grip on her, Amber rolled over and wrapped her arms round her as she kissed with feral passion and pressed her slit up to Jade's who growled in ecstasy as they furiously rubbed their vaginas against each other.

Melgane stood back, watching her hapless victims as they lost themselves in bliss as she thought as to how much more fun it was when she had two victims to play with then one as she snaked a pair of tendrils out of her slit and positioned them above their rubbing pussies.

Just as they lifted their throbbing pussies up to squish them against each other, Melgane struck as she thrust her tendrils into their pink holes.

They both paused at the same time before Amber screamed in ecstasy at the new feeling, as Jade gasped in relief as she had an instant orgasm.

Jade was so sexually worked that even the tendrils had a hard time keeping up with the explosion of juices, with a little seeping out of her pussy.

Melgane moaned with her own pleasure at this as she sucked up the female panthers juices, smiling at the thought of taking both of their eggs and energy as she remembered the fun that she had with the Jackal and Puma. They had enjoyed it too, until she started draining them of their life energy that is.

Amber writhed at the feeling as the clear tendril slid in deeper of her, she had never experienced anything like it. Not even with her last boyfriend who had quite the impressive tool.

Yet Amber was subconsciously aware that if she did orgasm, she would be giving Melgane access to her energy and had to bite her tongue, drawing blood with her sharp teeth as Melgane's tendrils entered through her cervix.

"It looks like she's been stubborn, give her a hand for me would you?" Melgane purred to Jade.

Slipping her long, black tail past Amber's aching vagina and into her well greased butt, aided by the juices that had dripped from Jade's vagina earlier.

Amber let out a roar that shook her entire lithe frame as, the combined assault been too much for her as she experienced an orgasm and pleasure that was beyond anything she could of thought as the tendrils eagerly took the pair of their juices and energy as the tendrils sought out their ovaries where Melgane could begin taking their little eggs into herself and fertilising as her own.

"Mmh, that's it" Melgane moaned as her hands rubbed her belly and her breasts as her womb was starting to fill with their juices "there's no point in resisting, just give into it and enjoy whilst it lasts".

Melgane's feral eyes seemed to glow with energy as she took theirs as her fur took on a quality that looked exquisitely soft and beautiful, taking on an almost purple sheen to it.

Amber realised that she wouldn't last too much longer like this as she felt her energy start to leave her, whilst Jade seemed to have as much energy as before, probably due to Melgane's scent working on her from earlier on.

"Jade please stop, I-I can't last much longer like this" Amber begged but seemed to fall on deaf ears as Jade humped maddeningly at her, rubbing her D-cups against Amber's small B-cups.

Just then though, the latch on the door moved and the door swung open as Rei walked in.

"Hi girls, I had to go out and..." he trailed off as he saw the scene and his head reeled from the heavy sex scent in the room.

"Y-you, what are you doing here" the big Jaguar stuttered as he tried to gather himself.

"What do you think you big idiot? I'm here to finish devouring their energy and taking their children for my own" Melgane said mockingly with a cold smirk as his face creased in anger.

"Not if I can help it" he snarled, lunging for her with drawn claws.

However, Melgane easily managed to grab his arm and dodge his claws, despite the difference in size.

"Hm, nice try but I'm not as weakened as last time when you took that cheap shot at me" she said calmly.

"A real pity you had to come hear, because now you'll have to witness me taking your girlfriends life" she said as she delivered a kick to his ankle.

There was a sickening crack as she broke his ankle in one powerful kick, a roar of pain erupting from his mouth as she then swung him into a wall, the impact knocking the breath out of him.

"R-Rei?" Jade stumbled, her boyfriend's pain causing her to partly snap out of her state and then turned to see Amber who's striped coat looked dull and her body seemed quite drained.

Jade winced in pleasure as she started to draw the tendrils from hers and Amber's pussy, catching Melgane's attention.

"How did you? WAIT" Melgane shrieked as Jade inserted the tendrils into her mouth and bit down hard, penetrating the fleshy tube's with her sharp teeth and using her claws for purchase on the slippery tendrils, tore part of her tendrils off.

She gave a piercing scream as she clutched at her tendrils and writhed in sheer pain on the floor as she repeatedly cursed her until she passed out from the agony.

Jade felt sorry for what she had done to her, but she could not forgive her for what she had done to herself or her girlfriend and boyfriend, as she got up on shaky legs and stumbled over to where Rei was.

"Are you alright?" she said weakly to him.

"Just great" he grunted as he tried to move his foot and gave a growl as pain lanced through it.

Amber wrapped her black tail round his arm comfortingly, before she remembered where she had last stuck it.

"Wait, don't take it away" Rei said as he cradled her tail before she could explain to him.

"What... happened here?" as Jade's neighbour, an old Rabbit morph said as he entered Jade's house, all the noise having him concerned for her.

"Better call a doctor" Jade said as she looked at him before her green eyes closed as sleep overtook her.

Luckily, they had Kira's name and number next to the phone "what has happened here?" the old rabbit said quietly as he waited with the three of them.

"I'm still awake you know" Rei grunted from the bed in which the rabbit had helped him upon, given his busted ankle. And after doing so, promptly opened the windows because despite his age, the smell of such intense female sex in the room was causing him some discomfort.

"Oh, I'm sorry about that" the rabbit said apologetically "just what is this creature though?"

"The less said the better" he grunted from the bed, but then realised an explanation of some sort was in order "but I can tell you that she is an alien who lives on the energy of other females, and they where almost her next victims".

Looking at Melgane, the old rabbit noticed the tendrils from her apparent pussy which was still moist, causing him some slight perverse thoughts before quickly turning away.

In a matter of minutes, Kira had pulled up in an ambulance and had set about his business of injecting Rei with a nano solution to repair his ankle.

Having assured the neighbour's fears that everything was under control now, Kira sent him on his way.

"There, should be good in a matter of days" Kira said with a kind smile at him.

"I think you owe us an explanation pal, we know you know more then you are letting on" Rei growled as he got into a sitting position.

"I'll second that" Jade groaned as she came round.

"Alright, you have me" the old wolf sighed, drooping his ears a little "as I'm sure you have suspected, I'm not an ordinary doctor.

I used to belong to the SDF (Space Defence Force) when I was just out of my cub years.

It seemed like the best thing to do really at the time, you know protecting the peace of space and the colonies.

But one day, a space exploration team found a planet in the far reaches of space that actually supported life without having to mess with the planets atmosphere.

However, the planet was already populated by intelligent life forms like Melgane here".

"So you DID know her real name then?" Amber stated.

"How long have you been up?" Jade said, eyeing her suspiciously.

"Since the start, I was just gathering myself is all" Amber said with a twitch of her whiskers.

"Can I continue?" the old wolf said rather testily at the pair.

"Sorry" Jade said as she looked apologetically at him with her green eyes "do continue".

"As you said, they where like her but they harboured no such thoughts as Melgane did. Things went well as we tried to establish peace with their kind until a few of our number got close to them and the Succubus started coming into their heat cycle.

Since the males on their planet seemed to be of a similar design to that of our females, they was inevitably drawn to them.

You see on their planet, they only live for 30 earth years, but when they mate they take the eggs stored in their males and any life that is left, they also take so as to extend their own life's in order to bring up their offspring.

In return they usually give birth to about five offspring to see that their numbers don't dwindle".

"Wait a minute, last time Melgane had taken my eggs but she didn't become pregnant" Jade interrupted as she looked the the unconscious succubus's flat stomach.

"That's because when they give birth to their cubs, they are covered in a type of embryo like substance, where they finish developing.

They start off around the size of a golf ball and rapidly grow before slipping off of them once fully deveoloped" Kira explained patiently.

"Anyway, long story short they developed a taste for our life energy after realising that it could sustain them more then their own males could and feasted on every female morph that was on the planet who was trying to learn them and make peace.

Fearing that one day they would gain space travel from what we had taught them, my group was dispatched to wipe them out, fearing their abilities and strength gained from taking our energy. And their ability to manipulate the females mind and heat cycle.

I found a survivor after we thought that we had wiped out them all and couldn't bare to kill the child. So I took her on and gave her to a friend to raise, hoping that we could teach her different from her own people. But I guess the instinct is just in them for it" Kira said drooping his tail.

"So you became a doctor to make up for what you did huh?" Rei commented gruffly.

"Yes, I'm just sorry you lot had to get wrapped up in it" Kira said apologetically.

As the old wolf made for the door, Jade asked him what was to become of Melgane "she's of no threat now with her tendril ends torn off like that, we'll try to find somewhere where she won't do anyone any harm" he said as he hefted her onto his shoulder, surprising them as to how strong he was despite his age and left.

Meanwhile as Kira drove, Melgane regained consciousness "Kira, w-where" she began but the old wolf hushed her up.

"Don't worry my dear, I know of somewhere where you will be safe to raise you're children. You can't hide them forever in that little craft of yours now, especially with some of them reaching full developments soon" he said as he stroked her blue tail.

"You would help me, even after everything. Some would call that stupid, even treacherous" Melgane said, uncertain about why Kira would still help her.

"I know" He sighed "but I refuse to be an instrument to a species extinction".

Melgane looked at him and for the first time, it was a look of compassion in those slitted eyes "thank you father" she whispered bringing a smile to the old wolfs furry lips.

A couple of days later, Rei's ankle had healed and they decided to visit the woods where it had all started now they didn't have to fear Melgane.

They lay there in the clearing where the craft had crashed, looking up at a clear blue sky and the trees.

Rei and Amber turned to look at Jade, captivated by how beautiful she looked with the sun making her black fur shine "you can stop staring now" she said in an amused purr as she cracked an eyelid to look at them.

"How can we not" Rei purred back as he flopped his tail over her body, just as Amber laid her head on Jade's bely fur. The three of them hardly wore anything due to the hot weather, and in certain areas it was permitted to go around topless if you felt like it. Regardless of gender, been covered in fur.

"One thing that old wolf didn't go into details about is what he's going to do with her eggs, or Melgane for that matter" Rei thought out loud.

"Dunno, don't think he will have her killed though. I think he feels responsible still" Jade muttered in a relaxed, lazy way.

"One good thing came out of this" Amber said, turning so she looked Jade straight into her beautiful green eyes.

"What's that?" she said looking back into Amber's brown eyes as she stroked her fur between her small breasts.

"It brought the three of us together, silly" Amber replied as she playfully nuzzled between her breasts, giving Jade a warm feeling.

"That it did" Rei amended as he stroked her glossy head fur, pausing to lightly pull on an ear tip as he did so.

"So why don't we celebrate it then?" Amber said as she cheekily slipped a hand down her shorts and rubbed her pussy.

"Ahh, d-don't, not here" Jade moaned at Amber's touch.

"Why not, shy?" Rei said mockingly as his strong hands massaged her furred breasts, bringing her nipples to attention as he kissed her upside down on the mouth, making Jade and Rei growl lightly in pleasure.

As the three of them entwined their tails in passion with each other, Amber couldn't help but think at what a turn around her life has had for the better. It may have been odd how they got here, but it had all worked out in the end.