Under The Silver Moon Part 2

Story by Qortez on SoFurry

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((this story contains adult content...a lot of adult content. So if you not interested in such navigate away from this page, if such peaks your curiosity then tell me what you think, I always appreciate feedback.))

Shivering lightly Rachel stared blankly over the frozen waist-land on top the wall of Gorin fortress, the seemingly perfect and smooth surface was surprising to the young mage, she was in awe of how quickly the snow had erased the evidence of the last battle, only the frozen corpses strewn about the walls base paid testament to the previous day.

"Are you trying to catch cold?" Came a familiar voice, the heavy elven accent making it hard to determine if her words dripped of worry or of sarcasm.

"Trena...do you think Tramer..." she paused wondering if it had been a wise choice to bring up Tramer to Trena.

Trena let a sigh as she came up and stood next to Rachel, "You know Tramer, if anyone can pull off getting those stones and getting them here in the nick of time..." she paused, a slight smile forming on her face as she thought back on fond memories, "...it's him...now, let's head back inside." she said gesturing to the nearest doorway leading into the fortress.

The two quickly made their ways into the bowels of the structure, an unpleasant heat greeting them, sweat beading down Rachel's brow, "Too cold outside...too hot inside..." she muttered under her breath. Ever since the Daedrac joined them the fort had been kept much hotter. At first it had confused her as to why they needed such warm temperatures, as a people whom lived in the northern lands they were accustomed to the cold...though when she had enquired of it with her superior it seemed they needed the temperature for their eggs...again she had found such odd, that was until she started to learn of Daedrac society. A long moan reached down the hallway the pair walked, the two girls simply sighed as they continued forward. They soon came on what was becoming a very familiar sight, a pair of Daedrac were courting right in the center of the hallway, the Daedrac stood on four muscular dragon like legs, they held what resembled a scaled human torso which supported a pair of arms, more dragon like than human, though more human than their legs. The male already mounted on top of the female was thrusting feverishly into the female, who moaned in ecstasy as she leaned her torso against the stone wall completely ignorant or simply uncaring of the new spectators.

Trena gave an irritable groan, the pair of Daedrac were completely blocking passage, "I guess we'll just have to wait...." she grumbled, she could not believe how uncivilized the Daedrac were; they held no sense of morality. When they had first arrived the fact neither male nor female wore any clothing other than armor distracted her slightly, though she figured the fact that they did not cover their genitals was due to their physiology, though it turned out they simply liked to be able to have a good fuck in between battles! As she brooded, it took her a moment to realize her eyes and started to linger as the male Daedrac pounded into the female, in and out and at an ever increasing pace, juices dripping down the female's legs quickly creating a puddle on the floor. Blushing lightly she quickly looked away.

"Wow, this one is a fair bit better than the last I watched...got stuck behind...I mean," she paused as she blushed brightly, realizing her words could be taken completely out of context. "I mean...this is taking forever..." she finished sheepishly.

It took Trena all her strength not to chuckle at Rachel's mistake in words, though who could be blamed? Being eternally surrounded by sex, one's mind could not help but wonder...or at least she kept telling herself that. Before she could say anything though, the male let out a triumphant roar as he reached his climax, the female screamed in ecstasy as excess seed started to drip down her thighs. The pair remained still for a long moment regaining their breath enjoying the sweet feeling of afterglow, "Sorry for blockin' the way..." the female stated in an apologetic tone.

"And for talking so long...she was just so tight I had to enjoy myself." the male added in a passionate tone as he pulled out, dismounting from the female.

Trena ground her teeth. It was bad enough their conduct was done so casually, the fact they talked so casually about the act burned at her even more. "Can we pass...?" she said in the calmest voice she could muster.

"Yes, watch your feet though, we made a bit of a mess..." the female stated, pointing to the combination of seed and her own juices that had pooled on the floor, a dripping sound caused the female Daedrac to blush, "It seems I'm still dripping.".

Swallowing Trena held her tongue, walking past the pair, she and Rachel quickly made their way down the hallway, though not to anyone's surprise, the heavy smell of sex did not waver.

"I'm going to take a nap..." Trena stated as they neared her room, "I'll see you later, we should meet in the dining hall for dinner before our next watch starts" she added quickly vanishing into her room, the latch to her door locking a little louder than she would have liked.

Rachel smiled mischievously as the elf vanished from view into her room; there was no mistaking what she was up to. Continuing down the hall Rachel pondered on what to do till dinner time; the Fortress didn't offer much in the line of entertainment.

Trena leaned against the door, biting her bottom lip as she listened for Rachel to walk away. After what seemed like an eternity, her hand quickly found itself venturing to her nether regions, a leather and plait skirt covered her, though under that only a thin layer of fabric covered her most intimate parts. She arched her back as she found herself already soaked, how could I be so turned on by such beasts? She thought to herself as she began to rub feverishly, the thought of the male Daedrac on-top the female, simply dominating a female. Whenever he feels the need quickly pushed her over the edge, falling to her knees, Trena shook in pleasure, her muscles clenching around her fingers as she explored her own insides, biting at her lips she continued to probe, herself digging deeper into her tight hole, not yet satisfied, "Tramer..." she moaned as she collapsed to her side and added another finger inside her pussy.

Rachel let a sigh as not too long after Trena had retired to her room, finding herself blocked again by another pair of Daedrac fucking away. This pair was a fair bit younger and clearly less experienced as the male pounded away feverishly with single-minded determination.

All the same Rachel found a familiar tingle forming between her legs, looking to see if anyone was about, and with Trena clearly going to be occupied for a bit...her eyes darted about as a hand reached down to crotch, as she had been given the day off she was wearing a rather simple red skirt. Her favorite skirt was rather long, falling just above the knees. Just a simple touch sent a shockwave through her body, biting her tongue all her fears began to melt away, "They won't care...in fact they would probably be honoured...no one will see...the next shift change is not for hours..." she thought to herself, rationalizing as she began to rub herself through her dress. Before the Daedrac had joined them she had never really put any thought to sex, and so was still unsoiled, but since being constantly surrounded by it her mind had started ponder. Never did she stop rubbing herself as she watched the two Daedrac, occasionally moaning lightly..

The female Daedrac nodded to the male, intrigued by the human that was clearly enjoying the show.

"Would you like a turn?" the male huffed a bit out of breath as he continued pumping in and out of his mate, "Stand in front of Shashara, she'll get you ready" he said with a devious smirk on his dragon like muzzle without waiting for a reply.

"Come now, it feels so much better when another's hands are doing the work." the female, Shashara, added with a suggestive note to her voice.

Rachel froze in place as the pair addressed her, "Get me ready? another's hands?" She thought to herself, though as her mind was paralysed at the idea, with her minds hesitation her aroused body decided to make the call for her, as instructed she walked in front of Shashara, turning her back to the Daedrac she bit her lip, not knowing what to expect.

The female Daedrac moaned as the male mounted on her continued pounding her relentlessly, reaching down she caught the base of the Rachel's long skirt with her claw, pulling up the garment she revealed the girls perfectly smooth skin, a bit pale from not getting much light in the cold climate, though unmarred skin. Above that was a simply bit of cloth covering her feminine parts. The Daedrac never understood human's and Elf's need for such undergarments, in fact all their clothing seemed too confining. With her free hand she caught the fabric of the girls undergarments and with a quick pull of her razor sharp claws cut the fabric revealing the girls already glistening sex. "Was watching us really that exciting?" she whispered into the girls ear gently biting at her earlobe, meanwhile her clawed hand began to explore the human. Tracing around her labia she smiled as she pulled a moan from the girl as she brushed past the clitoris.

Rachel's breaths were now coming in quick gasps, "what am I letting happen?" She thought as she realized her dress was lifted up, her underwear was torn to shreds and a Daedrac was pleasuring her...though before she could think more she let out a deep moan and arched her back as a stout clawed finger pushed inside of her, any doubts or hesitation melted away, all that mattered was the sensation between her legs, bucking her hips against the intruder in her body she looked over her shoulder needling at the male Daedrac.

"I think she's ready...wait?" Shashara paused as she felt around inside the human, "I cant believe it..." she chuckled lightly, "A virgin...." she continued her own pleasure building as she watched the reaction from Rachel as she moved her finger about. "She is definitely ready"

"I have to stop this...I cant let..." she thought again a ping of fear grasp her as the male dismounted from Shashara, his large member hanging very visible, glistening red and well lubricated with Shashara's juices. Though her mind continued to yell her body remained still, letting Shashara continue to probe around her virgin entrance.

Pulling her finger from Rachel's needy lips she quickly rolled up the human's dress, getting it out of the way leaving her completely exposed from the waist down. "Place your hands here," she guided the girls hands to the wall leaving her rump held high in the air, "This might just hurt for a moment...hang in there for a moment though and I promise you wont regret it." Shashara whispered lustfully into Rachel's ear. "Take it slow..." she said sternly, "At first." she added a mischievous smirk lighting up on her face.

The male Daedrac now standing over her there seemed no turning back now, his warm belly rested lightly on her back, she was glad that he turned out just taller than herself, he had to weigh many times her weight, there was no way she could support him as Shashara had. Then she felt it, a very warm and slick member brushing up against her most intimate of places, if any doubt rushed into her mind it was overwhelmed by the sensations that flooded her body as she felt the member start to push inside her. Not too far in though the Daedrac stopped as his member encountered a barrier, her hymen barred his progress, though with a slight jerk forward he pushed passed it without problem. A shriek of pain escaped Rachel's lips, a trickle of blood joined a bead of her juices dripping down her inner thigh. Just as she thought she was going to be torn in two by this massive creature he started to pull out, a deep feeling of relief filled the girl, though he quickly thrust back in, she braced herself, though much to her surprise she arched he back as this time pleasure greater than even when Shashara's finger had been exploring filled her body. She moaned loudly as the male again started to pull out and gasped in pleasure as he plunged back in, getting deeper and deeper with each thrust, her passage stretching to accommodate the Daedrac's girth. Quickly she found herself pushing back against his thrusts trying to seek out as much pleasure as she could, her breath caught in her throat as she could feel his member pushing against her cervix, trying to gain entrance to her womb. No longer able to distinguish pain from pleasure and the simple thought of him invading her most sacred of places, depositing his seed directly to her eggs sent her over the edge, screaming out in ecstasy as her cervix gave way she began to cum, her muscles rippled around the Daedrac's member forcing the male over the edge himself, thick waves of cum jetted from the member coating the inner walls of Rachel's most inner place. Feeling this, her orgasm only increased, bucking against him she continued to scream out, "Harder, fill me...God!! O GOD!"

Hilted in the much smaller female the male took several deep breaths as he continued to pump his seed deep into her womb, normally he would have made sure to pull out, though as this was a unique circumstance he decided against it, quickly the base of his shaft began to swell, and before Rachel could come back to her senses it was to the point he was well stuck.

"You even knotted her?" Shashara said in a Lustful voice as she started to rub her own sex with the tip of her tail, "I was hoping you'd finish...I'm still here..." she said playfully plunging her own tail deep into her pussy.

Rachel was just starting to come down from the afterglow of her first real orgasm, when she tried to pull forward, a slight bit of panic filled the girl as she quickly realized she was very much stuck, "Knotted?" she muttered still rather out of breath overhearing Shashara, "Like a bitch?" she added more thinking out loud more than actually speaking to anyone.

"Yes...just like a dog, how does it feel to be my bitch?" the male Daedrac said playfully.

Reaching between her legs she could feel the mass that was holding her in place, she could not believe her body had accommodated such. Though her thoughts were quickly becoming hazed again, jet after jet of Daedrac seed continued to fill her womb, bringing her hand to her stomach she could literally feel it bulging slightly, the mass of seed being trapped by the males knot it had nowhere to go but to keep filling a very bloated womb, "so much...right in my womb...my eggs...can a Daedrac get a human pregnant?" She thought, against her will the thought set her right into another orgasm, "Pregnant?" she managed to mutter before another orgasm flooded her body.

"I don't know..." Shashara said in between gasps and she plunged more and more of her tail into herself, "But if it's possible you're going to find out!" she said with a smile before her eyes rolled to the back of her head slipping into an orgasm herself.

Rachel lost all track of time as she slipped from orgasm to orgasm, all the while the thought of the Daedrac's seed finding her egg keeping her blood afire. Rachel let a slight shreek as she felt somthing wet and warm brush up agenst her anus, looking behind herself it was hard to see much behond the masive male Daedrac, though her eyes gazing off to the side the sorce quickly became clear.

"Just thought I'd make your first time extra special" Shashara stated with a mischievous chuckle, gently pushing her well lubricated tail into Rachel's secont hole.

It was a odd sinsation as Shashara penetrated her, biting at her bottom lip it took a moment for Rachel to get accosum to this new sinsation, though conbined with the throbing member locked inside her pulsating with seed her body quickly welcomed the intrustion. Moaning as Shashara started to thrust in and out of her ass with her muscular tail Rachel quickly lost all track of time, at least Sevral hours passed before the Daedrac's member had shrunk enugh to let Rachel free, sliping out of Rachel with a wet 'pop'. Rachel just stood in place, bent over heaving for breath, her sex hung open well stretched and a impressive cocktail of Daedrac seed and her own juices flowed down the girls leg to the stone floor, still her stomach remained a bit bulged, her cervix having again closed trapping a massive amount of seed in her womb.

"So, how was it? Your first time?" asked Shashara as she positioned herself behind the young girl admiring her mates work, a very large puddle between her legs and still growing, "It's hard to believe you still have so much inside you..." she added as she caressed the girls stomach, her womb clearly full to the brim with seed.

Rachel collapsed to the ground, overwhelmed by the sensations her body had just experienced, as well the gravity of the situation finally sinking in, "It...was..." she muttered unsure of what to say, "Good..." unable to come up with anything else, the pleasure she had felt undeniable.

"Don't worry girl, it can be overwhelming at first, though it gets even funner the more you do it!" Shashara added in a comforting voice.

Rachel looked up at the Daedrac, "Again?" she muttered, again thinking out loud, "I couldn't ever think about doing this again! ...Could I? It was just a moment of lust that got the better of me...right?" Thinking back on it the sensations...the thought of him depositing his seed in her womb again...for some reason she felt the thought should sicken her....though as she thought on it she found herself getting aroused again, his seed...in me "Umm..." she paused not knowing what to say, "When is your guys next shift off...?" she muttered unsure of what she was doing.

"That soon?" Shashara blurted out, "Roris, I think you made a good impression on the girl!"

"Unfortunately I have an all nighter that is going to be starting in a few hours...but Shashara is free for the next two days, she'll help ya out." he said is a suggestive voice as he made eye contact with Shashara."Well I have to be off, I'll see you two later, and we'll have some more fun when I get back." he added as he turned and started off.

"If your still in the mood, fallow me, I'll show you something I often do to keep myself occupied while my brother is away" Shashara said as she started licking her own juices off her tail.

"Brother?" she asked questioningly, figuring she must of misheard.


"But...that's..." she paused, what place did she had to say right and wrong, her womb being full of Dedric seed...and worse, she still wanted more.

"You and your kind are too up tight, he doesn't knot me since we don't want eggs together...two headed offspring are never good....I'll give ya that, but that doesn't mean...we cant have...fun" she said pausing for a moment at the last part licking the last of her juices of her tail before finishing.

Unrolling her dress to cover herself he bit her lip as she could still fell seed dripping down her legs, the scent of sex was all in the fortress, though she knew the scent she was smelling now was her, her scent, Roris' scent..." the simple idea setting her blood afire. The pair soon entered a darkened cavern deep in the Fortress, a place Rachel had never visited, "What's down here?" she asked questioningly.

Shashara didn't answer right away, instead she lit a torch, reviling a massive chamber lined with pens, animals from horses to attack dogs and cats were strewn about the room. "This room acts as the fortresses stable" she stated calmly, "and..." she paused a devious smirk forming on her Daedrac features, "I'm responsible for the upkeep of these animals, so I'm the only one that ever comes down here..."

Rachel froze, surely she couldn't be suggesting what she thought she was, though the female Daedrac quickly approached one of the pens, where a large attack dog resided, she was going to object, say it was wrong, though feeling a new bit of fluid dripping down her thighs no words formed, instead she simply watched as Shashara entered the pin.

"They're not the biggest...though since I cant knot my brother they are the next best thing." she said with a lustful expression on her face as she lowered her body to the ground. Positioning her rump to face the large dog, and moving her tail to the far side it was clear this was not the animals first time, without pause the dog quickly started to lap at the Daedrac's wet and swollen sex pulling a deep moan from the woman.

Rachel found her hand again rubbing herself as she watched, "This is wrong...that is a beast...a beast...beast..." she bit her lips as lifted her skirt again and quickly slipped a finger into her well used opening, only hours before she had still been a virgin, and now she was contemplating what would have been unthinkable.

"Two pens over...he's a bit more your size." Shashara stated moaning loudly as the dog continued to lap at her opening.

Rachel hesitated for a long moment, though seeing the dog mount Shashara before she turned and ventured to the pen, it was the same type of dog, though about half the size, probably a fair bit younger, "I...I" she paused, she was going to say she can't...she wouldn't...though before she could say either she opened the pen door and ventured in. Her dress already lifted and out of the way the dog did not hesitate in exploring the mass of strange scents and tastes, lapping eagerly at her sex he seemed intent of getting all of fascinating tastes out of her. Moaning she quickly bent over giving the animal better access, still on her feet the dog started to paw at her rear as he lapped at her sex, obediently she quickly fell to her knees, not wanting the dogs tongue to stop, though much to her dismay it did, looking back it did not take long to figure out why, its soft belly fur sliding up on her back bunching her dress up to the middle of her back, it was then her mind again took over, "I have to stop this! This is going to far!" She went to stand though by chance her positioning helped the dog gain a quick entrance into her well used passage, with a eek she fell back to her hands and knees, the beast humping her with single minded determination, "God!, O GOD" Rachel moaned, lifting her hips allowing the dog to thrust deeper, though quickly the animal began to slow, though she looked back lust filled as she felt the base of the animal's member begin to swell, it seemed she was for a long ride just as with Roris, and just as with Roris she quickly began feel wave after wave of heat coming from his member, he was not as deep as Roris had been though his seed was far hotter, so much so she quickly found her pleasure spiralling out of control, just like before the girth of his knot kept any seed from escaping, leaving only one place for it to go. As if a dam inside her gave way she felt the new seed mixing with the old in her womb, the heat sending her into orgasm after orgasm.

Not to far off in the Fortresses stable another had beaten the pair in sampling the livestock.

Qortez shifted about the darkened room, his Dwarf eyes had no trouble seeing in the caverns darkness, "Darned Dadra...Durned Dadra!" he cursed shifting his armour around his waist, "Can't they exercise some control?!" he grumbled as he wandered about, then something caught his eye, there was a one of the attack dogs separated a good deal away from the others, "Hey, why you over here?" he commented as he approached the pin, a faint musk held in the air as he approached, the animal gave a soft wine as it sensed another near by, clearly miserable. "What's wrong?" he asked, Qortez had always been a lover of animals, to see one in pain tore at his heart, petting the animal at the base of the chin he wondered what was amiss, why what this dog separated? The dog rose to its feet excited to be getting attention, "Was that all, ye just lonely?" he asked in a sad voice, one he would not be caught dead using if anyone was about, though before he could say or do more the dog turned away from him pushing its rump toward him, quickly he figured out why it was separated, "She dog...I see" he said seeing her very red and swollen sex, "It seems you're in heat and they don't want to drive the males mad...." he muttered thinking back to the main level...Daedrac fucking everywhere he seemed to look. At the thought he looked back to the female dog in front of him...presenting herself...rubbing his chin he pondered, "She is clearly frustrated, I am clearly frustrated...it would only make sense that we relieve each other..." he thought trying to rationalize his current thought process, "Well...lets see if you really want...that kind... of attention." he muttered as he cautiously placed a finger at the entrance of the dogs slit, without pause the dog pushed against his finger quickly taking it into her passageway, bucking her hips it was clear what she wanted, pulling his finger out the dog let out a wine, "One sec girl..." he said and he quickly went about unlatching his armor, with a clank he soon revealed his member, "Ok Lass, this is what you wanted, Right?" he said positioning his member at her opening, though this time he grasped firmly her hips, keeping control of her as she tried to push back against his member, "I'm in control here" he said dominantly, 'pushing slowly into the dogs passage Qortez was amazed by the warmth, never had he landed Dwarven nor human pussy this tight and warm, the muscles milked at (him) as she started pushing back and humping trying to seek out her own pleasure, "patience..." Qortez muttered enjoying the sensation, and trying not to push himself over the edge too quickly, though the task was proving rather difficult, the dogs tight warm passage milking him made it difficult to retain control, even a experienced dwarf as himself doubted he could last much longer, starting to thrust into his eager mate Qortez let out a moan, he could feel his climax coming when the light of a torch lit the cavern, ducking down behind the door to the pen was easy enough being a stout dwarf, "Darn..." he muttered, biting his lip he did his best to be as quiet as possible, though his mate had other intentions, humping against his member buried deep inside her she pushed back against the dwarf as hard as she could, she was not going to be denied. Just as he was curtain he was going to caught a feminine moan caught his ear, curiosity overtaking any sense of fear the dwarf rose his head to see a Daedrac...not surprising, though something he did not expect was Rachel, what was she doing down here...and what was the Daedracdoing? She was in one of the pins(pens) laying down moaning? Then the he saw the dog mount, he must had been licking her he quickly deduced, "What is Rachel doing?" he muttered out loud, his eyes opened wide as he watched lift her skirt and start pleasuring herself before walking to a pen by herself.

Grasping the dogs hips again Qortez began to pound into the needy female with new determination, hearing the moans of ecstasy from the Daedrac and Rachel in the background set him ablaze, quickly losing himself in the warmth of the bitches passageway his eyes rolled to the back of his head as the dog milked him for every drop of his wet seed. At least to some degree returning to his senses as the afterglow of such a powerful orgasm faded Qortez quickly returned his armor and clothing to the proper places. With stealth much surprising for a Dwarf he made his way out of the cavern, not that the two girls would have noticed him even if he was yelling to them.

It was not till Qortez had reached the frigid air of the outer wall that his mind started to clear, he briefly pondered about approaching Rachel on what he had seen...though quickly decided against it as questions might come up as to what he was doing there.

"Durned Dadra!" he muttered in a agitated tone as he paced up and down the wall. Qortez's stomach sank as peace of black snow landed on his nose, "CALL THE ALARM!!" he yelled as he grasped the handle of [of] his battleaxe that hung from his back. Looking up the sky black snow began to fall from the sky, "again..." the Dwarf stated his voice wary, never did the dwarf think he would fell apprehension before battle. Raising his battle axe high he looked at his reflection on the blade, so many scratches and dings in the massive blade it was hard to even make out his own reflection, "Tramer...time is running thin" he muttered under his breath, on the horizon of the frozen wasteland flying low and fast a mass of blue and green dragons approached.

The bloodcurdling scream of a soldier woke Qortez from a daze, looking about his head throbbed, "What in the name of Baridian?" he muttered holding his head, taking a moment to remember the battle he soon recalled taking a hit by one of the beasts tail, he quickly figured he must had hit his head smarts, the scream again caught his ears, his eyes opened wide as a human soldier laid pinned on the ground on the wall not far in front of him by the massive claws on a blue dragon, Qortez laid frozen his mind still stumbling to regain control as he watched the dragon grasp the soldiers torso in its agape jaws, and with a blood curdling scream the dragon tore the man in two tossing the upper portion of the man in Qortez's detection. Time almost seemed to slow for Qortez as he swore he was able to watch the fire of life fad form the man's terror filled eyes, jumping to his feet a face of pure unadulterated rage on his face he grasped his axe as if detected by some unseen forced, with clear intent he rushed forward, the dragon clearly picked up on the attack, with a lazy but powerful sweep of its tail it turned its back not worried much of its stout attacker. Qortez was not one to fall for the same attack twice, jumping at an impressive height for a dwarf he cleared the the beasts tail, landing in a roll he quickly made back to his feet, the dragon took note its attack had failed, turning to see where the dwarf had made it to turned out to be its final mistake, Qortez's battle axe held high was brought down square on the Dragon's crown cracking bone stood out as the beasts head hit the ground with loud thud from the force of the blow. Placing his boot on the dragons now lifeless head he rocked his axe free from the dragons skull, looking about it seemed the battle was nearing its end, most of the Dragons were in withdraw, a bright flash of light forced Qortez to shield his eyes, looking to the central tower a beam of light erupted piercing a retreating dragon clean through sending the creature falling lifelessly to the frozen ground below. "Only two stones...that sheill be a fearful weapon with all the stone..." Qortez muttered. "the Crimson wall..." he added looking about, when he had first arrived the name had confused him, with the fortresses white stone the name baffled him, though in each battle the name started to make more and more sense, the drainage system designed to let melting snow drain off the wall also directed the flow of blood, small rivers of blood, Human, Elf, Dwarf, Daedrac and Dragon blood flowed as one, draining over the front of the wall staining it crimson red.

"...Sir..." came the exhausted voice of a human soldier, "Your order?"

"You daft!?" Qortez rebuked, "I'm not the commander!"

"...He...he's dead..."

"Commander Yourik's....dead?" Qortez asked a look of profound sadness washing over his features, though as quickly as the expression came it was gone, "Very well, order the men to regroup, tend to the wounded first, get them into the fort and to the medics and healers for treatment..." he paused looking about, "Then we will deal with our dead"

"Yes Sir!" the soldier said as he took attention and saluted.