Autumn Awakening

Story by Ninteh on SoFurry

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A cooling autumn breeze blew through the window at 6:57am, the large figure in the bed that lay beneath it stirred and covered himself up some more with the extra blanket that rested at the foot of the bed. It was finally the weekend and all he could think about was hanging out with his friends today. Getting through the night was the toughest part for him with all his excitement. It wasn't very normal for him to get out much with his friends this time of year, but they had to make it special since it was going to be the first year of college for him and his best friend through high school, Kila, a small black cat with deviously clever eyes that knew if you were lying or not to her. She kept her fur usually a bit more rugged than most felines but it shows from her attitude that she wears it well.

As the fourth breeze blew through the window he slowly stared to move and uncurl from his slumber, stretching his legs and arms out far and flicking his ears. As he got up, he noticed that it was still dark, a bit unusual this time of year, especially where he lived. Stumbling around he went to his dresser and got out a pair of white boxers and slipped them on, then moving towards the closet while rubbing his eyes, trying to find a good pair of long jeans to wear. He picked out his favorite pair, the one that he doodled on during high school and had all the ink from the sharpies and markers washed away, and a few holes, but still comfy nonetheless. As he unlocked his door, he slowly moved across to the kitchen, trying not to wake his parents on the floor below him, finding something to munch on and drink.

As he flicked on the stove to cook two eggs, he noticed the time was already 7:38am, and he was going to meet everyone in about an hour at Kila's house. He quickly broke the eggs, and added a dash of pepper while they sizzled, and once done, threw them on a plate and devoured them quickly. After putting his plate in the dishwasher, he took a glass and poured some milk into it, and dashed into the bathroom, leaving the glass and jug of milk on the counter to fix his hair and get ready. He quickly stared at himself, noticing how well his muscles were coming in from all the extra work he was doing and eating a bit healthier. His dark blue and white fur glistened a bit more as well as he shook it, his large puffy tail moving side to side, obviously enjoying on how well he looked now. He gave himself a small smile and coming back out, he downed the glass in an instant and put away everything, then grabbing his keys, locking the front door behind him and jumping into his car.

It was almost an hour since he last checked when he pulled into Kila's driveway, the trees slowly blowing in the wind and leaves fallen all around her yard. He looked around and noticed that no one else was here yet, as his foot paws touched the rough stone driveway stepping out of the car. Quickly going up to the door and knocking, hoping that he didn't miss anything or was too late, he stood there waiting for someone to answer. Finally, Kila came to the door, poking him as he wasn't paying attention fast enough to notice the door open and almost fell on the floor. The small black cat laughing, then yawning as her tail twitched behind her.

"Flare! ...Well you know, it's not another hour until we actually leave. Ry is over though, his mom dropped him off earlier, go figure that she would, she doesn't like him," Kila said with a tired tone.

"Oh, sorry, was it in an hour? I was way too excited to come."

"Well it doesn't matter now, you can come in if you like, you know where the basement is."

Flare walked into the house and ran downstairs. He jumped from behind the couch and landed with a large thump, waking Ry up on the other couch near him. His white fur all rugged and messy from sleeping on the smaller couch. Ry was a Siberian tiger, almost 6' tall, and very athletic from playing soccer in his youth. He was Flare's other best friend at this time, at least for a male. He was a bit skinny for a tiger, but still was very strong, having a very well toned body. He looked up at Flare and yawned heavily, staring at him.

"Oh great," he started, following up with another yawn, "you could have warned me you know."

"Hehe, well, sorry about that, but I couldn't resist," Flare said with a smirk. "Your just too easy to tease."

"Hey, at least I'm 18 now, so you should start treating me a bit better."

"Maybe!," Flare said sticking out his tongue.

"So dude, what are we going to do today? It's just you, Kila and me today right?," Ry said while getting up, stretching. He wasn't wearing any pants, and just had a pair of red boxer shorts on. Flare couldn't help but notice the outline in Ry's boxers, making him squirm a bit in his pants. He never really got to see Ry like this ever since they met.

"Well... um... yeah! Just us three," Flare said while trying to look at Ry's face instead of his boxers.

"Alright, well we can just stay here for a bit then head to the mall or something, or we can go to the park for a bit."

"That sounds like fun."

As Ry moved to grab his pants on the floor, he bent over, unknowingly showing off his ass to Flare, who just gazed at it, trying to undress him in his mind. As he zipped up his fly, Flare broke from the trance and just in time, Kila came back down with a plate of waffles and two forks. She sat on the couch and Ry sat next to her, leaving Flare on the other one all alone. Both of them started to eat the waffles as Kila turned on the TV so they could watch it for a bit.

"And here lies the problem," Flare thought to himself, clenching his fist a bit from the tease show. Kila and Ry were his best friends, but they were going out as well, leaving neither of them available, especially Ry whom Flare had a crush on since they first met. He knew that it wasn't going to happen either way, Ry told him he was straight when Flare told him he was Bisexual. Flare was a bit disappointed in this, but still accepted it as something better, he would rather keep his friendship with him than lose it over something like that. But there were still times where Flare wondered if he was telling the truth. Ry usually acted a bit more openly around other guys, especially when it came to school, he was always giving back rubs to Teven, a Kangaroo from his class and loved getting them. "He never gave me a back rub... he never even hugged me..," Flare thought again. He closed his eyes and just let it pass through his mind.

After awhile, they became bored and decided to head out to the mall. Flare was driving of course, since he had the only available car at the time, and enjoyed driving. As they drove, they blared music, rock/punk/alternative mix playing, and all three of them sang the words, being silly during the drive. Both Kila and Ry were in the back seat, holding their hands as Flare gazed through the back view mirror to them, and leaning in to kiss, making Flare shudder a bit. He had a girlfriend, one of Kila's friends, a tabby named Rayne, but it didn't work out in the end, they were just two different people, plus she was going to a college far out of state and it wouldn't have been good for the relationship.

Finally, getting into the parking lot of the mall, it wasn't too crowded, but still full enough to not find a good parking space. After searching around, Flare finally parked the car and everyone got out, heading towards the mall. They got inside and decided to check out clothes for a bit, and get out something new. As they walked in, they went around separately to find something they liked. Flare walked over towards a few dark colored shirts, trying to find ones that would make his fur stand out better. As he picked up a brown shirt with a small logo on it, he was bothered by a large lion salesfur.

"Do you need any help there, sir?," the lion said in a sweet tone.

"Um, no thanks, unless you have any suggestions on colours," Flare said nervously asking him.

"Well, the brown looks quite good on you, it shows your muscles, and makes you stand out very nicely...," the lion said with a bit of a sexy tone in it.

"Erm, alright.. Thanks..," Flare said, backing away slowly as the lion stared at him. He knew he was hitting on him, but Flare didn't want to be bothered with it, he wasn't really ready for a relationship yet and it would be too much for him, especially after breaking up with Rayne.

"Hmm? What's wrong husky? Trying to get away from me?," said the lion with a bit more of a harsh tone. "Don't be scared, I'm a very nice lion...,", he licked his lips slowly, "when you get to know me a bit better...!"

Flare dropped the shirt and ran out of the store in a panic, passing by Ry who stared at him, then looked back at the lion whom was watching Flare run with a grin on his face, muttering something Ry couldn't hear. Ry stopped what he was doing and went off to find Flare. He checked the food court, but no sign of him. He was getting worried, when he saw a figure in the back of a corner near a closed store curled up behind the wall so no one could really notice him. It was Flare, he was slowly sobbing into his jeans trying not to make too much of a scene as Ry walked up and went closer to him.

"Flare, dude, what is wrong? What happened back there?," said Ry with a concerned tone, knelling down near Flare.

"He...*sniff* ...he was hitting on me...," Flare stared, trying to hold back the tears, "But I don't want a relationship like that, I don't want people coming on to me randomly, I can't stand it... and I just recently broke up with Rayne, and you remember when I called you about it, I was crying too... aw... geez, sorry bro... *sniff*," Flare started to lose it a little, he called Ry bro because he was very close to him, like the brother he never had. He tried to calm a bit and Ry just stared at him, raising an eyebrow. "..I know you can't stand it when I cry, and I know I shouldn't have just freaked out like that but... I dunno bro, I can't really take something like this, and he was creeping me out.. And.."

And with that Flare moved his arms and grabbed Ry and hugged him, sobbing slowly into his fur. Surprisingly, Ry hugged him back, making Flare jolt a little, thinking back earlier to what he said on how Ry rarely gave him any sign of compassion. He decided to take the opportunity, a once in a life time chance, and squeezed him tightly, showing that he liked him so much. Ry shuddered a bit, and let go, keeping a paw on Flare's shoulder as he pulled away slowly.

"Dude, relax, it's fine. You just worried me, that's all."

Flare stared at him, a tear running down his cheek, speaking quietly, "Ry, ... thanks so much for being my best friend. If only..."

"What was that?," Ry said confused from not hearing to well from the noise at the mall.

"Nothing, I mean,... Ry, I dunno what to say to you anymore...," Flare started to hesitate, panting a bit heavier. He felt that he was starting to get uncomfortable, but not from what happened, he was getting aroused by being alone here with Ry, alone in a corner, with him still touching his body. He couldn't think clearly.

"Flare, something is obviously wrong, want me to get Kila and we should head home?," Ry said, trying to control Flare a little.

"NO!.. I mean.. yeah... sorry... please.. Can we talk later, I mean... like, at your place?," Flare started to clench his paws tight. He needed to tell Ry how he felt, he also wanted to be with him. He couldn't stand it.

"Um, yeah, you can stay. Let's go grab Kila quick then, alright? Are you sure your ok?," Ry said concerned again.

"Yes... can we... go, please?," Flare said staring into Ry's eyes.

"Let's go then, I'll meet you in the car. Give me 10 minutes, she probably want's to buy something. She probably doesn't even know that we left."

Ry dashed back to the store to find Kila as Flare walked slowly to his car, his head deep down, feeling everyone stare at him as he walked. He put a paw on his opposite arm, feeling incredibly uncomfortable. He finally got into the car, and leaned back. It was hot inside the car, he could feel it from the warm sun slowly heating the interior. He moved his paw up and down his chest, leaning back a bit more and started to slowly arouse himself, trying to make himself feel better. He kept thinking in his mind about Ry and what just happened, thinking about different things, but at the same time trying not to get caught accidentally getting caught in a parking lot getting turned on. It would have been a lot worse if Ry and Kila came back just now.

He kept moving slowly, feeling his nipples hardening as he started to pant harder from the heat in his body and in the car. He reached in his pants and slowly started to grasp his hardened cock, aching for a bit of relief, it was hot to the touch, even for him, and it made him feel even better as he grabbed it harder, increasing the pleasure to it's sensitive nature. A small bead of pre came out and he quickly used a paw finger and grabbed it, bringing it closer to his mouth and licking it slowly, enjoying the taste. He wanted to get off so badly now, but couldn't, he looked over quickly and saw that Ry and Kila were only about a few cars away, hopefully they didn't see him.

He took the paw out of his pants and just turned on the car, opening the windows, letting the heat out and cooling his body a bit. Ry and Kila came in, but not before kissing outside of the car. It was already getting late, they didn't even realize it was almost 4pm. Flare dropped Kila back off at her house and both Ry and Flare then drove off after waving goodbye to her to Ry's house. It was a bit of a long drive and all Flare could think about was the hot body that now was in the passenger's seat next to him.

As they pulled into his driveway, Flare closed the windows and waited for Ry to get out, taking a peek at his ass. Flare got out then, and both walked inside, greeting Ry's mother and going to Ry's room. His room was fairly big, a bit smaller than Flare's but it was still pretty big. Ry went on his bed and Flare sat on the floor, but went close to the edge of the bed. He leaned against it and closed his eyes, feeling the cool air of the house.

"Alright," Ry said, breaking the silence, "What is up with you today? You've never acted like this at all. I can understand the lion thing but-"

Flare interrupted, "Ry, I ... like you." Flare put his head down and sniffed slowly, a tear running down his face falling on the carpet. Ry looked at Flare and just stared at him. He didn't know what to say. He knew Flare, he knew he was his best friend, but, why would he have a crush on him? Ry just kept thinking about what Flare just said in his mind, and running through that he had a girlfriend already, he was taken, and he loved her, and that he couldn't love a guy, it wasn't him.

"...I'm sorry...," Flare said as he got up, feeling heartbroken and moving towards the door, opening it and closing it behind him. He walked outside and stared into Ry's window, seeing nothing looking out of it. He got into his car and drove off, towards his house. He went inside and locked the door to his room, not even saying anything to his parents. He went on his bed facedown and started to cry, he couldn't stop himself. He knew he probably wouldn't be able to talk to Ry ever again after that, it would be too much to see him again after this. He kept thinking this in his mind, as his pillow became even more soaked from crying. He pulled a sheet over his body and just sank into his bed, clenching his eyes shut and started to dream.

He couldn't sleep, he kept tossing and turning. He kept seeing Ry in his dream, he wouldn't stop popping up in his mind. He tossed and turned violently as the same scene passed through his mind over and over again of him going to Ry, then Ry punching him down and walking away with Kila, who just turned to him and kissed him on the cheek, holding their hands together and walking away. He couldn't stand it. He woke up and noticed his entire body was hot and sweaty, he even forgot to get undressed. He tossed off his pants and boxers and let his cock stick out, it was hard, very hard, strangely enough to Flare seeing as that he just had so many bad dreams. He couldn't stand it any longer, he clenched it in his right paw and began to paw himself off. He moved fast and didn't care, his body began to twitch harshly as the sweat and heat began to get to him, making him even more turned on than earlier before. It was so hot in his room, he didn't even realize that his entire bed was now getting soaked from his body. Pre started to leak out from his tip and it twitched his cock even more. He started to pant heavily as he moved his left paw on his chest and started to pinch one of his nipples. He slowly started to rub his chest and moved down to play with his balls. He started to clench his teeth a bit more at the touch and noticed that his right paw was now covered in pre, lubing his cock even more as he went faster. He finally started to feel himself cumming, and arched back to let it all come out on his stomach, as he moaned out saying Ry's name once. He felt cum go everywhere, it was all around his waist and stomach, and some managed to shoot on his chin. He used his left paw to scoop up some and brought it to his mouth and licked it up, still clenching his cock hard with his right as he rode out the rest of his orgasm.

When he was finally finished, he licked up his paws, getting as much cum as possible and closed his eyes, feeling much better, spreading his body out, trying to cool it down. He heard a vibration coming from the chair he left his pants on. He slowly got up, his body still weak, but managed to get there, and reached inside. He had one new text message. He opened it up and looked at the time, it was nearly 3am Sunday morning. He opened up the text message and nearly fell over in his bed, as he sat down to reread it.

'I broke up with her. -Ry.'