Freewrite 9/13/2011

Story by Isarain on SoFurry

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It had been many years since the dragon named Vale had been seen or heard from. Once upon a time his name inspired fear in the hearts and minds of most creatures, but now very few remembered it at all. The majority of those who remembered him were dying of old age, and their descendants all thought he was just an old legend. There was something that the few remaining elders always said, something the younger generation never seemed to fully understand. Legends never die.

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Vale stood like a statue on a building near the old tavern where, so many years ago, he had made his first kill. He was tall and slender with long arms and an even longer tail. His scales were a black as the moonless night it was, and his eyes burned red like hellfire.

In his absence, the building had been declared a historic landmark and turned into a tourist trap. He had stood and watched for weeks as countless people streamed in and out of the building, but he paid no mind to most of them. However, there was someone in the crowd that had caught his eye; a fine young cheetah working as security.

He had spent his time back on this world watching her, learning her habits and patterns, all the while pondering a simple question. Should he kill her after he had his way with her, or let her live to spread fear among the populous? The options were almost evenly balanced, so there was only one way to decide. He'd have to see just how fun of a toy she really was.

When the last customers trickled out of the tavern, Vale started to make his move. He melded with the shadows on the roof, and used the darkness to transport himself into the tavern's upper floor. He was now right outside the room where the old owner of the tavern had lived, the room where the security station had been installed.

"Alright, I'll be home soon. I just have to turn the alarms on downstairs." The girl inside the room said, most likely to someone on the phone, but Vale didn't intend to let that happen. He stood against the wall by the door, and listened as his prey got up and walked towards the door. The door clicked as the handle turned, the hinges creaked as it was pulled open, and the cheetah gasped as Vale's elbow collided with her gut.

He watched as she doubled over, wheezing as she tried to draw a breath. Before she got a chance to fully recover, his slender tail was curled around her throat. He lifted her fully off the ground, holding her head level with his as she clawed at his tail and struggled to breathe. It would have been so easy for him to break her neck now, to kill her before she had a chance to make a sound, but doing that would ruin the fun.

As the cheetah's struggling slowly weakened, Vale pulled her closer. He pressed his snout against hers, forcing her yellow eyes to meet his crimson gaze. Her mind was too weak to put up any resistance as he looked through her thoughts. Vale could feel her muscles starting to convulse as he took hold of her mind, twisting and distorting everything in it for his own purposes. Every happy memory in her mind was either erased or twisted into an agonizing mockery of what it had been.

When he finished with her mind, he let her convulsing body drop to the floor. Much to his satisfaction, her body turned out to be much more resilient than her mind. Despite having almost had her throat crushed, the young cheetah managed to start breathing again. In less than a minute she was pulling her self onto her knees to stare up at him listlessly. "What is your bidding, Master?"

Vale flashed a cold smile as he stepped past her to take a seat on the chair in the security room. He motioned for her to come over to him as he leaned back in the chair, then pointed down between his legs. "Entertain me."

Without hesitation the cheetah moved to kneel in front of him, rubbing along his thighs with her hands as she leaned in towards his hips. She kissed his crotch before licking along his hips till her mouth found the slit that hid his manhood. He couldn't help but shiver in delight as she pushed her tongue inside attack the sensitive head quickly rousing shaft.

As his dragonhood came out of hiding, it went straight into the moist confines of her mouth. She sucked and licked at the pointed head of his emerging length like the pre that leaked from the tip was honey. Vale rewarded her vigorous efforts by rubbing and scratching between her ears as the rest of his smooth shaft pushed out into her mouth.

"Such a good girl." The dragon cooed at her as her hands found the swelling knot at the base of his length. She rubbed and caressed the bulge as she pushed his length into her throat, and the rather happy dragon purred as her tongue thrashed against both his length and part of his knot. Vale groaned a bit as she swallowed on his length before pulling back to breathe. After that gasp of air the cheetah latched on to the head of his length with her mouth, sucking and licking roughly as she grabbed the saliva slicked length. He couldn't help but start purring as her hand slid quickly along his length.

From her enthusiastic work, Vale found his climax coming fast, and his grip on her head tightened. The cheetah seemed to understand what that meant, so she moved faster and sucked harder. Vale pushed her head further down on him as she squeezed his knot with one hand. He felt like he was about to explode, and soon there after he hit his climax.

When the hot dragon seed started blasting into the cheetah's mouth she pushed her head down and swallowed as much as she could, but the quick flood was too much for her. Hot dragon cum oozed down from the corners of her mouth to soak into her fur. Vale's tail beat the ground under him as she pulled her head away form him, but her hand was still going on him. Vale's body tensed, his tail thrashed, and soon a few more shots of cum splattered across the cheetah's face.

"Take your clothes off." Vale ordered as he forced himself to stop purring. He watched her as she quickly took everything she had off, then shivered a bit as she put his length between her breasts and his tip in her mouth. His hips bucked reflexively as she pushed the silken fur covered breasts together around him, and again he found himself shivering as she made sure she'd sucked everything out of his length. She kept sucking even when she didn't get anything out of him, and Vale decided he should reward her enthusiastic efforts to please him.

Without giving her any warning, Vale slipped his tail between her legs to grind it against her. Vale felt a degree of satisfaction when she moaned against him, so he went a step further. He rubbed and thrashed his tail against her sex, then tensed his tail so he could slip some of it inside her. There was an even greater degree of satisfaction when she gasped and pressed down on his tail.

He watched her squirming in delight as he moved his tail inside of her, using it to rub and massage her on the inside. He could feel her squeezing on his tail in pure ecstasy. He could smell the moisture steadily oozing along his tail as he pumped his tail in and out of her. He enjoyed the lustfully moans that were mixed in with her heavy panting. It was all the build up to her climax. She pressed his tail further into her, her back arched as a deep moan freed itself from her throat. The muscles of her sex spasm and squeeze his tail as the orgasm rocked her body. When the cheetah's body finally settled once more, Vale slid his tail out to shake some of the cum off of it.

As satisfying as things had been so far, Vale wasn't finished yet. After all the time he'd been dormant, he had quite a bit of pent up energy and frustrations he needed to work out. He gave her a minute to recover, then motioned for her to stand up. He couldn't help but grin as her legs almost gave out. After taking a moment to appreciate the view, he gave the next order. "Ride me."

Still fully under the grasp of his will, she staggered over to hook her legs through the arms of the chair. Vale purred a bit as she grabbed his pulsing length to keep it steady as she slid down on him. Even after having his tail stretching her her, the cheetah was still nice and tight around him. He let his head fall back and groaned a bit as she took him fully into the hot, damp channel of her sex.

He closed his eyes and relaxed as she started to move on him, still moaning lustfully as she did. He let himself enjoy the sound of her pants and moans, as well as the warm wet squeeze of her sex around his length. The tension in his body started to build as she moved faster and harder. He could feel the lips of her sex starting to wrap around his knot as she went down, it was making his mind buzz.

On an impulse Vale hooked his arms under her legs, pulling them free as he swiftly yet gently took her to the floor. He pulled her legs up over his shoulders as he took control of the situation. His hips pummeled hers as he leaned in towards her. He was growling in delight as his hands moved to squeeze and caress her chest.

The young cat under him arched and moaned as he hammered her. She grabbed onto Vale's back with her claws, tearing into his scales as she tried to pull him onto her even harder. He obliged her happily as the blood oozed down from his back to drip on her fur. His claws raked against her shoulders as he thrust harder, almost putting his knot in her on each brutal thrust.

Soon enough he could feel her sex starting to squeeze even tighter as she reached her climax. He gave one more even harder thrust, driving his swelling knot into her as she clawed his back and yowled in ecstasy. He tugged and ground against her as she squeezed around him, and with a deep possessive snarl he went as deep as he possibly could. The cheetah moaned and squeezed ever tighter as Vale's hot seed sprayed inside of her, his knot swelling further to prevent any of it from getting out.

Vale steadily took her legs off of his shoulders once his body was empty, his tail lashing rather happily as she writhed weakly under him. When he finally pulled out of her he watched with satisfaction as the mixed fluids oozed out of the panting cheetah. Now that he had finished using her as he had desired, it was time to decide what he would do with her.

He weighed the benefits of having her as his slave, then tried to see if there was any reason not to keep her. The only thing he would gain by killing her was a moment of fear in the populous, but that would cost him such a delightful toy. He said one last thing as they both faded into darkness.

"She's mine."