The Chronicles of Rogue: Chapter Six

Story by Axio on SoFurry

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#6 of The Chronicles of Rogue

Roguefever Productions

Proudly presents

The Chronicles of Rogue

Chapter Six

Disclaimer: I own the character Rogue and the plot to this story. Both are copyright to me.

The world sounded in my ears suddenly, obnoxiously loud and cacophonic, as if someone had taken the sound of a huge wind whooshing everywhere, an air horn, a jet engine, and a three story tall bass drum, and rolled them all into one giant, overwhelming piece of noise with the high pitched whine of machinery for a background. That sure woke me up.

I opened my eyes and saw no change from the solid black that was my vision, and panicked, thinking I had gone blind... What had happened? Yes those people had drugged me, but why would I not be able to see anything after I had already woken up and gone back to sleep afterwards? It didn't make sense.

"Look who's waking up!" I heard a female voice say something, but to me it sounded more like a vibration, a rapid pace thud-thud-thud that continued through her entire sentence I couldn't make out the words at all. My hearing suddenly dulled, returning to normal, which when compared to how super-sensitive my hearing was just a moment before, made me feel utterly deaf. My sight slowly returned soon after, forms bleeding through the darkness completely in grayscale until they were well-defined, then slowly being drenched in color that seemed too vibrant to be real.

I became aware of a tingling, a infinitesimally small tingling that started at my scalp and worked its way slowly down my body, bringing the sensation of touch along with it until it finally crested the tips of my fingers and toes and met with the rest of itself, where it slowly faded out of existance.

And then came the headache, this intense, brain-splitting headache that made me feel like I had just gone up a few thousand feet in elevation in less than a second, only to fall back down nearly twice as fast. I felt like my head was physically too big, like it was swollen and pressing against the backs of my eyeballs with such force that they might pop out of my skull. It was torture, but it only lasted for a few moments. I sat up and clutched my head with one of my paws, closing my eyes.

"Sleep well?" I heard the familiar voice chime in towards me in a good-natured tone. Wulf. "You sure had us frightened when you were unconscious, but then it turned out to be incredibly hot."

"E-excuse me?" My voice was hoarse and speaking with it felt even worse than it sounded, like a crisp sheet of paper suddenly squashed into a ball, all happily taking place in between my vocal chords.

"Remember?" The female voice spoke again, and this time I could understand it. "You were mugged and drugged, unconscious all the way back till just now."

"Unconscious... but I was awake!" I turned to Wulf, "We had a conversation!" I looked at my body again, everything was just as sexy and bulked up as it was before I blacked out again seemingly moments before. "And this! My body is still in the same physical condition that it was in when I remember blacking out again in that jail cell... How could that have happened if I was unconscious?" I was terribly confused, nothing was making any sense.

"I just said you were drugged!" The female said again. I turned around and looked at the owner of the voice; it was a cheetah, around five foot eight, above average chest region, but not disproportionately so. She was slender, yet the steadiness of her arms as she continued doing whatever it was that she was doing with the monitor in front of her told me that despite her looks, she was strong.

"With what?? Protein shakes and male enhancement pills with a side of Viagra and sleeping medicine?" I said sarcastically.

"No, well, you got the sleeping meds right," Wulf said, "but we gave you a dose of vaporized truth serum and a massive dose of sleeping meds in the form of tryptophan. You know, that stuff in turkey that makes you sleepy after eating it. Once you were asleep, we brought you back here, hooked you up to the equipment that monitored your vitals, and then we began the conversation. It was about Influence, remember?"

"Yes, I remember that part, but that's exactly it, how do I remember a specific place and series of events that happened while I was unconscious, and why are the effects of what happened after that still evident?"

"Because the mix of drugs we gave you was such that while unconscious, you were left with no inhibitions, leaving you open to suggestions. Once we got you here, we used some technical magic to restart your cochlear nerve and accessed the part of your brain that manages speech so we could translate the specific synapses into words and communicate with you. It took us a while to determine what meant what, but after getting you to talk for a while the computer mapped it out fairly well. And to think that to do all this we didn't even have to drill a hole in your skull to stick diodes into your brain! Isn't science amazing?" The cheetah swooned softly, as if taken by the advances technology had made recently.

I had to hand it to her. She explained it pretty well.

"I any case, in the middle of our conversation, or more or less towards the end, you were actually able to tap into your influence and do... well..." He made a motion towards my well-built body, and then towards my crotch, where my enlarged malehood made the front of my pants bulge, even though I wasn't aroused, "that. It was pretty hot too."

I stole a moment to look at Wulf's crotch, now. It was hard to spot from his baggy trousers, but his crotch was bulging much more than mine was, that much was obvious. I was reminded of the part of my 'dream' when he started jacking off his huge, knotted piece of canine cock to the sight of me nearly overwhelmed by the sensations provided by stroking my smaller, barbed and completely feline manhood. I was suddenly filled with longing, a tightness in my chest congealing suddenly as if it was ingested in the air I had just inhaled. My cock stirred in my sheath, causing the fabric in the front of my pants to bulge outwards just a fraction of an inch farther.

This wasn't like me, I was normally logical - to a fault - and this... this need... it didn't fit in with who I normally was. This unprecedented wanting to be in someone's arms, to be someone else's world, was nearly overpowering. I had never felt this way before, except, maybe, towards my parents after they kicked me out of their lives. I had no name for it, but its name came to mind in itself.

The all-too-conscious feelings of loneliness, longing, and anxiety could be summarized with one word:


The world felt like it had slowed as it dawned on me, the tell-tale revelation that most people, humans and furs alike, have at least once in their life: The realization that they might be in love.

The world spun on its axis. That was a given. However to me, it felt like someone took the axis of the world and stuck it right where I was sitting, the rotation of the earth matching the whirling of my thoughts as they raced inside of my head.

All too soon, the world snapped back to normal, while my emotions and thoughts stayed the same. "See something you like? Because this Wulf thinks you do," Wulf said suddenly, apparently having noticed my eyes on his crotch for what, to me, seemed like forever. He posed for me, putting his hands behind his head and looking off to the side, his pelvis pushed forward a bit to show off not only the bulge that his balls and sheath made in his pants, but the bulges that each one of his eight abs made in his shirt before they were dwarfed by the large mounds that were his pecs. I perversely noted that the bulges of four of his abs in a square formation covered about the same area of fabric that the bulge in the front of his pants made. A little bit less, actually.

"Stop teasing him, Wulf." The female cheetah said to him. He chuckled and relaxed.

"Alright. Though this would be a good time to say what I've been thinking for the past six years or so," He turned to me, looking me in the eyes. His smiling eyes. It felt like I could possibly lose myself if I stared long enough, not that I'd ever get the chance to, there was little chance that he could be interested in an oddly colored cat like myself. I was hardly listening to what he was saying anyways.

"Rogue, for the past six years, since I had met you underneath that streetlamp in the rain oh so long ago, I was bugged by the image of you continuously popping up in my thoughts, more and more recently as time went on and I continued to mature. It puzzled me as to why it kept happening, but I realized that I needed to find you..." His gaze turned from smiling to sincere, and I was riveted in place by his voice, entranced with the speculation of what he might say next... Would it be what I thought? Could it be what I thought? He continued.

"So more and more often, I spent my days committing half of myself to whatever I was doing, the other half of myself committed to answering the phone if you ever called that number, and finding you, though not knowing why. I have never felt this way about another male, honestly..." He blushed at this, and it was just so cute, I had to steel myself to prevent from flying off the... whatever it was I was sitting on, and towards him, hugging him.

"Well I... what I mean to say is... I like you, and..." He scratched the back of his head with the paw that still had all its digits. "I think... I think I would like to get to know you better, possibly to the point of where that 'like' could turn into... well... 'love', maybe."

Did he just say the L word? I know he said 'like', but did he actually say the L word??

"E-ex-cuse me?" I stammered. Shock was too gentle a word to define how I felt.

"Let me rephrase... Erm... Rogue, would you possibly like to go out - with me - on a, uh... a date?" He closed his eyes tight, and flinched slightly when I spoke, as if fearing rejection.

"I... uh..." I had never been asked out on a date before. I looked at him, I looked past the muscles and the cock, and tried to see who Wulf really was. I couldn't tell. That was reason enough for me. I barely breathed the last word of my sentence, whispering as softly as I had when I had spoken to him in the History class that felt like a lifetime ago.

