A Lost Souls Lesson

Story by deletedragon on SoFurry

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~Round 1~

The harvest moon raised to its zenith; bright, full, luminescent as a female shadow dragon emerges from her lair for her nightly walk through her domain. She slinks around in the shadows as to not alert any intruders to her presence too soon. A thread of moonlight streams through the trees and plays off her black scales with a velvety softness. She came upon a wolf crouched next to the river that ran through her domain. Her red eyes focused as she watched him drink from the river; his silvery fur almost reflective in the moonlight, his muscles rippling, his tongue gently lapping up the water. Her pulse quickened as her thoughts raced with thoughts of exquisite torture.

She drew darkness around her and began to shape-shift. After a moment the darkness parted revealing a beautiful woman. With a devious smile she quickly preened herself and walked towards the wolf.

The wolf perked at the sound of a snapping twig and rustling bushes. He turned to see the girl emerging from the bushes. His loins burned with lust when he looked into her ruby red eyes. Her nigh black skin drove him wild with desire as he slowly looked over her figure. His eyes traced down her body taking in every inch of her beauty. Her figure was athletic, yet had a feminine curvature to it.

"Nice blade," she said as her hand traced down his body to the scabbard. All he could do was flash a nervous smile. She grabbed a hold of the hilt, flashed a flirty glance up at him, and asked, "Are you any good with that blade?"

He swallowed hard trying to tame the wild beast that yearned within. When he felt he had a little control he responded, "Why yes I am."

She smiled as she pulled out the blade. She pressed it against her throat and dragged it down to her stomach tracing along her cleavage. "Good, I love the feel of cold steel against my body."

She stepped closer to him, placed both hands on his chest and ran them down to his waist. As she re-sheathed his blade, he ran his fingers through her long hair. It was down to her tail and cashmere soft. His hands wondered down her back, softly caressing her velvety skin. She opened her translucent dress ever so slightly, just enough to show him more of her breast. "Why don't we go back to my lair?" she asked as her right hand went inside her dress to hold her breast and she let her left one feel its way down to her inner thigh.

His eyes followed her hands as his body quivered in anticipation, "of course I will." She took him by the hand and led him into her torture chamber.

"Go sit on the bed" she instructed as she secured the chamber door. He did as he was told. She turned to face him then dropped her dress fully revealing herself to him. He felt his cock pulse and he fidgeted on the bed. He smiled up at her in anticipated desire as she walked towards him. She straddled his lap as their lips locked. She could feel his cock throb against her and she knew just how much he wanted her. She slid between his legs as she kissed her way down his chest.

When she reached his waist she reached over and fondled his blade for a minute. She pulled out the blade and crawled on top of him, kissing her way back up to his lips.

His body jolted with the sudden sensation of cold steel pressed against his neck. "Don't move," she warned. She dragged the blade lightly down his body stopping just short of his solar plexus. She shot him a playfully evil look and said "This is where the fun begins."

She pulls him over to a rack of different torture devices and weapons. "These are what we will use on each other."

"You want me to torture you?" he asked. She gave him a look that left no doubt in his mind what she wanted. She walked over to the wall where a pair of shackles hung. She smiled as he helped her into them. He went to the bed and grabbed his blade. He walked back over to her, grabbed her by the hair and slammed his body into her pinning her against the wall while he passionately kissed her. While maintaining a grip on her hair, he brought his blade up against her skin and growled lightly in her ear. Moans of ecstasy are heard as he moves her body against his.

He carves into her flesh with his blade releasing her dark blood. Again and again he cut her until he was tired of the blade. Licking the blood off his blade, he walked over to the weapons rack and picked up a cat-o-nine tails. She gave him an evil yet seductive look when he picked it up. He turned her around and whipped her over and over again to the sounds of her yelps of pleasure.

He stopped and looked at his handy work. Her blood traced the curves of her body as it flowed down to the floor. Starting at her feet, he slowly licked up the blood while his hands caressed her body, exploring all of her pleasure centers. "Take me now!" she growled.

He removed his pants, releasing his raging erection. He turned her around slowly then pressed against her. His massive penis forced its way through her legs and rested within the crevice of her pussy. His hands and tongue worked their way down her back. One of his hands went around to the front and fondled her breast as the other played with her clit. He grinded against her, making his rock hard penis slide against her pussy. He became feral at the feeling of her juices on him.

He flung her around, threw her up against the wall and forcefully pushed his way inside her. She let out a scream of pleasure. He pounded her fast and hard for several minutes. He then slowed down, pulling fully in and out ever so slowly to elongate the sexual torture. As he pushed his cock deliberately deep inside her, he drug his claws down her back tearing into her flesh and causing her to orgasm. The walls of her vagina clenched so hard that they caused him to cum too.

He pressed her up against the wall, throbbing cock still inside her. He kissed around her neck as he reached up and released her shackles. The both collapsed on the bed dripping in blood, sweat and cum, trying to catch their breath.

She rolls over, looks him in the eye and said, "You're pretty good, ready for round two?" he stopped breathing as he looked surprised at her. She flashed him a devious smile and jumped on top of him.

~Round 2~

With a quick kiss and a swift yank she got him out of bed and into the shackles. His weakened body shivered as the coldness of the chamber chilled his cum soaked fur. He looked at her wearily as her hand danced over the various implements of torture. When she came upon the razor whip, her eyes narrowed and she gave him a devious grin. She picked up the whip, letting the chain of thorn-shaped razors fall to the ground. He tried to lift his head to look at the sound, but was unable to muster the strength to do so. The air was cut with a metallic snap of the whip and the wolf's yelp. Again and again she whipped him; the blades shredded his flesh as his cries for her to stop fell on deaf ears.

The yelps did attract the attention of her mate, Aedryan. He opened the door just far enough to stick his head in. The light reflected brightly off his brilliant white scales as he gazed at the beauty of his love. She was beautiful even when not in her true form. The light caught her attention, she glanced back to see her beautiful ice dragon. She motioned for him to join. He smiled at her as the door closed.

The door swung open and Aedryan walked through in his humanoid form, a magnificent specimen of a man. His muscles ripped under his gleaming white skin, his tail trailed proudly behind him, his eyes gleamed red, his massive manliness shown in all its glory. Her heart stopped as he approached her. "I see you have brought us a toy Deiganen."

"Yes my love, I found him drinking from our river" she replied as her tail sought came around to the front to caress him.

"A trespasser" he growled as his gaze snapped to the weary wolf hanging from the shackles. He looked back and took her chin in his hand, "good job in bringing him here for punishment." They smiled at each other. She kissed him deeply as she grabbed their dagger off of the shelf. She turned and went to the wolf, who was hanging there pleading for his life. She kissed his neck and drove the dagger into his side. She spent the next several minutes carving intricate designs into his flesh.

"Your fur is messing up my designs," she said as her nails turned to claws, "we can't have that now can we?" She went over her designs with her talons and continued her drawing. Aedryan pressed his body against hers, he pulled her hair aside as he kissed her neck and caressed her body. His kissing became more passionate as his hands traveled down to her hips. He kissed his way down to her tail and slipped through her legs so her pussy was accessible. He pulled her lips gently apart and rubbed her clit. As her juices flowed onto his fingers he finally plunged them deep inside her while his tongue danced on her clit.

She became so aroused that she couldn't concentrate on her drawing anymore. She dropped to her knees with her mate still pleasuring her. She took ahold of the wolf's penis and licked the blood from it. Her mate slid out from under her, moved her tail aside and thrust his massive cock inside her. With the force of the thrust she took the wolf's cock fully down her throat. Each thrust was so powerful that it pushed her on and off the wolf's cock until he came. When she felt him about to cum she pushed him off so he'd shoot his load on the wall.

Her mate continued to pound her until they both came. At the moment of climax he dug his talons into her hips to her screams of pleasure. He pulled out of her and walked over to the wolf. He grabbed the exhausted wolf by the back of the head, pulled it back and licked up his neck stopping at his jaw. "you shouldn't have trespassed on our land," he said before beating the wolf with a morning star.

Deiganen laid on the bed, pussy still dripping with Aedryan's cum, love struck by his torturing of the wolf. When the wolf was almost dead, he threw the cudgel on the ground and walked over to his mate. He lowered himself onto her and held her in his arms. "Thanks for the work out my love. It's been a long time since we had someone to torture," he said.

"Not a problem my love," she replied as they embraced in a passionate kiss. That kiss was enough to get him erect again. He slipped in between her legs and gently inserted himself into her. Their love making session was gentle and slow this time. They took their time exploring each other so that each knew how much the other loved them.

She rolled him over and mounted him, sliding up and down on his cock much like the moves of a bellydancer. Her talons scratched their way down his chest. She moved with the grace of the water as she brought him to orgasm. They laid together for a time kissing and nuzzling. They reverted to their true draconic form and went to sleep to the whimpers of the half dead wolf.

~Round 3~

The sun roused the pair of sleeping dragons, "I'm hungry" Aedryan said.

Deiganen looked at the wolf and replied, "Oh just one more round before breakfast, please." Her eyes lit up, light dancing in her ruby eyes giving them the look of innocence that brings men to their knees.

Aedryan's heart melted at the sight, he could not resist her when she did that, "sure darling, just don't take too long." She flashed an excited smile at him and just as quickly her eyes took on a malevolent glint. "You know I can't resist you when you do that."

"I know," she responded with a quick kiss before she bound off to the wolf. His body hung bloody, beaten and limp while he slept. Deiganen gathered the next set of tools for her final round of torture: a glass rod, a vat of acid and a glass eye dropper. She shot a quick glance at her mate while placing the items on the table closest to the wolf. He smiled at her softly and motioned for her to continue.

She nodded and turned to the still sleeping wolf. She lowered her head and let her long tongue dance on his cock, getting him excited and to test if he'd wake up. Seeing that he was still asleep she raised her tail and whipped the wolf, unleashing a powerful blunt force upon the wolf. A shrill scream of pain echoed in their lair as the wolf is jarred awake. His wary eyes told a story of pain and betrayal as they pleaded with her to have mercy on him. She gave him an evil smile as she picked up the glass rod. Another yelp echoed in the lair as she jammed the rod into his penis. He pleaded with her in indistinguishable syllables as she backed up and raised her tail again. She released her tail again, this time landing the blow on his penis, shattering the rod.

His blood poured onto the floor as her screamed in anguish. "You really should learn not to tread on draconic land," she advised to his chorus of no's. "Too bad you won't live to learn your lesson." With that she picked up the vat of acid and placed it near her subject. With one of her talons she made cuts, gashes and carved designs into the wolf's penis. She glanced over to her mate who laid in the bed. He smiled at her as he slowly stroked his erection, the sounds of breaking bones and screams of torture always arouse him. Her eyes turned back to her victim. Her long tongue slowly licked the length of the wolf's cock, savoring the sweet taste of his blood. The wolf's whimpers turned to moans as she licked him.

This was her mate's cue to join in. He walked over to the torture rack, his body burning

with desire for her. He started at her legs and licked his way up to her tail. She moaned in pleasure as his wings wrapped around her, caressing every part of her body. She stopped what she was doing and arched her head back to nuzzle her mate. He reached over to the table and picked up the eye dropper with acid in it. He placed a few drops of acid in each of the lacerations. The wolf howled in pain as the dragons laughed maniacally.

"Enough!" Aedryan growled as he slashed the wolf's throat open spraying his blood everywhere. Deiganen gazed lovingly as she wiped the blood from Aedryan's eyes. Their eyes met, they seemed frozen in time as they gazed into each other's eyes. Aedryan moved in and kissed her softly. They kisses turned passionate as they began to caress each other. He moved around to her backside, kissing every part of her along the way.

She lowered her body onto the floor and moved her tail over his shoulder. His strong tongue slowly licked the length of her pussy until it reached her clit. Over and over his tongue flicked her clit until she couldn't take it anymore. "Take me!" she screamed in tortured pleasure. At his mate's command, he thrust his cock into her. He pounded her hard at first, and then slowed down, elongating the pleasure. Ever so slowly he moved in and out of her. She became wetter and tighter with each thrust. He could barely control himself, being inside her felt too good. Each thrust became more and more deliberate, keeping its pace but becoming more forceful. Her body quivered as her moans increased. This was his cue, the one he had been waiting for... she was about to cum. He sped up, hitting her progressively hard and fast. Her moans turned into screams as her body let lose a torrent of cum. The feel of her fluids on his body drove him crazy with lust and with a few more deliberate strokes he unleashed a massive orgasm.

They stayed locked together several minutes before he pulled his dripping cock out of her. They laid next to each other, holding and caressing each other. Aedryan's eyes lit up as he suggested, "Let's eat." Deiganen nodded. With that the two dragons tore into the wolf's flesh and drank his blood.