Join in the Fun (Part Two)

Story by Anakashar on SoFurry

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Chael - 18 year old male lizard, dark green skin except for a slightly tan-colored area starting from under his chin to the bottom tip of his tail, two sets of small horns going up at angles. Bisexual.

Aleora - 22 year old female lizard, grey skin, no horns, married to Jasq.

Jasq - 22 year old male lizard, tan skin, one large set of horns curving from front to back. Married to Aleora.

Izah - 19 year old female lizard, dark tan skin with bright markings on her face down her back and tail, green eyes. Daughter of the Yinsk family.

Written by Muddobbers.

Join in the fun (Part 2)

The sun streaked in through the windows, lighting the living room with a bright yellow glow. The aromatic smell of coffee had filled the house from the kitchen as the TV was stating the morning news. The usual morning routine was following its path as if nothing new had happened.

Chael was slowly coming out of his sleep, wondering why the bed felt differently and why in the world there was the smell of coffee in the air. Suddenly he awoke wondering if he had accidentally left the brewer on overnight, when he remembered he wasn't even at his own apartment, much less in his own bed!

Sitting up straight, Chael looked around to find himself still on the couch, but he had a pillow under his head and a blanket covering him. His consciousness was finally catching up to him that, yes indeed, what had happened last night had truly happened last night. He pulled the blanket off him to realize that he was still completely nude. Smiling a bit, he stood and picked up his clothes and put them on. He walked around a bit until Jasq saw him.

"Come on in and eat some breakfast if you want," Jasq said from the kitchen to Chael, turning off the TV in the process, "The cereal's in that cabinet, the bowls are there, spoons are there, and there's milk in the refrigerator."

The table was fairly quiet as he ate and Jasq read the newspaper. Aleora walked in and got a cup of coffee and took the seat next to Jasq. They sat there in silence except for the turning of paper, sipping of coffee, and crunching of cereal.

Chael finished eating and put his bowl into the dishwasher and sat back down at the table. After a moment, he faced the couple and asked, "Did.. last night really happen?"

Jasq looked at Aleora then back at Chael and smiled, "Yes, it sure did. Exactly as you remember it, too."

Chael chuckled a little bit then said, "Well, I remember everything up to the point where I seem to have fallen asleep. I never got the chance to say thanks to you guys."

Aleora put a hand on Chael's and said, "It was our gift to you. Another 'welcome to the neighborhood' from us. Hell, we enjoyed it just as much as you did!" Chael sheepishly looked down at the table. "Do you feel bad about what we did?" she asked.

"Oh, no! It was the best thing in the world that had ever happened to me! It was just a sudden moment of awakening to know that my old town completely rejected my desires, only to find people more than willing to fulfill them in another! Of course, I'm not saying that I left the town looking only for that.." Chael trailed off.

"We understand what you mean; that's why we wanted to do it for you. We wanted to not only make you feel welcome, but to show that we care and for you to relax. One thing you need to do now, though, is to find a proper girlfriend. Your needs need to be fulfilled by someone you can form a relationship with. We're just casual fuck buddies for you, and you weren't too bad if I do say so, myself," Jasq said, laughing at the last part.

Chael smiled and stood up from the table, pushing his chair back in. "Well, I suppose you're both right. By the way, Jasq, where would I find a good place to meet some girls from around here? I do get lonely in my apartment, if you know what I mean.." Chael said.

Jasq laughed again with Aleora rolling her eyes, "Yes, yes, I know exactly what you mean. Well, I would recommend you try the park around lunch time. Just walk around a bit, take in the atmosphere. I got lucky with Aleora since school," Jasq leaned over and kissed Aleora on the cheek, "And I know that some sensible girls around here your age visit the park on a daily basis. I'm sure you could find one there. Just introduce yourself and strike up a conversation; that should do the trick until you get comfortable enough. Hell, I imagine there may be one or two girls there that are seeking someone to talk to, even if only for a few moments. Why don't you head out there right now?"

"That sounds like a pretty good idea.. Thanks again, you two. I owe you guys a lot for what you've done for me." Chael said, shaking hands with Jasq. They stood up from the table and walked to the door.

As Jasq opened the door, he smelled Chael for a moment and chuckled a bit and said, "Well, first if I were you, I'd head back to your apartment and take a shower. Frankly, you smell like sex."

Chael stopped for a moment and realized what he meant, as he still had his cum mixed with Aleora's on his crotch, and Jasq's cum layered on his head and chest. "Yeah, I suppose that would be a good thing to do." Chael said, turning his head and laughing to himself.

They waved goodbye to each other and Aleora closed the door. They looked at each other and Aleora nodded her head. With that cue, Jasq headed to the phone and picked it up and dialed a number.

"Hello, Yinsk residence, to whom am I speaking?" the voice on the other end announced.

"Ayden? This is Jasq from down the street. Is Mr. Yinsk available, please?" Jasq said into the phone.

"Oh, yes sir. Just a moment, sir, and I'll inform Mr. Yinsk of your call." Ayden said.

Ayden was the Yinsk family's butler. He knew everyone in the town, as it was his business to do so. He was chosen as the relay between anyone and Mr. Yinsk himself. A few moments later a familiar voice picked up on the line.

"Ahoy there, Jasq. Nice to speak with you again. It certainly has been a while. I was beginning to think you didn't care anymore! How are you on this day, good sir?" a new voice on the line said rather excitedly.

"Well, Jakon, I've got something you might want to know about. Do you know about the newcomer to the city? A 18 year old male by the name of Chael?" Jasq said.

"I have heard that there is a new person in town, yes. I have not heard that it was a male, though. Why do you ask?.. Is he another one I should worry about with.. you know?" Jakon dryly asked.

"Oh no, Jakon. This one I think you would want to pay attention to. You see, he has a certain tendency.. practically the same of whom we are speaking. If you're interested, in a few moments he should be headed to the park.." Jasq said, smiling to himself.

"One I should pay attention to, you say, with .. Hm, well, if you say he's a good one, I am going to have to give you the benefit of the doubt, for now. What is this newcomer like? What would I expect from him to my daughter?" Jakon said.

"He's a good kid. He holds himself well and it would be interesting to see what happens between him and her. Well, I wanted to call and let you know about the possibility. Let me know how it goes. Otherwise I'll probably hear it from Chael himself. Something like that would make a man proud enough to announce it to his friends, at least. I just hope I don't find out what happened via his obituary," Jasq said, a nervous laugh at the end.

"Alright, I'll take your word for it. I will go and tell Izah to drop by the park to get some fresh air. It was good speaking with you again, Jasq. Drop by some time, I have some questions to ask you," Jakon said.

"Sure thing, Jakon. Here's hoping it all goes well! Good bye." Jasq said, hanging up the phone. He could barely contain himself as he looked at Aleora and said, "That went better than I ever thought possible. I suppose Jakon really trusts my judgment on Chael." With that, they embraced and started talking about last night..

"Do you think we'll ever get the chance to do that again with Chael?" Aleora asked.

"Well, I hope so," Jasq said, gravitating toward the couch, "It sure did bring up some things I wanted to try out with the three of us. I didn't want to overdo it, though. His first time, luckily for both of his sexual needs, was enough to tide him over for a while. I'll tell you, though, I do want to do it again for sure." Jasq said, massaging her head. They lied down on the couch with Aleora on top of Jasq.

Aleora purred and turned around to face Jasq. "Maybe if everything works out between him and Izah.. what do you think?" She said, lightly stroking his crotch.

The thought of having all four of them together was a very thrilling thought to Jasq. Two females and another male, two cloacas and a cock to spare, all wanting each other and their bodies for all of their lustful gratifications. It was having an effect on him immediately, much to Aleora's joy as he started to become erect. Aleora folded the band of his pants down to free his cock and lightly began to stroke it.

"I can just imagine it.. Chael, Izah, you, me.." Jasq stopped midway, leaning his head back and moaning from Aleora's attentions on his cock. "I'm sure that after they've fucked each other senseless, they'd be ready for something rather exotic. That was some idea for seeing if Chael and Izah would hook up, huh?" Jasq said, moaning.

"I married you for a reason, and your intelligence and cleverness rank at the top." Aleora purred, "And this cock is also up there, in soon to be more ways than one." She giggled and used her finger to wipe off a drop of precum on his cock and licked her finger, taking in the taste. "It never gets old to me," she said. Jasq could only roll his head back and forth on the arm of the couch and moan.

Aleora stopped stroking him and moved up his body, putting her chest against his and grinding his cock across her cloaca. They did a long kiss as she rubbed his cock with her body. When they finished the kiss, she moved up a bit, picked up his cock and aimed it at her slit. She moved back down, sliding his cock into her with a long purr. They stayed still for a moment, her juices seeping out with his precum. Jasq reached down, grabbed her ass and slowly pulled her up and down on his cock while lightly thrusting in and out. She lied down on his chest as they fucked each other, reveling in the feelings they were giving each other. She wrapped her thin tail around his and purred the entire time. A long moment later, she tensed up and dug her claws into his chest with her orgasm, triggering his as well, shot after shot firing from his cock into her, a bit leaking out from her slit. "I love you, Aleora." he said, stroking her head. "I love you, too, Jasq" she said, tilting her head up and licking his chin. They soon fell asleep in each other's arms.

At Chael's apartment, he opened his door and quickly stripped his clothes and put them into the clothes hamper to be washed when he got home later on. Walking around nude, he got a new pair of clothes ready for when he finished his shower, and proceeded to the bathroom.

When he got in front of his full-size mirror, he looked at himself and wondered why everyone couldn't just walk around entirely naked. If everyone kept their hormones in check, it would all be much easier. As he continued looking at himself in the mirror, he thought to himself, "So this is what a freshly non-virgin looks like. Hm, not too different from before, I suppose." He laughed at the thought and headed into the shower.

He used a hand towel and scrubbed his head clean of Jasq's cum. He washed everywhere else and when he got to his crotch, his mind shot back to last night of Aleora's face, her tongue sticking out and licking his cock. He started to get aroused again and his cock began to slide out of its sheath. His imagination jumped back to her again wrapping a tongue around the tip and then taking the whole length into her mouth while Jasq stroked him. This caused his cock to become painfully erect, throbbing up and down as his heart pumped. He grabbed ahold of his cock and began to stroke it up and down. Each stroke was her mouth and Jasq's hand pumping up and down in his mind.

As he stood there masturbating, he thought about sucking Jasq's cock while fucking Aleora. The feeling of the smooth, thick shaft of Jasq's cock and the silky feeling of Aleora gliding up and down on his cock made him stroke harder and faster. When Jasq's cock erupted in his mouth and then on his face, followed by Aleora tightening in orgasm around his cock, Chael focused his entire will into masturbating to orgasm. He extended his arm against the wall of the shower and looked down with his eyes closed, pumping furiously until his cock thickened, throbbed once, and launched thick globs of his cum onto the wall of the shower. A raspy growl escaped from his lips as each shot erupted from the tip of his cock.

When he finished cumming, his cock started to go limp, and he caught his breath for a moment before using the towel and cleaning off the rest of his cum from the tip. He finished his shower used the showerhead on the wall to wash away the trails of cum.

He stepped out of the shower, his flaccid cock sliding back into its sheath and back under his scales. He got dressed again and went into his living room. He remembered that Jasq recommended he get to the park around lunch time to see if there were any single females willing to chat for a while. To him, he knew he needed someone with which to share his time and thoughts. Looking at the clock, he noticed that it was nearing the afternoon, and decided to head on out.

He left his apartment, locked his door, and proceeded to the park. It was a warm day, the sun nearing the end of its morning arc into its afternoon spot. When he got to the park, he looked around and noticed children playing on the playground with their mothers looking on from the benches. "I must be early," Chael thought to himself. He moved over to a bench in the shade at the fountain and watched it for a little while. "Now I just have to have patience, I suppose," he said.

Izah was upstairs with a female friend of hers talking about the different males in the city. Her friend, Asyl, was rather picky on what she wanted. Tall, handsome, clean, strong tail, green eyes, and well-endowed. Izah could only respond with an exaggerated roll of her eyes and a exasperated sigh.

"I bet the first one that comes along and shows interest in you, you'd drop everything along with your clothes and fuck'im right there on the spot," Izah laughed. Asyl stopped sharply and then started laughing as well.

"Yeah, you're probably right. At least I would actually get some. Your luck is horrible," Asyl laughed, lying down on the bed next to Izah.

"I know, I know.. but imagine having a dad like mine.. Every guy looks at me like I'm a walking deathtrap. It's like if they even touched me they would be snuffed out at night," Izah said, looking at the bed.

Asyl put a hand on her leg and said to Izah, "Ah, don't worry. I'm making a bet that you'll come across someone that doesn't even know who you are!"

"Yeah, right. Anyone with half a brain in this city knows who I am." Izah scoffed.

"Unless they're new to the town, or something," Asyl said.

"Yeah, that'll work as well. However nobody's new around that I know. They're all the same faces," Izah said, sounding distraught.

A knock at the door caused both of them to jump. "Come in," Izah said. The door opened and Jakon stepped into her room, a smile on his face.

"Izah, you should really get outside more often. Look at today: The sun is out, the weather is fairly warm.. I imagine it would be better than staying inside all day long. Why don't you go to the park? You never know, you just might meet someone there that you'll like," Jakon said to her.

"But nothing happens at the park. It's all the same thing every day. I bet that leaf I put under the bench is there.. and that was a week ago! And besides, no guy in this town would consider getting near me because of who I am," Izah said with a small laugh.

"You never know until you go, I say. I think you'll find it a pleasant experience, especially if it's been a week since you last went," Jakon said.

"Alright, alright. Come on, Asyl, no use around for us being around here anymore," Izah said. She and Asyl got off the bed and walked past Jakon. He stood there in their room until he heard the door open and close.

"I hope you picked a decent one, Jasq..," he thought to himself.

Chael sat there looking bored as a rock. The lunch hour had come and gone. Not a single female that wasn't carrying a noisemaker, his connotation for a child, showed up. He sat forward and looked down at the ground. His eye caught a lone leaf on the ground and he picked it up. More time passed as he twirled the leaf in his fingers, until the point he became frustrated and decided to leave. He went to throw the leaf on the ground, but he couldn't bring himself to do it and carried it with him. He exited the park and was walking along the fence when, right before he turned the corner, he nearly ran into someone.

"I'm sorry, I didn't se-..," he trailed off as he saw a girl around his age, not wielding a kid. They made eye contact immediately and couldn't look away from each other.

"Why did you sto-," a second female appeared and saw Chael. He didn't notice, however, as he was still locked to the first girl's eyes.

Chael's senses returned to him and he said, "Hi.. I'm Chael.."

The girl shook a bit and smiled and said, "Hi.. I'm..," her voice trailing off as she took in the sight of Chael.

"Izah, are you ok?" Asyl whispered, nudging her arm.

"Hi.. I'm..", Izah repeated.

Chael chuckled a little bit then said, "I think we should try again.. Hi, I'm Chael."

"I'm Izah," she said, lost in her own world with this new guy standing with her. She was dumbfounded. "Why was he not afraid to talk to her? Doesn't he know who I am? ..What if he doesn't?" she said in her reeling mind.

"Hi, Izah. I.. just moved here not too long ago, a week or so, and am trying to get to know the community around he-" Chael said, before being cut off by Asyl.

"I'm Asyl. You're new here, huh? If you want, I'll show you around town. I'll show you everything you want t-", Asyl chirped in excitedly. He wasn't paying attention to her, but was only looking at Izah. Asyl bumped her hard, bringing her back to her senses.

Izah looked at Chael, "New here, you said..? I.. can tell you about the community, yes. Let's go to the park." Her gaze never moved from his eyes.

Chael and Izah walked side-by-side, never looking away from each other for more than a quick glimpse to make sure they weren't going to walk into a streetlight pole on accident. When they got to the bench in the park. Izah looked down on the ground.

"I guess the leaf is gone," Izah said, a little saddened.

Chael looked down where she was looking, then held up the leaf to her and said, "This one? I just found it about where you're looking.. it was the only leaf in this entire section of the park. I held on to it for some reason."

Izah looked at the leaf and immediately recognized it as the one she had put there a week ago. She turned to Chael and put her hand on his. "So how are you liking this place so far?" she asked him.

"So far it's been a really pleasing experience. A couple of my neighbors welcomed me here and I got a job dealing with lots of computers," Chael said, pointing out the places as he spoke, "I was told that there were some beautiful girls at the park by a neighbor and friend. Lo and behold, I come here and meet you." He turned and smiled at her.

Asyl got slightly frustrated that he was paying attention to only Izah and announced that she was going back to Izah's place to get her stuff she had brought over. They didn't notice her leaving.

Izah and Chael talked for a few hours. She told him about the different types of stores around the area and then talked about her favorite restaurants. She talked about how the park was her only playground when she was younger, as she wasn't allowed to run around freely in her house. Finally, she talked about how every male in the area wanted to be with her, but she turned them down, until she saw Chael. She turned to him and asked, "So, what caused you to move away and come here?"

"Well, I moved from my old town because I got tired of it. Everything in the town was on a monotonous, linear track. Everyone was so dead-set in their ways that it was tiring to live there. I had to leave because I was the only one who wanted something.. 'different'.. in my life, in so many words," Chael said, being careful not to reveal his secret too soon. He had just met one of the most beautiful girls in the city, and on top of that, she was single as well.

"Different, huh? What kind of different were you looking for?" Izah said, poking him in the arm.

Chael looked around a bit, stammering as he tried to find the words. "Uh..-er, well, I wanted a different atmosphere of the place! Er, everyone in the town was starting to get too related to each other. Every girl was related to each other in some way. I had to get out of there!" Chael said, lying through his teeth. It seemed to work, though. Izah laughed and held on to his arm.

"You know what I think? I think you're hiding something. And I think I know what it is.. You like me, huh? I'll see how much you really do. Come on, let's go back to my house! I'm sure you'll like to meet my dad," Izah said, pulling on a suddenly confused, then scared, Chael. He couldn't do much to resist her attempts as he stood up and walked with her, arms locked together as he escorted her home.

As they were walking back to Izah's house, Chael was becoming noticeably more nervous. A few minutes later and they had reached the entrance gate to her house. The moment Chael saw it, his heart jumped. A massive three-story mansion loomed before him. Izah turned to him and smiled, tugging hard on his arm. When they got to the door, Ayden opened it up, saw them standing there, and smiled and let them in. He called for Jakon to come down and greet Izah's new friend.

The footsteps coming down the stairs were heavy on Chael's mind. Each step caused a deeper lurch in his gut, but the moment Jakon turned and saw Chael, he smiled, and quickly reached out and gave him a handshake. It was as if he had no problem with him standing next to Izah at all, and especially not with the fact that Izah had Chael wrapped in her arms, her tail flicking joyfully.

"You must be Chael. Jasq told me all about you and how you're new in town. He spoke rather highly of you, as well." Jakon said to him.

They shook hands for a second and Chael tilted his head a bit and asked, "Jasq talked to you about me?" The knot returned to his gut. He could only imagine what Jasq told him.

"That he did. I'm Jakon, Izah's father. It also appears Izah holds you in high regard as well," Jakon smiled, looking at Izah. "I see you two are getting along quite well. It is getting rather late, however." Jakon said, looking at the both of them. "Oh, Izah, Asyl came and got her stuff and went home, she said to call her whenever you want," he said, taking her hand as she let go of Chael and hugged her dad.

"Thanks, daddy," Izah said. Jakon was slightly stunned at being called "daddy" after all these years of just "dad." He chuckled a bit.

"It's also getting late. Izah, you should go up and prepare for bed. Chael, come on back tomorrow. I'll be more prepared to speak with you then," Jakon said, shaking his hand again.

After Chael had left and Izah had eaten, Jakon considered Chael for a moment. He was the only male that to which Izah ever showed any outward affection. He wondered what they talked about at the park that caused her to fall for him? When Izah had gone up and closed her door, Jakon went to the phone and called Jasq, complimenting him on his ability of matchmaking. "It's a gift, what can I say?" Jasq laughed in response.

Chael was overwhelmed and could hardly get to sleep. The last few hours seemed like a dream replaying in his head. There was no way that it all had happened that way. It was too perfect. His mind drifted to the thought about what Jasq had told Jakon to cause him to have such a high regard for him. "Perhaps he didn't tell him about that..? Oh, please, I sure hope he didn't tell him about that," he said out loud.

Before he knew it, he had fallen asleep. When his alarm finally went off, he sat straight up and remembered his promise to Izah and her father. He quickly showered, stifling an erection at the mere thought of her, and got dressed.

When Chael got to her house, Ayden invited him in for breakfast. There was a small selection of pancakes and waffles with fresh berry sauce. Chael could hardly imagine waking up to something like this every morning, as it was just too good. Hearing a door open upstairs, he turned his head toward the entranceway and saw Izah descending, still half-asleep, dressed in a rather revealing thin silk sleeping gown. It held very little to the imagination, and Ayden noticed this and cleared his throat. Izah looked up and saw Chael sitting at the table waiting for her with a broad smile as he checked her out. She realized her current state of dress and shouted, "Omigosh!" before turning around and running up the stairs. The wind wanted to play a cruel joke on her, as when she ran up the stairs, her gown fluttered up a little bit getting very close to showing her nether regions. Chael sat there and laughed while Ayden rolled his eyes.

Izah eventually emerged again fully dressed for the day and sat down next to Chael. They finished eating breakfast and Chael said, "That was the best stack of pancakes I've ever had. Compliments to the chef!" Ayden grinned a little bit, nodding his head to him.

Jakon eventually came down and greeted the two as they were heading out. "You two be good now. Especially you, Chael, because Jasq said you were a good one and I hold his words highly," he said to them, causing Chael to misstep a bit and turn around, standing up straight, finally nodding his head at him. Jakon sighed to himself. "They're going to be screwing each other in a week, I know it," he trailed off.

The next week went by in a hurry. Every time someone saw Chael, Izah was there in his arms. The reverse was also seen with Izah. Everyone recognized them as a couple. Every so often, Asyl came by with them as they ate lunch in the park. Sometimes they shared a large sandwich they got from a nearby cafe with each other.

A week later on the next Saturday, they were sitting on the bench near the fountain, thinking back to the day they had met. Izah was leaning on Chael's shoulder as they talked. Izah sighed, sat up, and put a hand on Chael's. He turned his head and met her eyes, which were welling up with tears. "Izah? Is something wrong?" he asked.

"Chael, I have to confess something.. I know this might go against your ideals.. but I wanted to tell you this before it gets too serious. I..," she trailed off, looking down at the ground.

"Izah, you can tell me anything. I'll listen and try to understand. Just tell me what it is, it's ok," Chael said, lifting up Izah's head with his finger to make eye contact with her.

"Chael..," she leaned in closely, "I'm.. a sexually diverse person.. I'm attracted to both males, you especially, and..," she paused.

"And females, too? That's ok with me," Chael said, nonchalantly. Izah snapped up to look at him, and he just nodded. "I have to admit the something similar. I left my old town because nobody there wanted a bisexual around them. They were stuck-up in their ideals and they couldn't allow someone like me to 'ruin their precious idyllic town' with my 'ruined mind' as they said. Imagine our luck, two bisexuals finding each other like this," he said, grinning. Izah was beside herself for a brief moment, before she started crying and leapt into Chael's arms. They sat there with him comforting her.

After a moment she stopped crying and looked at him in the eyes. With that, she stood up and pulled his arm. He wondered what was going on and stood up. They hurried back to her house as fast as they could possibly go. As they went inside and past the main entrance, Ayden saw them, but noticed how much of a hurry they were in and smiled, knowing what was happening.

When they got to Izah's door, she opened it and pulled Chael inside. She immediately turned around and they kissed each other for a few seconds before stopping. Izah turned around and said out loud, "He's ok. He's perfectly ok." At this time, he noticed Asyl stand up from the other side of the room. It then surprised him because she was completely nude.

"Chael.. I planned this along with a contingency. If you didn't like how I really am, I got to come back to be with Asyl. If you were fine with it, then you get a special treat tonight. From the both of us to you, but me especially, because you are still mine!" Izah said, her eyes welling up again.

Izah grabbed Chael's arm and led him to the bed and told him to sit in the bed and enjoy the show. Chael was unsure what she meant by 'show,' but that was soon answered. He was sitting up near the top of the bed when Izah and Asyl joined up together standing at the foot of the bed. Asyl reached out and slowly slid off the shoulder straps of Izah's dress. The entire dress slid down off her body into a heap on the floor, leaving her as well-dressed as Asyl.

Izah put a hand behind Asyl's head and kissed her. Her other hand was stroking Asyl's waist and stomach. Soon she broke the kiss and moved to Asyl's neck and began licking her. Her hands slid down Asyl's chest and reached her cloaca, where she used her fingers to rub Asyl, causing her to softly purr. Asyl mimicked her and reached out to play with Izah's slit, their purring and knees buckling on occasion. This scene was having an obvious effect on Chael, but Izah looked over at him and told him not to do anything yet, that they would take care of everything. Now he could hardly contain himself!

After a few moments, Izah leaned in and whispered something to Asyl, and she nodded. They stopped what they were doing and turned to face Chael. The grins on their faces were evident as to what they were planning. Simultaneously they climbed onto the bed and headed toward him. As they came upon him, he turned his head toward Izah and they kissed each other. Asyl came up and kissed and licked his neck. At the same time the girls reached for his shirt and lifted it up and over his head. Both of them set to work rubbing his chest and licking him, oftentimes crossing paths and sneaking in a lick on each other.

After a moment of this, they stopped and both girls looked at Chael and let out a small growl. One of them reached for the buckle of his pants while the other handled the zipper. In a flash, they had removed his pants and thrown them on the floor, his fully erect cock sticking straight out from him. The girls gasped at their first time seeing a cock. They licked their lips in anticipation. Asyl leaned down and started low with a lick to the base of his cock, while Izah gave a long lick from halfway up his cock, then to the tip, taking in a trail of his precum.

Chael couldn't believe what was happening to him at this moment. Two extremely beautiful females were servicing his cock and giving him a moment from a dream. He leaned his head back as the girls continued ravaging his cock with their tongues. He looked up and asked them to move their tails a little closer to him. The girls looked at each other and agreed. After doing so, he reached out and began massaging the girls' cloacas with one hand each. The girls each let out a tremendous purr, flicking their tails side to side. The attention caused Izah to fully engulf his cock in one motion. Chael closed his eyes with a low growl and shoved a finger into each girl's slit, making them his harder on his cock. As Izah moved up with her mouth, Asyl followed it with a lick of her tongue.

Chael was growling every time Izah went up, the sheer amount of pleasure it was causing overriding his basic senses. On an upstroke, Izah began twisting her tongue on the underside of the tip of his cock, eliciting a long, drawn out murr from him. It started to become too much for him to handle, and he looked down at them and, in a growling voice said, "Girls.. I'm getting.. close.."

Izah took her snout off his cock and started to match up licks with Asyl, their combined tongues encasing his cock with slick pleasure. Chael thrust his hips up and down to prolong the exposure time on his cock and their tongues before he gave in, letting out a choked growl. His cock throbbed on their tongues a few times before it fired shot after shot of cum into the air, landing either back onto him or onto one of the girls' faces. Izah let out a high-pitched murr of surprise. She wanted the majority of his cum for herself, so she once again wrapped her snout around his cock, swallowing every following shot that filled her mouth. When the shots slowed down, she periodically sucked on the tip of his cock until he was completely drained.

Chael was fading in and out of consciousness when Izah came up and kissed him. A moment later he was breathing heavily and was fervently licking her. While the two were going about their business, Asyl was slowly masturbating him. A small droplet of cum came up and she licked it off for her own tasting. The girls agreed that the taste was better than they ever expected and couldn't wait until their next time. Izah put a hand on Chael's face and asked, "Have you ever tasted a female?" Chael simply shook his head 'no.'

Izah smiled and had him move down to lie flat on his back. She put one leg over his head and straddled his snout, her cloaca right in position and her tail latching on to the bedpost. He smelled her scent of sex, and stuck a tongue out and licked her slit. This brought a strong purr from her that shook both of them. Encouraged, Chael licked her with more vigor, sometimes slowly, sometimes quickly, each garnered a different pitch and length of noise from her. Asyl went back to stroking Chael's cock to keep it hard. Once it was fully erect again, she held it straight up, and Izah bent down and started to suck on it once more.

With the feeling of having his cock sucked on again, Chael strengthened his licks on her slit, eventually penetrating in and getting to her inner walls. He moved his head just a little bit and licked out again, going inside of her, and this time hitting a spot that caused her to tense up and purr louder than ever. The vibration feeling on his cock was incredible. Her sucking got stronger as his licks hit her spot over and over again. Soon she was so overwhelmed with pleasure she had to move her mouth off his cock. She couldn't concentrate on sucking his cock anymore and instead started to concentrate on her own approaching orgasm. Her head was lying to the left of his cock while she was breathing heavily, gasping for air with her eyes closed, a high-pitched purr getting louder and louder.

Mesmerized by her smell and flavor, Chael could only keep up the internal torture. With one final, long lick, Izah dug her claws into his sides as hard as she could, her eyes closed in the agony of intense orgasm, and Chael was treated to a torrent of her juices. Asyl was sitting there smiling, when suddenly Izah went limp.

Chael picked her up and held her close to him to see what was wrong. Asyl just said, "Don't worry, after something that intense, she just blacked out for a moment. She'll wake up in a minute." After she said that, Chael noticed that Izah was still breathing. She had a smile on her face and was purring the entire time she was out.

His heart slowing down, Chael laid her down next to him. In a few moments she opened her eyes and turned to him and said, "That was the best thing I've ever felt so far." He kissed her as she slowly started to sit up. "Let's try the real purpose of what we're doing," she said.

They rearranged themselves on the bed, Asyl laying herself down on her back at the top, giving full access to her cloaca, in which Izah got on her hands and knees in the middle, looking back at Chael. She said, "Come on, your instincts know what to do. Now fuck me!" as she lifted her tail up and to the side. Chael obliged her wants and lined up his cock at her cloaca and slid it in.

Izah growled as she felt a cock enter her for the first time. Chael grabbed her waist and tail and held still for a moment. Izah took this time to begin licking Asyl's slit, filling the room with growls, purrs, grunts, and wet noises. Chael fucked her in and out, getting as deep as he could with each thrust and his crotch slapping Izah's each time.

They continued like this for over ten minutes. None of them getting tired nor showing any signs of slowing down. Izah was the first to approach her final orgasm of the night. She was showing signs of it coming with her tail flicking side to side, finally ending up wrapping it around Chael's waistline. She was slowly lowering her groin to get a deeper penetration from Chael. As she got closer and closer, her licking of Asyl got faster and faster, while her inner muscles started to constrict around his cock. As her orgasm struck, Izah's tongue shot straight out and hit Asyl's sensitive inner spots, which triggered her orgasm. The combined look and sounds of the two females writing in pleasure in front of him caused Chael to quickly start cumming. He emptied his loins into Izah, the pleasure spreading throughout the three.

As they started to come down from their erotic high, Izah's purrs started getting softer and softer as her eyes started to close and she fell forward. As she did, Chael's cock popped up with a wet slurping sound. His cock started to limp and slowly retracted back into his internal sheath. Asyl and Chael helped move the sleeping Izah into a more comfortable position in the middle of the bed under the covers. Asyl got on the left side with Chael on the right side of Izah, holding on to her hand as she slept. Within moments, all three of them had fallen asleep after their extended session of threeway love-making.

There was a knock on the door to the bedroom, but nobody answered. Knocking again, the door opened to allow Jakon to come into the room. He looked at the bed and at the collection of bodies sleeping. He quickly turned around and left the room. He walked down the stairs, picked up the phone and immediately dialed Jasq's number...