Barren earth part 5

Story by Brandi McBride on SoFurry

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" Ezra get me Rany's comm frequency now!" " got it talk when you ready." Rany is my mate. He is a seven foot three inch liger." What are you doing up there Arcce?" a very husky voice came on the line. " I'm trying to save all of our tails now if you wouldn't mind can you get those tractor beams online to get Io inside." " Got it, Mattis get those tractor beams online we need to get the hero inside now." I heard mattis's garbled reply through the comm but couldn't make out what he said. " Io get ready we're bringing you in." " Got it , but * coff coff * can you hurry up please." Shit I forgot about the smoke in the cockpitt of his ship. " Rany hurry up with that tractor beam!" " I just got it online, wait there's Io, he's coming in the bay doors now." " Latran you stay up here we are going to greet the hero." I can't beleive that Io of all the people was willing to risk life and limb to save everyone, I thought as I walked down to the main bay. When I arrived Io was surrounded by about 10 people, all of them asking questions such as " how did you survive?" and " What were you thinking when you came up with this idea?" " Come on people back to your post we still have a long travel ahead of us." " Sir I hope you are not planning on giving me a medal." " Oh trust me you will get one, but not until we have reclaimed our planet." " And how are we supposed to do that?" Ezra asked " Do you remember that energy source that I had you research?" " Yes why?" " I've found some on a distant planet on the other side of the universe." " that weapon is still in the design faze it's not going to be ready in time for us to use it." " Yes it will if I have to sacrafice myself to make it work." " Your fusion-arc reactor Is not powerful enough to power that weapon you won't survive." " Yes it is powerful enough and that is why I'm naming you as my second in command Ezra, you have the strength and the knowledge to lead our people." " Wait....what?! You are asking me to become you sucessor?"

Barren Earth part 6

" Wait....what?! You are asking me to become you sucessor?" "Yes I am." At that moment my comm buzzed " Sir there's someone calling you on the comm." I heard Latran say. " Got it I'll be right up." Hmm I wonder who it is, more survivors maybe. Once I...

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Barren Earth part 4

"Everyone to the ship now." I shouted through my comlink. "We're leaving." As all of the unit one by one are getting to the launch bay I see Io is not coming, I shouted," Where is Io" to the comlink "Io get your ass in the bay!" "No can do, they're too...

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Barren Earth Part 3

"What the he'll was that?!" I shouted over the confusion. " I think one of the half organics blew a hole in the fuel storage silo." I heard mattis ( the only human left) shout. As I keyed my comm I shouted " Blaze get the damn fire control crews up...

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