Paws of Fire: Tiger in Town - Chapter 13

Story by Ambelsyn on SoFurry

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#2 of Paws of Fire: Tiger in Town

Chapter 13: Return of the King

The cheetah and the white wolfess did not stop until they found find Nick and Lush. Jalhamut found it hard to keep up with Aveyi. The blue flames that erupted from her in her rage gave her speed that rivaled his own, aside from when his own fury would burst.

It only took about seven minutes until the trail of Lush's scent vanished. Aveyi stopped dead where the scent ended, howling out loudly in rage as she looked around the bare landscape for any sign of her target. Jalhamut was rushing up to her.

Before he reached about thirty feet from her position, Jalhamut came to a sudden halt as he slammed against an invisible wall, his nose smashing against the barrier while the rest of his pelt slammed up against it, taking little harm from his fast reflexes. His nose began to bleed, but he didn't care about the pain he felt. It was like stubbing his toe, it hurts like a bitch...but it will pass shortly.

"Aveyi!" Jalhamut shouted to her, banging his paw against the invisible wall, panicking as he felt along the wall, looking for a way in. The wolfess turned her head to see what she was called for, but then a long pink ray blasted out from the top of Jalhamut's vision, the beam striking Aveyi dead on. Aveyi stood still for a moment, frozen by the ray, before falling over motionless, eyes open and staring blankly at the cheetah.

He didn't hear anything. The pink light was completely silent, as if whatever barrier kept him from reaching Aveyi was sound proof. But if that were the case, how could she have heard him call? Then his question was answered after she heard the cackle of the bat they were after. He looked up into the sky, seeing the silhouette of a bat descending from up high. He could just make out the frame of a wolf in her clutches, who must have been Nick.

Jalhamut was frantically bashing at the invisible wall, desperate to rush to Aveyi's aid. She couldn't have died...not that easily. He suddenly felt a great force press against his back, the invisible wall in front of him shattering loudly and bursting him through, just in time to not be crushed. He fell face down into the dirt, feeling a slight weight bearing down on his back while a paw kept his head in the dirt. The knees of his assailant dug into his upper arms, keeping him from swinging his arms back to retaliate.

Who was so quiet that he could not have noticed it comming? After hearing the complaining groan of Viper, he deduced that his assailant was Ryu, the leopard. "Ryu! That wall took me forever to get right! These things are useless now!"

Jalhamut was able to lift his head up, only to have his head held down again by Ryu's mighty paw, but this time he could see what was ahead of him. He could see Lush holding Nick in her arms like a newly wed male would hold a female. Nick was not in any way harmed, to Jalhamut's relief...but what he did see was possibly even worse.

Nick was...caressing her body. He seemed to want to be with her, even after he glanced down at Aveyi's motionless body. Did he not care about her anymore? He saw Aveyi between Lush's legs, still motionless, but staring straight at the two of them as they started to kiss passionately. Nick looked happier than he had ever been to be kissing this beautiful creature.

Jalhamut felt the rage in him burn. Nick was not even trying to get away. He completely ditched Aveyi...did he follow Lush on his own accord, rather than be abducted? Jalhamut gathered his rage...he needed his power...he needed to get up and stop Lush. His rage was suddenly halted after Ryu pinched the scruff of Jalhamut's neck. The cheetah felt a sudden calm rush over him, and he couldn't move...he was completely paralyzed. He could only control his head now, moving his eyes around to see if they were being surrounded...but only Ryu, Viper, Aveyi, Lush, and Nick were there with him.

Jalhamut felt a great warmth flood over his ear as Ryu began to whisper, "Be calm. There's no reason for me to have to kill you, and you should be grateful." Jalhamut could hardly listen to the leopard, watching Lush push Nick onto the ground on his back, crouching over him with her back to Aveyi. Nick was hard, and the two of them got into their position. Jalhamut wanted to be angry, but he could feel nothing. He felt like a helpless plant after that pinch of Ryu's paralyzed him. He didn't want to watch Nick cheat on Aveyi. And to think Aveyi was right there. At least she was unconcious.

Ryu seemed to have read the cheetah's mind, gently pushing his eyes closed with his free paw before going on. "Listen carefully, Jalhamut. We need to get into Bai'ji, but your stupid bird friend will tear us all a new one. I'm sure glad you've decided to try and save your buddy though. That'll make sparing your lives much simpler."

"Lush will not bring harm to any of you, nor can she...physically. She has merely paralyzed Aveyi, much like how I've paralyzed you. When I let go of you in a moment, do not try and fight us...espeically not Lush, if you want Nick to live. Their lives will be binded together...the end of Lush's life will kill Nick too. I wouldn't imagine Nick letting you harm her either." The leopard paused his speech for a moment, muttering, "Does she have to take him...right in front of Aveyi? What a twisted bat..."

Jalhamut could hear the howling of Nick, the slopping sounds of his wolf meat pounding into Lush's cunt sending surges of rage through his head, but nowhere else in his body. Lush's screech hinted at their climax, tears building in Jalhamut's eyes as he imagined what Aveyi must be feeling right now. The wolfess could still see...but would this treachery be enough to blind her?

Ryu let go of Jalhamut's neck, the rage pouring into his entire body instantly, the green flames erupting from his eyes and paws as he knocked Ryu off of him. Ryu rolled far away, skidding to a halt as he quickly got back his balance and stood up. "Calm down! Remember what I said!" The stern gaze Ryu gave Jalhamut was enough to stop the cheetah from proceeding for a moment.

"You..." He looked away from Ryu, glaring at the cuddling pair of Nick and Lush, the two of them still being flirty with one another in front of Aveyi, as if they were getting a kick out of torturing her heart like this. He wanted to murder them both...but he knew Nick wouldn't cheat on Aveyi like that...something else was going on that only Lush could perform. Whatever Lush did, he couldn't chance killing her. If Ryu was telling the truth, Lush had to be protected as much as his friends did.

He looked back at Ryu, letting his rage feed him more and more. Ryu turned his head for a moment, "Viper, go get the forces ready. We'll be taking the city soon." Jalhamut took the moment to attack Ryu. He may not be able to kill Lush, but Ryu had no ties. Jalhamut was faster than light. Ryu was no match!

He dashed at Ryu at full speed, claws extended as the world around him slowed down. Ryu was standing motionless as time seemed to freeze during his attack. He reached his target, swiping his claw at Ryu while yowling in rage. He struck Ryu dead on his cheek, and the claws dug into his face...then his whole paw...and then his arm came whirling around as it phased through the fading shape of Ryu. Jalhamut's eyes widened as he witnessed his target vanish. He felt a prick in the back of his neck, the sharpness telling Jalhamut the Ryu had a dagger pointed straight at the back of his neck.

"Jalhamut, you cannot defeat me. I can read minds. I know when and where I need to go...and that's how I know that there are two others that worry me in Bai'ji. You will lead us inside, and you will tell Shah about Lush and Nick.

Jalhamut turned his head slowly, the flames dying down as he pushed aside his anger. He was defeated, but only by playing by Ryu's rules would he live to fight another day. Jalhamut sighed, keeping as calm of a voice as he could as he replied. "Follow me then...but wait at the gates. I need to tell Shah before you set foot inside...but you already know that...don't you?"

Ryu smirked, saying nothing as he nodded in agreement. Jalhamut looked over at Aveyi, thankful that Lush and Nick were done making love, but still irritated that Nick was hugging Lush's arm as she walked over to Ryu. He picked Aveyi up, cradling her in his arms. He looked into her eyes, sorrow engulfing him as he saw the streams of flattened fur on her face. She saw everything...

Jalhamut began to weep again, standing there motionless for a moment as he just stared into those pained eyes, bitter memories creeping up on him. Ryu coughed, waking Jalhamut from his sorrowful moment. His whispered as he walked, followed by the others.

" me."


The travelers made it to Bai'ji about three hours later, reaching the gates and stopping in front of them. He turned his head, nodding to the other three, still cringing at the sight of Nick practically worshipping the she-bat. The three of them hid behind a large rock at the signal. They agreed to not enter the city until Jalhamut had talked to Shah. Once they were hidden, Jalhamut felt a chill flood through him. "This will be the first time I've seen my city since the corruption..."

He calmed his nerves for a moment, letting out a loud yowl to announce his arrival, and gain entry to his city. His call was answered almost instantly. Murmurs grew into clapping, and clapping into roars of triumphant glee as the city gates opened to the scene of a city crowded with furs. After the gates opened, Jalhamut did not share the joy that the others had. While they all saw a beacon of hope at his return...he saw the end. His people were practically starving...the streets were littered with feces and fur...and bodies. The stench of the dead was revolting, the cheetah wanting to vomit right there in front of his people...but he had to stay strong, and hide his great disappointment. Two young pandas rushed out to him, the others keeping inside.

"Take her to the infirmary...she's fine...but keep her paralyzed for me." He knew what Aveyi would do if she got control back. He couldn't risk the fury clouding her judgement. He would have to first explain everything to her in private later.

The pandas nodded silently, carrying her through the crowd of furs. He felt slightly relieved when the pandas didn't question his orders. They were still loyal, even after being gone so long. He put on a fake smile, throwing a fist in the air to egg on the cheering for a moment. His people were excited, and he didn't want that to change.

"I must speak to Shah immediately! Please...clear the way!"