Fav Teacher Chapter 3: The Dream

Story by CitanOsumi on SoFurry

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#3 of "Fav Teacher"

Hello everyone. Welcome to Chapter 3 of "Fav Teacher" Now I noticed chapter 2 did not do as well as chapter 1 and I knida saw that coming. But as I promised this one is going to have new yiff and alot more of it. But with who thou? You will Just have to read and find out for yourself. And thanx for coming back and reading my storys. I love writing them so please continue to e-mail me letting me know what you think. Well here it is Folks Chapter 3: The Dream. Enjoy

Heres everyones favorite part, THE WARNING THINGY! yay! You should be 18 or older to read this story as it cotains YAOI yiff in it blah blah blah. You have read my last two chapters hopefully so u know that already. So if you don't like that your in the wrong spot or you are just not sure about yourself. ^_^;; Well here it is.

Citan was awoken by a paw that slammed into his face. He quickly opened his eyes...."Hey the other one opens now" he said to himself as he now looked through both eyes again. He was laying on his bed half naked and streched over him was a very cute white snow leopard. He must have turned or something cause his paw was right on Citans face. "Wake up Issac, It is morning and we have to get ready for school." Issac slowly woke up, looked up at Citan and smiled. "Good morning Citan, did you sleep well?" "Yeah, you were very comfy to snuggle with. Maybe next time we can do something before we sleep eh kid?" Issac nodded and smiled, he wanted to do something last night but did not want to try anyhting, in fear of making his new freind upset. They got up, ate some breakfast and went to school. The day was normal as always, Citan really didn't get any welcome backs, due to he had no freinds, except Issac and Kraden. The day went by and finnaly it was defense class. He walked into class and instently was approched by Reno.

"Hey orphan boy? Did you get a booboo?" Reno let out a laugh as he pointed to the scar on Citans eye."Shut up Reno, I will have you know Kraden said I am alot better than you are so I would shut up if I were you. Reno flew a punch at Citan and he was too close so he just closed his eyes and waited, but it never came. He opened his eyes to see that there was a strong yellow arm holding Reno's back.

"Thats is enough Reno! One more outburst like that and I will expell you from class!" Kraden let go of Renos arm turned to Citan. "It is good to see you back kid, we missed ya. Did you get my gift from Issac?"

"Yes I did Kraden and thank you very much for it." Citan started to blush but quickly fought it back not wanting everyone to find out.

"Now class starts in 5 minuts so every be ready." He then walked over to his desk and sat down. Citan walked over and sat in his usual spot and rested his head on his arms to wait.

"Hey Citan! He looked up to see Issac running toward him from the door. "Hey Citan how was your day? Oh can I sit with you?" Citan nodded and Issac sat down. "It was ok, nothing special, just your avareage day. How bout you kid?" "Well nothing special either... Issac was interupted by Kraden.

"Ok students, today is just going to be sparing between students." Kraden walked up and down the halls and gave each person a partner. He came by Citan and Issac's table but just walked by and finished giving people partners. "I wonder what the matter is Citan, I mean he just skipped us." Citan shrugged his shoulders as all the students went to the sparring part of the room and Kraden walked up to them.

"You too will be training with me today." Citans heart jumped a beat, he liked fighting Kraden the last time.

They followed him over to the corner and he grabed the same sword that he cut Citan with. "Now you too will attack me, Citan cover Issac as best as you can as I know your already good enough, this is more like Issacs test than training" They both nodded and training began. Kraden attack Issac with blow after blow at him. What Issac could not dodge, Citan covered for him. After a wile they figured out a stratagy against Kraden. Issac was really good at defense and Citan was mainly good at offence. And the two made a good team, Issac's defense with Ctians offence was starting to overtake Kraden. He was slowly moving away from the two, instead of toward them. Every time they got closer and closer to beating Kraden, they both charged hm and thought that this was it, they were going to win. But just when they thought they had him beat Kraden made a move that threw Issac off balance and Kraden took his weapon and slashed at both of them, stopping just inches from there troats.

"Darn it! We almost had him!" Issac said as he got up. "You two are really good partners" This made Citan blush but Issac just jumped with joy. Kraden gave back Issac's sword and they went at it again. Citan could most likely hit Kraden again, but he was taking advantage of Issac. He would attack at Issac more ofthen so Citan had to defend for him. They never got close to beating Kraden but they continued to train, and eventually the day was over. Kraden congradulated them agian for being such a good team and went to his desk. Citan turned to Issac. "Hey Issac you want to come over to my house tonight again?" "Sorry I can't tonight Citan, me and my family are actually doing something tonight, were going out for supper tonight." "Thats ok, maybe some other time." "It was a big surprise for me, they both have the night off and want to spend some quality time together with me." They said there goodbyes and Issac left. Citan was packing his supplys and headed for the door.

"Citan, may I have a word with you?" "Oh sure Kraden, whats up?" "Well, I don't know how to say this so I am just going to say it, but I may need a place to stay for a wile, I am being evicted from my apartment in a week." "But why Kraden, whats to matter?" "Well...this job does not pay alot and I can't afford the rent anymore, so would you mind if I stayed at your house for a wile?" "Not at all sir, You let me stay at your house, so I see it only fit, you can come anyime you wish sir." "Thank you very much Citan, I will be over tommoro afternoon after school. Thanks again kid, this means alot to me." "Don't mention it sir, It will be nice to have a house guest for once. It gets really lonely at my house." "Well I just hope I won't bother you much kid." "Not at all sire, well I must be going." Citan waved good bye and wile walking home had the biggest smile. He could not believe it, "Kraden is going to live with me, I mean LIVE with me, the only thing that would make me more happy is if he felt the same way about me." As he walked he wondered how he was going to do it thou, live with the person he has a crush on. He will have to try extra hard not let himself get aroused around him. He continued to think of what he was going to do and finnaly came to his house. Citan walked into his house and just spent the afternoon cleaning.

"Man, this place is a mess, I really need to clean it more often, even if I don't get visitors often" He lived alone so he figured it wouldn't get that messy, but it was the lack of company that allowed the house to get so dirty. He picked things up, arranged things here and there and worked himself tired. He decided to take a break and layed down on the couch and closed his eyes.

"Citan, wake up Citan." He slowly opened his eyes and in shock found Kraden sitting at the end of the sofa. "Kraden, I thought you were coming tommoro?" "I decided to come early, and besides, there is something I need to talk to you about" "What's that sir?" " I know how you feel about me Citan, I know that you love me kid, I can see it in your eyes everytime you look at me." "But... I....how......" Is all that Citan could say before Kraden put a finger on his mouth. "Shh, don't say a thing kid, it's ok." He removed his finger and leaned in and kissed Citan on the lips. His eyes wide open. "This can't be real, he is kissing me....my love is kissing me" Went through his mind over and over again all throughout the kiss. Kraden backed off "I love you too kid, since the first day u were in my class." Citan's eyes began to tear up, finnaly he knew, his love loved him back. He jumped into his teachers arms and hugged him tight. Kraden set a paw on his head "I love you so much kid" Citan burst into tears on his teachers chest "There is something i have wanted to do to you sicne the day i met you Citan." He leaned Citan down on the couch and slid on top of him and began to rub his chest fur. "I hope you don't mind Citan?" He just shook his head, and Kraden continued. "I have dreamed of this for so long" he thought.

Kraden moved down and began to undo Citans pants and slowly slid them down to his knees. He began to murr instantly as Kraden began to rub his already exposed member. "Kraden, I love yo..." His words were cut short at the sudden feeling of Kradens muzzle around his member. He began to moan over and over again as Kraden sucked harder. Citan's sences went wild from the pleasure, but he quickly came to when Kraden stoped. "Citan, I want to be inside of you my love." Citan blushed and just layed down and moaned. Kraden crawled over the wolf, dwarfing him in size. "This is going to hurt kid, alot." Citan did not care, he was mating with his true love at last, he would do anything for him. Kraden put the tip of his memeber right on Citan's tail hole, he placed his paw on his and slowly began to enter him. Citan let out a loud yell and the pain of his virginity being taking by his true love. Kraden stoped "Do you want me to stop Citan?" He shook his head and Kraden continued to push, he stopped before his barbs would enter and kissed the wolfs chest, then with another push went in all the way, the barbs stretching Citan even further causing him to whimper. He lout out whimpers each time his teacher went in and out of him. His own member rubing inbtween there stomachs adding to the plesure. He just looked at Kraden, his muscluar built body moving over him, sweat making his fur look like it was shining, his love just grew for his teacher as he was being taking. "Ohh Citan, your so tight." "I was a virgin sir, I saved it for you to take from me." This must have turned Kraden on more beacuse his thrust went faster, his moans grew louder. He bent down and bit into Citans shoulder. The pain hurt but he did not care. He took his paw and rubed it across the scar he left on his teacher. Kraden must have just now his the climax, he bit down hard into Citan's shoulder causing him to yelp and roared loud shaking the whole room. He pushed one more hard time and left it there. Citan felt the warm lion seed fill him up, massaging his insides of any reamining pain. This threw him over the edge, he let out a loud howl as and shot his load all over his teachers stomach. They both ended around the same time, Kraden fell limp on his student and panted "I love..you...kid..." "I love... you sir.." They hugged eachother and Citan licked the wolf seed off his teachers chest. They laid down, with his teacher still inside him, they fell asleep


Citan opened his eyes. To his dissapointment Kraden was nowhere to be seen. "Kraden wher..." It hit him, it was only a dream. Citan was still dressed laying on the same couch.


He quickly got up and ran to the phone and Picked it up.."Hello, Uzuki residence"

"Citan? it's me Kraden, I am on my way to your house I will explain when i get there, be ready to leave" Before Citan could say anything he herd the other line click off. He wondered what was so important, but did not mean to think anymore of it. He got ready to go and waited by his front door. He herd a call pull in, walked over and opened the door right as Kraden was about to ring the door bell. "Hey Kraden how are..." He stopped when he looked at his face. Kraden stood there with a stone cold look on his face. "Whats the matter Kraden, what happened?"

"It's Issac...he was in....he was in an accident, there car was hit by a semi truck."


What have I done folks?

Things were going good,

and I go and do this.

*clears throat and in the movie voice again*

Is Issac ok? What happend to him?

Talk about a cliffhanger!

Stay Tuned to find the answer next time on

"Fav Teacher: Chapter 4"

Well, there it is. I promised you yiff, and I gave it to you. But it came at a price, A CLIFFHANGER! What is going to happen folks? Well, you will have to wait and see for yourself. Well if you have any praise, hate letter from you Issac fans ^_^;; or anything else let me know at [email protected] Shout out to my freinds Frost, Cecil, bigbaddragon, Ryuu, and anyone I missed. One last shot at a high five for guessing where Citan's name came from. Well hopefully see you next chapter everyone ^_^

p.s. Please E-mail me on your thoughts, I am always open for suggestions! And I love to hear from fans, or even people who don't like my work. I am tuff, I can take it! Oh and thanx to everyone who has e-mailed me about chaps 1 and 2, I appreciate it alot ^_-