Shower Time

Story by Dragon Knight XXX on SoFurry

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The gym class had just finished and everyone went into the locker room to get changed. There were 20 students ten male ten female, all of whom had a future mate in the locker room with them. Everyone was changing out of their gym clothes after gym class and they were all use to the sight of each other in their underwear. Fredrick had purple eyes and the white spot on his tail was bigger then everyone else's, Salina had blue eyes and her tail was a little blacker then everyone else's. Besides the differences in eye color everyone looked basically the same, also they were all dressed in white gym shorts and green gym shirts. Everyone was standing between two rows of lockers and there was a bench for sitting on between the two lockers and Fredrick was sitting on it and taking his gym shoes off. Salina was by her locker and she was taking her shoes off and while she was doing that Fredrick said, "Hey Salina do you want to go on a date tonight?"

Salina smiled, turned around and replied, "I would love go on a date with you Fredrick, what exactly do you have in mind?"

Fredrick took off his shirt showing his strong, arms, chest, and shoulders. While he was doing that he said, "I was thinking we could see that new movie that came out last week, you know the one with the red aliens in it."

Salina took her shirt off and her strong, back cute tummy and green bra were then visible. Her bra perfectly covered her breasts, but showed them to be a nice size for a young woman her age. As she was doing this she said, "I would love to see that movie with you Fredrick, but I heard it was sold out so I don't know how will get tickets for it."

Fredrick took off his gym shirts and his white boxers became visible. As he was doing this he said, "My cousin works at the theater. So he was able to get to tickets just for us. So when it comes to tickets were good."

Salina then pulled her gym shorts off and her green panties became visible. Her panties covered everything perfectly, but they did show her butt to be round and a good size. While she was taking her gym shorts off and putting them away she replied, "Great then, what time do you want to see the movie tonight?"

Fredrick said, "I was thinking eight, is that a good time for you?"

Salina then sat down on the bench next to Fredrick and said, "Yes, oh Fredrick did you hear that Bob bought his girlfriend Liz pink under wear?"

Before Fredrick could reply Bob and Liz walked up to them and they were wearing nothing but their underwear and Liz was wearing pink panties and a bra. Bob and Liz were best friends with Frederick and Salina. Liz put her hands on her hips and said, "So what if my boyfriend bought me pink underwear, it's nice."

Salina replied, "Well it is nice, but still I think that pink is just......."

Before Salina could say anymore Bob interrupted her and said, "Quiet the gym teacher is here."

Suddenly everyone became silent as the gym teacher entered the locker room. As soon as he did he said, "Alright class, you're at that age. It's time you use the showers, now be sure to get yourselves all clean and remember the rule. You got 20 minutes I expect you all to be done when I get back."

After the couch said this he left the locker room. Salina and Frederick both blushed a bit and then they decided to take their clothes off along with everyone else. They both had no idea what the other sex looked like naked and they were both excited to find out. They blushed and Fredrick said, "We knew this day would come, are you ready Salina?"

Salina blushed and said, "Yes."

Fredrick and Salina both blushed and kissed each other's foreheads. Then they took their underwear off and let it fall to the floor. Then they were naked and soon, everyone's briefs, boxers, bras and panties fell to the ground and everyone was as naked as the day they were born. Fredrick and Salina looked at each other's naked bodies and saw what the opposite sex looked like naked for the first time in their lives. Salina saw that Fredrick had two round white balls, a black penis and white pubic fur. Fredrick saw that Salina had two black nice sized breasts and that her nipples were pointy and pink. He saw her vagina had white pubic fur a slit in its middle and a nub on top. Salina and Fredrick were truly beautiful beyond belief when they were naked, Fredrick's penis like the penises of all the boys in the room was big and hard and Salina's nipples were hard just like the nipples of all of the other girls in the room. Salina and Fredrick both smiled and Fredrick put his hands on Salina's shoulders and said, "You're beautiful Salina."

Salina replied, "You're beautiful to my love."

Salina put her hands on Fredrick's chest and then she and Fredrick shared a loving kiss and since they were naked it was much exciting than the usual kisses they shared on each other's lips. They kissed for a few seconds and then Bob and Liz separated them and Liz said, "Come on now you, two you can make out in the shower."

Fredrick and Salina nodded and they held hands and walked into the shower along with the 10 other couples. Now Bob turned the shower on and the water was warm and made everyone aroused and Fredrick's penis grew and so did all the other's boys penises and their girlfriends eyes widened. The boys just smiled and got some shower gel and started washing their girlfriends and their girlfriends got some shower gel and started washing them. Fredrick and Salina put some shower gel on their hands and started washing each other. They both moaned in pleasure and Salina rubbed Fredrick's chest and Fredrick rubbed Salina's chest and they both moaned in pleasure. Bob and Liz followed their lead and washed each other's chests for while and then everybody was washing each other and it was all good. Fredrick's penis got bigger and he and Salina shared a deep loving kiss and then his penis touched her vagina and they both moaned in pleasure. Fredrick then rubbed Salina's breasts together and she moaned in pleasure. Her nipples got very hard and so did Fredrick's penis, four drops of pre cum left Fredrick's penis but he did not notice this, soon all the males in the bathroom were trapped in a deep kiss with their future female mates and Fredrick was then washing Salina's back and his penis touched her tail bone. A drop of pre cum left his penis and it felt great. Soon everyone else was done showering and only Fredrick, Salina and Bob and Liz were left in the shower. Fredrick kept squeezing Salina's breasts while she rubbed her butt against his penis and balls.

The pleasure just kept building and soon they felt their cum start to raise and Fredrick said, "Salina I am going to cum!!!!"

Salina moaned in pleasure and replied, "So I am I!!!!!!"

Bob said, "If one couple comes in the shower everyone comes in the shower, so Liz my love are you ready to cum?"

Liz smiled and said, "Yes my love!"

Fredrick kept slamming his penis and balls against Salina's ass while rubbing her breasts and soon his cum started to raise and four drops of pre cum left his penis. Then he screamed in pleasure and cummed and his white cum shot out of his penis and covered Salina's bum. Salina cum to and kept her legs closed as cum ran down her legs and pure pleasure flowed through her and Fredrick. Bob and Liz then reached their climax to and they felt nothing but pure great pleasure. When everyone was done Cumming they let the shower wash, their cum off them and then they got dressed and went to class.

Fredrick and Salina did not cum again until a few years later; when they were showering in the locker room by themselves one day. Salina's breasts had gotten much bigger and so had Fredrick's penis. Fredrick and Salina were kissing lovingly while rubbing each other's chests. When their kiss broke Salina said, "Fredrick let's make love here, right now."

Fredrick felt his penis get bigger and he smiled and said, "Okay my love."

Fredrick and Salina kissed lovingly and passionately and Fredrick rubbed her breasts together while he thrust his big huge penis against her vagina. Salina moaned in pleasure and rubbed his balls with her left hand and made four drops of pre cum leave his penis. Their kiss then broke and Fredrick rubbed Salina's breasts together while she rubbed his penis and balls, pre cum stared dripping down her legs and then Fredrick kissed her nipples and Salina screamed in pure pleasure. He kissed her nipples three more times and gave her bum a squeeze and Salina wrapped her legs around his waist and they shared another loving kiss and Fredrick thrust his penis against Salina's vagina and four drops of pre cum left it, and pre cum started dripping down Salina's legs. They kept kissing for a whole minute and when they were done kissing, Fredrick kissed Salina's nipples again and she screamed in pleasure. Fredrick then carried her out of the shower and into the locker room. He gently laid her down on the bench and kissed her nipples and touched her nub with his right index finger, Salina screamed in pleasure and pre cum ran down her legs and then Fredrick ran a finger down her slit and Salina screamed in pleasure and opened her legs and showed Fredrick her wet pink dripping vagina opening. Fredrick looked at it in wonder for a second since it was the only part of her he had never seen before. Then Fredrick got on the bench and positioned himself right on top of her and stabbed the head of his penis into her, they both screamed in pleasure and Fredrick's eyes closed shut with pleasure as he felt the wet tight warmth of Salina's vagina cover his penis head. Salina's eyes were closed in pleasure to and Fredrick kissed her nipples and forehead, then he stabbed his penis all the way in until it was entirely covered by Salina's wet warmth and then he broke her virgin seal and they were virgins no more, Salina moaned in pain and Fredrick kissed her lovingly until the pain went away and then he thrust into her and with every thrust Salina's breasts bounced and the inside of her wet warm vagina just got tighter and tighter. After 22 thrusts the pleasure just became too great and Fredrick screamed in pleasure as pure pleasure shot through him as he cummed and Salina cummed to and her walls hugged Fredrick's penis as her cum ran down her legs and his as it poured out of her warm tight went vagina opening. Pure pleasure shot through her and made her scream and her hands shake and pure pleasure shot through Fredrick as he cummed and felt pure pleasure to, they cummed for 130 seconds and those 130 seconds were pure pleasure and joy. Fredrick's cum went all the way into Salina's womb and the some of it dripped out of her vagina and mixed with her cum and poured down their legs. When the pleasure ended Fredrick pulled his penis out of Salina and they kissed lovingly, Fredrick then said, "I love you Salina."

Salina smiled and kissed his forehead and replied, "I love you to Fredrick."

Salina and Fredrick then went back into the showers and washed all their cum off them and then got dressed and left the school.

The End