Chak and Jolaya

Story by Anakashar on SoFurry

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Chak - 19 year old male lizard. Likes Jolaya.

Jolaya - 18 year old female lizard. Likes Chak.

Story by Muddobbers.

Beginning (Part 1)

Chak was lying in bed and thinking of Jolaya. They went to school together from their beginning years. It was awkward for Chak, however, because he was one year older than the rest of his peers, including Jolaya. The grand bureaucracy of the system kept his parents from signing him up for school because his hatchday was three days past the deadline date of acceptance. It is a complicated, yet arcane system. A benefit to this was it allowed Chak to appear more mature than his friends. All of his friends looked up to him because he was the "elder" of the group.

Jolaya was, in turn, lying in her bed and thinking of Chak. Her friends kept telling her that he was simply too advanced for her. They claimed there was no way that he would try to find someone younger than him, and especially not one that attended to same school. She didn't listen to any of them. She knew that nothing would stop her from seeing him. The problem, though, was that she had never worked up the nerve to approach him. Every time she was out with friends and they saw Chak, her friends would simply advise her to move on. She reassured herself every day, ever since third grade, that she would be with him forever.

Chak's thoughts were well-occupied with images of Jolaya. He remembered growing up with her and playing with her when they were much younger. In the 5th grade, everything appeared to shift. Different friendships developed that kept them apart from each other, but it never dissolved their interests in each other. Especially the sexual interest.

"This sucks," they both exclaimed at the same time.

Jolaya's mind filled with images of Chak: His strong, scaled body, his tail, his horns that curved backward, his blue eyes. Smiling to herself, she wondered what he was like if she had him to hold. She imagined him flaunting his strength, his smile as he was close to her. Her hands began to imitate her thoughts as they moved down her body, massaging her chest and stomach. She imagined both of them lying down, removing the clothing off each other's bodies. Her hands reached her waistline as she imagined his hands being there.

Slowly she inserted her hands under the elastic of her panties and down to her slit. Her aroused state was obvious as her juices seeped out. She imagined him rubbing back and forth, not venturing too far, too quickly into her pussy. Her hand rubbing herself was causing her to arch her back and her tail flicked to the side. Her masturbating grew rapid as she was quickly approaching orgasm. As her mind imagined Chak inserting a finger into her cloaca, she let loose her orgasm. Long, drawn-out hisses of ecstasy erupted from her mouth as her pussy pulsed. All too soon it was over and she lied there smiling to herself that one day that would be real.

In his mind, Chak was envisioning Jolaya entirely nude. His only idea of what she looked like came from the vast amount of illicit images on the Internet. Imagining her in their place wasn't too difficult, though, as he was content with the image either way. He mentally explored her body: Her chest, smooth scaled and colored a light tan; her tail, sleek, thin, and a perfect length; her eyes, golden green-colored and sparkling; her female colorings, perfectly attracting his eye and gracing her beauty; and her ass, exceptionally smooth scales, exquisitely rounded, complementing her physique and being the attention of many males. Chak, as to be expected, was enamored with Jolaya. His mind, and body, was running wild.

His imagination took over with him kissing her, then both of them lying down in bed. He un-zipped his pants to let his cock emerge from his sheath. He grasped it and gave it slow strokes up and down as his mind filled with him caressing her form and admiring her body. He reached her cloaca and spread her legs. He extended his tongue and softly licked her pussy up and down. His pace on his cock was increasing as he was losing control of himself. His thoughts came to the point where he was lining of his cock to penetrate her, but his real-life orgasm came too quickly. He ejaculated three shots on his chest before he had time to grab a tissue and catch the remaining.

After cleaning himself off, Chak laid back down and began to think. "Jolaya wouldn't go with a freak like me.. lying here thinking of her naked! I mean, that'll probably creep out anyone..," he said. "But I can't stop thinking of her. Ever since 5th grade when we ran into each other and met eye-to-eye. We had done that many times before, but that time was different. We realized that we knew each other best and longed to be with each other.. That's it. I'm calling her first thing tomorrow!" he said to himself.

Jolaya lied there building up her courage, as she wanted to be with Chak at that very instant. "I've had these feelings for a long time and have never acted on them.. Chak..," she moaned. "That's it. I'm calling him right now!" she said as she got up to get the phone.

Jolaya ruffled through the phone book searching for Chak's apartment phone number. It didn't help much that the phone book was an utter mess with hardly any organization to it.

"Damn it, where is he?" she said fingering through the names. "You would think he would have told me his new number considering how long we've known each other!" she yelled, "Unless.. he doesn't like me anymore.." She paused her search in the phone book, not knowing she was one line away from the number.

Chak was pondering what Jolaya was doing at this moment. She has been on his mind for years on end at least three times every day. He decided to prepare himself for tomorrow and picked up his phone book and rifled through the pages until he found the page that contained her number. Marking it with a pen, he looked at the phone next to him, picked it up, and began to dial the first few numbers. Suddenly, his confidence dropped as the thought entered his mind, "What if she doesn't like me, and has chosen to ignore me?" He paused dialing the number and hung up the phone.

They both stood next to their phones, intently hoping that the other would call the other. They stood there for five minutes, hoping and dreaming. Slowly, they reached for their phones, unfeeling and numb to any sensation. Jolaya found the number (mentally smacking herself for being so close) and proceeded to dial the number, and Chak at the same time dialed her number. At that instant they both completed dialing the numbers, and both received a busy signal.

"I bet she's seeing someone else right now..," Chak groaned.

"I bet he's seeing someone else right now..," Jolaya sobbed.

They both hung up the phone, still feeling numb. "I have to know..," Chak said. With that, he dialed her number again and was surprised to hear it ring. When Jolaya heard the phone ring, she did a loud surprised hiss and fell back a bit. Timidly, she approached the phone and answered it.

"H..hello?" she stammered.

"Hi.. This is Chak.. Remember me?" Chak said.

"Chak! Er.. h-h..hi! How nice to hear from you! I was just thinking about y-er..," Jolaya said with shock.

"Thinking about Heh.. well, I was also just thinking about you.. and.. I wanted to call you to see how you were doing?" Chak replied, short of breath.

Jolaya could only whimper into the phone, not two minutes ago she was ready to dive from Chak. Now she is willing to give her whole essence to hear him talk on the phone just five seconds longer.

"I'm doing w-," was all she could get out before fainted.

"Jolaya? ..Jolaya!?" Chak shouted through the phone.

A few seconds later Jolaya regained consciousness, assured she was dreaming of talking to Chak. A piercing, "Jolaya, I'm coming over!" from the phone, which sounded a lot like Chak, brought her back to her senses.

Jolaya heard the phone hang up, and she hung her phone up. A feeling of bliss, happiness, confusion, lust, and joy spread through her body at the same time. She knew she had to get out of her clothes because they smelled like her juices and her sex. She put on a loose-fitting red shirt and tight-fitting denim jeans. The moment still seemed surreal to her mind.

Five minutes later there was heavy knocking on the door with a furious ringing of her doorbell. She rushed to the door and opened it to find a shirtless Chak breathing heavily. The moment they laid eyes on each other, they embraced each other as tightly as possible.

They looked at each other and longingly kissed each other. That kiss was both of their first kisses. Jolaya closed the door and pulled Chak over to the living and they both sat down on the couch. They both stared at each other for an extended moment before they both reached out for the other's hand at the same time. They locked hands and looked down a moment before looking back at each other.

"I love you," they both said at the same time.

Neither of them were shocked nor surprised. They both knew it was true.

"Ever since we ran across each other that time in fifth grade," Chak whispered.

"It was before that. Much before that," Jolaya said, "We have been separated for so long.."

They hugged each other for some time. They pulled apart and looked at each other, the scent of pheromones getting thick in the air. They kissed each other passionately while stroking each other's body, Chak roaming his hands down to Jolaya's ass and licking her neck. Jolaya responded in kind by cupping her hand over his crotch, rubbing up and down. Chak suddenly stood up and then picked up Jolaya and carried her to her bedroom.

Chak laid Jolaya carefully on the bed and joined her. They looked at each other for a small moment before she said, "I've never done anything like this before with someone else."

Chak's eyes lit up as he smiled, "Neither have I.. two virgins with lots of time to explore the possibilities!" Jolaya smiled broadly and let out a soft purr.

Chak slowly moved his hands to Jolaya's side, stroking her scaled chest and stomach. He came across a slight ticklish spot and flicked at it for a bit, causing her to squirm and then jump. Chak took this opportunity and pulled her close to him.

"Are you ready to try?" Chak asked.

Jolaya smiled and nodded, running her hands across Chak's bare chest, working her way downward to his pants. She started to purr as she rubbed the front of his crotch and began to work at the buckle and zipper. With a little help from Chak, the front and tail buckles were undone and pants were off.

"Your first real cock to see..," Chak proclaimed as he lied down on his back.

Jolaya got close to him and began to kiss him while moving her hand down to his sheath. She rubbed over it for a few seconds before his pink cock began to slide out, lengthen, and then harden. She did a loud, long purr and grasped ahold of it, admiring it's size. Chak let out a low growl as, for the first time in all of his life, someone other than himself took ahold of his cock.

"What do you think?" Chak asked.

"It's more than what I could have dreamed," Jolaya replied.

"You're more than what I could have dreamed," Chak said.

With that, she looked at him and lout out a long purr of agreeance, then she moved her head down and stuck her tongue out and licked around the tip. Chak let out a loud growl of pleasure as she did that. Emboldened, she extended her tongue out its entire length and coiled it around his cock and then followed suit with her mouth.

Chak let out a loud growl that could have been heard three doors down and then yelled, "Nnhh.. I can't.. hold out too much longer.." Jolaya constricted her tongue around his cock and pulled up sharply. This was all he needed to be pushed over the edge. As he pushed his hips upward, she put her mouth down and suckled all twelve shots of his cum.

"Oh wo-..there are no words to describe that.. I'm sorry it was so fast, though..," Chak stammered out. She pulled up, looked him in the eyes, and they hugged close for a moment before Chak said, "I think it's your turn, now." She nodded and did a warm purr.

They both sat up and kneeled on the bed and Chak slowly removed Jolaya's shirt and moved his across her chest. She grabbed his hands and moved them down to her jeans. Slowly, he unbuckled the front and tail of her jeans and pulled them down. She lied back on her back and he removed them completely. She spread her legs and he moved his face up to her cloaca. Smelling her prior juices, his instincts helped guide him along on what to do.

Chak extended his tongue out a little bit and lightly brushed across her cloaca. She let out a low hiss as he flicked his tongue out again with more strength. Getting the taste, he could not resist the flavor and stuck his tongue out hard into her pussy and caused her to gasp, hiss, purr, and tighten her pussy around his tongue all at the same time. As he moved his tongue around, she couldn't resist herself and realized her orgasm was coming on very quickly. When Chak moved his tongue to lick both the top and bottom of her pussy at the same time, she let out a hiss that could have been heard five buildings away as her orgasm took her by force.

Chak's cock had emerged from his sheath again, and he looked up at Jolaya. She looked back down and they both realized what their instincts were telling them to do next. He moved up across her body and their eyes met, just like they did back so many years ago. They locked together with a kiss the same moment that Chak thrust his cock into her cloaca and she thrust up onto his cock.

They formed a rhythm as they thrust against each other. The wet noises of their fucking permeated the air, with short purrs, grunts, hisses, and small roars from the couple. Chak's precum was mixing with Jolaya's juices and were running out onto the bed. For more than ten minutes they were like this, before Chak pulled out, Jolaya flipped over onto her stomach and moved her tail to the side, giving him unrestricted access to her cloaca. He penetrated her again and fucked her hard and deep.

A few minutes later, they both knew what was going to happen.

Jolaya let out a long purr and then softly said, "I'm.. close..nnghh!" She let out a gasping purr as her orgasm took over her entire body. Her inner walls were squeezing Chak's cock base to tip inside of her.

Chak could feel his orgasm coming again, the sheer strength of it causing his eyes to shut and his thrusts to become erratic. When his orgasm hit, he thrust deeply into her, emitting a grunt-roar with each shot.

They stayed in this position for a few moments. Then Chak fell to the side of Jolaya, rolling her with him. His cock was still hard and pulsing inside of her. He wrapped his arms around her and they both lied there basking in the company of the other.

"Why did we wait so long to get together?" Jolaya asked.

"We didn't wait long. We always were one," Chak replied.