Vadim, Chapter 10: First Day at the Range

Story by Nightcoon on SoFurry

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#10 of Vadim

Yay! Gun porn! This chapter is more of a filler for the story. If you don't like guns o...

Yay! Gun porn! This chapter is more of a filler for the story. If you don't like guns or find them boring, then dont read this. It's not too necessary for the story anyways. Disclaimer: this story does not revolve around guns, you will find this out in a couple of chapters. So yeah, enjoy for the few that will read! And feedback is welcome :3


It was 10:00 AM the next morning, and the group had left the town and were at the shooting range. The range was located in an open field about eight miles from the wall of the city. There were a few buildings for supplies and weapons, as well as a large two story clubhouse with rooms for lodging upstairs. The range itself consisted of a few major parts. It had a pistol range that went from 5 yards to 100 yards, which was used for beginners up to long range handguns such as silhouette pistols. The rifle range went from 25 yards to 1500 yards, and was designed for beginner shooting as well as long range sniper shooting. Then there was the tactical run through range. This range consisted of a small cheaply built town with various targets. One could practice tactical pistol shooting in a single building, or make runs through all the buildings with a tactical rifle. The town measured 300 yards across, and had many two story buildings and a few streets.

After taking a tour around the town, Ivan brought them in to a small classroom inside of the clubhouse for a run down on safety and to show how the guns worked. He also explained that these classes would be the norm for the next few weeks while they train.

After the brief class, it was time for Phil to show off his skills to prove he wouldn't have to train. The group walked to the pistol range and sat down at some seats behind the firing line, with the exception of Phil and Ivan.

"So Phil," Ivan said. "I will start you on this standard Beretta Model 92 in 9mm. I understand you are quite used to this gun."

Phil nodded. "Yes, this is the first gun I ever shot."

"Ok, good. You will have one magazine to shoot, which is 15 rounds. We will start out at ten yards, shoot 5; then go 15 yards, shoot 5; and finally 25 yards with the final five. Does this sound good?" Phil nodded. "Good, now take your weapon out of the case and load it, then tell me when you are finished and you will begin."

Phil took the pistol out of its case and grabbed the magazine that was also inside of the gun case. He loaded 15 rounds of normal target ammo in to the mag, then clipped it in to the pistol and turned on the safety.

"I am done, Ivan."

The fox had a stern look on his face. "Everyone put in their ear protection." He yelled to the group sitting down. Everyone did so, and Ivan turned back to Phil. "You may begin, raccoon."

Phil turned off the safety and loaded a round in to the chamber, and then aimed for the center of the target in front of him. He slowly squeezed the trigger until...

'BANG!' The first shot hit just barely to the left of the X in the center of the target. He got back on his target quickly, and slowly squeezed off another round. This time it hit directly in the center. He repeated the process with the next three shots, making a very tight grouping on the target. Ivan smiled, slightly impressed.

The raccoon then stepped to the left, so he could get a clear view of the 15 yard target. It was the same paper target as before, and he set up to shoot again. He slowly squeezed off a round, which hit directly below the X by just millimeters. He repeated this for the next four shots, making another tight grouping. Now that he was warmed up a bit, he moved on to the 25 yard target where he quickly made another small group of shots. A collie working the range went out and fetched the targets from their wooden stands and brought them back.

Ivan took a look over them, with a smile on his face.

"Very impressive Phil, it seems you do know your way around a pistol a little bit. Now let's step it up a notch. Load ten rounds in to the mag, and then shoot all ten at the 50 yard target."

Phil smiled and nodded, and loaded ten rounds up and got ready to fire. This time he held a little bit above the X, and slowly shot ten bullets through the innermost ring of the target; a few hitting the X. Again the collie went and retrieved the target, and again Ivan was impressed.

"Ok, raccoon. You have proven to me that you can shoot very well at a slow pace, now load up the magazine with 15 shots and as fast as you can accurately shoot, hit the target at 15 yards. This target will be a silhouette of a body, not a bunch of circles."

Phil nodded again, and quickly loaded the magazine and got ready to fire. He took a deep breath, closed his eyes for a second, and then pulled up the pistol to the silhouette's chest. Time seemed to slow down for him as he took the first shot, and watched as the gun jumped up and the slide went back, and then forward, and he was ready to shoot in under a quarter of a second. He took less than five seconds to shoot off the whole mag, and when he was done he saw the many holes scattered all over the target's chest. The raccoon looked at Ivan and smiled, the gun still smoking in his hand. Everyone sitting down clapped as Ivan looked over the target and gave Phil a pat on the back.

"Good job, coon. Now let's move on to the rifle range."

The group migrated the small distance over to the rifle range, where there were a few gun cases on a bench.

"Ok, this time Phil, you will start out with a standard AR-15 shooting a .223 bullet. It has just a regular rail sight, and you will shoot half of a 30 round magazine at a 25 yard target, and the other half at a 50 yard target. Oh, and all of the targets from now on will be the silhouette paper ones. To make things a bit faster, we have these magazines pre-loaded. So when you are ready, you can start shooting."

Phil nodded and took the rifle out of its case, and loaded the magazine in. He quickly shot off 15 shots in to the target's chest, then scooted over and did the same for the 50 yard. Like usual, the collie retrieved the targets and brought them in.

"Good shooting Phil. Now, you will sit at a bench and shoot ten at 100 yards, ten at 200 yards, and ten at 300 yards." Ivan said with a smile.

Without a word Phil went to work and loaded a mag in. The coon sat at the bench, and decided to get a bit cocky with his shots. Instead of aiming for the chest, he aimed for the head. Within five minutes, he shot off the last round through the 300 yard target's head. This time, the collie got in a golf cart and drove down to pick up the targets. When he returned, Ivan was shocked to see holes scattered over all of the targets' heads.

"Wow, you are a good shot." He said to Phil, stunned.

"I told you I was." Phil replied with a smile.

"Ok, last one at this range and we'll move on to the Tac Range. Pull out the rifle from the case there." He pointed to a case that was next to the AR's case. Phil carefully took the rifle out. "This rifle is a police issue Remington 700 in 338 Lapua Magnum. It has a Leupold VARI-X III 6.5-20 Power scope on it. The scope is sighted in at 500 yards. You will have ten shots, or one magazine, to shoot in this one. Five will be at 500 yards, and five will be at 1000. This test is mainly to see where you are as far as sniper shooting goes; we will train you accordingly from here. Good luck."

Phil sighed, knowing that he had never shot this far in his life. He loaded in the magazine, sat down at the bench, loaded a bullet in the chamber, and took a breath before mounting the rifle. He peeped down the scope, and adjusted it accordingly. These optics were much clearer than he was used to, and the fact it was a bright, sunny, and calm day helped a lot as well. He glassed the target in front of him, and aimed straight for the chest. The raccoon slowly pulled the trigger...

'BOOM!!!' Phil was kicked back by the recoil, not expecting it to be that bad. He pulled the bolt back, and saw how big of a case had come out of the rifle. He nervously loaded a second round in, and peeped through the scope. He saw that he hit in the center of the chest with his first shot, and aimed in the same spot.

'BOOM!!!' Phil rubbed his shoulder and quickly loaded another round in. He glassed the target again and saw this one hit just to the left of the last. He repeated this for the next three shots, which were within a few inches of each other. Ivan had a spotting scope set on the target, and he smiled with every shot that Phil took. Phil moved on to the 1000 yard target. This time he aimed a bit higher, and shot off his five shots within two minutes. The shots were scattered all over the target, but every one of them hit.

"You must be a natural shot, kid. Let's move on to the Tac Range. We'll see how you shoot under pressure."

The group hopped in to a golf cart and drove over to the Tactical Range. They then entered a small two story building that was the starting point of the course. Ivan picked up a duffle bag and placed it on a table.

"Ok, for starters, all of you spectators will watch from the roof of this building. We have a projector screen up there and cameras in all of the buildings, so when you can't see him just watch the screen. Just go up these stairs and the next set of stairs, and you'll be on the roof." Everyone but Phil and Ivan nodded and went upstairs. "And for you, put on this gear. This is the final test, so you will have to shoot in gear."

Ivan unzipped the duffel bag and took out a pair of green pants, a green jacket, a green Kevlar helmet with goggles on top, and a green vest with a bunch gear on it. The raccoon quickly put the gear on, and then turned back towards Ivan.

"Ok, this is the same AR-15 you used before, but this one has a red dot site on it as well as a sling. You will also have the Beretta for a sidearm, in case you run out of ammo. You will have three 30 round mags for the rifle, and two 15 round mags for the pistol. All of the targets will be enemy targets, no civilian ones, and they will pop up when you get a certain distance from them. Any target you see, you will shoot. I will radio you on a headset inside the helmet to tell you which way to go. Are you ready?"

Phil nodded. "I'm more than ready."

"Good, go to the starting line and load your weapon. A buzzer will go off and you will begin by taking out a few targets in the building across the street. Good luck, coon."

Phil loaded the rifle and holstered the pistol, then stood on the starting line. After about ten seconds the buzzer went off and he left the front door. Across the street was a two story house, and one target popped up in a window upstairs and another in the front door. Phil took two shot and hit them both.

"Good! Now run through the house and go in to the backyard, there's an opening in the fence back there where you will enter the next house."

The raccoon put the rifle on his back and took out his pistol. He ran in to the house, where a target popped up from another room. He shot it in the head and ran out the back door. He swung his rifle around just in time for a target to pop up in the second story window next door. He shot it on the run, and entered the house from the back.

"Ok Phil, now you will exit this house and turn right, then run down the street until you reach a street that turns left. Utilize cover from bushes and other objects; don't just waltz on down the street."

Phil ran out the front door with his rifle shouldered, and took out a target that popped up from behind a car. He stuck close to the house and ran low, and then noticed a target pop up from down the street. He laid down on the grass and took it out, then got up and kept moving. Four more targets popped up on the way, and he took them out with ease. He then found himself at a corner house on a street that turned left.

"Good, now go to that school that is a few houses down and get on the roof. You will take out a few targets from up there."

The coon ran down the street and through the school parking lot. He scaled a fence that connected to the roof, and was up top. Over the next few minutes, eight targets popped up all around him, which he shot with ease.

"Great! Now exit the rooftop and quickly run down this street. It will lead you to the center of town. There will be a lot of targets, so be ready. And make it quick, cover is not necessary."

Phil jumped off of the roof and in to grass, and then ran down the street taking out another ten targets on the way. He entered a parking lot and ducked behind a car, when he saw three more targets appear. He quickly shot them, then changed his magazine.

"Nice shooting. Next you will enter the market in front of you and run through the back, and then you will run to the roof top of the building behind it. You are almost done Phil."

Phil put the rifle on his back and took out his pistol. The second he entered the market, six targets appeared. He shot them all in the chest and quickly ran through to the back. Another one popped up just before he left the building, which he also shot. The raccoon then holstered his pistol and swung the rifle back around. There were no targets as he entered the three story building in front of him. But once he entered, fifteen targets popped up. He took cover and within a minute took them all out, then started to run up stairs. By the time he got to the roof, he changed magazines again and waited for his orders.

"Fantastic! Now shoot any target you see for the next two minutes while our 'helicopter team' comes to pick you up, and you will be done." For the next two minutes, Phil took out many targets. Finally Ivan radioed in to Phil: "Great work Phil, we will be there shortly to pick you up. Just head downstairs and wait."

Phil headed back down stairs and started to take off his gear as he waited on the lawn. The poor coon was starting to overheat, and was panting as he took a drink from his canteen. A few minutes later, the group showed up. Everyone but Ivan got out congratulating him and telling him how awesome he was.

"Phil, I've seen some things in my day, but for your age that was some unbelievable stuff." Vadim said. "Your long range shooting needs a bit of tweaking, but other than that you will be a fine leader for the weapons portion of your group. Now, let's head back to the clubhouse and get some food!"

Vadim, Chapter 11: The Palace

Well, its been a busy month for me but I finally got the time to squeeze out this chapter. Woo! Action, lol. Keep an eye out for errors and tell me please. Enjoy! And Comment! And rate!...

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Vadim, Chapter 9: A New World

Well, this took forever. I hate boring chapters, and writing them is worse @\_\_\_@ but heck, its story progression stuff. Comments and other feedback is welcome....

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Vadim, Chapter 8: A Cavernous Adventure

Well, here it is after a week haha. Interesting chapter, not any action though :3 As usual tell me if there are any errors, and feel free to...

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