'Are you sure?'

Story by yzmar13 on SoFurry

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WARNING: This is a very... What? Oh, yes it's R18+, I know that. But it's extremely kinky. I don't normally write such stories nor am I a big fan of most of the fetishes you'll find in it, but it was an old piece of scrap that took a nest in my folders since 2009, I just had to finish it and be done with it. It's a short story filled with you-know-what (please, don't judge me.) And no, just in case the idea popped inside your head, I don't do commissions.

Short story, Grizzly, Fox, M/M, Bukkake, Mind control, Musk, Paws, Rape, Sweat, Blowjob, Cum bath, Frottage, Molesting, Oral, Rough, Amnesia(?), Train


Ever got so confused in life that you totally lost yourself?


No, maybe you didn't read that right, the question said totally.

The aqua fur-coated fox sighed as he was waiting for the underground train to arrive, life's good when things go your way, but oh should you get bitten, life becomes the most messed up A hole your mind could ever think of. No, scratch that; it will be so messed up you didn't know it can get to that level... damn, that abbreviation is getting old, so let's just shortens it into something easy and understandable.

It sucks.

He grunted as he frowned at his own situation, he brought his sapphire phone to his eyes and his ears retracted a bit in disgust. She had the nerve, that bloody... woman... thing... He quickly opened his phone's contact list and highlighted Emma. He pressed on delete, and the window of 'Are you sure?' popped up, alarming him that this step is no easy task. Once you do it, there's no backward button, baby.

His digit hesitated, sure he was so upset and she...

Damn it.

The digit soon clicked No, deciding that holding on to her number for awhile will be wise. Who knows? She must be going through something tough. Besides, they're not even engaged and for her to see someone else should be... normal.

Someone else, other than him.

His blood boiled again, hinting for an explosion should he keep holding things so seriously like that. He slipped the phone back to his trousers, pushing the thoughts back to his mind's well. He ought to try and get his act together, some 'me' time should be just the pill for that.

The train finally creaked its brakes, shrieks of sharp and clean iron radiated across the pedals, and the doors sprang open at the big metallic junk's total stop with a hiss. Waves of furries, humanoids, scalies and avians began moving, and the fox shrank at the idea of cramping himself to the train, but he wasn't planning on waiting for another train.

He didn't even think of a destination, he needed to do something different, something that's not a buggy routine in his boring life. Maybe leaving at the farthest station from town will allow him to see some new scenery, and the clean air can refresh his mind. Thinking that way, the idea of cramping himself to the train somehow felt more tolerable now.

Picking a seat at the end of the cart, the blue fox sat softly on the leathered chair, twirling his buffed tail to his lap to make room for others on his right. He didn't need to worry about his left since he was at the edge, and he felt more comfy that way. But the place soon began to get overflowed, even the strong lights started to fade as many furries didn't get the chance to sit anywhere and made do with standing with one paw up. And just his luck, the person who was instantly in front of him was a massive bear.

Compared to the fox's casual attire, the bear was formally dressed; a mild brown color was the main theme, with thin black vertical lines over the brown suit. It suited him since the bear was dark brownish. His neck was thick, his neck's fur marvelously tugging out a bit from his unbuttoned white shirt's collar. One massive paw gripped up at one ring for balance, and the other rested stylishly inside his trouser's pocket. His muzzle wasn't facing the fox, letting the later examine this bear a little further. But he soon shivered and broke his stare at the bear's remark.

"Something you need? Your stare is getting rather long on me."

"Uh, no... I-I'm sorry, I just..."

The fox tried thinking quickly, he wouldn't want to mess with a giant.

"I... like your suit."

"Why, thank you. Selected the material and texture myself."

"Y-yeah, I can tell; it looks good on you."

The fox turned away in embarrassment, it's a good thing this ended up as a short talk, but - because of his fright - he just had to throw a cheesy comment like that. As if the situation couldn't get any worse, he sighed in disturbance when his nose tingled; the place got too crammed up with people that it began to smell so muddy. More furries stepped in, and only few stepped out, the fox noticed suddenly that the bear in front of him stepped a little closer to his bent legs. The fox's knees where actually resting 'under' the bear when the later had to part his legs a bit to get closer. The big bear finally turned to the fox for the first time, bowing down with his chin slightly.

"... sorry, it's getting rather full."

"It's fine, don't worry."

This time, though, the bear's stare at the fox was lengthy. The fox looked in confusion at those strange expressions the bear began to make on his face. The big guy finally uttered in disbelief.


"... excuse me?"

"... aren't you Van?"

"I'm sorry, I think you mistook me for someone else."

The bear remained silent after that statement, but his stare kept brushing all over the fox's figure, making him feel more frustrated. Hugging his tail tighter in further disturbance, the aqua vulpine had to gulp hard before inquiring.

"Is... everything ok?"

The bear finally turned away, his gaze was down and deep. A hint of sadness lingered on his short muzzle, a hurt expression. The fox didn't know the reason behind it, guessing that maybe this bear is searching for someone.

"Sir, I don't know who Van is. But really, I'm not him. I'm Max."

The bear didn't say anything, fixing his stand again and changing his grip a bit on the iron ring above his head. The train suddenly rocked, starting to move. The sudden jerk dropped many people to push whoever stood near them. And soon, just like dominos, the bear found himself suddenly pushed forward. He quickly pulled his other paw, placing it on the window to stop himself from crushing down on the occupied chair.

Long seconds passed before he realized he was leaning forward on the fox, with his pelvis directly to the level of that long snout and too close. The fox's head was back flat with the chair, looking at that big package in horror, not sure if he can do anything to avoid it should he need to. The faint smell of cramped-up people got replaced with a sweaty semi-teabag abuse in front of him, making him hug his tail ever so tightly in shock. Vulgar smells quickly hit his sensitive nose, making him shudder. He could almost 'feel' the heat radiating from there.

"... beg your pardon."

"It's-*gulp~*... c-cool."

The bear's eyes widened a bit at his reply, but said nothing as he stood properly again. Max instantly cursed himself for the choice of words his muzzle picked, just what was fucking cool about getting your snout shoved into someone else's privates?! Well, it would rock like hell if there was a pussy digging at your tongue, but a giant pare of testis?! Uhm, nnnno thanks.

The train went off, building gradually in speed but it was now under control. Max glanced up a bit, but the bear was staring elsewhere. For some odd reason, the fox returned his gaze lower, looking at that package which was one centimeter away from a bull's-eye to his face. The end of the suit didn't cover much as it was unbuttoned, the bear's tie was red (typical) and his luggage between his parted legs was noticeable for the most part.


This guy has some seriously big balls, and you can read that statement and understand it in two different ways, both being correct. A massive dude with massive balls. By just looking at that bulge, they're easily competing with golf balls. It made him shiver in further disgust; he was about to get junked by a Mr Cheese, no less.

"Max, was it?"

The fox felt a sudden jolt of electricity springing through his body, he looked up and the bear was still looking away when he addressed him.

"Uh... yeah."

"You sure you're not Van?"

"... am I... sure?"

The bear turned to him with accusing glares, making the fox sweat as he sensed trouble looming over him... personification alert.

"You act pretty much like Van."

"... sorry?"

"You've been staring, weren't you?"

"... at... your suit?"

"No, under my belt."


Sweat beads began to form on the fox's forehead; he knew. The bear turned his upper body so he would perfectly stand facing Max, his other paw was still to his pocket and his gaze didn't suggest anger or... oh shit, Max quickly calculated the situation here. The guy isn't weirded out because he probably is 'looking' for that kind of attention.

"S-sir, I'm not gay."

"... what brought that, all of a sudden? Me neither."

"... oh, goo-"

"But that doesn't mean I'm straight."


The bear got his face down a bit, giving him a more analyzing look.

"You're Van, I could swear it."

"... I... I'm not."

"What's the matter with you? Have you forgotten all our days together?"

The fox faltered at him in panic. Together?! OUR days?! The cursed bear was starting to make things up. This confusion must stop now or...

"Sir, I remember no such things happening. So please, mind yourself."

"You just don't remember."

"Because it never happened, I don't even know you."

"No, you do know me."

The fox remained out of words, questions and inquiries filled his brain. This dominating bastard is just so persistent, why must he carry on even though Max told him off? It was bad enough to have an earthy odor of bear fur brushing all over his nostrils. Max didn't need him to make this any more complicated while he...

He? Why is Max referring to this bear as 'the bear' and 'he' when he...

When he knows his...

Suddenly, Max's mind stopped working, his eyes slowly growing bigger and wider. His mind seems to be recalling something, a name... The bear smiled in a happy expression.

"You remembered?"

"... wait."

"What's my name?"

"Wait, I... this can't... huh?"

Max's mind didn't stop at the name only, his mind began to show him many strange things. His past in some university, his visits to the clinic department, his usual troubles with... with... something, he just can't recall that bit, but... His mind recalled the name again, making Max say it out in a low exhale full of bewilderment.


"Yeah, you remember."

"I... remember vague bits... it's... a university."

"The clinic, right?"

The fox soon paused, raising one of his two paws from his bushy tail to support his head. He was experiencing a sudden fatigue, something just sparked in there, something went loose inside his skull. Or... no, not loose... it's like something clicked, something broken that got finally connected. Night, he seems to recall himself saying that word a lot. His mind always remembered the bear whenever he said it in the past. There was a connection, and a repetitive occurrence.

A grunt escaped his closed muzzle, his head pulsing violently as he tried to remember just what the hell it is that he was remembering all of a sudden. He soon felt Night's heavy paw on his shoulder.

"Van, slow down. If your head hurts, you mustn't push it."

"But I'm... Max."

"Just let it go for now, I'm sorry."


"Believe me, I'm a psychotherapist."

The fox opened his eyes slowly, sighing out to relieve his racing heart. He still has no idea who Night was, it was just so strange to suddenly remember a surge of memories about someone he didn't even recognize. He had no idea what was going on, just where did these flashes come from?

Night soon sighed in his turn, returning his paw to its nest in his pocket.

"I'm so glad I found you again, Van."

"... please, stop calling me Van."

"... but it's your na-"

"Last I checked, I'm Max."

"But you kept staring at me, especially under my belt."


"Van does that all the time."

The subject suddenly changed to his earlier rude gaze, and it quickly baffled the fox and made him gulp in embarrassment. Since he was little, he knew he was straight, he just stared at other colleagues in the running team's locker room while replacing their towels because he was envious. He didn't have the kind of body he wanted. Being thin, even if he went on regular gym sessions, he won't have a great muscled body because he was also a 'Shorty'. He always believed it was the body that pulls ladies to men (same goes for the other way around, naturally... only in a different context.)

... yeah, maybe that's why Emma did what she did, huh? Leaving him for some athlete...

Although the train stopped for reaching its first station, the sea-colored fox felt so frozen he wasn't aware of it at all. A good portion left the train, and the train hissed once more for its next departure. He regained his focus back as the bear peaked at his face again. The damn grizzly aroma started to surround him from every corner.



"You're definitely him."

"Will you st..."

Surprisingly enough, Max was the one who obeyed that appeal. Another surge of damned visions returned to his mind. He seems to remember a room, a summer house. He was lightly dressed, a white undergarment with briefs. There were many short scenes in there, and the bear was in some, having as little as a cultural fundoshi and an unbuttoned Hawaiian shirt, showing his naked tummy, chest and thick neck. Something felt strange in that very specific memory. It was calm, familiar... no, not familiar but... the atmosphere, the situations he seems to remember, they all feel like he's with family, a warm and soothing feeling.

The bear smiled once again at that baffled reaction, his voice came out in whispers, low but strong, endearing, winning this abnormal battle.

"You remembered something else?"

"... some... summer house."

"With me?"


The fox looked up at him, his eyes were full of fear. There's a side of him that he doesn't seem to recall. There's another Max in there, another him that he can't remember, only now did some of that other Max's past merge with his.

"What's... going on?"

"I think you're starting to put things together."

"Did I..."

"Do you remember now?"

"I have bits... only bits of foggy encounters with... Night."

"You remember how you used to tease my fur?"

Max quickly figured out the teasing term. The simplicity of it made it that much easier to remember; the bear was black-brown, almost like chocolate... and that trademark brand... it was already on his tongue.

"That... Night chocolate bar."


"Dark Choco-Night."

"*Chuckle~* Right on."

The bear's chuckle got cut short; Max didn't seem happy or having fun. The fox was scared, he can't understand just how these memories found their way to his head. He can't seem to pinpoint when it all took place.

Was this a dream? No? Then, reality? Just what was all that?!

He looked up at Night, his glare hinted his fear from the bear, but there was something else too. He was afraid if he really did forget something he shouldn't; the bear seemed to be insistent about his identity being Van, and those images he kept recalling felt... real... was he really the fox this Night grizzly is looking?

The bear's look turned to concern when Max's eyes began to glitter, his expression was still confused, not sure what to think anymore.

"What... happened to me?"


"You know something, don't you? You... you must..."

"... Van."

"Tell me."

The train creaked sharply as it stopped for another station. Passengers began to leave this impossibly stuffy cart, a few remained while a couple more entered. It was getting late, and everybody was returning to his crashing place to crash. Not many passengers at this time of the day.

The bear remained silent until the train moved again, and even though there were plenty of unoccupied seats he remained standing so close to Max. Not that the fox actually complained, there was something up his head more urgent than this.

The bear finally sighed, closing his eyes as his muzzle went a bit up in hopeless desperation.

"Perhaps this might remind you."

The fox didn't get the meaning of his words, but the meaning was quite scary when that paw moved out of the pocket. Night actually reached for his belt and undid it slowly. The iron click was soft yet so strong it felt like it happened inside the fox's skull.

"... wh..."

"Hold on."

Max watched, strangely unable to move away in decline at the sight. That dark massive paw went to the zipper now, then started working at the button that was - by now - the only obstacle left.

"Wait... hey..."

The button was finally undone, and the fox yelped in fright as the bulge surprisingly leapt out a bit, relaxed to get more space. The bear's package was actually bigger than he thought it was, hiding behind a red-outlined black speedo. The brand's name, Junk, was written in a small italic red font with its logo, a broken pipe, resting in the middle. It was so suggestive as it was, but now it was staring face-to-face at the vulpine.

Max couldn't speak still, his shock at the situation was so great his tongue didn't know where to begin protesting at the bear's actions. But... wait... that speedo began to look familiar... he saw it before.

"Do you remember?"

The words came low and soft, a permission given to him that he didn't even ask for. But the memories that started flowing with that bulge at his face, they didn't seem so vague. He can recall something like that happening, and it must have happened regularly for his brain to remember it this clearly. The question about his sexuality didn't matter anymore, this was deeper than just an act of lust coming from Max. Heck, he never thought he could feel lust with another male. His heart was racing, it simply needed to get those memories back. And it just found a hint in that speedo, perhaps if he...

He looked slowly up, the shocked look on his face never changed, but the bear nodded at him in silence, confirming authorization. The stare returned again at that hidden package, and he found himself leaning a bit forward. The smells, the vulgar whiff of this person, his scent... heavens, it was all too familiar. The vulpine's nose didn't find his smelly tang that disturbing, it quickly relaxed, recognizing it somehow. The stench was overwhelming, but also tickling the tip of his nose, toying with it as his snout shied in red berries.

His delicate paws left his bushy tail to reach in their turn to Night's inbetweens. He slipped his paws through the opened zipper, holding the dangling ballsack softly like an overfed water balloon. His heart trembled as it felt the bear's heat, Max's expression eased more as his thumbs rubbed up and down along the bulge's sides.

Recognizable, his body reassured him of knowing this bear's private parts before. Déjà vu? What kind of déjà vu is this? It felt so real, his heart is racing faster, knowing deep inside that it used to live near this thing before. This was no mere feeling, these were memories, damn it! His mind quickly scattered the files around, searching in one shelf after the other, not bothering to return the examined folders back, leaving a pile of mess behind it. There are no clear happenings that came to mind, only clues and hints, only this uneasy sense of recognition and respect, only scattered scenes.

Scenes of him and the bear holding hands, walking near a clear beach, talking and laughing, playing cards, hugging inside a car, eating in a restaurant... and in bed... yes, in a bed with the bear. He remembered a kiss, he remembered his lips sucking on the bear's manly glands. And just like that, many other short scenes dashed suddenly; forms, positions and a lot of echoing moans. Not just any scene, the amount of libido was crazy in some. The arousal, the feeling of being horny, the need, all of it was crazy. But it was there in his head, buried in many corners

The bear stepped closer silently, brushing lightly at Max's muzzle with his bulge, and receiving a baffled stare from the fox in return.

"Go on, inspect it however you like."

The words were extremely rude, yet said in the most caring and bewildering voice. The paws came back to life at those words, massaging those balls from over the tiny linen. A lot of passengers caught the two in the act with their shocked glares, but it was - after all - none of their business. Some of them looked away, and a good number of them began to smile to themselves, wondering how it would feel if they got served on the train. It was disgusting and unbefitting for such a scene to happen in public, but the idea of it happening to them was still something to wonder about.

It didn't matter to the nearly-brainwashed blue fox, his mind kept searching and showing him flashes of... of similar encounters... and it always was Night. Needing to get to the bottom of this, his body kept going, following this dominator's every clue. The heat was serious down there, those paws were already wet from dirt, sweat and manly fragrance. But for some reason it wasn't so dirty to his nose... in fact, it wasn't at all, his brain identified these smells as a welcomed perfume, a forbidden animalistic oil, a grease his muzzle watered for in hunger.

The bulge went forward again, getting yet closer. It pushed Max back, his head rested all the way to the chair. He looked a bit up in drunken breaths as the bear towered over him. Night still had a warm look on his face, but there were no words this time, only a weird unexplained soft gaze. Maybe there were words, but Max wasn't in a state to fancy words in his muzzle instead of a thong, his ears only wanted to hear commands so he can act them without question.

The bulgy speedo humped at his face twice in a very slow rhythm, reminding him of its existence. Max made a big gulp, his muzzle is producing a lot of saliva, it felt direly hungry as his paws kept feeling the covered sack. He whimpered in need, getting that bulge frotting at the top of his long muzzle, literally getting his muzzle past the zipper and inside the bear's inviting manliness inside his trousers.

Night held his position like that for awhile, enabling Max to get a long oily sauna bath under his balls. The masculine dampness filled the fox's face and snout, the bear was Max's only source for oxygen, and every breath he took was full of earthy bear stench, slowly overflowing his brain to the point of leaking.

Those hips were not still, though. The humid cage was still rocking, humping at Max's snout, bringing more memories back to life. They were on a sofa... but where? The scenery was different, not a summer house anymore. The bear was sitting at the very edge of the cushion, but throwing his upper body back, relaxed with a can of bear in his right paw. And Max was naked, sitting on the ground just in front of him, in between Night's parted legs, with his head directly under the bear's balls. His eyes and nose were covered by a big, slimy seed wallet, and his long snout would get that occasional thigh-hug every other minute of licking at those love liquid factories.

After a good couple of minutes, Night pulled back his pelvis, letting the light hit Max in the face once again, bringing him back to the train. His eyes were almost closed in strange bliss, his muzzle parted a bit, the tip of his tongue jerked out with his quick pants and gasps, and his whole head was glittering from sweat and damp oozes.

"Why not use your tongue this time, Van?"

Tongue?! Preposterous! Who would lick a despicable thing?! But those thoughts were the last thing on his mind, chained and threatened not to make a single voice. His so-called 'mind' didn't have a say in the matter anymore.

Remembering that last flash, he immediately obliged, nodding faintly. He reached with his paws again under that heavy package, feeling the bear getting a bit closer for easy reach. His tongue soon got out, still slow, a bit hesitant. It took a small tasting rub at Junk's logo, and quickly retracted in fright. He watched the spit bridge with a mesmerized mind, the tented ridge got wet. Max soon brought his nose closer, touching the bulge faintly. Sniffing at the wet tip, he moaned quietly as he felt his heart pounding strongly at his chest. The smell was much clearer, torturous and ecstatic. And the best part was the unlimited supply of this alluring stuffiness behind the cover.

His tongue got out again, licking a bit more eagerly at it. His licks were slow, powerful and carried a good amount of drool as it started drenching, wanting to get as much bear musk as possible with every lick. The bulge jiggled lightly with every lick, it was so heavy Max had to apply some exceptional strength to press on it. To Max, licking paws, vaginas, boobs and bosoms was a fetish that many didn't share with him, but this... this was a new experience yet almost the same, if not more intense. His tongue ventured down as well, applying more attention to target the sack, fabricating lubrication all over that thong. Not having nearly enough yet, Max whimpered in sadness when the bear moved closer, getting his muzzle inside the dark pants again. The thong returned into frotting all over his muzzle, but this time it was soaked from spit and humid from heat. The stench was stronger, vulgar, imposing and unbelievably irresistible.

It was basically in control.

Max reached at those strong thighs humping at his face, closing his eyes and allowing Night to own his head and skull, raping his dignity. He didn't mind, not at all. His brain needed to remember something desperately, nothing else mattered at the moment. Sluggish swooshes filled his back-bent pointy ears, accompanied by the strongest nose-intruder he have ever known... but it wasn't strange, his body recognized it all.

And it needed to continue and explore that which was forgotten.

His paws kept brushing at the bear's massive legs, soon feeling a gigantic clawed paw holding the back of his head as Night began seriously blocking all sources of air from reaching Max before pumping through the hanging gentiles first. The strong thighs suddenly began to press at his muzzle too, locking at that snout and ravishing tightly at it with wet bumps. A whine got muffled by bear meat and fat, and the two little paws dropped to the fox's sides as he sat weakly on his chair, all helpless and powerless, intensely violated and abused by his own needs for memories.

The teabagging he thought he avoided was now something he desperately strived for. His muzzle opened, wanting to lick what it can from the huge luggage. He shuddered in surprise as the bear pulled back a bit, guided his head and placed his mighty sack inside those parting jaws. The humping returned in more slimy environments, making it all the more heard and tasty.


His mind loved it, he couldn't believe it even when he was at this state, but he marveled at it. Slurps and suckles radiated from the muffling unzipped slacks... the musk, oh the very nectar of that smell, it felt like drugs; his tongue was screaming in protest whenever he retracted it to gulp. His hunger for the bear seems to only increase, it confused the fox further. His slurps gradually built up speed and strength, but he was still hungry. He began tugging at the bear's undies with his teeth, biting and chewing lightly at the sack, kissing the balls. He spent a lot of effort to get more vulgar and stronger stench.

Wasn't enough, he wanted more...

He wanted a more powerful feeling, a direct contact.

... Yes.

He got pushed back again, the bear moved his hips away. And just as if the bear read his mind out loud, Night reached down at his speedo, tugging it a bit down, uncovering his shaft. Max looked in impatient zeal, the treasure box was creaking open... but somehow his anticipation got disappointed as the dark paw moved away, making do with just a peak at the shaft. He looked up at Night, not managing to speak out words yet, but the bear smiled slightly.

"Show me how much you want it... like you always did before."

Max returned his gaze at the black thick shaft, Night's member isn't even out yet. His length was still invisible inside, only the tip was there to greet him. It baffled the fox greatly; he thought Night was enjoying it too much for his cock to stay sane, but it seems he'll need to do better than that... much better than that. The bear returned to his advances again, getting closer and pushing Max's head inside his opened zipper.

Having his nose rubbed against the groin, Max almost lost his mind at the strong smell, only the shaft and it's already dangerously stuffy. He found his lips giving the head a direct lip service when Night pushed him in, accompanied by strong inhales and wheezes. His lips parted a bit, enabling a tiny lick.

The train stopped at the next station, and the passengers gave the two a glance or a stare before getting out. Nobody came in, the people in the train began to decrease greatly as it was already so late at night. Only those who had their homes near the last station remained, and they were already so few and scattered across the many carts.

None of that mattered, back to the spotlight.

The tongue kept brushing at the member's head, it felt all around it, coated it with spit, dangled down around the cap, humped slowly at the entrance (or exit)... it didn't seem sufficient. Night was still not hard, his member remained hidden. Not being able to wait more, the tongue thought it was only necessary to be rude, to break inside and be done with it.

His tongue slimed around, jerking forcefully this time, wanting to join that dick in bed and cover itself in its blanket of a shaft as they made wet love right there. A soft sigh of thrill escaped the bear, a sigh of lust and pleasure that didn't reach Max. Even if it did, the fox wouldn't really pay enough attention to it. The taste of his manly musk was strongest there, dried spunk filled his lips, mouth and face; this barbaric dude clearly doesn't wash down here, making his experience more extreme. Feeling it moving out, he retracted his tongue. He wanted to say hello and look at it, but Night didn't allow that. The bear pushed him further to his seat, and brought his knees to the chair as he held his pelvis forward to his face. The member emerged, erupting slowly inside Max's waiting mouth. He couldn't see it, but he can only feel it getting inflated with desire as its veins got filled with blood, throbbing to life inside him. Night held his position, giving Max all the time to feel it evolving bigger and bigger, it scared the fox a bit that it might be bigger than he could handle. He wasn't scared of the length yet, just the thickness of that tree log was threatening his jawbone. The man was massive, he should have expected this to happen.

"Does it bring back memories, Van?"

Slow humps returned, brushing all his face to the muskiest part of the bear's body. The teabagging changed to a forced blow job... forced? Hmm, maybe calling it 'forced' isn't all that accurate here.

After all... this blue fox was asking for it, he needed this.

Max felt another paw on his head, holding and massaging the tiny pointy ears. And all the while, that pelvis didn't stop humping, getting the long snout and face all inside, burying him inside layers of thick dark fur and bear meat.

Finally aware of his discomfort, Max whimpered at his own erection, it didn't get much space for it to grow out, but all this lust drove his mind wild. He couldn't believe it, his genitals are actually enticed by all this. The dick was still growing inside his oral cavity, inflating with... whatever it is that makes a penis inflated. It was slow, like a crawler, taking all the time it wants to do its bidding, all in sluggish and lazy advances. There was no rush.

Pulling out again, the cock made a slimy thick sound, so befittingly lethargic and slippery. The fox gasped hard once the whole length was pulled out of him, panting in seas of unexplained yearning and delight. He opened his eyes to set them on that red throbbing slab of meat for the first time. It was big...


Shit, it's enormous... the idea of that thing growing inside his muzzle...

It was glistening, spit slimed around its large fat, making it look utterly dominating. And the tip, it already formed a considerable amount of pre. That explained the funny taste in his mouth... wait, the funny taste would be someone's tool inside his mouth, not just pre.

"You always loved it like this, Van. Sometimes I come from work and you act all pushy on me. It's hard to hold you back."

In his own shock, he felt his tongue extending out. It sensed the lower part of that huge dick's head, catching some of the lovely precum in its hold. But the bear's hips moved again, and the lubed member began humping the fox's extending-out tongue. The thrusts got past Max's lips again in a teasing jerk, and sometimes they'd miss it (maybe intended), ending up rubbing a bit on his cheeks and down his muzzle's chin. The head was still secured by two strong paws, held in place as the cock climbed suddenly against his nose and trembled again. The fox quickly closed his eyes at the slightest clue of fluids, feeling some of that pre being shot on his long snout and face, oozing down like thick hot cream. He shuddered in surprise, still with eyes closed, as he felt Night's member rubbing its length all over his soiled face in slimy sounds. He let out a whimper of hesitation, not sure if he wanted to get that much messed up and dirty, especially on his face. But that massive cock didn't give him any chance to argue, it kept the greasy advance over his face, making sure every bit of fur up there is nice and wet with dribbled pre.

It wasn't just the dick, but his ballsack was also vandalizing the tip of Max's snout and mouth. All these smells, dirt, dried musk, pre, sweat... he had a serious assaulting abuse brought to him directly to his face.

"Do you remember our first, Van? In my room? Just like this?"

His mind remembers...

It recalls such an act, a day was so special for him, it felt like this with Night too. It started with a phone call, and he was so timid about it. This feeling, this memory... it was similar, except he was lying on a soft shaky bed, naked again. And his head was buried under a massive cock humping at his face ruthlessly. The cock was tremendous, and its owner was big too, covering most of his vision to just a groin pounding his head, making his body dig down at the bed with every thrust.

"You were smart, Van. You were a wonderful guy, but you also had that slutty behavior about you. You couldn't help it near me."

The cock soon returned inside his mouth, barging in without a warning. And it was to the fox's terror that the length was actually longer than before. He quickly brought his paws at the bear's hips, denying them further advance, but it didn't stop Night's crazy strength to overpower him in mere seconds. The foxy eyes closed with faints of tears as he felt that groin dive further in a _shplurrrrrr_g sound despite his protest. He couldn't possibly breathe from his mouth, so his sniffs got stronger and faster, getting more and more dazed and foggy. The amount of blood rushing to his brain competed with that which rushed to his heart, both are needed to be functional at this point. It was so excessive and hot, he wouldn't be surprised if his nose started bleeding. It scared him, this euphoria was strange to him but oddly familiar.

"You didn't know how to put it, until I phoned you that night."

Still calm words, his voice was low, and a slight feeling of fault brushed the fox's being. However still, every word provoked a series of scenes, most of them being disturbed by the jerking wood. Once again, Night stopped and simply remained inside the fox's mouth. He pulled a little, and soon caught hints of puffs and gasps from him. He looked down at Max, and the look turned to a silent gaze, looking at his distinctive but charming features that every fox naturally have. Max was long lost, his body alone was present and it only wanted more from the bear. That slinky figure only wanted to get back memories, its own property that it somehow lost along the way. That body almost begged Night for more, giving him total control.

Slowly and lewdly, he pulled himself back, taking one lousy inch out after another. Max's mouth was full of drool, it slimed out as the cock decided to leave... for now. With a sounding plop, the bear took a step away from the chair as he stood up again, allowing the saliva bridges to drop down at the fox's motionless corpse. The blue vulpine didn't move, his face was dropped forward. Drool kept leaking from his emerging tongue down to his shirt, and his head looked everything but clean after losing its way inside a bear's nest.

"... come here, Van. Stand up and turn around."

The fox wasn't in control of his body by now, he stood up in front of Night, then turned to give his back to the bear. His gasps and pants were still heavy, he can still smell the bear even though he backed off, but his head was drenched by many things from him. He soon sensed the bear connecting his body with him. Then a strong gasp escaped him and he glanced down, catching that paw forcefully gripping on Max's tent.

"Ugh!! N-not too t-tigh... O-ou-! UGH!"

He writhed in panic, the paw was big, strong and didn't have mercy in it. The squeezing against his already uncomfortably caged cock felt like sadistic torture. The toying of his privates was so close to castration, or so he thought. The bear's tool was still hard and proud, it stood up tall between Night's groin and Max's love cheeks, with its head reaching the base of the fox's tail. The thrashing at his balls and dick made Max move his hips back, ending up rubbing his ass all over a slick groin and ruining his pants with grease.

"N-n-no... please wait, s-sto-MMPH!!"

The other paw suddenly came up, covering his muzzle completely with one strong grip. Max panicked more, now it's turning to sexual harassment... wait, it 'was' a sexual harassment way before this point. The only difference is that the prey was willing before. But even though his final rational piece of mind signaled danger in this situation, there were still scenes of memories with such activities... and again, with none other than this dark brute.

His eyes dropped drunk again, and his struggles weren't as alarmed as just a moment earlier. He closed his eyes shut in fever, panting with effort, letting that paw feel his exhales very clearly. The paw soon reached inside those parting fangs, catching him out of his guard yet again. The meaty digits rubbed across his thin tongue, more Night aroma and taste filled his mouth, driving out heavier gasps. Even when he found himself being sullied further and further, he had no power over these circumstances. He stood there without resistance, like a gay slut... a man whore that 'acted' like being harassed but secretly wanting it to happen.

His mind finally got its hands on a dusty folder, monitoring its darkest contents to his drunken eyes. Another memory of them together up some roof, he remembers the sun being exceptionally bright... must have been Summer. They were lying on top of a light-brownish fur carpet. Night lied on his back naked, and the fox was lying on top of that giant, naked as well. It happened exactly the same, only lying on the ground in this piece of reminiscence. One of those paws was gripping at his little genitalia while the other kept fishing inside his mouth. There was a lot of heat, a lot of sweat, a cloud of stink. But the fox in the memory loved it, and was licking that paw eagerly, making many moans and sometimes getting his body stunned and paralyzed as his cum flared all over his body.

The memory was long, the act of sexual assault didn't stop at one flare. He remembers himself being milked many times, ejaculation after another, with no rest longer than 10 or 15 minutes in between them. The fox in that memory had a drunken smile, dirty and lewd all the while.

"Keep licking, Van."

Ah yes, the licking. This entire sense of thrill made him stop. Max returned to work with his tongue, being already familiar with cleaning paws. Never did it with a man, but it wasn't that big of a difference anyway; it was a paw, and his tongue was still his. That cursed paw didn't stop for him, it wormed inside, as if wanting to beat that tongue in its own house! The nerve! His mouth stayed open, drooling out, gagging, panting, gushing in disturbance and confusing pleasures. Sounds of slurps and suckles echoed inside his muzzle, and this feeling of a slimy yet beefy object harassing his tongue...

Arousing... all so arousing...

The paw suddenly retreated, and gave another shocking assault, but this time to his face. Max closed his eyes firmly, groaning in disgust; his own drool is being painted all over his face again. But that almost instantly revived his nose. The smells got more powerful, icky, dirty, naughty... his muzzle moaned, feeling that fatty musty paw feeling his face.

"What about this? You remember this?"

The fox didn't answer back with words, he instantly licked like a feverish dog. He slurped at that paw being held in front of him, and soon it entered his muzzle again, gripping on his tongue and 'milking' it with steady humps. The lower paw cupped stronger, pulling him back in a firm grasp to the damp crotch, smearing the back of his pants in a crotch hug.

Not long did it take before Night decided to change to something more... familiar. He pulled the clueless fox as the bear stepped aside, and forced him to get down, laying his back to the ground as he moved on top of his panting chest, setting in a 'nadu' position with Max looking up at him like a mighty supernatural entity. Soon, he felt his chest tugged at, uncovering his slick body, then watched... only watched, silence written on his face, silence that cannot be broken. The bear jerked his jimmy at that exposed belly, then let go of the shirt, making his member radiate heat under Max's shirt.

"W... what are y-"

"Feeling cold, Van?"


The bear loomed forward, placing both paws to the sides of the blue head, and started jerking further under the shirt. Max shivered, feeling it worming moistly under his clothes, thrust after thrust after thrust.

"Want me to warm you up?"

"Wa-*pant~*... W-w-wait..."

That scared word didn't have an effect at all. The bear's voice started to sound more dominating than before, having a stronger freezing effect on the poor prey. He reached to Night's stroking pelvis, trying to push him off, but his arms ended up rocking with the insanely strong hips. The sound of wet jerks returned, making the fox blush deeper.

He knew...

The damn bear was about to do it, and under his own shirt, no where else. The blasted beast was 'marking' him just for the sake of memories! He can feel it drawing closer, he can hear this monster beginning to grunt and breathe strongly. The smell of intercourse was growing intense by the second.

"P-please, wait!"

His scared gaze dropped from the bear to that threatening bulge under his shirt. As if there was a tentacle frotting at his body, only dirtier... not that he can compare between the two. The fur on his stomach and chest got messed up, wet, stinky and full of a strange smell. It took only 20 seconds to be coated in bear reek and filth. And it's not going to stop at that, the final step was yet to be reached: spunk time.

The fox's eyes started to produce tears, but the reason was unknown. His body wanted this to remember, but there were tears of fear as well. Fear? No, that could be of the strong stench he was suddenly lost inside. Nevertheless, it made his vision hazy, his head became dizzy and his efforts to push Night off proved meaningless.

Sounds of slimy meat vibrated under his wet shirt, the thrusts, grunts and huffs coming from Night made Max's body rock in short jerks. The big bear was close, after all the sniffing, sucking and rubbing, Max just knew he was about to unload.

"Here-*grunt~* it comes..."

"N-no, d-don't!"

The jerking pelvis pulled back and suddenly lagged, trembling. The dick vibrated in its turn, hinting for the fox of its silent alert. Now was the time for him to take a deep breath, or close his eyes, or say his prayers... or do whatever. The next jerk felt seriously impairing to his clothes, digging inside his fur to water it from its roots.


There it was, the cocktail was served; saliva, dirt, musk, semen, sweat and the massive meatloaf that housed it all. The shirt gurgled over the bear's dick, a sloshing sensation befell the fox and a warm heat radiated through his body by the intrusion of liquid.

The dick pulled back again slowly, then dived a second time, equally strong and stern, evoking a hurt yelp from the fox.


The second trigger was more forceful, the shirt's stain grew bigger, dimmer and thicker. The shot reached his chest, broadening the feeling of being unclean and stinky. Max closed his eyes firmly and dropped his face to the side, unable to stop it anymore. He just tried to focus on resisting the heaviness of Night's impacts as the later dominated him, marked him to be someone else's property.

Another pull at the bear's dick accompanied a faint release, making the fragile tummy wet as well. Then came the third thrust, this one was 'heard' because of the stickiness of the blue fur. Finally, the volcano exploded.


The dick finally reached as far as it can, getting its entire length bathed by its own swampy fluids, and the head began erupting wave after wave on top of his chest. Stretching the shirt in a tight bulge, the spot just under his neck got dimmer and dimmer until it could house no more junk. The love seed started oozing out on his neck, and a couple of shots jumped out from the tendency of Night's climax only to land on the fox's cheek.

The bear kept himself on paws and knees, thrashing his cock under his shirt and making sure he divided his milk evenly under Max's shirt. His shirt turned black now from the drenching, and Max felt no power in his limbs to pull himself away. He lied there, waiting for the volcano to calm down on its own.

The marking finally stopped, rendering Max with thick slimes of semen creeping around his body. His shirt got totally stuffed, so did his fur, from spooge, with a bit of it reaching his neck and face. Max kept inhaling in shock, and every inhale helped in more sex smells to assault his brain. He always thought of himself as someone that liked things tidy and clean. But, after this, he was on the furthest end of the opposite side, yet he didn't feel that bad.

Night sighed after stopping his love pump, then moved carefully out of his shirt and stood up. He looked at his own dick being covered with a lot of oily things, but he didn't really care. He ran his massive paw on it starting with its base, milking his member out with its last bits of drops and directing its landing spot on Max's panting muzzle and nose, driving a surprised yelp. He licked the last remaining fluids on his paw, and thought that was enough for him to pull his dick back under his speedo and zip his pants again.

The fox remained there, gasping and inhaling directly at Night's semen.

The train reached its final station, and Night got out as he tugged his suit carefully and patted his paw on it in places. He went on his way, and noticed many people staring at him and slightly behind him as he passed across the streets and blocks. He stopped at his house and unlocked the door of a decent looking two-floored building, then sighed in impatience.

"Do you remember now?"

He turned back at the messed up fox walking behind him. Max was all the while silent, drenched in someone else's spunk and leaking to ruin his pants too. There were still thousands of things he can't understand. But those chains of memories were something he can't deny, not even that sudden feeling of joy and lust he experienced not long ago.

"... tell you what, why don't you get clean and dressed up, and then maybe we can sit and answer every question you have on a quick bite?"

The bear smiled warmly and opened the door, pushing it gently to reveal his house's hallway. He was still looking at Max to hear his decision, and the fox didn't really know what to think for a moment, all these things swarming up his head (and under his clothes) are making it hard to think.

"... and - while we're at it - we can do something about that boner."

The fox's mind suddenly started working as he looked down at his own 'camping' groin. He was a mess that walked from the station all the way here, and this damn boner was still furious and needed release. He couldn't explain his boner being erect all the while, but maybe... maybe this stinking messy aroma from the bear kept his body thrilled.

If he can stick around Night to know exactly what caused these memories...

"What did you do for a living? What was it again?"

"I'm a psychotherapist."

"Then you could... *gasp~*."

"... what?"

The fox froze just suddenly. This guy, he's a psychotherapist, the kind of occupation that enables him to know more than anyone. This guy could know more than Max knows about himself! But wait, what if this Night bear used his knowledge the other way around? Did he use skills and therapies to deceive his mind? Did he trick Max into thinking that he actually has a portion of his memories that got forgotten?

The bear's paw always seems to be in his pocket, as if he doesn't want anyone to see what's inside, or he's especially careful in handling what's inside. What did he do? Did he drug his mind, maybe? Did he give him anything that helped Night's voice into shaping a reality?

He opened his muzzle to inquire further, but his phone suddenly started ringing. He fell silent, taking his phone out and looking at the screen. Emma! It's that succubus, the damned woman who...


The fox instantly looked back at the bear, then suddenly his mind worked something. Why did his body react to that name? It wasn't his... or... was it? Fear started to conquer his mind again; the smile on the bear's face looked so close to a scheming grin, and the house behind Night looked like it would be his prison for all eternity should he take the bear on his offer. Several long seconds passed, and eventually the ringing stopped. He quickly searched for her number in his contact list...

And this time...

This time, he didn't think twice when the 'Are you sure?' message popped up.