The no longer Tragic Love Song of Destiny: part four

Story by taniscry on SoFurry

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#4 of inuyasha and kagome.

once more, to all the people waiting for this fourth installment. my sincerest apologies, after my accident i havent been in a writing mood. but thats no excuse, so to my utter amazement heres #4. also all mentioned characters are owned by whoever made the inuyasha anime series. the story is mine however, so, nyaaaaaaaaah :P p.s. if you havent read the first three do so now before continueing on, as it will make better sense if read in the order its supposed to be. and please leave FEEDBACK. be brutal lol but not too brutal. ;P * * * It had been 2 weeks since they had come down from the mountain. There had been no news of Naraku, and kagome and Inuyasha combined couldn't find the slightest trace of his scent. Every one was tired of looking for the moment, they were all thinking the same thing, and Naraku would show himself when you least expected it, so may as well take a break for a while. When they had set up camp for the evening, kagome went to a clearing in the woods bringing her bow along so she could practice. Her aim was slowly getting worse since they hadn't needed to hunt for a while, and they hadn't been attacked since they left the mountain, and even then she hadn't needed her bow. She had taken care of the Demon with one blast of her Soul-Reaver. When she finally reached the clearing she walked over to the farthest tree and used her claws to carve a small circle into the trunk, stepping back she inspected the makeshift target. When she finished she walked a god fifty feet away and pulled an arrow out of her quiver. She drew her bow slowly, taking aim with a practiced eye as she let the arrow fly. She let out an irritated breath of air as it hit just outside the circle she had made. She fired the bow a few more times. She missed the first few times, hitting an inch or so outside the target, when she had fitted her next arrow, she pulled back sharply as a resounding "CRACK!!!" went through the clearing. Kagome looked in despair at the shattered remains of the bow kyadae had given her as tears welled in her eyes at the loss of one of her few most favored possessions. She left the arrows in the tree, not wanting to look at them as she gathered the splintered remains of her bow. When she had finished gathering her things, she started on the long walk back to camp. Inuyasha heard a sharp noise come from the direction kagome had left in. he got up with a start as he began telling the others what he had heard. "I'll go after her, it's probably nothing but just to be sure I'm going to go look for kagome. Wait here, ill be back shortly," he said, as he ran off into the woods. A few minutes later he picked up her scent and followed it to the clearing finding kagome picking up something from the ground. He watched as she gathered up all the pieces and put them in her quiver. He waited for he to finish what she was doing, making sure she was ok before he started back to camp. "She's fine" he told them when he got back to camp, not wanting to tell them what he'd seen, he would let kagome tell them what happened. The others started as kagome walked into camp, "what happened kagome we heard a noise in the direction you came from, and where's your bow?" Sango asked. "It broke, my bow broke while I was trying to shoot it" kagome said as she threw he quiver next to her sleeping bag. They didn't ask any more questions afterwards. A few days later Inuyasha noticed that kagome's foul mood hadn't improved. While looking at his Tetsaiga, he finally came to a decision. He waited until night came before he told the others his plan. Everyone in the group agreed with him, and Sango even agreed to let him take Kirara with him. After an hour or so, he approached kagome. "Kagome, I want you to come with me to go see Totosai, you're a demon now, full or not you need a demon weapon or what happened to your bow will happen to the next one you get." She looked at him for a moment as she realized what he was telling her, "Fine. But, I want a bow, not a sword or something like that, just a bow." She told him. "Deal, I already told the others my plan, and they don't mind too much. We leave at first light," Inuyasha told her as he laid down to go to sleep. They left just after breakfast, wanting to get to Totosais forge before dark. They made good time, making it there just as the sun began its westward descent. Totosai had seen them before they landed and stood there gaping at kagome as he saw her tail and demon ears. "So she's a demon now" he thought to himself as they dismounted Kirara. "Hey Totosai, I need you to make a demon bow for kagome, it would mean a lot to us both" Inuyasha asked, as he walked up to the Demon weapon smith. "Only on one condition. You have to prepare a bath for me, Inuyasha, or no bow" said Totosai, as he itched a few spots on his stomach. "it's a deal" said kagome "well Inuyasha, get to work". "wait you cant just..." he began, but kagome gave him a look that made both Inuyasha and Totosai both quake in fear. "Fine" he said as he started to get to work, remembering exactly how to do it from the last time he was here seeking instruction on how to break Demonic barriers. "I'll need some materials for the bow, preferably a fang and a few strands of your hair" Totosai told kagome. "A fang! Will it hurt?" she asked him, with a look of dread on her face. "Just open wide and close your eyes, you wont feel a thing and your fang will grow back in a day or two". It happened just as he said it would, she didn't feel a thing, and remarkably, when she awoke the next day there was a brand new fang where the old one had been. Inuyasha was sore all over from getting the water and cutting wood for Totosais bath the previous night, and slept most the day while Totosai worked on Kagome's bow. A few days later, Totosai called them both into his forge, waiting for them both to take a seat before he spoke, "well it's finished", he said as he pulled out an almost ordinary looking metal bow. "I know it looks a little plain," he said as he saw the look on their faces, "but it transforms in the same way as the Tetsaiga" he told kagome as he gave her the bow. as she walked around outside with her new ordinary looking bow she began inspecting it It felt warm in her hand as if it had sat in the sun most of the day, as she looked at the bow she couldn't see a string anywhere, yet it was obviously strung. As she moved her hand over the body of the bow she began to feel it pulse with an inner power, She almost dropped it when it suddenly transformed. It was beautiful, it shone in the sun like a star, and on the handle was a wrapping of what looked like pure midnight-black leather, then she finally saw it, the string, it was so fine that unless you saw it in the light you would swear it wasn't there. "It's so beautiful, does it have a name?" she asked as she walked back into the smiths forge, still examining it. "It's called Kenraiga (Ken-ri-ga) or Heaven star, and only one with spiritual and demonic powers such as yourself can fire this bow. "Are there any arrows? I would very much like to try it out" kagome asked excitedly. "No, there aren't any arrows, for you see this bow shoots arrows of pure sacred light, not silly little sticks. This bow has only two attack powers; one, I already told you about, is called Sacred-light. The second attack is an attack powerful enough to rival even the Tetsaigas Backlash-wave, it is called the Star-shower, you must be very carefull when using this attack. The Kenraiga will draw on your demon and spiritual power, for the energy it needs, leaving you completely defenseless until your strength returns." He told her. Kagome sat there, thinking about the beautiful gift she had received, running her hands over the smooth curves of her new bow. "what does the Star-shower do" she asked. "The Star-shower is a hail storm of Sacred-light, literaly a rain of light. which is why it takes so much energy to use." A day later they began preparing to leave. Kagome thanked Totosai once more for the bow. "You still owe me you know, getting that hermits bath prepared was more work than you think." Inuyasha told her as they flew off astride Kirara. "well, i can think of a few ways to thank you" she told him, as she hugged closer to him, brushing her hands over the inside of his legs. after twenty minutes of this, inuyasha was sporting quite a hard on, panting lightly as kagomes hands continued brushing just close enough to excite him, but not enough to get him anywhere and it was driving him nuts. an hour later kirara began her decent, angleing towards the hotsprings, completely unnoticed by inuyasha or kagome. when they finally came within sight of the hotsprings, inuyasha and kagome were startled, as kirara landed and began to growl at the two of them. as they got off of her she mewled softly and then flew towards camp leaving the two of them alone. "I think kirara wants us to have some alone time, inuyasha" she told him Winking at him slyly, before she started getting undressed. inuyasha just stared at her completely lost, as she got undressed, "kagome what are you..." he began, as she roughly kissed him. "Dont I still owe you for the bow?" she asked jokingly as she began removing his kimono, her tail swishing left and right in anticipation. Once she had done away with his clothes she grabbed his hand, leading him into the water, letting the warmpth slowly wash over them, once they were completely emersed in the water, inuyasha pulled her close, looking into her eyes before passionately kissing her, just wanting to be with her at that moment, he let his hands trace down the small of her back, eliciting a soft moan from Kagome before reaching down and slowly inserting a digit into her sopping cunt. It was kagome who broke the kiss first, slowly moving her hand down Inuyasha's chest and tickling his stomach before moving farther down and began massaging Inuyashas semi-hard cock to life, while she moved him closer towards the rocks near the edge of the water. inuyasha knew what was in store for him, this was the place they had first made love ago may wanted, to share her new demon self with him in the spot that they had both first shared their true feelings with each other. as they reached the rocks kagome turned and bent over, showing her perfect milky white ass, while pretending to pick something up, twitching her tail back and forth for inuyasha to see. "You know I was just kidding about paying me back for the bow, right?" he asked, while looking at her sheepishly, blushing more red than his kimono. "of course I know that you were kidding, but I really love my new bow and after all that hard work you put into it I think I should return the favor". she said, shaking her ass a little to emphasize the meaning. "Kagome, have I told you lately how much I love you?" he asked, before kneeling behind her, and slowly began rimming her. kagome moaned in ecstacy as inuyasha traced a finger around her quivering mound, before sliding two of his fingers into her sopping cunt, making her gasp as he continued rimming her pucker. "inuyasha i cant take it any more, i need you inside me, please i wanna feel you inside me" she pleaded as he continued his ministrations not giving up. kagome began to writhe in ecstasy, bucking her hips to the thrusts of inuyasha's fingers. inuyasha, sensing that kagome was close to cumming, slowed his thrusting, making her work for everything she could get, untill, suddenly, he stopped. "oh please inuyasha dont tease me" she wimpered. inuyasha stood up, slowly aligning himself with kagome's opening before slowly pushing his throbbing member into her. inuyasha, feeling his cock slide into her, felt his demon side begin to take over as his carnal instincts took over, he slowly began to thrust into kagome harder and faster untill after minutes she was screaming in the throes of orgasm after orgasm, untill he finally erupted, blowing ropes of his seed into her. after what seemed like an eternity to inuyasha, he began reverting back to his half-demon form, as his knees buckled and he fell into the water. end chapter four.

  • * * once more please leave feedback, and the next chapter should be up within the next week. RIDE MY ASS TO GET IT DONE, lol