Of Paw and Cargon

Story by Xinnova on SoFurry

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Wing beats were impeded through rough storms; a flutter of life barely noticed by the beatings of the storm that rose so swiftly on the coast lines. Lightning striking across the skies, lighting the path for those trapped in the middle of this horrible wrath that nature had brought about. Winds racing across the waves causing them to rise and fall as they violently crash against the rocky shore, any creature with common sense and a natural instinct to survive had all taken shelter by now, leaving those who hunger for a good day's hunt, to go without.

One such creature caught unaware and hungering for a meal to fill its empty stomach was that of a Drafess. A creature so rare, that natives of the lands it stalked, deemed it a demon coming from the pits of the earth to take out Mother Nature's wrath upon them! But no, this was no such creature, well not from original design! But from knowledge of said creature; its hunger was something few would dare trifle with or disturb while feeding, for few lived to ever speak of these habits after being found out!

It was this ebony fur covered creature that made its way out of the great storms, trying desperately to find that one weak creature in the storm not yet able to seek refuge on the coast line. But alas, the Drafess was being shown to be the fool, it was as if the creature could feel the eyes of its prey mocking and laughing at its flying through such a massive hurricane! This caused the creature to let out a snort, panting hard, as the rain beat down ever stronger on its body. Being a smaller than the average dragon, it wasn't meant to take on these storms, nor did it plan on it for much longer. The creature snarled and took for the highest cave it could see.

Soft ocean blue eyes gazed over the cave entrance, there could no doubt be someone or something much larger than it within; because of the rain, it masked its sense of smell. It was do or die, or die in the event of trying; but the Drafess had little to no choice in this matter now! Risking it, and with a snarl, its wings stretched wide, it thrust forward with a bolt of speed, as its body rushed into the caverns as a black blur. Feeling a bit of relief as the stinging of the rain ceases and a damp warmth can be felt as the cave seemed to carry with it a warm breeze, possible from the tropical storms outside. The blue eyes quickly dart around the cave now, finding it to be empty causing the fur covered dragon to sigh a bit of relief to itself now as it began to look upon the caverns with a bit more detail.

The stalactites seemed to glow with a soft green light, possibly from the sulfer or a chemical in the soil that formed them. They were still so beautiful, no matter what made them, enough to give the Drafess an idea, with a soft purr it pulled out a small satchel from its side; so glad that it made it through the weather, as a small vial was pulled out with a soft smile. It seemed to glow the same beautiful and dazzling color as the caverns, giving a glance at the corner of its eye noticing a pool of water causing the two colors to dance across the walls.

{This cave was such a precious sight for sore eyes} It thought, popping the cork on the vial with its teeth now.

A cool liquid poured into an open paw now as the dampened creature began to toss drops of the liquid to each corner of the cave, upon impact the drops of the mysterious potion exploded in bright flashes that transformed mystically into torches hanging from just the air itself it seemed! Nodding to itself now as the light brightened the area up quite a bit revealing more features of the black demon that was the Drafess! Crimson red tiger like strips covered the back and down the tail of the creature, all the way down to its soft rose bulb tip that was unique to it and only it! Its ears flicked a bit of wetness from them as the dark blue bandana was barely hanging on by the small black horns, just in front of its ears. Using a paw, it corrects the bandana and balances it in a normal angel that was typical of such fashion.

Its body; like that of a lithe feline yet having a build that made the body seem strong and not just agile made this creature a fierce some predator. Its great paws were not just big, but were made for their grip to not just hold, but carry prey to their doom! As eyes would gaze over its form they would also take in its sheath but at the same time notice that its form also carried the scent and the appeal of a female! Its creation, one of magic and desperation was made into a herm among its other rare and elegant features.

Trotting around in a circle shi playfully praised in a bit of glee that shi had made it to shelter away from the storms! But then hir stomach gurgled softly and preached to hir a tune of starvation, it caused hir almost buckle from hir standing; a whimper escaping hir lips as shi winced and silently moaned out, wanting it to stop! Hir tail thrashed a moment its own quiet protest as all hir senses suddenly stood still as shi heard it; not a sound of thunder, it was a sound of wing beat that almost equaled that of thunder itself!

Knowing this was no thunder, as it carried a solid rhythm to its crackling sounds, and fearing this creature was a rather large one at that, shi began to worry. It must have seen the lights! Wincing at this mistake of being too comfortable shi took water from the pool, using the thoughts within hir mind as the air itself seemed to toss the water in all four directions to knock out the flames and darken the caverns once again leaving them to their normal glow that shi came to see when shi first entered. It was too late though! With a sudden roar and the sound of a hard landing, shi moved stealthily into the deeper depths of the caves as far back as shi could, as shi hid hirself from the avian creature before hir!

Its steps were heavy; its panted breath was heavy as well and rather loud. It was a large dragon but at the same time shi just eyed this creature a bit from just the glow of the pools. Feathers instead of scales; having a brown tint to them as they covered its whole form, and an even darker brown covering over its broad chest and belly as it seemed to gaze around the area for another creature just as shi had. With a lift of its large snout it took a sniff from the air and in a sharp turn it glared right at hir now as if it could stalk hir with just hir scent now then shi realized it; shi was still soaking wet and smelled to match such giving a soft whimper out of fear now.

The creature before hir was something of a rare beast itself! Having such strange patterns on both of its wings, the neon green circles almost made hir become lost in their beauty. Shi looked down from its gaze for a moment to take in its paws noticing the dark black pattern on them, and the same neon like green on them as well. That's when hir soft blue eyes suddenly starred directly into its own orbs as the orange red blend in his own causing hir to back up some against the wall, it was as if he saw straight into hir very soul; but then his head turned back around as its wings moved back towards its spine as its spiked tail gently resting around him on the ground as he settled on his haunches.

"So I guess I was wrong in assuming I would find company within this well-lit cavern. Pity." His voice, though it wasn't vicious at all, nor was it one of a hunter coming to find a hidden prey as his soft singsong voice filled the cave with a gentle smile playing delicately over his powerful looking snout.

Shi wasn't totally without train of thought, as he spoke it was with a grain of sarcasm as if he was calling hir out. Hir nostrils flared a bit as shi snorted, shi was a wild creature, but a wild creature with pride as shi moved from the shadows and into the dim lighting of the pools reflections. His head only turning slightly to give hir the smallest of notice, but his tail swayed a bit as he saw hir. Perhaps it was the rare beauty he saw, that or he was still fresh from the shell; shi couldn't tell hirself right off. But as their eyes connected again he was quick to gaze back up at the entrance to the storm outside as if he hadn't seen hir at all, causing hir to growl softly at this silly display of hatchling like attitude!

But deep down shi had to admit as shi slowly, carefully made hir way over to him now; he was in fact rather handsome for a strange looking creature. Shi kept a safe distance from him, still finding it hard to trust such a larger creature that could no doubt mistake hir as food at any moment! Shi would rather play it safe as shi sat down on hir haunches and allowed hir tail to move around cat like at hir feet. Although his attention seemed to be the storm outside, he knew well that hir gaze was over his body and that made him rumble a bit to himself.

"You know, if you wish I can walk around and you can get a clear picture of my whole body instead of just at the back angle..." He trailed off as his head half turned back to hir catching hir gazing at him, as shi felt hirself thrown a bit off guard by these words!

"Oh... I didn't mean to... I mean..." Shi could feel hir snout warming up as a blush came upon hir, causing the red of hir stripes to lighten a bit as shi looked away from him a bit as he moved the underside of his tail to raise hir snout to meet his now!

"Stare? Yes, I tend to get that often from others... it's true that I'm not exactly an everyday sight, but at the same time you have to admit my adorable friend, that you are yourself a rare creature and a rather enchanting sight, definantly a wonderful change from the storms outside heh" He interrupted with that soft voice, almost as if he was born from an angel itself. Causing the stripes to brighten even more almost to a pink now as shi gazed to his eyes.

A sudden rumble from within hirself caused them both to blink now as shi realized shi was gazing at him again! Without thought shi pressed a paw over his snout in retaliation to all of this attention that shi wasn't used to, trying to silence him before shi turned pink! But then it happened as shi felt his nostrils flaring up as hir paw pressed firmly over the top of hir snout, hir eyes meeting his once again now as shi watched him in total surprise draw out his tongue, and proceed to caress the padded soles of hir foot in one slow long lick and draw his tongue back as shi drew hir paw back a bit as well and they took a long silent pause now as hir large paw now dripped with his saliva!

Shi saw it then, that look within his eyes as shi could recognize of bit of that lust around the same gleam in one's eyes when they desire something! This caused hir to back up a bit in surprise to all this, was he tasting hir... was all of this just a trick to catch hir off guard and get what he wanted from hir?! But then the strangest thing wafted over the air, the musk of a male in rut, but shi wasnt at all in season yet as shi just continued to stare at him rather dumbfounded as if trying to understand all of this at once now! Then as if on cue the creature before hir spoke first, as it lifted its head to stare down at hir beautiful form.

"I... I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me there... your paws, they are rather nice... youre a creature built for hunting, such... strong paws you have" He said, through a rather rasped almost panting breath now, almost as if he had seen the back side of a female in heat and was ready to pounce!

"They call me Xinnova, and I can't help but feel as if you have a sort of thing... for my paws..." She spoke matter of factly to the creature before hir as if reminding him that shi was a being to be respected, and appreciated.

As if a child was being caught stealing he rather abruptly corrected his bodies stance, fighting hard to let go of the flavor and the enchantment that hir paws have unknowingly placed him under! Looking down to hir, with a weak smile and a noble bow of his head now as he more politely addressed hir to show that he was more than just a beast lusting for hir body, or rather hir body parts it seemed.

"I guess once again I shall be apologizing to you! Most call me Carlos; I'm a Cargon you see. And perhaps the only one of my kind that I have seen, it's a pleasure to meet you Xinnova." He spoke with that previous soft smile. "Likewise; from what I've heard I'm called the demon of the earth, but I would rather be known as what I am... a Drafess. It seems to be a rare occasion, two creatures of such rarity meeting in a small cave like this during such a storm." Shi spoke with a soft giggle, finding this too amusing as hir belly once again preached to hir the sounds of its discontent, causing hir to sigh and look upon this new friend as something more than just that now!

"It seems luck favors us both tonight; getting out of that nasty storm... truly it could have ended us both" The Cargon smiled warmly still as he spoke with a bit of a chuckle as he too joined in on the laugh of the moment!

Shi couldn't agree more, but in the back of hir mind as shi started to think more and more as a predator rather than a friend; shi knew he wouldn't be leaving this cave tonight. But how to take him was the thoughts that raced in hir mind, shi couldn't swallow such a large creature without getting hurt, and also knew that any actions in violence would spell hirself becoming dinner for this rather amazing creature! Idly shi raised a paw to him, and waved it slowly in the air finding it a bit of fun to just watch his gaze and silence just to keep the sight of the paw in view; then it hit hir... the idea that would no doubt land hir the meal shi needs as shi moved the other paw into hir satchel remembering a special potion just for this sort of situation!

"It would seem we both have found a new friend this night, so then I say we should play a nice little game... you know, to pass the time." Shi smiled rather deviously now, as shi pulled out the small vile with a glowing blue liquid inside of it!

The Cargon just blinked a bit at this now, surprised by such a proposition from the lovely Drafess before him, and quickly became curious like that of a feline! Grinning a bit now as he gave hir snout a soft nuzzle in agreement. After all, any game would definantly be fun with this creature and those beautiful paws of hir's! Then his eyes drifted once again down to them, how gorgeous they seemed to gleam against the stone floors and then he felt hir claw under his chin forcing him to look away, with a soft whine, as hir eyes connected with his own now.

"Eyes on me sweetie; you don't want to lose out on the rules of this game do you?" Shi gave quite a toothy grin to this now as shi knew well that shi had him hooked, the sad thing being shi didnt have to do anything at all!

"Now listen well, I'm going to allow you to do what you wish with me... a game of trust you see, you do what you wish, and then I get my turn to do with you what I wish" Shi spoke, as shi pressed a paw firmly back against his snout placing his nostrils between hir digits on purpose as he took in their scent again now. As if hypnotized by them, the great creature nodded into the paw, agreeing totally to anything shi wanted now as shi grinned darkly as hir plan was coming together so well. Hir stomach was rumbling so loudly now in anticipation of this creature before hir filling it! But all in due time, after all shi would feel bad not giving the handsome Cargon the play time of his life before watching him sink into hir throat against his will.

"Mm good, we are in full agreement... now then, you want my paws... I can help you fully realize this lustful dream of yours my sweet Carlos... I have a potion, which will shrink you and make you a play thing for my paws, doesn't that sound like heaven?" Shi was almost enjoying this WAY too much now, knowing he would go for it without even speaking it. Sadly, it was almost too easy for such an experienced predator.

As expected the Cargon's eyes seemed to brighten up at just the thought of such a venture! Having never known such a thing could ever happen to him, his snout nodded more quickly into the paw as he almost fell down to his side, so seduced by the paw against his snout! He was such a good boy shi thought, and then hir teeth pulled at the cork and with a soft pop the paw was forcing his lips apart and began to pour the whole contents into his mouth. He swallowed it without question, or choking on the bitter taste of it as shi placed the vial back into the pouch and began to step back wiping a bit of drool from hir lips now, shi nearly had him right were shi wanted him!

As if on contact with the potions contents he began to feel himself aching almost all over, followed by an intense and maybe even painful burning as shi began to step back to enjoy the show as he let out a great roar starting to feel as though he should have thought this one out a bit more! Eyes locking onto hir own as shi just grinned to him, his heart and soul seemed to sink a bit in fear now as his body began to glow brightly lighting up the whole cave once more! As everything began to dim, he noticed that the whole world around him was growing bigger and wider and as he looked to hir he almost whimpered out as shi was now practically a giant compared to him now, as his body had shrank down to that of the size of a small dog, just under a foot tall from shoulders to feet!

As shi gazed down at him, shi couldn't help but admire hir work for a moment or two and soak in that wonderful and intoxicating feeling of being in control over what was once making hir fear for hir life; and now those tables had turned! Shi moved slowly down to him, kneeling a bit as shi just grinned toothily down at him now as he cowered back a bit out of fear of the now great creature before him and what shi could indeed do to him! But then the great feral Drafess moved and lay at the other end of the cave and spread those great, mighty paws out to him all four of them beckoning him towards their great warmth. All thought was now devoid; all fear leaving him as he once again became mesmerized in their glory!

Shi just waited now, lurking in silent contemplation of what he would do or how he would act and, much to hir previous thoughts he was acting just as shi knew he would. Moving towards hir slowly, as if under control by the paws as his mind just gave up on the struggle, but at the same time his instincts tried to stop him, knowing well shi was now dangerous! But with a growl, he lifted his feet from the clawed grips as he was becoming annoyed with his own body, shi was a friend and he believed that shi wouldn't hurt him, but his body just didn't want to give in to that flimsy trust!

Though his body was right to fear the great giant before him, as soon as his body drifted close enough the four large padded paws gripped him and forced him close to hir as they all smothered him from every direction! It was like that of a pillow soft bed, surrounding him as his whole body was encased in the musky scented plump fleshy paws! It was as if shi was pampered and spoiled, to never walk on any kind of hard ground or be scared from foliage underfoot, four perfect paws that made him feel as if he was in heaven right now!

As the time would pass, those large paws just massaged him manipulated him, being in complete control over him as shi just watched him beneath hir massive powerful paws; just eyeing him a bit as shi suddenly felt a bit of a pressure against the paw that was over his lower half. Shi just licked slowly over hir char coal lips. It was all starting to make sense to hir now, this creature... he was truly a lover of the paw, and no matter what, shi couldn't help but become a bit fascinated by this as it appeared and smelled as though he was now fully erect looking to rut a female all night long! But it wasn't at all a female he was seeking as shi watched his little head move; eyes completely closed just nuzzling up and down all over the paws that held him in place.

Shi couldn't help but feel the need to fulfill hir promise as shi gently cupped the paw under his groin, creating a low crease in the sole now and shi felt his small cock press between it, causing hir to murr softly at the feeling of it! It was strange, but as his thrusts pressed into the crease shi couldnt help but become a bit turned on by this now... that is until hir stomach let out another commanding gurgle from its bowels which caused hir to sigh softly, as shi moved hir large lips towards him shi whispered softly to him. The whispered message sent a shiver up and down his spine now, causing him to whimper out a soft plea and a gentle moan as the crease seemed to squeeze around his cock like a tight lover causing him to lose concentration on what shi said.

"Now it's my turn, keep your eyes closed and enjoy my paws... as if it was your last" Shi spoke in a soft, rather gentle tone to him almost feeling sorry for this now but shi must feed and he was indeed the size of a good meal, at least till shi could find a nice big prey.

Whimpering out again his eyes shut tightly now, licking at the Drafess paws more affectionately now as shi allowed hir lips to spread apart now and slowly shi began to work his upper body onto hir large wet tongue! Moving him gently to avoid the sharp teeth above him as he lost the ability to lick the paws, letting out a soft, pathetic roar now, as the snout soon nuzzled up into the roof of hir drool covered maw and the saliva soaked into his feathers fear began to settle in! Shi could almost taste it, as his whole body began to shiver in hir paws, hir tongue danced around his upper body now playing over the wonderful flavor. He could no doubt feel hir eating him as shi could also feel his thrusts beginning to become rather heated over the crease that his hard, swelling cock was squeezed inside of!

Fighting lust and fear now, the small Cargon could barely tell what to give in too as he moaned out through whimpered, panted breath now as he was nearing his blissful climax! But then he noticed it, the feeling of hot damn breath all over his head and body... but then the crease squeezed again like a tight young female in heat, causing him to whine out and snarl in lust as shi just grinned around his whole body now as shi held him up now with that one paw that he was mating. Just waiting now, tongue maneuvering his body like a big wet slide to go directly down the back of hir dark, tunneled throat!

The minutes passed, as shi toyed and teased his whole body, covering him in the musk of hir paws. One paw still keeping him outside of the maw; shi suddenly felt his thrusts turn more powerful and the creatures cock suddenly jolted and slammed into the paw pads just above the sole of hir paw! Sending wave after wave over and into the paw now as he climaxed and fell down to lay on the bed of wet muscle, his whole world all just a blue and a blissful dream now... was this even real? But then, suddenly his whole world was turned upside down slowly, as his claws gripped what little it could as his eyes shot open to stare blankly down into the darkness that was hir throat!!

Not really caring anymore of this little guest, nor wanting to stall the meal any longer the Drafess paw moved to grip the end of his tail tightly avoiding the little spikes along it now as shi tilted hir head back and gave him a horrifying view of hir great maw, that he rested in for some time now without knowing! Its white teeth hidden only slightly by the great black lips, the dark violet tongue now like a carpet leading into the saliva filled darkness of hir maw that was to be his last resting place! Without any more hesitation shi abruptly shoved him into hir maw and sealed hir lips around his whole form causing him to cry out and squirm with what little vigor he had left now!

All that could be seen from hir maw was that tail, as it thrashed weakly as shi just leaned back against the caverns walls now, getting comfy as the poor creature inside of hir maw began to battle against that tongue of hir's as it explored every inch of him and his flavor. Being the last of his kind, shi felt the need to get to know all of what he was and had to offer! Shi could hear his pleading and whimpers in fear now, the poor small Cargon was truly terrified of what was happening and shi couldn't help but feel a little sorry for it deep inside, but then hir belly once again protested with a rumble from within, it was loud enough for even the Cargon to hear it and cause his thrashing to increase! But closing hir eyes; shi decided it was time to end this game once and for all. Shi tilted hir head back, and with a powerful jerk forward of hir head, and a gulp the Cargon was suddenly and violently shoved into the back of hir throat, jogging any grip he had lose in the sudden jerking motion!

He created such a lovely lump in the throat of the Drafess now, still squirming and fighting to get back out of the throat to escape what was about to happen to him now. But it was sadly too late for all that, shi had tricked him, and perhaps played rather dirty on at that, but it was to feed hirself. That to hir made it fair indeed as shi started to rub a paw over the lump of the small Cargon. Shi gave another strong gulp, sending him down even further into the darkness, as shi slurped up the tail. He would find as he would thrash with his tail to try and get out, that those pesky little spikes were now all expertly broken off or cut down while he was in hir paws. It made sense to use that time to not massage him, but rather work to deal with those pesky spikes all along his body!

Whimpering and pleading softly the Cargon was surrounded by tight wetness of the muscles within the Drafess throat as he couldn't believe he let paws get the better of him once again! He was always told that they would lead him into trouble, but towards the belly of another rare creature as this?! Shutting his eyes tightly he could feel that his whole body was now encased in the fleshy confines of hir throat as shi continued to swallow and work him down. He knew well it wouldn't take hir long at all to work him into hir stomach. He gave a few more weak struggles as he was tiring himself out, and finding it quite hard to breathe now from the lack of air. Soon his snout would press against a strange fleshy barrier, preventing him from entering hir belly. With a bit of relief, the Cargon was starting to have some hope that maybe shi couldn't swallow him down!

But that was torn asunder by the tight squeeze over his entire body that made him squirm and fight anew now, as he gave one last muffled shriek from within hir as the fleshy barrier gave way to his snout and slowly his whole body was fed into the musky, hot chamber that he knew was indeed hir belly! Giving him another hard swallow, the muscles in hir throat forcefully shoved the Cargon into the prison that would be his final resting place. His snout was once again pressed into the wall of flesh, this time though there was no barrier, and his body was suddenly forced to curl around itself as he was crammed inside, with no effort on hir behalf to give him comfort in this deed! As his tail finished through the barrier he suddenly noticed there were no acids at all, in fear he stilled himself and tried to just feel around a bit.

Unknowingly, he discovered a secret to the drafess' belly. It had the ability to tell prey from other items, if they became still and didn't thrash around, the items or the people being carried would be safe from harm. Thus the barrier only slightly opened as it fed him a bit of air to breathe, though this action didn't amuse the Drafess at all now, as shi wanted a meal not a carry on! Rolling hir soft blue eyes a bit shi did the act for him, suddenly standing up shi fell down, landing on hir belly with a little force causing the Cargon within to jostle around a bit! This action suddenly made the barrier seal again, and the whole belly began to gurgle all around him as its contents were recognized as food!

And before he could even cry out the air was suddenly pressed out of the stomach causing hir to let out a rather loud burp, and give a grin, now knowing that the stomach was doing its job finally! And just like that, the walls squeezed all around him, and started to fill with the acid he was expecting to be there when he arrived. Tingling turned into burning as shi curled up to sleep off hir meal. He would find the lack of air causing him to turn sleepy and soon he would pass out regardless of the pains of acid all around him and he would not have to live through it all as the stomach began to churn around him. The drafess had found hir food, and it was a dish that was worthy of a queen and shi gave him silent thanks like a prayer of his unknowing sacrifice to feed a greater predator.

-----------------------------------------------Writers note------------------------------------------------- No Cargons were harmed in the making of this story ;).

A tail of Kinne

Sun beams sift through the forest setting, like heaven washing down its bounty onto the surroundings of green and brown mesh. The forest was a beautiful place. Its many varieties of tree's and foliage that littered the grounds of dirt and grass, was...

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