Falling in ... with style Part 1

Story by TGryzor on SoFurry

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Falling in ... with style

this in my mind is probably one of my best ideas yet, although it may need tweeks and adjustments that im not aware of yet.

the sun high in the cloudless sky blazing down on the bettered wastes known as the capital wasteland, our story follows 2 out of the ordinary "soldiers" from the brotherhood of steel, somewere in the remains of downtown D.C., a stalemate has been between them and a small group of enclave scouting party just down the street for sometime, but still they sit keeping a close eye on there bitter enemies.

..."so why havent they tried anything yet? do you think they even know theres only the two of us?"

"obviously not, they think we still have an entire squad and as long as they dont find out we dont im good."

"... you ever wonder why were fighting?"

"did you really just ask that? there the enclave, and were the brotherhood, whats there to wonder about?"

"i mean our nations capital is in ruins, and were trying to kill each other, you would think we would band together or something and try to rebuild."

"i bet they never thought of that, why dont you go over there and see if they would like to join us rebuild our great country side by side?"

"yeah yeah, very funny mick, cause your the first person to use sarcasm ever."

"look its like the natural order, you dont question the natural order, cause if you do things get way to complicated."

"well we cant just sit here there going to over run us eventually, we should try and find others out in the rest of the capital."

"that would be retreating. and that not how we were trained"

"trained? the only thing we learned was how to wear this power armor, let alone any combat excercises."

"well were still alive thanks to our combat skills arnt we?"

"yeah if you include running away while screaming like a girl a skill."

"hey that wasnt screaming that was an breathing technique used to maximize air intake to the lungs, and atleast i keep watch over these assholes instead of sleeping all day, or whatever it is you do in the post."

"for your information i have been coming up with something that will actually help us."

"well unless you can pull more men out of your ass, which i wouldnt be surprised if you did, then nothing that you come up with could possibly help us in any way."

"youll see, wait here."

rick ran inside the multistory office building they are using as a "safe" house.

"... screaming please, i didnt see him heroicly fighting them off."

"... alright here it is my newest creation, the weapon that will save us from impossible odds!"

"... what is it?"

"I call it the Thing-a-Thrower!"

"we already have those there called arms."

"no, look, just give me a peice of junk, like this bottle, put it in here and ... fire!"

as rick pulled the trigger like a speeding bullet the glass bottle shatters against the wall.

"holy crap that was awsome!"

"I know! and the best part is you cant run out of ammo whatever fits in here you can fire it."

"wow i under estimated you this just might give us the edge weve been acting like we had."

"return fire!" as soon as the shot resinated through out the streets the enclave quickly began attack not knowing just exactly who they were facing. with an overwhelming amount of shots wizzing by our heros quickly jumped into action.

" oh god whats happening?!"

"there trying to kill us! what else could they be doing?! thanks to your stupid little trash sorter were going to die!"

"trash sorter? what happend to this being the edge we need?!"

"im almost sure that bullets beat trash rick! unless it can shoot something usefull then were better off throwing that thing at them ourselves!"

"wait i have an idea gimme your grenade."

"what are you... oh now i see, rick your a genius again!"

"again i never stopped, now hurry and pull the pin and put it in."

".. there now go!" "now?" "yes now!" "but you said go,not fire"

"just fire the dam thing!"

SHOOP! as if in slow motion the lone frag grenade flew through the incoming fire, flying through the air as if being delivered on a pillow by an angel, with the grace of a, TINK, it lands in the bed of an old military truck.

"rick i swear if they dont kill you i will!"

"me?! did you even pull the pin? theres now way this could be my fault!"

"well it doesnt matter now, looks like its all.."

just as all hope was lost the thought to be dud frag echoed with force of something from the devils ass, exploding the gas tank within the truck wiping out all enclave personel which happend to be next to it at the time. as the clouds of dust fades and the last of the pieces rain from the sky, what seemed to be the end now looked alittle more promising.

"you think their dead?" "i dont know why dont you go and see?"

"no we go together that way both of us will have an equal chance of getting killed, after all sharing is caring"

as they emerge from cover to scout the remains of their fallen enemies, taking any oppertunities they find.

"oh god, limbs everywhere, what have we done?"

"uh we won?"

"but isnt this overkill or something? i mean theres an arm here and a leg waaay over there."

"look they died and we didnt thats all that matters, now shut up and scavenge."

"woah now that you look at it, this fort is really nice, everythingsso clean and shiny much better than our crummy setup."

"will you stop admiring every little thing and help me look for stuff?"

"like what?"

"data files, recordings, and ... oooh what do we have here?"

"you find something?"

"check it out! its one of those plasma shooters!"

"really? let me see."

"hell no, you already got that thingy thrower thing, this ones mine."

"yeah but that an actual weapon this is just a home project type thing"

"home project? it just took out an entire squad of enclave! first you got a special weapon and now i have one, dont be bitch."

"yeah i guess your right, but does it even work?"

"of course it works, you really think the enclave would carry around something this advanced if it didnt work?"

"then show me"

"i cant i didnt find many microfusion cells"

"micro whats?"

"micro fusion cells, there this things ammunition, and i found a few. how bout you, you find anything?"

"no just that big crate that makes growling noises."

"a big crate with growling noises what the..."

with their new found weapons and experiences one can only guess what if any new adventures await them in, falling in ... with style.

The Five W's

yet another lazy day idea. ? The Five W's the sun blazes down on the calm plains of tall grass, shrubs, and small trees, a grasshopper jumps onto a small clearing in the grass, but before it can even react a human foot crushes the unsuspecting...

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cursed ramblings!

these ramblings is what happens when i get too much time on my hands and set my mind on a trail of an inner whirlpool that wont let me sleep, so i wrote them down for once and i dont really know what to call these "ramblings". personally i view...

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