Phor and Leon

Story by Zackbuizel on SoFurry

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Phor eagerly followed Leon, whose a quilava that had treated the flygon very well and had never done anything to hurt him.

"Today looks like its going to be rainy," Phor commented in his deep but soft voice. He continued to look up at the sky, seeing some of the clouds were dark and beginning to gather.

"What, like a storm?" Leon asked in curiosity. Phor nodded in response to Leon's question.

Leon grinned back at Phor and then smiled at him. Phor nervously smiled back while blushing hard. He considered Leon a master of his, but hadn't told the quilava that, every time he tried, he would start choking over his words.

"Something on your mind?" Leon asked while noticing that Phor seemed to be thinking pretty hard.

"Well, I ummmmm...just...we've been together for a while, and I was just wondering if we could ummm..." Phor began twiddling his thumbs while his hands were clasped together.

Leon grinned as they finally found a cave. "This'll do nicely," Leon grinned, knowing exactly what Phor was thinking about. He too found himself a bit eager to show his affection to the Flygo and was excited to know that Phor wanted to have sexual pleasure as much as he did.

Leon grinned as he reached back and took hold of Phor's paw who blushed as he found himself being pulled into the dark cave.

After Leon found a decently sized corridor within the cave; about twelve feet by thirteen feet. Phor had to crawl to get into the corridor though, because of the 4 foot high opening leading into the corridor.

Once inside, Leon grinned and used flamethrower on the opening to close it, only small holes here and there for air to flow in to avoid suffication. The blocking of the entrance would help provide privacy from any other wandering pokemon that might be trying to escape the rain.

Phor blushed hard, the redness of his blush showing clearly through his green scales as Leon growled dominantly and reached over with his paw, beginning to rub Phor's rather large sized sheath making him moan a bit in bliss.

"I...ooooohhhhhh," Phor moaned a little louder in bliss as Leon dragged his tongue from the base of his balls, all the way to the top of his sheath. He took his time with his lick, making sure to take in the unique taste of Phor's shaft. Phor's heavy musk filled the air as did Leon's. Both pokemon found their thoughts very clouded.

Phor's cock fully hardened and Leon murred as he wrapped his lips around the shaft and began to bob his head up and down while sucking lightly on his cock.

After about two minutes of this treatment, Leon finally pulled his lips off of Phor's pointed cock, while Phor moaned loudly.

Slowly, Phor looked down at Leon in a bit of confusion, and then blushed very hard when he saw Leon on all fours; although, one of Leon's paws were grabbing one of his own butt cheeks and spreading it out, fully exposing his tail hole to the bigger flygon.

"C'mon Phor, you know you want to," Leon grinned back at the flygon and shook his ass a bit while murring lightly.

"I ummmmm..." Phor blushed hard as he slowly stepped forward and very carefully placed his paws on Leon's sides as the tip of his cock rubbed against the quilava's exposed tail hole. Both the pokemon moaned in unison.

Phor began to push the tip of his cock into Leon's tail hole very slowly, while moaning in uniso with Leon. Leon's hard shaft pulsed as he clenched hard on Phor's big memeber.

Leon moaned loudly as Phor pushed more of his enormous cock into the quilava's tight tail hole.

Leon moaneed even louder as he felt the pressure building up inside of him. There was pain, but it had too quickly disappeared to cause any discomfort. Phor moaned very loudly as he got to the point where he could no longer push forward any further about three inches of his cock on the outside of Leon's tail hole.

"W-w-w-w-won't all f-fit," Phor moaned his words out loudly. Even though Phor felt extreme concern for his new mate, he bagan to pull his hard rod out and then push it back in. Slowly, he began to quicken his pace and they both moaned very loudly. Their combined moans shook the cave walls.

Leon grinned a bit while moaning from the pressure of having Phor pump in and out of him, he clenched hard on Phor's cock. Leon murred loudly as he got the desired result and they both felt Phor's cock throb hard and Phor shoved into Leon's tail hole hard.

Leon felt the hot and sticky fluid of the flygon's cum beginning to fill him up and he moaned as he felt his cock throb and began to cum on the ground under him as well as his clenching tightening on Phor's rod; he could feel every vein of the cock up his tail hole.

Phor hugged the quilava to his chest tightly and clenched his eyes close. Both the pokemons moans slowly turned into murrs. Leon yawned first as Phor slowly fell asleep.

Leon murred lightly as he closed his eyes and leaned back against the flygon and slowly drifted off into sleep after unttering a few choice words, "I love you Phor."