Zion: Light of the New Moon, Myrh's Milestone 1b

Story by comidacomida on SoFurry

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Zion - Light of the New Moon Milestone One

Myrh Demon Hunter, Part 2

The caravan is going to be kept busy trying to survive the attack by Chase, arguably one of the most well-trained, best-supported, magically enhanced servants of the Temple of Myre. Beyond doubt, the third Demon of Ashlai, youngest of them, will be the most dangerous foes they have yet to face... and not everyone will survive.

The caravan's soldiers were the first to react to Chase's challenge. Several of their number moved quickly to guard the fallen priestess while the vast majority charged the dragon. Yearl was out of his tent a moment later with Thera right behind him. Ryan emerged from his carriage quickly thereafter, healing kit in paw. Jerard tore the opening from his pavilion wearing his Moon Blessed form, obviously alerted to the danger. Beo came out of his own tent, eyes going immediately to the dragon surrounded by the soldiers.

"What is this?" Chase demanded, "Do you think this is a JOKE?" the dragon pointed his sword at one of the armored warriors and an bolt of black energy arced from the tip and into the man. He convulsed as the spark passed through him and jumped to the next man in sequence, making an entire circuit around the soldiers before returning to the dragon's blade. In unison, all of the guards fell dead, emaciated bodies crumpled by the weight of their armor. "Bring out Artemisia!" he roared, "Bring out Ephram!"

"Chase!" shouted Yearl, stalking toward the dragon. Thera moved with him, but the lion paused, "Stay here." he ordered in a tone that allowed no disobedience; the mouse obviously ignored it. The Captain stopped within hailing distance of the dragon, "What are you DOING?!?"

The dragon paused, obviously surprised, "Master Rakken..." he noted respectfully, offering a bow of his head, "I did not know that you were attending the caravan."

"You just killed a dozen of my men!" the lion objected, obviously astounded at the dragon's casual response.

"Of course, Master Rakken... I will kill the rest of them too." Chase noted quite amiably.

"You know this... beast?" Thera inquired.

"I trained him." Yearl noted aside to her.

The mouse flicked an ear, "Why?"

"The temple requested it of me." the lion answered.

"And I have always respected you for your skills, Master Rakken." the dragon announced, casually flicking one of his large, two-handed swords to the side, releasing it. The weapon darted across the distance between him and an archer that had taken aim. The guard was carried by the weapon ten feet back; it impaled him against a wagon.

"Stop this madness!" Yearl announced, drawing his blade.

Chase chuckled, holding a talon up; his two-handed sword disappeared from the chest of the archer, letting the dying man fall to the ground. The dragon swung the newly-returned blade in a downward arc, shaking droplets of blood free from it, "This is not madness, Master Rakken... this is pure strategy."

"What do you hope to gain by this?" the lion stalked forward, weapon at the ready.

The dragon dropped down into a casual stance, "The temple is done with war... they plan on using the Demon of Ashlai as a bargaining chip for peace."

"As it should be." Yearl stated, stopping just within sword range of the dragon, "But that has nothing to do with this senseless violence. Explain yourself, Chase."

"It's very simple, Master Rakken... if the Demon of Ashlai remains an instrument of war then there will be no peace."

"This peace was hard-won, Chase." Yearl announced, slowly circling the dragon, who turned to keep facing the lion, "The people want peace."

"Well I DON'T." the dragon countered, tendrils of smoke emerging from his nostrils, "I was MADE for war."

"Learn something new." a deep voice spoke up from the side. Ephram moved past a wagon, robes wrapped loosely around himself.

"There you are, Brother." Chase smiled revealing rows of sharp teeth, "I was hoping this would be easy."

"In peace I can be your brother, Chase..." the alligator announced, "but if you wish to start a war then I am very much your enemy."

"I'm not STARTing a war!" the dragon roared, "I'm just returning the world to a time that made sense."

"Nothing makes sense about war." Ephram countered.

"We were MADE for war, Ephram... we are the Demon of Ashlai!" the dragon snapped, "There isn't a place for us in a world of peace!"

Yearl waited until the dragon's attention was focused on the alligator before he made his move. In a quick double-step, the lion had his blade pressed against one of Chase's and, with a small amount of leverage, forced the dragon's talon back, causing his fingers to open up and drop the blade. Yearl pivoted, knocking the large sword away on the ground, and spun the other direction, dealing a blow to the dragon's other forearm with the flat of his blade causing Chase to drop that weapon as well and catching it with his spare paw before it hit the ground. The Captain quickly drew away back into his starting position, holding one of the dragon's two swords.

"Very impressive, Master Rakken..." the dragon noted appreciatively, "it seems you still have some tricks I could learn but--" he paused, opening both of his talons and closing them; both of his swords returned to them, much to Yearl's surprise, "I have a few new techniques myself."

"You never defeated me in swordsmanship before, Chase... and you have far more than just me to fight." the lion announced, sword aimed at the dragon again, "surrender. I will not ask again."

"You won't have to, Master Rakken..." Chase stuck one of his swords tip-first into the ground, "because I don't intend to fight you with my sword." and, at that, the dragon pointed his empty talon at the lion and spoke a single word of the dragon tongue. Yearl was sent flying backward, blood flying out of his nose, eyes, and ears as the magic struck him more powerfully than any blow.

Chase turned to regard Ephram, "Now... where were--" but he didn't have a chance to finish his statement as the alligator descended upon him, enormous two-handed sword coming down in an overhanded chop. The dragon laughed, blocking the attack with both of his blades; his smile widened when the attack forced him down to one knee, "I knew you wouldn't let me down."

"You won't keep me from redemption." Ephram growled, following up with a firm kick to Chase's muzzle, knocking him over. The alligator brought his sword back up and chopped down at the prone dragon, who rolled at the last minute, narrowly avoiding the blade.

"Magnificent!" Chase bellowed in sheer joy, kicking his feet into the air and arching his back, landing in a crouching position and quickly standing, "Finally a real battle."

"If you're looking for a battle, you've found it." Aretemisia announced, closing the visor on her helm. Chase turned around and the dragoness paused, "You have my armor."

"This is the third Demon." Ephram announced, circling Chase to position the dragon between himself and Artemisia.

"Why are you attacking us?" Artemisia demanded, her long pole arm in hand, blade pointed at Chase.

"There are too many Demons." Chase announced, swinging both of his blades into a ready position. "I plan on correcting that issue."

An arc of lightning crackled through the air, striking the dragon in the shoulder. Chase turned to regard Beo, whose raised ears gave all the indication that he hadn't expected the spell to do literally nothing to its target. "What in the--" Beo began, but was interrupted as Chase pointed his blade back at the husky and an identical bolt of lightning crackled between them and Beo was knocked off his feet, the front of his robe seared black and smoking.

"You never knew about me, did you?" Chase questioned, focused on Artemisia, "You never knew you had a younger brother..."

"You are a sick creature." Artemisia countered, "You never learned how to leave the war behind... is that it?"

"Why would I do that?" Chase demanded with a sneer, "Peace is just the empty blank spot between battles. But you can't see that... can you?" he asked, something almost hinting at pity in his voice.

"War accomplishes nothing." Artemisia stated.

"The same can be said for peace." Chase answered, "At least in war we have control."

"Nobody is in control of war, Chase." Ephram spoke, standing almost behind the dragon.

"You're still a fool, Ephram... you don't know a thing about control." the dragon chuckled, still facing Artemisia, "Have you shown our sister why YOU gained your title of Demon... or do you still think that's something else you'll somehow find a way to control?"

"Enough!" roared the Gator, and brought his sword to bear again.

Chase spun at the shout, dropping both his weapons and grabbing Emprah's forearms with his talons, "No, Ephram... I don't think you understand..." he chuckled, eyes glowing with elderitch energy, "There is no such thing as enough... now let's show these fine people why the Demon of Ashlai is to be feared..."

The dragon chuckled even as Ephram convulsed, dropping his sword. Chase let go of the alligator, who stumbled backwards, talons going to his face as his scales began to fleck and burst. Ephram roared out in pain as several resounding cracks signaled the snapping of his bones. The monk doubled over, his body shifting and breaking, reforming into something larger... something much more menacing. "NNNoooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!" Ephram howled, but the word was lost amidst the slavering roar of a monster.

Chase calmly brought both of his wings down with a powerful flap, launching himself up onto the top of a carriage. "Well, Artemisia, my dear sister..." the dragon looked down at the stunned dragoness, "Now's your chance to see just how important control is to him." he chuckled. He casually held up a talon, arrows aiming for him stopping in midair. He made a flicking motion with a single finger and the shots about-faced, and sped up again, shooting back at the guards that had released them.

Ephram let out a surreal howling roar, and charged the carriage where Chase was perched. The dragon quickly took to wing as the monstrous gator hefted the entire vehicle up... and threw it at a collection of guards. Some of the men got away from it... but not all. "Ephram..." Artemisia called to him before his attention could go elsewhere, "Stop."

The dragoness stepped forward, a talon held out, palm toward him, "I don't know what he did to you, but you can fight this." she dropped her pole arm.

Chase laughed, alighting on another carriage, "I only called the true him to the surface, Sister... I didn't have to do anything to him other than reveal who he really is. This is Ephram Zoari... the first Dragon Born of the temple of Myrh... he's a monster... just like us."

"You're no monster." Artemisia challenged, looking straight at Ephram. She continued walking forward, one talon held out calmly, "You said you were seeking to go to Zion for redemption... monsters don't seek forgiveness." she announced.

Ephram growled, his maw opening and snapping several times as he took a step toward Artemisia. She paused, her talon still held out to him, "Fight this."

"It's who he is!" Chase argued from his perch, "You have to figure it out sometime... it may as well be now." and he held a talon up, calling an enormous fireball into being... and lobbed it into a collection of tents. The dragon paused when the flame winked out of existence.

"Go destroy someone else's caravan..." Jerard growled, launching himself up onto a carriage opposite Chase's, a snarl to the Moon Blessed's muzzle, "I've grown fond of this one."

"Oh... what have we here?" the dragon questioned with a strained smirk, "A Moon Blessed who think he can compete with dragon magic?" Chase laughed, "Well you're going to be sorely mis--" but he was interrupted as the ceiling of the wagon exploded beneath his feet, sending him falling unceremoniously into the carriage.

"If you keep talking I think it'll be pretty damn easy." Jerard snorted.

In response, Chase roared, and the carriage exploded around him. "You are going to die... slowly." he promised.

"I've heard that far too many times to care at this point." Jerard countered, "So you're immune to magic... any magus worth two sense has a thousand ways to bypass that." and, with only a gesture, Jerard caused the ground beneath the dragon's feet to give way, creating a large sink hole.

Chase screeched with indignation, pushing both of his talons down at the ground, forcing it to return to its prior form. "I'm going to destroy you!" the dragon hissed.

"Not if I keep screwing with you." the albino wolf laughed, kicking up a large dust cloud around the dragon, "And every magus knows that you can't cast at what you can't see..."

Chase let out a powerful roar, and the whole world turned upside down as an enormous explosion rocked the caravan, centered directly on the dragon. Carriages were sent flying, smoldering debris thrown everywhere, and bodies landed amidst piles of rubble. "You will learn respect in your final moments." the words were barely understandable amidst the dragon's gnashing teeth and hissing. He raised a talon and the bloody, battered body of Jerard floated the distance to it. The dragon wrapped his fingers around Jerard's neck, "I am going to squeeze the life out of you... smart ass."

Jerard began laughing. Chase's tail twitched and one of his eye ridges quivered. Eyes blazing in fury, the dragon roared, "WHAT'S SO FUNNY?!?!" he demanded.

Choking, the albino wolf wheezed, "You get tunnel vision when you get angry."

The dragon looked up at that comment, right in time to see a carriage carried by a powerful, hurricane-force wind come right at him. Jerard planted his feet against the dragon's chest, kicking off and getting free of the collision. "Immune to magic... but not wagons." Beo smirked, holding a thumb up to Jerard. Ryan stood beside the black husky, his prayer having done its duty.

A loud, feral roar pulled everyone's attention to Ephram, who gripped Artemisia by the shoulder, his claws digging into her flesh. The dragoness stared right at him, no sign of pain on her face. She gripped his wrist with both of her talons, fighting against his supernatural strength to free herself from his claws. Kell descended from behind the alligator, his blades aiming for Ephram's shoulders. The assassin paused, completely astounded that his punching daggers bounced harmlessly off of the Moon Crazed gator's scales. With his free arm, Ephram backhanded Kell, sending him flying through the wooden wall of a nearby carriage.

"Artemisia..." Yearl growled, supported by Thera as he made his way to her.

"Stay back." the dragoness announced, her attention going back to Ephram just as his attention returned to her, "I have to handle this... he would want it this way." she spoke, locking eyes with the Moon Grazed gator. She closed her eyes, lowering her muzzle and delivering a powerful head butt to Ephram's snout. The attack gave him pause, and she repeated it; his talon opened, dropping the dragoness.

Artemisia swooped forward immediately, spinning and kicking his leg out from beneath him. She jumped, bringing her tail right down on his chest, "Move." she ordered the alligator, "I want you somewhere you're not going to kill people." she said, despite the fact that he was obviously beyond the capacity to understand. With that, she gave him just enough time to stand, and raced off into the forest, the alligator in hot pursuit.

An eerie silence settled over the caravan for many long moments. With over half of the wagons completely destroyed and most of the survivors cowering in fear, very few people moved to the location of the crumpled carriage identifying Chase's resting place. Beo, with Ryan's aid, moved over to join Jerard, who gave the black husky a faint smile; Beo's tail began wagging the moment the white furred wolf patted him on the head.

Ryan then went to help Thera with Yearl, "Who, or what was that?" the priest asked.

"Chase... the third Demon of Ashlai." the lion answered.

"There were three?" Ryan questioned.

"Yes." Yearl growled, moving away from the wolf, "Now go help Kell." and he motioned toward the wagon with the hole in the side.

Ryan stayed right where he was, and was just about to ask another question, but he didn't get the chance; the broken carriage covering Chase exploded in a powerful burst of energy. The dragon, entire body glowing like a moonstone, rose into the air, shredded wings half-extended, blood seeping from numerous wounds on his body. A cut lip exposed a section of teeth as he sneered.

"I'm done with playing." the dragon announced, and he began intoning in draconic. Everyone's fur, hair, feathers, and scales started to stand on end as they fell to their knees. Screams arose from those closest to Chase as their life force was sucked from them. The dragon remained hovering, wind starting to rise up as if the lands themselves were gasping at his display of hunger for life force, "You are all going to die... PAINFULLY." he roared, and the energy amplified, pulling life faster from his victims.

"And," he hissed, the workers closest to him collapsing as their bodies stopped working, "once I finish with this caravan I will find the Demons and dest--" he paused, eyes enlarging with unrestrained rage as the energy around him faltered and came to a stop.

"Chase..." Anya announced, her voice carried on the wind, "You just made a very grave mistake."

The dragon slowly landed on the ground, his injuries fully healed from the massive amount of life he had absorbed. He turned, body shaking with pure fury as the priestess casually sauntered across the distance to him, her form as equally undamaged as his. "You!" he screeched, the tone more bestial than coherent.

"The Moon Mother does not abide the touch of the undead on her lands." the priestess stated calmly.

The dragon didn't wait for her to say another word; he charged. Swords forgotten, Chase came at her with his claws poised to tear out her heart. Anya remained where she was, patiently reaching into her blouse and, just as the dragon was upon her, she presented her holy symbol. "Once you are more stolen life than true life you cease to be living... this is Her law."

The dragon came to a stop immediately, eyes no longer wide in anger... but still wide in shock. "You should have paid more attention to the temple." and, with that, she nodded... and Chase's entire body became as black as coal... and blew away as dust, carried off by immaterial wind. The priestess looked around at the gathering. "Collect yourselves." she announced simply, and returned to what remained of her pavilion.

Jerard and Brother Farstrider worked together to pull Kell from the carriage into which he was hurled. Beo helped Thera get the injured Captain to a serviceable wagon. The caravan wasn't in much better shape by the time Artemisia returned. The dragoness' tail dragged behind her, blood dripping from her talons and her muzzle. She half stumbled and half walked, but she moved with determination.

Large sections of scales were missing from her body, her armor torn asunder leaving her almost naked. She didn't seem to pay any attention to her condition; Artemisia simply walked past everyone without saying a word. She pulled the jammed door completely off of her destroyed carriage, entered it, and forced the door back into its uneven frame. Everyone else was left to their whispers... Ephram never returned.

* * * * *

And now Myrh's Milestone concludes.

The votes are in, and it appears that everyone in the party was saved except for Ephram.

Stay tuned for an intermediary post next week.

Would you like influence over what that intermediary post is? All readers may vote below:

1) The combat between Ephram and Artemisia. 2) An emotional discussion between Yearl and Thera. 3) Anya explaining the attack to Ryan and Kell.

Here's the clencher: you have until midnight PST of Tuesday, October 4th... that's about 48 hrs. The default choice is #1.