A Strange Kind of Revenge

Story by Steel Ankh on SoFurry

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A Strange Kind of Revenge.

Sitting in the back of a military transport travelling along a deserted autobahn at six in the morning can be intensely dull, if you have nothing to do but wait. With the rear door closed and the veil shielding classified equipment from the casual snooper, there is little to divert you from the engine noise and the vibration of a vehicle in motion.

It helps if the only other individual in the rear of the vehicle you are travelling in is the one you are currently sleeping with.

Two adult male rats wearing camouflage gear sat in the back of a British Army Land Rover, arguing energetically. Upon one of the seats lined up along the left hand side of the Rover sat Lance-Corporal Steven 'Dusty' Bain. He was a little taller and older than his colleague, with deep brown fur laced with grey that made him look considerably older than twenty-four. He punctuated every sentence with extravagant gestures like a stage magician as he weaved elaborate sentences. His lively eyes twinkled in the half-light reluctantly afforded by the translucent plastic window in the rear door of the vehicle.

Sitting opposite was Lance-Corporal Russell 'Boni' Boniface. His fur was a lighter shade than Dusty's, and it covered a considerably heavier build developed through several years boxing for the regiment and the corps that he was proud to serve. When his companion allowed him to get a word in edgeways, his body language was habitually brief and direct. He appeared to be desperately trying to avoid laughing.

'You've had two weeks to think up a way to pay him back, and that's the best you could come up with?' said Boni, as the subversive grin threatened to overwhelm his features. His poker face arranged hasty reinforcements and held firm, but it was a close run thing.

'Yes!' insisted Dusty, 'Remember what he did when one of Jelly's cubs puked on him?'

'Yeah.' replied Boni, in a matter-of-fact tone of voice. 'He threw up too.'

'Remember when he put a knee in cow shit during Exercise Taipan Enigma?'

'He screamed like a girl, broke cover and got us rifted by the DS staff for getting killed on the second day' said Boni, a wry smile on his face.

Dusty slapped his thigh.

'So you see my point? The exercise is almost over, and Hooper thinks he's gotten away with that joke of his. You don't want a dirty little scrote like Hooper thinking he's got one up on us, do you?'

Boni rolled his eyes and threw up his paws in mock exasperation.

'Alright, alright! You win! You always do' he grinned. Dusty grinned back.

'Naturally. Now, c'mere you, it's payback time'

'Oh, is that what they call it nowadays?' chuckled Boni, changing seats so that he was sitting next to Dusty.

'I still say this is a bad idea,' said Boni, as he unbuttoned his lover's shirt, moving swiftly despite the rocking and jogging of the vehicle as it sped along the autobahn.

His companion leaned forward, pulled him close and silenced him with a kiss. Using the metal bar of the roll cage to steady himself, he parted Boni's lips and touched tongues with his usual gentle dexterity. Boni adapted quickly, holding onto the roll cage and the back of his lover's belt with the other paw to minimize the effects of the vehicle motion. They remained like this for a few moments, until Boni leaned back. He grinned.

'Alright, you win. It's a strange kind of revenge, though...'

Dusty reached up and gently squeezed the tip of Boni's nose and his lower jaw between thumb and forefinger. Boni got the message, and kissed his lover once more. He trailed a paw down Dusty's chest, onto his stomach and onto his belt buckle. Dusty half closed his eyes and reached up to stroke Boni's cheek, a small act in itself, but one that he knew his companion enjoyed very much. He rubbed the fur below his eye against the grain and smoothed it back down again. He tensed as Boni stroked the sensitive area between his belly button and his groin and unclipped the stainless steel badge that fastened his belt together.

Dusty stood up to allow Boni to slide his camouflage trousers down past his knees. As always, it was a struggle to get fit his tail through the small hole that the military had grudgingly provided to allow non-human species to serve in it's ranks. The joints crackled as Boni pushed the tail back through the impractical opening. Dusty winced, but he acknowledged Boni's apology with a smile. Dusty did not know if Boni was gentle in spite of all the training in aggression that he had received or because of it and he didn't particularly care. He knew that he was lucky to find someone so considerate. He stroked Boni's cheek once more.

'I'm so lucky to have you, Boni.'

Boni flashed a quick smile, looking pleased and embarrassed at the same instant. He shuffled closer to Dusty, who had reached above his head to take a firm grip of the dark green bars of the rollcage that supported the vehicles canvas roof. His face inches away from Dusty's crotch, he reached up and carefully took hold of the other rat's genitals. He massaged Dusty's balls through the velvet fur and tickled his sheath. Inside it's hiding place, Dusty's cock began to fill with blood, slowly revealing itself to Boni's intent scrutiny. When it was halfway out Boni licked his paw, coating the surface with saliva. He gripped the erection firmly with his moistened paw and began to masturbate him.

Dusty made a surprised sound as the pressure surrounded his penis. He barely managed to contain pleasurable moans as Boni pawed him expertly. Sometimes he would merely stroke up and down, which felt good. However, when he began to punctuate the downward strokes with gentle squeezes along the length of his cock Dusty literally squeaked. His tail swished and coiled in the air as he maintained his balance, the vehicle making a turn to the left.

Boni sucked upon Dusty's balls with unusual care, conscious of the fact that a sudden manoeuvre by the driver would be disastrous. Dusty had found the sweet spot between his ears and was trailing his fingers in the fur, massaging his scalp and sending trembles down his spine. Dusty always knew how to make him feel good, and this was a road that Boni could have travelled forever. He began to twist his paw from side to side while he tugged at the firm, pink piece of meat that he held. Almost instantly, Dusty began to buck his hips, humping his palm in response to the additional stimulation.

Dusty was in heaven, thoughts of revenge forgotten. His attention was entirely focused on the rat who was giving him intense pleasure, the rat he loved with all his heart. The pleasure began to overwhelm him, and pre-cum oozed all over Boni's paw, lubricating it further and heightening the pleasure. Boni released Dusty's testicles so he could speak without obstruction.

'Um, what about Hooper?' he asked, slowing the action of his wrist and slackening his grip while he waited his lover's decision. 'Still want revenge?'

Dusty smacked his forehead with his paw, grimacing. He had completely forgotten about his plans. Fortunately, it was not too late.

'Thanks for reminding me!'

Boni let go of Dusty, who shuffled to the rear of the vehicle, facing the exit. Boni took position behind him and began to stroke his cock once again. His other paw snaked up beneath Dusty's tail and forced his finger into his ass, massaging his prostrate. Dusty groaned and made no attempt to disguise it now. He was reaching the point of no return now, the wonderful pressure surrounding his cock and probing his ass doing it's work well. He ground against his lover's eager paws until he knew that his climax was imminent.

Before it was too late, he managed to raise the flap that had hidden them from the driver of the vehicle behind them. Lance Corporal Hooper saw the movement in the rover ahead of him, but was slow to grasp the meaning of the scene in front of him.

Dusty yelled Boni's name, and clenched his buttocks hard as he orgasmed. Some of his seed dribbled down, coating his lovers paw in thick white semen. Most of it squirted out of the back of the vehicle, and both rats watched as it twisted gently in the air. It landed upon the windscreen of Hooper's vehicle, spreading itself across the drivers side of the window. Hooper's jaw dropped as he realised what he was seeing, revulsion filling his world. He felt a sudden, uncontrollable need to vomit. Fortunately for him, the windows were wound down. Most of the fluid he regurgitated was swept away by the wind, providing breakfast for pigeons brave enough to take it from the surface of the motorway. Some coated the side of the vehicle, splashing the green and black with yellow that glistened in the sunlight. Some of it struck the pillar of the door, where it splashed and coated the front of Hooper's uniform in foul smelling puke.

Boni and Dusty saw all this and laughed hysterically. Hooper was waving his fist and screaming at them, but they couldn't hear him. The sound of laughter and engine noise drowned him out. Revenge being successfully completed, Dusty secured the flap and returned to Boni. It was time for a different kind of payback...