Four friends

Story by Scar589 on SoFurry

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Gina, a large gray hippo, was lying on a beach sunning herself wearing little more than a ...

Gina, a large gray hippo, was lying on a beach sunning herself wearing little more than a bikini. Quite randomly the sun was blocked out. She opened her eyes to see if clouds had moved in front of the sun but instead found an alligator to be standing in it. He was an emerald green color and was wearing blue swimming trunks.

"Excuse me," Gina said to him. "You're standing in my sun."

Alligators were notorious for being short tempered and snapping at the littlest things but this one seemed pretty well mannered. He turned to her, revealing his light green underside.

"Oh, sorry about that lassie. My friends and I were playing Frisbee. I'll be out of your sun in a jiffy."

Gina smiled and he smiled back, she closed her eyes and drifted into sleep. She woke up about an hour later and saw that many of the beach goers were packing up. She decided to too, grabbing her bag and stuffing her towel into it. She was hoping to see the alligator again but didn't see him as she was leaving.

When she arrived home there was a message waiting for her on her answering machine. It was her friend, Floral, asking if she wanted to go to a bar or something later that night. Gina didn't have work the next day and didn't have much planned other than staying at home so she called Floral and told her she would love to.

Gina met Floral, who was a jaguar, out side a bar called The Flaming Glass. Its logo was a martini with flames coming from it. Gina was wearing a tight hot pink shirt with a black design on it. She wore loose Capri's. Her feline friend was wearing a black low cut, strapless top and denim short shorts. As they entered the bar their ears were assaulted but horrible noise. This noise happened to be a local band, which sounded MUCH better while drunk.

They made their way to the bar and after a few minutes they ordered their drinks. Gina told floral about the alligator that she had met earlier in the day.

"I would love to get in bed with an alligator!" Floral exclaimed. "I hear they are rough lovers."

"This one seemed well mannered, nothing like the stereotype," Gina said.

They talked some more until Gina had to excuse herself to use the bathroom. The hippo managed to get close to the bathroom without bumping into anyone. Though as she shuffled around a rhino that refused to move she ran into someone.

"Oh! I'm so sorry!" Gina exclaimed.

"Oh, no no. It was all my fault mate," an alligator said.

Gina thought he looked familiar.

"You look vaguely familiar to me," she said.

He wrinkled his face in thought. "Hey, yeah! You're that hippo from the beach."

The gator held out his hand. "My name is Leon."

She took his hand, which felt a little leathery. "My name is Gina."

"Do ya suppose I could buy a fine lass like you a drink?"

"Well I must relieve myself of my first but the band still sounds like crap, so yes, I could use another," she smiled.

Leon smiled. "Is there somethin' specific you crave?"

"Surprise me, but nothing too strong. With way my friend drinks I'll be the one driving."

"Run along to the bathroom, your dink shall be awaiting your return, as will I."

Gina relieved herself of her drink and returned to her new acquaintance, who indeed did have a drink waiting for her. They talked and got to know each other better, though Gina felt bad for leaving Floral alone for so long.

"Hey, you wouldn't mind coming back to my place would ya?" Leon asked.

Gina smirked. "I wouldn't mind at all."

"You could even bring your friend along. I know someone who could keep her company."

Gina giggled and agreed, after exchanging numbers she disappeared into the crowd to find Floral, who once found, agreed happily to tag along for the ride. A short while later they were in Leon's apartment, which was rather tidy, with exotic looking decorations. Gina, Floral, and Leon's friend, Dash, waited in his living room while he retrieved covers and a few pillows from his bed room. They spread them out and it took no time for the two to be in each other's arms. Leon and Gina kissed, their hands exploring the others bodies, and removing clothing at the same time. Leon seemed a bit disappointed when he discovered Gina's cock.

"Don't worry, hun. There's a pussy for that cock of yours too." Gina said reassuringly.

Leon smiled as he laid back, propped up against his couch. Gina crawled to him and took his shaft into hand while leaning in for another kiss. Slowly she stroked his cock, her lips creeping ever closer. She planted a wet kiss on his head, looking up to see Leon's face. She smiled and took the whole of his shaft into her mouth and down her throat. The hippo held onto Leon for support as her head bobbed up and down his cock.

While she gave him a blowjob she massaged his balls.

He ran a hand through Gina's hair and held her head lightly. He guided her head up and down enjoying having a mouth around his cock once again. Gina wrapped her thick tongue around the cock, using her tongue to stroke it. Leon pulled his cock from her mouth with a wet slurp and started to jack off, his cock squirting cum into Ginas waiting mouth. She licked her lips as she laid down on her back, resting her legs on the couch.

Leon slid into a kneeling position and grabbed his cock, and after a little searching his cock found its mark. With a grunt he got most of his cock in, Gina's balls prevented the rest of his shaft from entering.

"Looks like I'm more of a man than you are," She giggled.

Leon responded to this by giving a little nip to the air. She tried her best to get her balls out of his way, she wanted his entire shaft inside her. He slung her legs over his shoulders and thrust the rest of his shaft inside her. He started with slowly shallow thrusts, enjoying the feeling of Ginas pussy. He leaned it close to her, bending her legs further back than she was used to. His hips relentlessly moved back and forth as he sucked on her nipples. He paused a moment to catch his breath. Gina was panting and complained that he had stopped.

The alligator smiled wickedly and started thrusting faster and harder, jacking off her cock while doing so. But despite this Leon was still the first to ejaculate. He could feel the sensation growing deep within, shoving his cock in to the base and letting out a loud hiss as his cock erupted inside her. Slowly he slid his cock from her pussy and collapsed next to her panting.

"That was good babe... but now I think its my turn," she grinned.

Leon groaned as Gina hauled him to his feet. She sat down on the couch, sinking in. Her cock was hard and twitching in excitement. With Gina guiding him he lowered his virgin ass onto her large shaft.

"Aren't you a tight one," She said.

Leon let out a surprised hiss as the last of Gina's cock slipped inside him. He laid back against Gina who rocked her hips slowly, while her hand slowly made its way up and down his cock. She kissed his neck and pumped her hips quickly into the alligators ass enjoying just how tight he was, she couldn't remember the last time she fucked a guy in the ass. She grabbed his thighs and held them apart as her cock pummeled Leons ass, her balls smacking the couch noisily.

Leons hand quickly flew over his cock in surprised pleasure. He didn't know why he had not tried this sooner. He felt himself quickly getting close to ejaculating, he tried to stop but it was too late. His cock erupted hot sticky cum. Gina paused to lick the cum from his hand. When she was done she flipped the alligator into a doggy style position and continued the ass fuck.

The hippo held onto Leons hips as she slammed her cock into his ass repeatedly. She could feel herself getting close, slamming it in faster and faster until finally her own cock released its load into her male partner. She collapsed on top of him, kissing his neck.

Floral sat down on the makeshift bed. Her partner for the night was a horse by the name of Dash. She had got to know him briefly on the way up. She was quickly bare of all but black lace panties. She laid back into pillows and ran her hands over her body. The bulge in Dash's pants grew noticeably bigger. She unzipped his pants and the horses massive cock sprang forth. She purred as she staired at the cock, just imagining how it would feel inside her.

She wrapped her hands around the large shaft and started to stroke it. Dash's meat was warm and she could feel his thick veins running through his cock. She brought her lips close to his head and gave it a kiss. She then licked from his balls all the way back to his head before stuffing it into her mouth. He smiled at her and grabbed her head pushing more and more of his cock down her throat.

It was lucky for the jaguar that she was well versed in taking large cocks, between her many boyfriends and Gina she had plenty of practice, though it had been quite a while since she had a horse cock down her throat. It just kept going! The last of his cock slipped into her mouth. Dash began pushing her cock forwards and backwards, sliding a little more than half his cock from her mouth, and then back in. She purred softly, saliva dripping from his shaft and corners of her mouth.

Dash grabbed Florals hair and quickly yanked his cock from her, making the cat gasp. Saliva dripped from his cock head. He pushed her back into the pillows and tore the thong from her. Floral grabbed her legs and effortlessly pulled them back, her knees touching the ground.

"I love a flexible woman," Dash said.

With a little effort his cock slipped into Florals pussy. She let out a gasp as it entered her. It quickly slid in, thanks to Florals eagerness and saliva coating his cock. He pushed as much of his cock in as he could and held it there, wanting the jaguar to feel just how big he was. He slung her legs over his shoulders and lowered his body onto hers, thrusting his hips slowly. She gasped and moaned, with pleasure and a bit of pain. She could feel the veins in his cock as they slid in and out of her, the horses shaft felt like someone was using their arm to fuck her. Floral wrapped her arms around Dash's neck and dug her claws in, letting out a moan of ecstasy as her body was rocked with an orgasm. The horse however, kept at it, relentlessly pumping his hips. By the time she had another orgasm the horse was nearing his limit. He grunted and pushed his cock as deep as he could and shot what felt like buckets of cum into her.

Slowly the horse pulled his cock from Florals pussy, slipping from her with a wet slurping sound.

"Ready for an ass fucking?" he asked, giving it a squeeze.

Floral shook her head tiredly. "Not now. I need to recover from that cock of yours."

The four of them lay there, barely moving. After a few minutes of panting and gasping Gina decided she needed a shower.

After their fuck session with Leon and Dash the two girls wanted to shower. Leon showed them his bathroom. They adjusted the water temperature to something that they both liked. Gina offered to wash Floral, who agreed. The hippo lathered up her hands with soap and ran them over her friends wet fur. Gina didn't think fur felt as good wet as bare skin did. She pushed herself into Florals back and wrapped her arms around her, rubbing her soapy hands over her breasts and paying particular attention to her pussy. She slipped a finger into Florals pussy and slowly started to finger her, pushing her erect cock into her ass.

Floral leaned back into Gina and let the water run down her body. She rested her head on her friends shoulder and gave her a wet kiss on the neck. Gina smiled and pushed her forward, lathering her hands up again. While Floral braced herself against the shower wall Gina started to wash her back, getting to her knees so she could better wash her lower half. The hippo gave a kiss to her friends ass cheek before parting her cheeks and lapping at Florals asshole.

She moaned and spread her legs and bent over further. She spread her lips for Gina who probed her tongue into her friends pussy. Floral moaned loudly. So loudly in fact that Dash and Leon heard them.

"Sounds like they are having fun in there without us," Dash said.

"Think they would mind if we watched?" Leon asked.

"Fuck that! My cock wants some ass!" Dash said indicating his erect cock. "That hippo, Gina, had a nice big ass for fucking."

So the two entered the bathroom and Leon pulled the curtains back. The two paused in their playing.

"Mind if we watch?" Leon asked.

"Not at all. We'll put on a little show for you," she said with a wink.

Floral made the shower hotter and spread her legs wider and pushed her pussy into Ginas face. The hippo lapped and probed with her tongue. Gina grabbed Florals ass and squeezed it while she buried her face in her friends pussy. The jaguar let out a moan and gasped as Ginas finger slid into her ass.

Floral gripped Ginas head tightly and pushed more of her face into her pussy as her friends tongue probed deeper into her pussy. Floral moaned exaggeratedly for the two men and slid a finger over her clit. The guys were enjoying this show greatly, furiously jacking off. Floral moaned deeply and pressed Ginas face into her pussy as she exploded her juices onto her friends face.

Dash stood, his cock still hard.

"If you don't mind I'm going to join you two. I need some ass to fuck," he said stepping into the shower.

Dash ran his hands over Ginas shoulders, under her arms and finally her breasts. While one of his hands played with her breast his other hand traveled further along her large body. The horse stroked her cock slowly while his own pressed against her asshole. Dash pressed his body tight and nipped at Ginas ear.

"I just love woman with big asses for me to fuck," he whispered into her ear.

"Is that so?" she asked.

Dash asked for the body wash and Gina bent over, placing her hands on her knees. He squirted a liberal amount of the wash onto his cock and stroked it, making his dick foamy. He then squirted some onto Ginas round ass and rubbed it in, making it slick. He spread her ass cheeks wide and guided his large cock in. Gina gasped as his head pushed its way into her asshole. She didn't know if she had ever let a horse take her in the ass before.

Floral stepped from the shower dripping wet and turned to Leon, who was sitting on the toilet jacking off. She kneeled down in front of him and took his cock in her own hands.

"Why don't you let me finish this off for you? After that you can fuck a wet pussy," Floral said with a smile.

Slowly she stroked Leons cock up and down while she lick and suck on his balls. The alligator let out a hiss of pleasure. She licked the entire length of his cock, ending with a kiss to his head. Slowly his cock disappeared into her mouth, taking it all the way to the base. She then started moving her head up and down, gripping his thighs tightly. Leon ran his hands through Florals wet hair and stood. He grasped two bunches of her hair in his hand and started thrusting his hips back and forth. Floral purred loudly as the cock slid in and out of her mouth.

His cock slipped from her mouth, dripping with saliva. She licked her lips and pushed Leon back onto the toilet, kneeling and bouncing her head up and down his cock while her hands massaged his balls. As the alligator was nearing his climax he gripped Florals head tightly and pushed it down to his base, letting go his load with a pleased moan. He let go of her head when his cock stopped twitching. Floral looked up and him, wiping the cum from the corner of her mouth.

The jaguar straddled Leon, easing her pussy onto his dick. She whipped the wet hair from her face and let out a pleased moan as she slowly bounced on the alligators cock. His hands rested on her hips guiding her.

Gina was moaning and gasping as Dash's massive cock pounded away at her ass. Dash dug his fingers into Gina's side as he pushed more of his cock in. He preferred his woman skinny but there was nothing quite like taking a large woman in her big round ass. He pushed the hippo against the shower wall where he continued to pound her ass. Gina's ass was sore and but Leon didn't seem like he was going to stop anytime soon so she just clenched her fits and pushed her ass against the horse, which took this to mean 'fuck me faster and deeper'. He own cock was stiff and swinging about wildly from the rough ass fuck. Suddenly the horse groaned and pushed his hips against her, shoving much of his shaft into her. She felt his cock explode hot ropes of cum deep inside her ass.

Gina let out a relieved groan as his cock slipped from her ass. She started to slide down the shower wall but Dash caught her and spun her around.

"I'm not done with you yet, babe," he said with a grin.

He picked her up with a grunt and threw her against the wall, throwing her legs over his shoulders. She held onto the wall desperately for support as Dash's cock found her pussy.

Floral was purring loudly as she slowly bounced up and down on Leons dick. He had wrapped his arms around her waist and his face was buried in her breasts. He lifted his face and stood, holding her tight. Floral wrapped her legs around his waist and gleefully bounced on his hips and he rocked them back and forth. She smiled and ran her hand down his chest, claws out just enough. The alligator hissed at her and bounced her faster, digging his own claws into her side as he ejaculated.

Dash snorted the water from his nostrils as his cock slipped in and out of Gina's pussy. He held onto her tightly, bouncing her on his massive horse cock. She had taken her own cock in hand and was furiously jacking it off, already wearing some of her own cum. He grinned as he pressed her against the wall harder, stuffing more of his cock inside her. She screamed in pleasure, abandoning her cock and gripping the wall for support. His cock pumped endlessly at her pussy before he let out a satisfied neigh as his cock erupted inside her pussy.

After everyone had taken a real shower Leon prepared a meal for them. It was getting late but after their shower session they were all hungry. As they ate Gina got an idea.

"Wouldn't it be hot to see the two guys fuck each other?" she whispered to Floral.

Floral giggled stuffing the last of her food in her mouth.

Leon gave them a suspicious look as he picked their plates up. The two girls continued to talk and giggle, oblivious of the two men. Dash cleared his throat, causing the girls to finally take notice.

"So, what devious idea do you two have?" Dash asked with a grin.

"Well... since you asked..." Gina said.

"We put a show on for you two so we think that you two should put on a show for us girls," Floral giggled.

Leon and Dash exchanged glances.

"I dunno," Leon said.

"Please?" Gina begged. "It wouldn't be much different than getting fucked by a girl like me."

After a few more minutes of begging and pleading the four found themselves in Leon's bedroom. The girls were quite excited, Gina unable to hide her hard-on. Leon and Dash, however, were not as excited. They were both naked and sat at the edge of the bed awkwardly. The two had briefly consulted each other about who was doing who. With a sigh they started kissing and embracing. Leon broke from their kiss and slid from the bed, kneeling before Dash's massive cock. It was limp, not quite as convinced as he was this was a good idea. Leon stroked the limp dick slowly while he licked and suckled on Dash's balls.

Leon licked and kissed the length of the horse cock, slipping the cock between his lips and down his throat. Slowly the cock grew to its true might, liking the alligator's throat. Dash stood and took his friends head in his hands, slowly rocking Leons head back and forth.

"For not being used to having cocks down your throat you're doing good!" Gina said.

Leon shot her a look as more of the cock slipped down his throat. Dash let out a pleased sigh, becoming more vigorous with his thrusting. Dash closed his eyes and moan, imagining it was one of the many girls he had been with, and not his male friend. In doing so he became more and more passionate with his thrusting, while Leon held onto his hips. Dash gritted his teeth together and pushed Leons head to the base of his cock letting his cock dispense of his load deep down his friends throat.

Dash pulled his cock from Leons mouth, dripping with saliva and cum. He pulled Leon up and threw him down onto the bed face down. He knelt behind his friends backside and gripped Leons tail tightly, pulling it back to reveal his asshole. Dash lapped at it, probing his tongue down into it. Leons hissed in excitement, his own cock finally starting to get hard. Dash probed a finger into Leons ass, which eagerly sucked his finger in. The horse stood and grabbed some lube from the bedside table, liberally applying it to his cock and Leons asshole.

He grabbed Leons ass cheeks and spread them wide, guiding his massive cock in. Leon grunted as the first of Dash's cock slipped in. As more of the cock slid in his grunts turned to gasps. Finally the horse had enough of his cock in to satisfy himself.

The girls repositioned themselves to better see the action, their pants and panties already have come off as they fingered themselves.

Dash had Leons tail gripped tightly in one hand and was pressing his friends head down into the sheets in what he liked to call his 'your ass is mine' position. He grunted as he pushed his cock deeper into Leons ass. He kept along with his deep thrusts, his cock slick with lube. The horse let out a grunt and positioned himself to get deeper into Leon, who hissed either in displeasure or enjoyment. Dash didn't care which, he was in it for the ass.

Leon was not sure if he liked the rough way Dash was using him or enjoyed it. He had always been the one in control with his woman, and before this night had never had a cock up his ass. But after Gina's ass fucking he wondered how he had gone so long without it. He wanted to tug on his own cock terribly but his hands didn't seem to want to unclench the sheets. He let out a moan as Dash slipped his cock from his asshole, hoping this meant he was finished.

Dash rolled Leon further onto the bed, laying behind him and pressing his cock against his asshole again. Dash held Leons leg in the air while his cock slipped between his friends ass cheeks once again. Once properly inside the alligator Dash positioned Leon on top, bouncing him on his massive cock.

Leon could no longer contain himself, grabbing his cock and furiously stroking it, panting and moaning all the while. The horse cock in his ass felt so good and his cock was screaming for attention. It was only a short while before he came, his cum covering his hand. Dash was feeling it too, gasping and grunted as he gripped Leons side tightly, arching his back and shooting ropes of cum inside his friends now well used ass.

Dash removed Leon from his cock and set his down next to him. Both were gasping and sweating. Gina and Floral laid down next to them.

"Was that good?" Leon asked breathlessly.

"That was excellent! You take cock so well!" she said excitedly.

"Well don't get used to it," Leon said closing his eyes.

The four of them fell asleep in that bed and in the morning Leon awoke to Gina curled up next to him, her head resting on his chest.

"Have a nice rest?" He asked her.

"I expect to have many more with you," she said.

"Yeah? Well I wouldn't mind it at all," Leon said with a kiss.