Raving weekend 2.txt

Story by Shadequake on SoFurry


???: Wake up hun


???:Get up!

*The figure reaches onto Kaides' chest and shakes him*

*Kaide wakes from his sleep to see his foxy companion sitting over him*

Kaide: What do ya need Alu?

Alucard: I made breakfast for us after I got out the shower. Would you like to try some? If so you should hurry because Moreck and Ridi are already out there eating and Moreck is takin all of the bacon for himself.

Kaides' ears perked to the sound of bacon being gone. He quickly hopped from the bed and ran down the hall in only his boxers.

Kaide: Moreck! That.Bacon.Is.MINE!

*He yelled, diving over the table and snatching a handful of bacon from the blue Lion Bobcat*

Kaide: My bacon! MINE!

*The demon husky opened his maw and quickly shoved the meat inside, letting a piece hang as he chewed.*

Kaide: Mmmm...bacon is yummy!

*Kaide felt something tugging at the hanging piece. He opened his eyes to see Moreck biting the other end of his claimed bacon.

Moreck:Don' be stingy, sharing in caring.

*The Lion-Bob hybrid and Demonic Husky growled as their muzzles pressed against each other.

Kaide:Sharing may be caring but this bacon is taken!

???:guys...we have more

*A voice butted in. A racoon reached out and dangled another pieces in their faces. Moreck let go of the bacon which was eagerly eaten by the canine.*

Moreck: Thanks Ridi. I'm glad you aren't a selfish racoon like certain mutts we know!

*Kaide huffed and turned his head up, continuing to chew, slighlty drooling. Alucard walked out from the back room and spoke to Ridi.*

Alucard: Hey Ri, how bad was it?

Ridi: It wasn't that bad, I gave more out so it wouldn't take all day this time.

*She looked over The kitsunes half naked body*

Ridi: You washed out all the fur coloring from last night?

*She said, gazing at Alucards change in fur color, once again red and white.

Alucard: Yeah, it was easier to get out this time. I also got the other tail off without a problem as well. I'm glad the faux thing was easy to remove.

*The fox felt a light hand rub his buttocks. He looked down to see Kaide pulling down his shorts and pushing his face in between his cheeks.

Alucard: Ungh...Kaide, I'd love to play but we have to go soon remember?

Kaide:Awe, I'm sure the bunny wouldn't mind it we were a few minutes late.

*Kaide smirked, lapping is tongue at Alucards' tailhole, causing the fox to shiver in pleasure.

Alucard: O-ok, but we can play later hun.


*The husky frowned. He perked his ears at an evil thought that ran through his mind. He let Alucard walk away and sit on the couch.

Alucard:Let me know when you guys are done so we can go down to the front desk.

*Kaide looked over to Ridi and Moreck, his eye begging them to leave.*

Ridi: C'mon Moreck let's go get that heat pad for your ass. Maybe this will teach you to try new things slowly.

*She pulled the Lion Bobcat out of the room Throwing a bag out next to the table. Moreck had ran off with another piece of bacon he snatched from Kaides' plate on the table. He turned to his mate on the couch and crept up behind him. He loomed over him, waiting for the fox to look up at him.*

Kaide: Alu, do me a favor?

*The husky said, lowering his boxers, massaging his already growing cock.*

Alucard: and what would that be love?

*The fox asked, patiently waiting for the others to be done.

Kaide: I need you to turn around but keep your eyes closed.

*Alucard rolled his eye and turned around, his knees on the couch.*

Alucard:Like this?

*The fox asked, sticking his tongue out at his lover*

Kaide:That's perfect!

*Kaide exclaimed, pushing his mates nose against his crotch so he could take in the scent. Alucard breathed in heavily, taking in the familiar musky scent he enjoyed so much.*

Alucard:We're gonna be late again.

*The vulpine stated*

Kaide:Not if we make this a quickie! Now open up hun, I got your after breakfast snack ready for you.

*Kaide moved his hips back and placed his cock against Alucards' muzzle, the tip resting on his mates tongue.*


*The fox teased, his tongue lapping at Kaides' cock head. Kaide gasped in pleasure as Alucard finally let Kaide slip into his awaiting maw. Once it entered, Alucard began bobbing his head back and forth, using his tongue to caress Kaides' cock in his mouth. He began to wag his tail happily as he enjoyed orally pleasing his demonic husky*

Kaide:Ungh, oh yeah babe! You always know what I like.

*The canine moaned. He already began thrusting his hips forward and petting Alucard behind the ears. Alucard kept a steady rhythm. He sucked deeply from the tip of the head, down the black shaft, ending with his chin tapping Kaides' balls. After 20 minutes had past, Kaide started to moan louder as he approached his climax.

Kaide: Oh Fuck Hun! I'm so close!

*He whimperes in delight and started thrusting rapidly. Alucard continues using his tongue to work along the rapidly pounding phallus. Kaide humped his mate faster, until he couldn't hold back anymore.*

Kaide: F-Fuck, Alu...I'm cummin!

*He moaned as he spurted his load into the foxes mouth*


*Alucard moaned as he eagerly and happily drank down the semen his lover had presented him with. Alucard then let the penis fall from his mouth as he stood back from the couch he was kneeling on.*

Alucard: Ok ok, Now that we are half an hour late, we should reall be getting down stairs.

*Alucard sternly stated to the out of breath dog. He walked into the back room and grabbed a bag in the corner. He opened the bag and pulled a fishnet shirt out with a pair of fitted jeans. He quickly put them on over his shorts and walked out the room, grabbing a belt on the door. He wrapped it through the loops and buckled it up before looking up to see Kaide already dressed.

Alucard: Hun...How the hell did you just do that?

Kaide: Do what?

Alucard: Your clothes are in the room yet you got dressed even faster than I did...how did you...

Kaide: Well my bag were just sitting on the floor next to the table, so I just grabbed the bag and pulled out my clothes and got dressed.

*Kaide explained, sliding on his fingerless gloves. The demon husky wore an open dress shirt over his bare torso, and a pair of black jeans with a loosely worn belt that hung just below his waist. He rolled up the sleeves on his forearms until they stopped just below his elbows.*

Kaide: Ok, let's head down to the front desk. Since we ARE late, maybe they can tell us if the seen the guy in the lobby.

Alucard: If they did see him, we would need to ask for him and a random person he was with, since he did say he'd be bringing a friend with him.

*Alucard and Kaide walked out the door and walked down the hallway.*

Kaide: Hey, didn't it strike you weird that he stumbled out the word friend when we spoke?

*Alucard reached out and pressed the button to along the wall to call for the elevator.

Alucard: I didn't notice it. Do you think he was talking about his boyfriend?

Kaide: That's what I was wondering. But I'm sure he saw when we kissed so why didn't he flat out tell us if he DID have one?

*The elevator doors opened and the 2 stepped inside*

Alucard: Maybe he's embarrassed by it and wasn't ready to tell us.

*Alucard reached over and rubbed his lovers' chest*

Alucard: but if that IS the case, I'm sure he'll tell us when he is ready; Just be patient.

*Kaide began to wag his tail as the elevator traveled down to the lobby. The doors swayed open an Kaide stepped out with Alucard right behind him. The husky looked around and scanned the lobby area before walking over to the front desk to speak to the clerk, a middle aged hare in a suit.*

Kaide: Excuse me, but have you seen a rabbit?

*He paused to think of a good description*

*The clerk stared at him with an irritable look on his face*

Clerk: I think you will have to be more descriptive then that.

Kaide: Yeah, I was gettin there. Ok, He was about 5'8, Very long hair with a ponttail goin down his back. Let's seee....he had black ears, and purple eyes. And when he looked at you, you could feel this really weird chill run down your spine.

Clerk:Anything else?

*The Lapine Clerk asked, clearly upset by this disturbance*

???: He's wearing a red and white blood spattered shirt

Kaide: Y-yeah, I guess he's wearing this shirt, it's red and white and it looks like paint.

???: I think he's also wearing torn blue jeans

Kaide: Well a lot of people here are probably wearing those, I guess if he was wearing anything else I could use, that'd be helpful.

???: Maybe if you'd turn around you might see something you could use?

Kaide: But I don't know what he's wearing today.

???: I just told you what I'm wearing.

Kaide: Yeah well it'd be helpful if you were here right now.

???: Kaide...Turn around

Kaide: Ok fine...

*The demonic husky turned to see the young Rabbit standing behind him.*

Kaide: Oh Hey Shade! I was just askin this Clerk where you were.

Shade: Heh, Yeah I know. I figured it would be best to wait down here a little longer since you guys were running...late...

*Shade looked at the husky who had turned back to the clerk*

Kaide: Hey Mister, thanks for helping us find our friend by sitting at your desk and being irritated.

Alucard: Um, hun, I think we are ok to leave now.

*Alucard said, pullin Kaide away from the desk.*

Kaide: Huh? Heh Haha! You're right Babe, let's get going.

*The group walked away fromw the front counter and down the massive hall in the hotel. They walked to the end of the hall and opened a huge pair of double doors.

Kaide: This room here is where tonights last rave will be.

Shade: Yeah I told my friend to meet us here. That butt munch probably won't be here for a little so we can just chill and relax.

*Alucard, Kaide, and Shade walked over to the wall on the farthest side of an enourmous trashed room towards the corner of the room. Weaving and guiding each other through a massive crowd of Furs who were awaiting the final rave of the weekend.*

Kaide: So, Shade, can I ask you something?

*Kaide asked, leaning back against the wall, sliding down until he was sitting.*

Shade: Yeah, what would that be?

*Shade responded, slacking his body against the corner wall.*

Kaide: Well...first I'd like to know what your real name is?

Alucard: Wait, hun how can you tell that isn't his real name?

*The vulpine asked, sitting down next to the husky*

Kaide: Well...When he first hit Dereck last night, He said something about hating unfair fights. It reminded me of a story I heard. You wanna hear it?

*The demonic husky laughed, he enjoyed the little moments he had to tease his love.*

Alucard: You know I do.

*Kaide leaned over to his mate*

Kaide: Persuade me then.

*Alucard placed his hand on Kaides' cheek and pulled him closer to him, softly pressing their lips together. The fox broke their kiss but before the completely seperated, he licked the Huskys lips and gave a soft whimper.

Alucard: Please babe, I really wanna know

*Kaide blushed*

Kaide: Ok, I've been persuaded. Heh, you know I can't resist your cuteness.

*The two stared into each others eyes, gazing happily until Shade interuppted them*

Shade: Ahem...

Kaide: Oh right! Well I heard about a young rabbit in the VA district who was said to have incredible potential as a fighter, but would never fight. Even when people were blatantly attacking him, he would let them just attack him. There were, however, very small circumstances that would actually provoke this abnormally patient rabbit.

Alucard: Abnormally Patient?

Kaide: Well the first shocker was that, even though he wouldn't fight, he'd let himself be beaten to the point where anyone would've been knocked out.

Alucard: So You're saying Shade was able to stay concious enough to wait out these beatings?

*Kaide shook his head*

Kaide: No...I'm saying he was definately unconcious...but he would still be standing there...A cold stare just glaring at his opponet. They would eventually be stopped but He would never fall, never falter in anyway.

*Kaide turned to to look at his new companion*

Kaide: But the real shocker was one of the few things that could provoke him. He single handedly took down 20 gang bangers who were trying were about to force some children into their gang. All the weapons they pulled...they were useless. Now If I'm not mistaken, that guy was given the alias Shade since it happened in a moment...and it happened under the Shade of a broken lamp that had went out the moment his cold stare changed. Isn't that right, Shade?

Shade: It's quite impressive your recallation of rumors that have passed.

Alucard: Then from what he said when he showed up to help last night...

Kaide: Exactly... The thing that set him off, wasn't the fact that the kids were being forced into a gang, nor the fact that their lives were in danger. It was the fact that the gang members outnumbered those kids 4 to 1 that set him off.

Alucard: But he's a champion in his area? How can that be if he only fought against unfair matches and battles.

Shade: That's simple to answer... the other thing that could make me fight was my friend. She taught me that it's ok to let out your wildeside on those who deserve it. After that, I fought my way to the top of the underground braket. It wasn't to say how they deserve those losses, but if they were willing to fight me, then I accepted their challange

Kaide: Kad? You mean Kadmiel?

Alucard: Who is that? Is that your friend?

Shade: Kadmiel is the top female fighter in my area...she's also a close friend of mine.

Alucard: Oh... To be honest, we thought that your friend was you hiding your boyfriend from us.

Shade: Heh, I can see where you'd get that idea from, but we are actually just good friends.

Kaide: So how long until she gets here? I'd love to meet her.

*The demons eye flashed a dark red for a moment, eagerly awaiting the arrival of another fighter.*

Shade: Actually...She's here now!

*Shade pointed to his shoulder, revealing a paw that was just placed there. The rabbit stepped to the side as a young femal walked up.*

???:Nice to meet you...

*She stuck her free hand out to the husky and fox*

???: I'm Kadmiel.

*Kadmiel was a brown and black rabbit. Her fur was primarily brown and was complimented by the black shades that was on her tail, her waist, her chest, and covered the lower half of her face. She was wearing a spaghetti strap shirt that covered her chest but revealed her stomach to her waist line. She also wore tight shorts that didn't extend past her thighs.*

Kadmiel: It's nice to meet you

Shade: Kad, you're late.

*The rabbit turned to the other lapine.*

Kamiel: Sorry, but I had trouble with some strange bulls I met earlier. I'm not sure why but he thought if he flexed his mucsles, I'd swoon over him like a bunch of the others around him.

Shade: What was his name?

*She looked into Shades' eyes, her gaze slightly unsettled.*

Shade: Hmph...

Alucard: Kadmiel, what's wrong?

Kadmiel: Oh N-nothing

Kaide: Wait...there are a few things I don't understand. First, how did you show up behind Shade when he was leaning against the wall, in a corner. Next, Shade, you never told us your name. And finally, How you got here so suddenly after beating Dereck. Granted he had a glass jaw, the guy is a tank. He'll endure and fight until he wins or is rendered unconcious.

Shade: Heheheheh...Quite perceptive husky. You get bonus points with me kay? Well start with this...My name is Julian. If you wanna know how she showed up behind me, then I'll tell you. Kad was asleep... She was asleep here in the corner behind me. I let her sleep since she did travel out here from VA.

Kaide: You let her sleep with your ass in her face

Julian: I didn't really think about it like that but yeah.

Kadmiel: Next to answer is why I fought the bull, Dereck right? We didn't really fight. He tried to grabbed my arm, but I didn't know he was just trying to get my attention so, I flipped him over and dealt a very dangerous blow to his throat. He passed out and I kinda just bailed heh ha!

Alucard: (She flattened that guy on accident and she's laughing)

*Kaide stood to his feet*

Alucard: Huh, what's wrong hun?

Kaide: I gotta know...

*He said staring intently at Kadmiel*

Alucard: 'You gotta know', Know what?

Kaide: This girl tool out dereck by accident, and it took her on move to do it. I gotta know whose stronger. Me? Or HER!

*He pointed to the Lapine*

Kaide: Kadmiel, I challenge you to a fight! right here, right now!

Kadmiel: Heh haha!

Kaide: What's so funny?!

Kadmiel: Haha! I'm sorry, it's just been an interesting sort of events lately, then to top it off, I'm being challenged to a match.

Kaide: Sounds like I'm bein under estimated.

*The demon husky took his stance*

Kaide: Something I'm sure you'll regret.

Alucard: Hun, are you sure you wanna do this here? You might draw a crowd and we might get kicked out. We could be on thin ice from that fight from last night.

Kaide: Don't warry babe, this will all be over, in 5 seconds.

*Kaide yelled, dashing forward to the female lapine. He brought his gaurd up to his face before cocking his right arm back.*

Kaide: Take this!

*He quickly thrusted his hand forward. The blow moving so fast that the unprepared rabbit couldn't counter it. She blinked and flinched, quickly trying to bring her guard to deflect the attack, closing her eyes to brace for the impact incase she moved to slow. It felt as though time itself were slowing down as she attempted to anticipate where the blow would land.

Julian: Hey...You can open your eyes now.

*Kadmiel opened her eyes to see Julian standing between the two, his mouth dripping with blood. He turned to her, his expression as calm as ever. He reached out and tapped her on her shoulder.

Julian: You should know by now, to always stay on gaurd. It's the first thing you taught me when we trained together.

Kadmiel: Y-you took the punch for me? Why? That's so unlike you?

Julian: Ptoo....Dunno, just moved... Anyway, we have a crowd gathering.

*He pointed to he group of furs who were watching them.*

Julian: Make sure you put on a good show that I can watch later.

*The Lapine said, walking away from the group*

Kaide: Julian, I didn't mean to hit you but...you aren't gonna stay to watch?

*The rabbit calmly looked at Kaide, then swayed his eyes over to Kadmiel.*

Julian: I'd love to see you and Kad fight, but, not when I already know the outcome of the match.

Alucard: How could you know whose gonna win or lose?

Julian: Then let's just say...I have faith in what'll happen.

*He turned his attention back to Kadmiel, flashing a smile at her before he walked off.*

Kadmiel: (He's acting so strange today. Since when the hell did he ever have "faith" in anything other then cooking then eating a good meal? Tch, dick, playing games with me...still I always liked that idiocy. Time to put on a show) Hey, Kaide, let's make this a good fight! I wanna look good when these furs, fags, and whatnot record this.

Kaide: Oh yeah, you'll look real good after I smack your ass to the floor.

Alucard: Should this be sounding so sexual? I think I'll just get out of you guys's way.

*The kitsune walked over to a large Siberian husky who was watching the event.*

???: Yo.

*The husky blurted out*

???: Who you think is gonna win?

*Alucard turned to see the two already in their stances, scanning for a weakspot in the others defense. Alucards' mind flashed back to something he recently heard*

Alucard: (Kaide: I gotta know...) Well...I don't think it's about winning... I think it's about knowing where they stand.

???: Heh, Cop out!

*The husky laughed*

???: I think I'll place my bet on my own kind. I'll find out later what happens.

Alucard: You're not watchin either?

???: Nah, I wish, I'm interested in a fellow I saw earlier and I gonna go find him.

Alucard: If I see ya after the match I'll tell you the outcome misteeeeer....

???: Maverickk, and thanks a lot. See ya'!

*The husky left, disappearing in the crowd of creatures who were eye oggling the soon to be fight.*

Kaide: Ok...this time for real, we're gonna fight and I'm gonna win!

Kadmiel: Alright , I accept you challenge. It won't be like that surprise attack from before, cuz I'm not gonna freeze up. This time...

*Kadmiel exhaled slowly*

Kadmiel: ...This time, you have my full attention.

Kaide: Huh! (Her eyes...They're just like...) Hmph, you won't beat me. Especially not in front of him!

*Kaide dashed forward again, once more bringing his guard up and cocking his fist back. The husky grunted as he thrusted his fist forward.*

Kadmiel: That won't work twice

*Kadmiel swiftly leaned her body backwards, letting her body fall into a bridge as she evade the strike. She then lifted her legs and balanced on her hands for a moment before swiftly bringing them down, aiming for the off balance canine next to her. Kaide glanced back, after missing his lunging strike, turned his body just slightly enough for Kadmiels' legs to miss him. He lifted his right foot up and brought it down heavily over Kadmiels now exposed back. She dropped to the ground and rolled away from him, dodging his foot. She stopped and shot her fought forward, sweeping Kaide off his feet as she hopped off the floor. Kaide spun in midair and landed, crouching on all fours then quickly hopping back.*

Kadmeil: *Gasp*...Not bad, I actually thought you were gonna hit me...*Huff Huff*

Kaide: Thanks...*Wheeze*...I didn't think you'd trip me...Not...not bad Kad.

Kadmiel: Heh heh! *huff* that rhymed!

*Kaide and Kadmiel laughed at the sillyness for a moment*

Kaide: Ok...Shall we continue?

Kadmiel: Of course

*Both fighters took their stances, again looking for a possible opening or weakspot. Both fighters having the same thought.

K & K: (This is gonna end in my next move.)

*They dashed towards each other, preparing to launch a lethal attack on the other*

*The Rabbit sat back off his knees, wiping his mouth to remove the creamy white substance*

Maverickk: So...how do you know whose gonna win?

*The husky huffed*

Julian: As I said, I don't know whose going to win, but I have faith in the outcome.

Maverickk: So who do you have faith in?

Julian: Me? The end result will be...

*Kadmiel slowy began coming to, her eyes fuzzy from passing out*

Kadmiel: (Did I lose...Rrgh! I can't believe it)

*Her eyes adjusted as she slowly made out the image of another figure on the ground.

Kadmiel: (Wait...I didn't lose...well, at least not alone)

*Both had rendered the other unconscious. Kadmiel spun around and thrusted her foot at Kaide, slamming a deep connection to his jaw. Kaide took the kick full on, but in a last attempt, the husky twisted his body around, then brought a heavy right hook to her face before falling to the ground.*

Kaide: (We tied? Good, if I work harder, I'll beat her next time.)

*Kaide stood to his feet, leaning on his lover who had run over to assist him*

Kadmiel: (I still have a lot of room for improvement. I 'll get better in a flash, then you won't get off lucky next time.)

*The demon and lapine eyes glared at the other, both ready to push themselves harder for a future battle.*

Kaide: Hey Kad...

*She perked her ears to her name*

Kadmiel: Yo?

Kaide: Thanks for your help

*Kaide smiled as he staggered to his feet*

Kaide: I hope we can all hang out at the final rave tonight.

*Kadmiel smirked before she responded*

Kadmiel: Sure, that sounds like fun.

*She raised herself and stumbled over to her opponet.*

Kaide: Let's go get some rest. C'mon Alu

Alucard: Yeah, let's go

Kadmiel: agreed

*Alucard placed Kaide arm over his shoulder as he they stumbled to the large door. The crowd was silent, displeased with the lack of a winner but happy they could watch such an event. Kadmiel pushed open the large heavy set door and stumbled forward, losing her balance.*

Alucard: Shit!

*Alucard yelled as closed his eyes, awaiting the sound of impact from Kadmiel hitting the ground. Kaide raised his head, at his friend*

Kaide: Where've you been Shade?

Julian: I was just hangin around at first...then I was convinced to visit the room of another raver upstairs...I just came to pick up Kad.

Kaide: I see... nice catch by the way.

Kadmiel: I'll say hehhahaha!

*Julian supported Kadmiel as the group traveled down the long hallway to the elevators.

Julian: I guess this is where we part ways...

Alucard: Unless you guys come to our room and hang with us for the night. I'm sure Moreck and Ridi would like to see you guys again.

Kaide: YEAH! You should come with us!

*Julian shrugged his shoulders and looked to Kadmiel who nodded her head*

Kadmiel: We'd love to.

*The elevator doors slid open and the group entered, pressing the button that led to the fourteenth floor. They waited for a few minutes before the group staggered out into the hall. With mild chatter they travelled down the hall and into the hotel room rented by Kaide and friends. Kaide and Kadmiel were plopped down onto two seperate couches so they could rest; Alucard sat next to Kaide*

Kaide: Aaaagh, just make yourself feel at home. I think we still have some snacks in our bags in the back rooms.

*Julian sat on the couch next to Kadmiel, looking over at her sternly, an awkward look on his face.

Alucard: What is he doing Kad?

Kadmiel: Oh, haha, he won't admit it but he's pretty worried about me.

*Julian turned his head away*

Julian: I am not...

*Kaide and Alucard looked at each other confused.*

Kaide: Wait, are you to dating?

*Julian sat quietly*

Kadmiel: Nah...We're just really close.

Alucard: Then why don't you guys just...

Julian: I'm gonna hit the bathroom kay?

*Julian interuppted, disappearing down the rooms hallway.*

Alucard: Wait...what just happened?

Kaide: Julian loves Kad but he's mostly gay and feels that he can't be with her.

Kadmiel: So instead, he accepts the homosexuality but clings to me heavily.

Kaide: Heh, you say it like a bad thing

Kadmiel: HAHAHA! It's ok, I love havin him around. It removes the lonely feeling that some single people have.

*She sighed and relaxed against the back of the couch as Julian re-entered the room. Kadmiel looked over to him, her eyes beckoning him.*

Kadmiel: Plus, I have feelings for him too.

*The rabbits ears perked as he sat next to Kadmiel, the fur around his face became a bright red.*

Kadmiel: I'm gonna take a nap until the rave later kay?

*She leaned over to Julian and pushed him back, bringing his feet up onto the couch as she layed herself between his legs, her head leaning on his torso.*

Julian: Kad...

*The lapine grew silent once more*

Kaide: Alu, can you help me to the back room? We can just sleep in our bed.

Alucard: Heh, I get it hun. Let's go.

*Alucard stood and helped Kaide to his feet, leaning his mate onto his body. The couple traveled into their back room to leave Julian and Kadmiel with privacy.*

Kadmiel: Yeah?

Julian: ...Have a nice nap

Kadmiel: Heh, you too Juli!

*She leaned her head up lightly kissed him.*

Kadmiel: Thanks!

*Kadmiel smiled and placed her head back onto Julians' stomach, slowly drifting to sleep.*

Alucard: So do you think they may eve be able to work through things?

Kaide: I dunno hun but I hope it goes well in the end.

Alucard: Same here!

Kaide: Now get your cute ass in this bed. I need someone to snuggle with.

Alucard: Heh, sure hun.

*The fox crawled into bed with with his demonic husky lover, snugging closely as they slept*
