Soldiers of War prelude

Story by Wolf Trooper on SoFurry

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#1 of Soldiers of War

Well this is the prelude of a series I plan on doing. Hope you and enjoy and I would love to hear about how I can improve my writing. Enjoy!

Soldiers of War Prelude

"They're only here to help you..."

This story was inspired by a Canadian writer by the name of Terry Allen. I've been reading his works for some time now and I actually like them. My story takes place in the year 2014, where communism has once again taken over Russia, and North Korea becomes a powerful nation. Now America's greatest ally is under attack. How will they help them?

"God damn I hate night patrols!" Winston said as he scratched his fur. He was a tough Canadian husky but nighttime was not his prime.. He was driving his cruiser in the dark dirt road. Night time patrols were always tough, especially for a Canadian Royal Mountie. He continued driving the dirt road until something caught his eye. Alongside the dirt road was what looked like the silhouette of a person. As Winston approached the person he got a better look. It was a snow leopard dress in military attire. He must of been from a nearby base.

"Hey buddy need a ride?" Winston asked. The leopard turned around and that was when he realized this was no soldier, well no Canadian soldier. He wore a dark green camouflage uniform with a helmet and what looked like paratrooper gear with Korean looking symbols on them. In his arms was a black painted AK-74m assault rifle. Winston immediately pulled out his Smith and Wesson semiautomatic pistol.

"ALRIGHT DROP IT ON THE GROUND!" Winston shouted. The soldier immediately pulled out a walkie-talkie and started shouting something in a very Southeast Asian language. The leopard then pointed his gun at Winston. Winston wasted no time. He shot the soldier several times, double tapping as he had been trained to do. The soldier's body jerked as the nine millimeter rounds penetrated his body. He slumped over to the ground, his gun making a loud clang as it hit the concrete road. Winston, with his gun still drawn, approached the body and took a closer look.

"Who the hell is this guy?" he asked himself. Suddenly the wind began to pick up and he caught a really loud sound of a chopping noise close by. Then the trees started blowing when out of nowhere Winston was staring face-to-face with an Mil-Mi 24 Hind D gunship!

"OH MY BLOODY GOD!" he exclaimed in fear. He had seen this helicopter in '80s action movies like Rambo but never one in person and it really was intimidating. Sticking out of its nose was a 12.7 mm auto cannon. On each of its wings were machine gun pods, rocket pods, and missile launchers. Winston then felt a warm liquid dripping down pants and he noticed he had just pissed himself. He couldn't take it anymore. He quickly ran start to his cruiser and grabbed his radio.


But it was too late. The Hind had already opened fire. Twelve point seven millimeter cannon fire torn poor Winston and his police car apart. He never stood a chance.

"Winston do you copy?" Charlie said as he turned on his car's radio. All he got was static. The skunk was starting to get annoyed. He'd been trying to contact Winston for nearly twenty minutes.

"Ah fuck it!" he sighed to himself as he started his cruiser. As he was driving past he open field, he saw a snow leopard on a parachute touch the ground in the field.

"What the hell?" Charlie said to himself as he pulled his car over to the side of the road. He unbuckled himself and took out his flashlight. He trek across the open field until he approached the snow leopard. He was wearing a helmet and a green camouflaged uniform that had what appeared to be Korean letters written on it. His parachute was already on the ground and he had just started setting up some kind of communications antenna. An AK-74m was leaning on a military backpack. Charlie shined the flashlight on the individual.

"Canadian Mounted Police!" he announced. "I'd like to know what the hell you think you're doing."

The leopard turned around and faced the Mountie. There was an evil look in his eyes. Before Charlie could react, the leopard pull out a Skorpion machine pistol with a suppressor screwed onto the barrel and shot Charlie in the head. The skunk slumped over and hit the ground. The leopard then took the dead mountie's gun, turned off his flashlight, and shut off the car's radio. Then he proceeded to set up his equipment.

Will had been a Canadian Air Force pilot for over thirteen years now and had already flown several combat sorties over the Middle East. He was a young fox of 33 years of age and although he was only 5'6", he was very strong and could easily handle his own. He was very tired tonight though. It was twelve-thirty AM and he had been up since six o'clock AM training future pilots and checking aircraft. He had just finished checking his American made F/A-18 fighter. He signaled to his copilot, a black cat named Lester, that everything was good.

"Okay Lester the plane's in good shape." he said as he climbed down the ladder. "I'm going back to barracks. See ya in the morning."

Lester saluted him and continued his last minute tasks. Will preferred to walk to and from the barracks and the hangars. The base was quieter than usual. All the planes were put away. There were only a few lights from the towers. There were barely any personnel on the flight strip. Just as he was about to enter his barracks, his vulpine ears heard something. Then sounded like distant roaring. It sounded an awful lot like a group of jet engines.

"Huh?" Will said to himself. He had check the flight schedule earlier and there were no planes scheduled to arrive this time of the hour. Just then out of nowhere two missiles whizzed from the sky and stuck the bases control tower. The tower collapsed in the explosion and all the lights on the base suddenly went on. He felt sorry for he knew who worked in the tower. Suddenly he heard the whistling of artillery shells. Then artillery shells started pounding the base exploding on impact while the unknown enemy fighters continued to bomb the base. Alarms were sounding. Air base personnel where running around trying to get to their positions.


But before anyone could get to the planes, several artillery shells struck the hangars where the planes where being stored destroying many jets and setting the rest ablaze.

"SAVE THE FIGHTERS!" Will shouted. Soon firefighting vehicles were arriving. Will rushed to one of them to help them. Suddenly, an artillery shell struck about a few yards away from him. Will was violently tossed several feet into the air where he then hit the ground so hard that he was knocked out.

When Will came too, he was in bad shape. He had a concussion, both his legs where broken, and he might have broken his back. He looked around, the entire base was in flames. Parts from planes, humvees, and buildings were scattered on the on the airfield. Barracks and hangers were set ablaze. Mangled bodies lay across the airfield. Blood, body parts, and unlit gasoline was everywhere. Just then he saw tanks, armored personnel carriers, and jeeps but he could tell they weren't Canadian military. Suddenly Will heard the clicking of a gun being cocked to his right. Will soon was staring down the barrel of an AK-74 being wielded by a leopard soldier. Without taking his hand off his rifle, the leopard signaled one of the jeeps and shouted something in a language Will recognized as Korean. The jeep stopped and soon all its doors opened. Out step a forty year old tiger, dressed in a military dress uniform. Badges and medals were strapped to his chest. Several other soldiers were following him. The tiger approached Will and knelt down to his level. Although he was a little chubby, he was still a strong looking general.

"Tell me crony," he spoke in clear English "Are you afraid of me?"

Will didn't get it.

"Who are you?" he demanded. The tiger stood up and giggled a little bit.

"My name is Hong-Seon-Fat," he said as he put his hands behind his back "Commander of the 3rd Mechanized Infantry of the North Korean Army."

Will's jaw practically dropped. North Korea was attacking. It couldn't be!

"Why?" Will begged "Why attack us?"

The Korean commander started pacing around Will. "Your American allies think they can stop us through economic boycotts and pathetic military inspections."

Will still didn't get it. "But why Canada? Why us?"

The general stared back at him. There was an evil stare in his eyes.

"The less I say the better." the Korean said as he pulled out a Russian MP443 pistol and pointed it at Will.


But the commander already pulled the trigger killing poor Will. The North Koreans then proceeded to the bases flag pole. They took down the burnt Canadian flag and replaced it with the North Korean flag while the KPA soldiers raised their hands in the air and began cheering.

On My Country's Honor pt. 1

**On My Country's Honor pt. 1** **The Enemy Attack** The city of Belfast was remarkable beautiful this time of year. The city was bright and lively as the children played on the sidewalks. It was a wonderful spring day. The streets were...

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