Love of a Hero 5: Rena's Anal

Story by Desert Mutt on SoFurry

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#5 of Love of a Hero

The following is a work of fiction. Character's are based off people I know and are copyright to me, Desert Mutt. This section contains consensual anal sex. Anyone reading this story is aware of this and responsible for their own actions. Any comments would be appreciated.

Rena came home from her job, and began to undress, taking off her waitress uniform. Desert said he had something unique planned for tonight, and she could not wait to find out what. But she needed to shower first so she can be clean from work.

The place had really changed since he moved in to help her. She walked through the bedroom to the bathroom to shower. She looked at his computer in the corner and the sheets they picked for the bed. It was so nice having him around, having some one to love her. She purred as she went to wash up.

Desert heard the shower running as he came in. He had been hoping to beat the petite cat home, but even though he did not, he was close enough that she would not see what he was up to. He set the bag in the closet, pulling out tube of lubricant and setting it in the bedside drawer.

Rena came out of the shower, drying her creamy white fur. She giggled and purred as her fur puffed up. The pain in her chest flared up, hurting more than it used to. She took some aspirin, same as she always did when she felt it. Rena put on her pale lavender collar, her fingers caressing the nametag. Her master loved the pale color of his kitten's fur and did not want to ruin it with black leather. She loved the mongrel, and could not burden him with her pain. She went to wait for him and saw Desert standing beside the bed.

"MASTER!" she squeaked happily, pouncing on him and knocking him onto the bed. "You're home early." She purred happily as she hugged him, licking at his neck and chin. He laughed happily as she did, hugging her and licking her back.

"I'm glad to see you too Rena," He pushed her off gently, scratching her head. "Are you ready for the surprise I have planned for you today?" She nodded. "Good girl," he stood up "Now get on your hands and knees." Rena got on her hands and knees, raising her rear and tail high as she could get them. Her petite form wiggled slightly to tease him.

Desert reached between his kitty's thighs and slowly caressed them, working his way up to her crotch. She giggled, then purred as he touched her, pressing toward his palm. He pushed the tip of his finger into her slowly, working it back and forth. Rena moaned happily at the digit in her canal. She turned her head and looked at her master with wanton desire.

Rena gasped as she felt the mutt's finger pull out of her vaginal lips and move up to her tail hole. The tip covered with her own juices rub around the opening before slowly pushing into her. She moaned and purred as he slipped into her slowly, wiggling the tip around. She let out a whine when he pulled out, wanting to feel him insider her again and not caring where.

"Glad to see that you're so anxious and willing," Desert told her, opening the drawer. "Now let's get you ready" He pulled out the tube of lubricant. He puts in his hand and started to apply to his kitty's backside. Rena shivered as the cold gel hit her sensitive skin. She giggled slightly as his finger slipped back inside her ass, soon turning to a moan of pleasure.

"Mmmm...Master." she purred, looking back at him "more please. That feels good." Desert smiled to himself as he applied more lubricant, pressing the tip of a second finger against her tight little hole. Rena let out a massive groan of ecstasy as the little kitten's backside was stretched wider open by the mongrel.

Desert's second finger reached in to the knuckle and he wiggled them around in her slowly. He listened to her noises of pleasure as he worked around inside her. More lubrication was added as he pulled out to the tips of his fingers and began to work a third finger into Rena's formerly tiny asshole.

Pain shot up her spine, but so did incredible pleasure. She did not know she could be stretched that much, or that it would feel so good. She looked back at Desert, wanting him to make her cum like this. The cat watched as he set the tube of lubricant down and brought his hand to her vaginal lips. Two fingers entered and his thumb hit her clit.

Rena yowled as her orgasm went off. Having her two holes filled and her nub touched was just too much for her. Her ass twitched around her fingers while her pussy drenched the others in it's juices. Rena's arms gave out and her chest and head collapsed onto the pillows. Her eyes looked at him, wandering down his body to the bulge in his jeans. She grinned, anxious for the next part.

Desert pulled away slowly, leaving Rena in her current state. He grabbed the lubricant as he moved to where she could watch him better. The mutt listened to his cat purr as he slowly undressed, showing her his intimately familiar body. His cock was already rock hard and leaking pre-cum. She watched him in anticipation.

Desert poured the gel into his palm and brought it to the head of his erection. His hand worked a generous amount over the bulb and down his shaft. He took his time, to tease her and not orgasm too soon. He stopped a moment, watching Rena as he tried to relax some. Once the feeling of needing to cum right away passed, he moved back behind Rena, pouring more gel onto his cock head.

Rena braced herself best she could as she felt her master get in position behind her. She purred loudly as the tip pressed against her well prepared tail hole. His hands grasped her hips as he pushed forward, slowly sinking the in. He went slowly, stopping to let her adjust to the sensations before pushing deeper. Rena pawed and moaned as she was penetrated, feeling new sensations as her master's cock filled her petite ass.

Desert buried himself into Rena fully, growling at the tightness. He leaned forward and nibbled her neck as he held still to let her adjust to the sensation. He wrapped his arms around her waist as she started moving his hips slowly. His grip loosened as she got used to the feeling, even pushing her rear back to meet his thrusting. Desert took this as a good sign and increased his pace. He moved his clean hand down to her vaginal lips.

Rena yowled in pleasure. Her master's hand against her pussy and his cock in her ass was so intense. She felt her knees weaken as he slipped two fingers in, working them opposite his member and rubbing her clit. She groaned and purred as he worked her holes, feeling incredible pleasure.

Rena's arms give out, causing her breast to hit the sheets. Her nipples rubbed against the mattress on every thrust. The new sensation on top of it all was too much, and the kitty yowled loudly as she hit her orgasm. Her pussy twitched around his fingers as her already tight tail hole squeezed around him.

Desert was forced to hold still. His kitty's backside had gotten too tight for him to move. He pulled his fingers from her pussy and put it on her shoulder. Once she relaxed enough, he started thrusting again, with an urgency

Rena gasped as she felt the sudden thrusting rapidly. She closed her eyes and enjoyed him in her rear and her nipples against the sheets. She pushed back against him, feeling his body tense as he was getting close

"Do it Master," she moaned, shifting against him. "Please, climax in me. Cum in my little kitty ass." Desert smiled to himself at the encouragement. He closed his eyes as he continued.

Desert growled as he hit orgasm, burying himself into her Rena fully and just holding it there as his warm seed fired deep into her bowels. Rena screamed and the twitching and spurting triggered another orgasm, covering her thighs and the bed in her juices

When both were finished, Desert pulled out, causing Rena to collapse on the bed in happy exhaustion. He kissed her cheek as she laid in the bed limply, too weak to move. She turned and smiled at him, her eyes half closed. It was taking all her remaining energy to stay awake. She did not even have the energy to thank him for a wonderful new sensation.

"Glad you enjoyed it Rena." he whispered, kissing her cheek. "You go ahead and get some sleep. I'll join you after I shower." He kissed her again before getting up and going to the bathroom. Rena watched her lover, her friend, her master, go through half asleep eyes. Once the door was shut, she laid her head down, falling asleep as she heard the water start to run.