Good-bye Break

Story by Grizzled Bear on SoFurry

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#32 of Cycled life

wow....this feels weird, posting again. Sorry for the break, and i do have a good bit of stuff to post but i've also go things i want to do before i start on that....ehh, it's not worth going into explanation for but i'd like to say that by New Year's you can expect some fun things....well, depending on whether or not i tickle your fancy...and i must really need sleep because i actually just used that saying....well....i'll stop freewriting my thoughts now and let you do your thing--best regards


"Can you really believe the break is over?" Lucas asked with a sigh, sitting on the edge of his bed.

Jake put an arm around his mate and sighed, "I can...I don't want to but I can," he replied with a sigh.

Lucas chuckled, "Well...look at me...acting like it's the end of the world,"

"You're sad," Jake stated, "it's understandable,"

"You're not..."

"And that's understandable too," Jake replied simply. He kissed Lucas on the cheek and smiled, "I mean...I'm a bit sad but not as much as you. You're entire family and friends now about you...wherever you go, you're yourself, why I'm really only myself here and at Kirson-my family and friends have no idea about me,"

Lucas looked over and nuzzled Jake, "You make it sound so simple,"

"It kind of is..." Jake replied. "You'll miss your family,"

"Don't you miss yours?" Lucas asked.


"Your family..."

Jake smiled a little, "I've always been easy on adapting to things...I don't really get upset when I'm alone,"

"Oh....and if I left?" Lucas asked jokingly.

"I'd follow you to the ends of the world," Jake replied and pulled his mate into a vicegrip.

"Strike a nerve?" Lucas asked once again with a joking manner.

"Of course're the one thing I can't live without," Jake replied, a sincere and loving tone in his voice.

Lucas chuckled and nuzzled his mate, "I guess I'm just going to miss them,"

"Hey...spring break is only about two months away,"

"Yeah...but that's two months," Lucas replied.

"You could travel down during a weekend every once in know...go down on Friday and come back up on Sunday," Jake suggested.

"Would you be OK with that?" Lucas asked.

"I want you to be with your family," Jake replied. "And don't'll see them a lot..."

"I'm sorry...I'm sounding like such a child right now,"

"It's fine's kind of nice seeing a family. I know I don't usually seem like it...but it's refreshing seeing a family like yours,"

Lucas nuzzled the bear for a moment and sighed, "You know...they're your family too,"

Jake froze for a moment, "I'm not so sur-"

"No arguments Jake. You're a part of this now..." Lucas replied with a chuckle.

"Am I?"

"Yeah...just give it some time. Right now we're still, for them, at the 'watch and see how long this lasts' stage. They do however, accept you fully., for better or worse, are part of this family,"

"I want to feel like I's just hard," Jake replied. He shook his head and looked over at Lucas, "How did you manage to push the situation on me?"

Lucas chuckled lightly, "It makes me feel better to make you feel better,"

Jake rolled his eyes and stood up, "I'm going to go put the bags in my car,"

Lucas watched as the bear walked off and chuckled. He noticed that his father came into the room. He smiled at him, "Hey...what's up?"


Mr. Vadikson chuckled, "Yeah, I am a bit,"

Lucas smiled and looked around the room, "So..."

Mr. Vadikson chuckled again, "Sorry, I don't have anything to really say,"

Lucas shrugged his shoulders, "I guess I don't either,"

They both sat there and just looked around the room. After a moment Mr. Vadikson stretched a little and sighed, "Well...Jake survived my cooking lessons, so I think you'll be safe as far as eating goes. Of course...don't you two eat out every night, be sure to eat healthy,"

"Don't worry Dad...we will,"

"I know, I I siad, it's my job as a parent to worry about you two,"

Lucas smiled stood up and moved over to his dad. He hugged him and let out a sigh, "I'm going to miss you guys,"

Mr. Vadikson returned his son's hug, "I'll miss you too, so will Ana and your mom,"

Lucas rested his head on his father's shoulders and sighed. After a moment he pulled back and looked at him, "Of course I'll be here in like two months anyway and all that,"

"I know! You don't have to make this good-bye like the one where we'll never see each other again...mainly because there won't be one of those," Mr. Vadikson replied with a laugh.

"I's just, well, this has been a good break. I'm going to miss the time where all I really did was relax and enjoy time with loved ones. Now I have to go back and start this all up again,"

"Well, it's not that bad. You know how you get. You always hate going back to school and other stuff..."

"I'm kind of looking forward to it in some ways. I...want to go back home with Jake, you know?"

"You two have a home?"

"Yeah..." Jake replied as he walked into the room. "Sure it's just an apartment for now, but we'll move our way up in the world,"

Mr. Vadikson looked over at the bear who only said that one line before he picked up another set of bags and exited the room. He chuckled lightly and looked back at his son, "I'm happy you found someone like Jake,"

"Me too..." Lucas replied and looked at the door for a moment, "I know he won't readily admit it...but he really wants to be part of this family-and...well, thanks for being so accepting of him. You've always been there for him, even when I wasn't, and...even to me, that means a lot. Thanks,"

Mr. Vadikson chuckled, "Well, you two are still young and stupid. If you don't have any parental supervision it'd only be a matter of time before you both crash and burn. Believe it or parents do have jobs in your life,"

Lucas laughed and leaned down to grab a bag, " about your current job being to help me and Jake get on the road?"

Mr. Vadikson nodded and helped his son with some of the bags. As they moved down he was stopped by his son one time.

"Umm...I really think Jake needs to be told that he's a part of this know, if I say it then it's just coming from his mate-he knows I'd tell him anything to make him feel better about this," Lucas said and looked down for a moment.

Mr. Vadikson reshouldered the bag and nodded, "I'll see what I can do," he replied. It wasn't a lot of luggage, mostly a lot of clothes and some of the summer clothes he would wear when the winter seasons ended. Jake's car was filled with bags, so much so that he couldn't see out the back. "You are not driving like that,"

Jake pulled away from his car and looked at Mr. Vadikson, "What's wrong?"

"You can't see out of your rear view mirror," Mr. Vadikson stated.

"OK?" Jake said.

Mr. Vadikson looked back at his son and sighed, "Crash and burn...just like I told you,"

Lucas rolled his eyes and began to put stuff into his own car.

"Jake...Lucas has plenty of room. I want you two to be safe on the road," Mr. Vadikson said and took some bags out of Jake's car and put them in his son's. "See, now you can both see,"

Jake chuckled, "I would've been OK..."

"I want you two to be safe," Mr. Vadikson replied. He looked over at Jake and smiled, "Now, I told Lucas you can cook now...I expect you two to eat healthy, OK?"

Jake smiled and nodded, "Of course...steak every night!"

"Yes!" Lucas cheered behind his father.

"Don't worry...I'll take good care of Lucas," Jake said with a laugh.

Mr. Vadikson shook his head and chuckled.

"And I'll take good care of Jake,"

Mr. Vadikson shook his head again, " two are so cheesy,"

Lucas chuckled and looked back at his house, "I guess it's about time we head out...isn't it Big-guy?"

Jake shrugged his shoulders, "I guess..."

"Have you said good-bye to Ana?" Mr. Vadikson asked.

"I'm going to go do that right now," Lucas said.

"Jake?" Mr. Vadikson inquired.

"I did it last night..." Jake replied. "It's kind of early in the morning and I didn't want to wake her,"

Lucas chuckled, "I'll be right back,"

Mr. Vadikson nodded and looked over at Jake, "I guess I get to say my good-byes to you now,"

Jake looked down at the ground. He hadn't really expected it. He was, after all, just a guest here.

"I got to know a lot more about you this time," Mr. Vadikson stated. "From the cooking classes of hell to where we all just watched some TV has been a good time together,"

Jake nodded and looked around again. He wanted to ask if Mr. Vadikson really did consider him a part of this family. It was like his mind wanted to scream that question and his tongue refused to move.

"So..." Mr. Vadikson said and saw the bear shift again. "I guess this was your first time really coming over as Lucas's mate. I mean, over the summer you two just came out and there were some troubles...but now it was you over here just enjoying yourself,"

Jake smiled a bit and looked down, "Yeah...I guess so,"

"Promise me you'll take care of my son?" Mr. Vadikson asked.

The change in the behavior was strange. He looked at Mr. Vadikson with a bit of a cocked head. "Of course..."

Mr. Vadikson shrugged his shoulders, "Lucas would try to kill me if he knew I'd asked you that..."

Jake laughed a bit, "Yeah...but...thanks for asking me to. I'll do everything I can,"

"I know you will...and I know Lucas is the same. You two are good for each other. Both of you are willing to put forth a hundred percent for each other-just make sure that doesn't stop,"

"I won't..."

Mr. Vadikson nodded, "I two will be good. There will be those rough spots, but everyone has them. If you ever need anything you can call me, you know?"

This time Jake didn't reply. He did nod but just because he didn't want to seem unresponsive.

"You're part of the family just call me if you need anything,"

Jake still looked at the ground.

"Come-on...why does that scare you so much?"

"Why would you want me in the family?" Jake asked.

"Because you're a good 'why' to it," Mr. Vadikson replied. "Jake, I know that I love you, and so does Ana. My wife is trying her best to accept this, and her side of the family will be tough, but my side is accepting. Give them just a bit...they'll open up to you very soon,"

Jake shrugged his shoulders, "Doesn't it make your life tougher?"

"Doesn't it make your life tougher not telling your family about you and my son?" Mr. Vadikson asked. He kept going though, knowing he had Jake's attention, "See my point? There are somethings you can push through because the results are so worth it, and trust me Jake...the family will open up to you. They already like you, they just need to know they can trust you,"

A sigh escaped Jake and let a bit of his nervousness fall away. "Thanks...I mean...I really do feel like you guys treat me like a part of the family. I know I'm annoying, but it's just weird...I don't get it. I mean you're father-in law, right?"

Mr. Vadikson chuckled, "Well, we don't mind waiting for you to get it, and yeah, I think I am,"

"It's weird...but...I guess sometimes I just see you like you're a father figure...a pseudo father I guess," Jake said and looked at the wolf. "That sounds too strange, doesn't it?"

A smile fell on Mr. Vadikson's muzzle, "No, not at all. I try to be like a father to you because you're a son to me,"

"Really?" Jake asked, the question coming out before he could process it. To his dismay a stupid grin painted his muzzle,

"Yeah, you really are," Mr. Vadikson said. It was a huge relief for these words to finally come out of his mouth, and a bigger one to feel Jake tell him he was like a father to him.

Jake felt a tear actually brim in his eye but he quickly pushed it away. As he did so a pair of arms wrapped around him-not Lucas's arms. The wolf was hugging him, his mate's father was. That wasn't the strange thing though; the strange thing was that he was returning it, even letting his head rest on the large wolf's shoulder.

Lucas chuckled as he saw his father hug Jake, and his mate return it. It made him happy that the two were becoming ever closer. He moved down the drive way as they pulled apart and looked at the bear, "You ready to go Big-guy?"

Jake nodded, "I'm ready,"

Mr. Vadikson moved over to his son and pulled him into a quick hug, "I asked Jake to take care you...and I want you to promise me you'll take care of him,"

Lucas frowned, "I can take care of myself...But yeah, I'm going to take care of Jake,"

Mr. Vadikson nodded, "Be safe on the road. If you have any troubles make sure to call me,"

Lucas nodded, "We will, don't worry..."

Jake smiled, "I'll make sure Lucas gets back safely,"

"I want you both to get there, and back here safely, OK?" Mr. Vadikson said.

Lucas nodded, ", Jake? What do you think, drive all the way without a stop...we can get in by noon,"

"A bit after...but OK," Jake replied.

Lucas looked back at his father as he headed to his car, "I'll call you as soon as we're settled back in!"

Mr. Vadikson nodded and watched as the two ran off. He was a proud father-proud and happy. He had two great sons that he knew were good for one another-a son from birth and a son-in-law. A tear formed in his eye and fell, but he just laughed at it; a happy tear was a great thing. He had to go back inside and make sure he was ready for the day. Though he was giving out a test today so maybe it wouldn't be bad-still, it was only five right now so there was plenty of time-maybe he could throw in an extra nap.

****Eight Hours Later*****

"You were supposed to call an hour ago," Mr. Vadikson said simply.

"Sorry...we ran into some traffic and then when we got in and went to eat at a pizza place..." Lucas replied.

"Well, I was worried about you two," Mr. Vadikson said.

"We're fine," Lucas replied and let out a sigh. He did feel a bit bad about not calling, especially considering the current circumstances he was in that had caused him to not call, "We had a bit of trouble, and it was my fault that I forgot to call. I'm really sorry,"

"Really sorry?" Mr. Vadikson asked, cocking his head. His son never said 'really sorry' or something like that; it was just out of his character. He shook his head, "OK, well...I'm glad you two are back...just be careful,"

"We will be...aren't you teaching?" Lucas asked. He'd hoped to leave a quick voice message instead of getting an actual call-not to say he didn't want to talk with his father.

"I'm subbing an advanced placement class right now...and well...they are taking a test so,"

"So you left?"

"No...I'm sitting in my desk," Mr. Vadikson replied.

"OK...well, I'm going to hang up so you stop disturbing your students who should be in complete silence for the test," Lucas said.


"I'll talk with you later Dad. I love you,"

"Love you too careful,"

"I will be," Lucas said and stopped before closing the phone, Jake's voice giving him one last thing to say. "Oh...Jake says he loves you too,"

Mr. Vadikson felt a smile cover his muzzle, "I heard him say it,"

"Good," Lucas replied with a chuckle.

"I'll speak with you two later,"

"OK..." Lucas replied and closed the phone. He rolled around and looked at Jake, "You could've talked with him," he said as the bear continued to bite on his neck.

"I can't keep a straight face like you," Jake said and kissed Lucas on the lips.

"What? I was smiling the entire time,"

"Yeah but it's in the voice. My voice gives me away...I'm a terrible liar," Jake said and felt the wolf's paws pull teasingly at his fur. He let out a groan and smiled, "See?"

Lucas kissed at the bear's exposed neck, "I see," he mumbled.

" make everything sound so believable," Jake said and kissed Lucas again on the lips, growling lightly.

"I do don't I?" Lucas asked with a grin. "But hey, how about this...we can go get pizza for diner. Then the only thing I really will have lied about was the traffic,"

"Well, there was that one car that was only going fifty," Jake said.

"See? Now you just bend that until it's 'a traffic problem' and voila!" Lucas said, kissing Jake once again.

"I don't like to lie...we wouldn't even be discussing why what you did was wrong if you had just called to begin with," Jake replied.

"You're right...but I couldn't help it. Can you honestly say we're not having fun?" Lucas asked. As soon as they got their luggage in he pulled Jake to the bedroom. There wasn't much to say about what had happened, mainly because they somehow got caught in an hour long tongue battle.

"Yes...but without morals we are evil. I mean, you should've called before you began to molest me," Jake said with a smile. He couldn't deny that Lucas's tenacity wasn't something he loved. A great homecoming gift-his tongue brawling with Lucas's over which could be used the most proficiently. Through the kiss they took away each other's clothes, though each was still left in their underwear. It was a silent truce of sorts. They both knew that once the final barrier went away so too did all control.

"I guess you have a point," Lucas said and groped the bear's butt, "But I was lost to the heat of the moment,"

"No...there was no moment. A moment has to be made. You just wanted to get me in bed," Jake said with a smile. He gave the wolf a happy growl as the wolf began to play with the fur on his rump, still keeping the last pieces of cloth on though.

Lucas felt Jake roll on top of him and the bear's member poke at his own. He chuckled with a light growl of his own, "So what? I love you and I love your body, and I love to have you to myself,"

"I'm all yours," Jake said with a chuckle.

Lucas leaned up and kissed his mate for a second, then pulled back and sighed, "Right back at you Big-guy...I won't make a habit of lying,"

Jake nuzzled his mate, "'s not a good one to pick up,"

"Well, we really will go out for pizza tonight...late diner,"

"Dinner? It's only two...about half till three," Jake said. "We could have a late lunch,"

Lucas leaned up and kissed his mate again, maneuvering so that he was on top of the bear so that he could pull the bear's paws above his head. When he broke the kiss he'd successfully subdued his mate, "You're not leaving till I'm satisfied,"

"I live to serve," Jake replied with a grin. "But I have one request,"

"Oh?" Lucas inquired.

"Let's not go out. Let them bring it here, and we can have diner in bed..."

"But they don't deliver deserts," Lucas said, frowning.

Jake pulled his paws from the wolf's own and pulled Lucas into a tight embrace. He took ahold of his mate again, pushing his muzzle into his mate's. When he pulled back he had Lucas panting for him. "I'll have a desert right in bed for you,"

Lucas rolled his eyes at the terrible joke but leaned up and kissed Jake hungrily on the lips. A pair of paws made their way down to his boxers and pushed them past his waist, one paw stopped to immediately begin stroking his hard member. His growl made Jake happy to ramp up the actions, soon making his member leaky and ready to take a deep plunge into the bear. He ripped away form the kiss and licked the bear's lips, "Do you feel like playing top?"

Jake chuckled lightly, "What?"

"Well, you took a bit of a turn for me, but I was just being nice. Do you want to play top tonight?" Lucas asked, a light grin. This worked perfectly in every scenario. If Jake said yes then he was being the good pup and asking the bear what he wanted. If Jake said no then the bear was submitting to him and letting him take the lead.

Jake nodded towards his shoulder, "My shoulders healed," he noted with a sly smile.

Lucas looked at the bear's shoulder and placed his teeth over it, making Jake groan as he applied a small amount of pressure-nothing compared to what he would do when he was cumming, but Jake was always sensitive to this. He pulled back and felt a sly smile on his muzzle also. "Are you sure?" he asked, though he knew the answer.

"I let my Puppy play the big bad top when he wants to," Jake said, already working to get Lucas into the right mood; not that it was difficult. A few well-placed kisses, a submissive wording here or there, and a lot of pleasure for both parties.

"I think it's time I put you back into your place," Lucas growled.

That wasn't actually too far off. Over the course of the break Jake had acted a bit more top-like than normal. In truth he was ready for Lucas to make him remember that he loved to be pounded by the wolf. Their places weren't set in stone, but he could honestly say that as far as he could tell, having the wolf breed him was still just what the doctor ordered. He wanted Lucas to put him down and make him growl for him again-like he loved. From the look in his mate's eyes he knew the message was delivered. The wolf was going to put him back in his place and make him stay there. He'd probably end up with a sore shoulder, a sore rump, two throbbing cocks, and Lucas's nipping bites on his neck for quite some time. The chance of the wolf doing it again was pretty high, Jake would let the wolf. Instead of responding he let the wolf roll him over and exposed his neck for the wolf.

Lucas smiled and nipped at Jake's neck, "Good boy," he mumbled and got a moan from the bear's throat, which he quickly turned into a groan of pleasure by biting his mate's shoulder.


Lucas shook the sleep from his eyes and reached around for the bear. Jake wasn't anywhere around though. He'd heard the doorbell ring. After a few moments Jake arrived in the doorway with a pizza box.

"You were serious," Lucas said, seeing a pizza in his mate's paws and Jake smiling at him.

"Of course..." Jake replied.

Lucas noted the bear was only wearing a towel, "Did you answer the door like that?"

Jake let the towel fall off him and moved back onto the bed, "So what if I did?"

"God...he's probably blind right could cause him to crash,"

"Ouch," Jake said, acting a bit hurt. Lucas rubbed his stomach and he laughed at him, "You jerk,"

Lucas chuckled and moved closer to his mate, "About the serious?"

"Dead serious," Jake replied with a grin. "We could go for a walk and eat if you want...or anything,"

"No...I think this is perfect," he said as his mate threw an arm around and pulled him closer.

Jake kissed Lucas on the cheek and rested his head on his shoulder, "I love you," he said, more admiration in his tone than tiredness.

"I know," Lucas said a happy tone. He waited till he was sure his mate was sure he was going to leave it at that then nuzzled him back, "And I love you let's eat,"