Foster Family Part 3

Story by SnuggleWolf on SoFurry

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#3 of Foster Family

I walked into the house, my shoes meeting a plush and comfortable red carpet. To the left was just a wall painted with a darker shade of red than the carpet and decorated with a few photos. On the right was the living room. They had a beige couch up against the left wall with another just like it sitting diagonally from it. In the corner between the two was a little round table. Another low-lying coffee table was stretched out in front of the second couch. Across from it was a plasma TV built into the wall, while underneath it was a horizontal black movie cabinet that was partially filled with cinematics. The windows to the right had their lacy red curtains pulled to the side allowing sunshine to fill the room. The white ceiling had a ceiling fan that was whirring gently in the center of the room. Maybe it was just me and my austere tastes, but if the living room was telling me anything, it's that this place must've been the lap of luxury. I followed Ace to a rectangular opening bordered in white across from the front door. We entered the kitchen as I stepped on tile, but not for long as we quickly turned left into another opening and came back onto carpet. We were in a hallway now, a closed white door sitting at the very end. To the left was another slightly ajar door that led into a bathroom. However, Ace went right, taking me up a dark oak staircase. Alongside it was another staircase that led to what I assumed was the basment.

I followed Ace up the steps before asking, "You're not going to lock me away in the attic and have me write a diary are you?" half expecting a 'Yes'.

He slightly turned his head in my direction and smiled.

"No," he said, "the diary is optional."

He laughed at his own joke, me feigning irritation but still seeing the humor.

"In all seriousness, I couldn't detain you if I wanted to. No locks in the whole house except the front and back doors. parents' room," he said giving an exaggerated shiver at the thought of why it's needed.

We turned a corner and continued up the stairs before reaching the top. The 'attic' was more like a carpeted hallway with a few doors around the corners. It had the same decor as the living room, not that I minded since it was pretty appealing. To the immediate right was a white door like all the others except this one had a poster of a fat little wolf in a cop uniform saying 'Respect my authority'. To the left at the corner of the hallway was another door.

"This is my room," Ace explained to me pointing to the door with the poster, "and over there is the bathroom," he said pointing to the door at the end.

"I'm gonna go ahead and let you unpack. Go to the end of the hallway and take a left and your room'll be there."

He handed me my bag with ease, me struggling a little with it.

"If you need anything, I'll be in here," he offered before walking into his room and closing the door.

I struggled with my bag down the hallway before turning left and continuing down it. I eventually reached the door at the end, setting my bag down and turning the doorknob. Once again, maybe I'm just a weirdo, but this room seemed pretty opulent considering I was the one who was going to stay in it. A queen sized bed was up against the center of the right wall. The blanket had an intricate patter of red and white, with four matching pillows set neatly atop it. A mirror was sitting above it, taking the place of a personal photograph. The black wooden frame of the bed matched the convient nightside to it's left. A small, black curved lamp sat on it along with a TV remote. Unlike the rest of the house, a thin white carpet adorned the floors. The walls were painted the same dark-ish red as the rest of the house. A ceiling fan was hanging from the white roof. It had motionless black triangular blades and lightbulbs fitted into a sleek silver holder. Across the bed was an impressive flat screen sitting on a black television stand. It had two cabinets to store whatever I could need it to. At the far wall was a window, red satin curtains pulled back allowing some light in. To the windows right was a dark wood clothes cabinet with four shelves, though I doubted I could fill it completely. A few feet from the TV was a wooden sliding door which I figured was the closet. I hauled my bag over to it, sliding it open and flipping the switch to the right. A lightbulb in the center ceiling immediately flicked on. It had the same white carpet and walls as the room. Two horizontal poles parallel from each other stretched across the room, a few empty clothes hangers on each. I began unpacking my clothes and hanging it up. Most of my shirts were brand name, mainly Hollister. They're remnants from when things weren't quite so shitty. I myself was wearing one of the shirts along with some white cargo pants. Most of my jeans were normal with the exception of the occaisonal black jeans and stylishly frayed at the knees jeans. Once I finished, I flicked the switch off and pulled my slightly lighter bag out into the room. I turned the TV on, mostly just to see if it worked. I put a strictly music channel and began putting my socks and underwear away in the clothes cabinet. A knock came at the door as I was unpacking.

"Come in," I yelled just loud enough for the other person to hear me.

Mr. Smith in his black suit walked in, closing the door behind him.

"How are you enjoying your new room? It was originally a guest room, but I think it suits you just fine. I hope you don't mind the lack of locks. Me and the Mrs. just figured they weren't necessary," he explained to me.

"Don't worry. I don't think I'll have a heart attack without a lock," smiling that he took the time to explain this to me.

"Well actually I came up here to give you something. I was just about to leave back to the office when I figured now was as good a time as any," he said getting closer to me.

"Uhm...what is it Mr. Smith?" I asked a little dubiously.

Once he was close enough, he stood in front of me for a few seconds before wrapping his arms around me. This hug isn't quite like the others I had received earlier. It was gentle and comforting, almost caring.

"Listen, I can only speculate on what's been going on in your life, but your a good kid who deserves better than what he had. I wanted to make sure you knew that it was everyones' decision to bring you here. We all want you here and your completely welcomed to stay here," he told me softly, giving me a little squeeze.

I didn't know what to say. How could complete strangers possibly want me, of all people, around? I never imagined myself in this situation. I just kept silent, my head resting on his chest, arms at my side. I eventually found the words to express myself.

"...How can you say that? You know I'm only staying until the state finds someone atleast willing to be responsible for me. It's...only temporary," I said almost relctantly, a little ticked that he would try pulling at my strings like that.

"Well, we'll see about that. I just hope maybe one day you can return the hug," he said gently before releasing me with one final squeeze. He walked over to the door, opening it to leave, but not before turning his head to look at me.

"And please. Call me Dad," he said before leaving, closing the door behind him.

I stood there for a few seconds, watching the door before whispering to myself, "...Dad?"