Ch.2 Zasz's Testing

Story by Cubone Gal on SoFurry

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#2 of A Serpent's Screams

Char and Jake both sat at a long table, locked in a large, white room. They've been there for nearly fifteen minutes, waiting for their sadistic owner to come and question them. It's been nearly a week since Zasz's brutal transformation, and Professor Khrast needed their testimony to see how her formula was working. Jake sighed and propped his clawed feet on the table, while Char just sat in silent thought.

Suddenly the door was flung open, and the Hyena lady walked into the room, appearing as crazed as ever. Jake took note that no guards accompanied her here. She sat down and flung a denim backpack onto the table, removing a notepad that was confined inside. She whipped a pen out of her coat pocket and adjusted her reading glasses. "So then, Mr... Char is it?" She asked, looking up from her notebook. Char raised his hand and sat forward, while Jake just continued to glare at her over his feet.

"Well," She continued, "How would you rate Zasz's sex change?" Char sighed.

"Physically, flawless..." He admitted. Khrast began scribbling a few more notes, muttering to herself. Jake and Char exchanged annoyed glances, but neither of them dared to incur her wrath, else they could suffer a similar fate to Zasz.

"Okay, how is her health doing, do you think... um... Jake?" She asked.

Jake didn't move his feet from the table and said, "I can't see any health issues..." She nodded and jotted a few more notes.

"Very good. But this is where I suspect there'll be a hang-up. How is her mental health?" She asked, peering over her glasses. The two slaves looked at each other and then down at the table. Char sighed and leaned forward.

"Unstable." The avian said. "She seems to be suffering depression, but that's a side-effect of being sex changed against his will."

"HER will." She corrected.

Char took a deep breath and continued, "Yes, her will. But that's not the end of the problem. She seems to switch between her normal persona and that of a... young child seemingly at random." Khrast nodded and jotted down a few more notes. "She changes from her normal cynical viewpoints, and when she regresses she seems so... frightened..."

Khrast nodded again and continued her notes. She fiddled with her glasses and asked, "Okay, but have you tried her out? How's she feel?" Char and Jake exchanged confused glances and Jake dropped his feet to the floor.

"Are you asking us we had sex with her?" Jake asked. Khrast nodded, seemingly unaware of the awkwardness of the question. "No we haven't had sex with her!" The dragon shouted, "She's our closest friend you freak!" Char grabbed Jake by his shoulder and yanked him to his seat. Khrast put her pen to her mouth in thought, and then wrote another short note. Jake began shaking with frustration in the awkward silence. "Alright!" He shouted, "I've had e-God-damn-nough of this! What the HELL did you do to him!?"

"Her" She corrected again, not looking up. Jake flung his arms in frustration, and finally slammed his fists into the metal table, leaving two large dents in its surface.

Jake looked at Char as if to ask permission to assault her, but Char shook his head. Khrast looked at the dragon over her glasses curiously. "You want to know?" She asked. "You want to know what it is we did to her?" Jake sat down and nodded, staring at her intently. She paused for a moment. "Fine, I'll tell you." She said, putting her belongings into her backpack. "We've tested our newest gender reassignment therapy on her, at least the male-to-female variant." They continued staring at her, unsatisfied with that answer. She paused again, but continued, "The primary agent is a chemical compound that target's the patient's brain, which causes it to begin rewiring their hormone glands to begin producing the proper chemicals. But that's not all. The second injection also carries with it a chemical compound that puts the patient's cells into a state that makes them very susceptible to subtle change. Due to this, the first injection's effects begin to affect the cells, making them rearrange in a manner appropriate for the desired gender."

The two slaves looked at each other again, and then back at her. She leaned back, musing to herself, "Though, it does still require a little... sculpting to help it along. Such as your friend's large muscle mass, we had to remove a lot of it to ensure that she doesn't keep all that mass. That wouldn't be too attractive on a lady now would it?" The two continued to stare at her. "Well, to most people it wouldn't. We also had to remove her cock, but that really just made things move along faster, The last issue was that we had to transplant a uterus into her, since it can't maker her GROW organs."

She stopped and the stared back at them. "That's all." She said. "But I guess it has some bad side-effects on the brain, huh? Oh well, we'll work those out before the operation's open to the public. We also have a few more tests to run for your little friend, so you guys can go." The slaves got up and walked to the door, while Khrast waved "bye" to them, mockingly. The guards escorted them back to their cell, where Zasz was waiting for them. The cell door opened and the guards shoved them in, slamming the door behind them.

"Hi guys." She said, timidly. Jake sat next to her, and she leaned into his arms. "What did she want?" She asked. Char put his hand on the ridge of his beak, frustrated.

"She just wanted to know all the ill side effects that you have." Char answered.

"Oh..." She said, still being rocked and cradled by Jake. "Is she going to do anything else to me?" She asked, frightened. Jake continued holding her.

"We're not sure." He admitted. Tears welled up in Zasz's eyes.

"I'm scared..." She chocked, and Jake stroked the smooth scales of her head.

"I know." He said, "Don't worry, we're here..." Zasz sniffled and pulled away from him, shaking. Her eyes narrowed, signaling that she got a grip of her mind.

"I hate this..." She said, frustrated. "They even changed my mind..." Char and Jake nodded. "Well, it'd be twice as bad if I didn't have you guys... thanks..." She said, giving them a sincere smile.

Jake smiled back and said, "Sure thing, buddy." Char nodded, thinking to himself. Awkward silence descended on them, until Char broke it.

"We're bound to think of something." He said. "This place can't hold all three of us in forever."

Jake put his arms behind his head, reclining. "Sure they could, if they chopped our legs off." The dragon said. Char and Zasz looked at him, and then at Zasz's long, serpentine body. "Well, you get the idea." He said, lazily.

All three of them began fantasizing about escape. All three of them had special skills. Jake stood up, "If we put our two-and-a-half brains together I'm sure we could think of something. I'm the muscle, so don't expect much from me. I wish I had my wings, though."

"Don't lament it too much," Char said, "inside they wouldn't do much good. My light bone structure allows me to leap incredible distances, as you've seen, but that won't be any useful until we get outside, where I can open the security gate from the other side"

"Well I may not be very strong anymore..." Zasz said, displaying her slender arms, "But I'm still flexible and can contort my torso to take up less room, especially after they're little operation. So I can fit through even smaller pipes and holes."

Jake chuckled. "Well as long as you tie those down." He said, pointing at her breasts. Zasz blushed and covered her bare breasts with her arms. "Ah, I'm sorry, I was only kidding." Jake said, somewhat embarrassed.

"No, it's okay." She said, "You do have a point." The three continued to discuss their talents and escaping prowess, and eventually they all drifted to sleep in their respective bunks.

Morning broke, and the three slaves were awoken by tapping at their cell bars. Char leaned out of his bunk, ducking back into it just in time to avoid Jake who had fallen from the top bunk. Khrast and two guards were standing at the open cell door, and the hyena giggled and began speaking. "Oh, Zasz, we have a few more tests to run regarding the effectiveness of your gender change. Come on out here, sweetie." She said, gesturing for her to come. Zasz didn't need to be reminded of the shock-guns anymore, and slithered out of the bottom bunk and over her fallen friend.

They led her out of her cell and to an operating table near the one she was strapped to merely a week prior. This one was padded and actually somewhat comfortable, and the head of the table was adjacent to a metal pole with about three feet of chain attached. At the end of this chain a leather collar was attached. Zasz wasn't surprised as the held her down to the table and attached the said collar to her. Khrast stood next her slave and looked at her watch impatiently. "Where the hell is he?" She asked aloud. Zasz sat up as much as her restraint would allow.

"Who?" the female snake asked, concerned. The professor looked down at her.

"One of my superiors. He runs part of the business aspect of Arkania Labs and donates money to our causes. He's coming to inspect our work."

Zasz sighed and laid back down. Her head twisted when she heard a door open across the labs. "Ah, Eric Graves. You finally arrived." Standing in the doorway was a well dressed snake man. On his torso he wore a dark blue business suit over his jet black scales, which contrasted to his yellow underbelly and the red horizontal stripes that ran down his back. He appeared to be a cobra in particular, and was well built, similar to Zasz before her change. Professor Khrast continued to speak as he glided silently across the room. "I figured you'd be the best judge of this, being a snake yourself." The hyena said, proudly.

Graves stopped next to Zasz's table, and both he and Khrast loomed over her. Fear welled up in Zasz's eyes, understanding her vulnerable position. She whimpered as his hands began explore her person. He touched her face and slid his hands down her neck, and then felt the curves of her torso and hips. She shivered as his hands cupped her breasts, squeezing and appraising them. Graves smirked and said, "You should have made her tits bigger, Claire."

Vanessa Khrast crossed her arms under her own breasts. "Yeah, Eric, like I'd give my test slave bigger tits than me." Graves smiled and continued caressing Zasz's body.

Shame and fury welled within her as her person was probed by another male snake. Her still-male mindset was screaming out against this, from her point of view, seemingly homosexual encounter. She clenched her teeth as he began teasing her nipples. Her body also began squirming as he continued to play with her. "Aw, look at this." She heard him say, and she forced her eyes open to see what he was speaking of. He was staring at her exposed slit, which was beginning to seep her juices from her arousal. He chuckled, "She's wet already. Is this her first time?"

Khrast nodded, "Pretty much." Graves grinned and places his left hand near her wet cunt, while his other hand continued to tease her nipples.

"Can she speak?" He asked. Khrast nodded again. He began rubbing her pussy, causing her to clench her teeth harder. It felt so wonderful, but it was a pleasure that she wanted not part of. "She's beautiful..." He said, caressing her cheek. She pulled away from his hands and he grinned. Khrast smiled with him.

"Hey, Eric," She said, "Why don't you try her out?"

Graves grinned and said, "I think I will." Zasz's eyes flung open and she sat up as far as she could.

"No!" She protested as Graves began removing his suit jacket. "Please don't!" She began panicking. Graves smiled as he discarded the rest of his suit and rose up to show Zasz his fully erect cock. Her pupils widened in fear as he slithered onto the table with her. She continued to plead and protest, trying squirm away from him. He grabbed her wrists and forced them above her head and he began kissing her.

She tried moving her head away from his kisses, but be grabbed her by her jaw and forced it on her. He let go of her other wrist and began caressing her body. She tried to force him off of her but was no longer strong enough to do so. She felt so weak now. His forked tongue invaded her mouth and played with her own. She groaned in pain due to his grip on her jaw and his long tail began wrapping around her own. The two were entwined, and he began rubbing the length of his cock along her entrance. Tears welled up in her eyes as she waited in terror for what was about to happen.

She felt him lower and the tip of his member touch her wet pussy. She managed to give him one more muffled, "Please no..." before he slowly injected himself into her. She convulsed as he buried his cock up to the hilt inside her, wrapping her arms around him. He began sliding in and out of her, inciting moans of pleasure from Zasz's mouth, which was still playing home to Grave's tongue. Her body was betraying her as she tried in vain to hold in grunts of pleasure. Their passionate, forced kiss continued and Graves let go of her jaw and squeezed and kneaded her breasts. Waves of various pleasure assaulted her body and she continued to moan in ecstasy, and tears of shame and hatred continued to stream down her face.

Khrast stood there, watching. She walked over to Zasz and kneeled next to her head. "Here," She said, "Quick, swallow this. Birth control." She offered a pill to Zasz, and Graves broke their kiss so Zasz could take it. Zasz let out a weak moan and Khrast plunged the pill into her throat. She almost choked but swallowed it down, after which Graves plunged his tongue back into her mouth to resume their kiss. The table rocked as the plunged in and out of her. He broke his kiss once more and his forked tongue began teasing her nipples. She started crying louder, as her orgasm began. She convulsed and moaned as she reached her climax, but Graves continued to please himself. She felt his muscles contract as he spilled his seed into her womb. But he continued to pleasure himself and her.

Another fifteen minutes went by and Zasz climaxed and came again along with her forced lover, and Graves finally released her and uncoiled. He pulled out of her, spraying her belly with more cum, and slithered to his clothes and dressed himself. "Professor," He said, somewhat out of breath, "It's a complete success. Keep up the good work." Khrast blushed and saluted him.

"Thank you sir, I will." She said, cheerfully as he slithered from the complex. She turned around to look at her slave. Zasz was still panting heavily, and tears were still coming. She sat next to her and stroked her head. "That wasn't so bad was it, Zasz?" Zasz closed her eyes, trying to ignore her. "You're turning out to be a great little lady." She said, teasing her clit. Zasz began whimpering again, but Khrast let go of her and the guards dragged her, literally, back to her cell.

She hit the floor and didn't get back up, only sobbing and coiling around herself. Char picked her up and sat on the bottom bunk of their cell, holding her. Jake stroked her head, comforting her. "It's alright..." He said. She curled up, still sniffling, in Char's arms, scared and violated. She felt so dirty now, having just had sex with a male snake. That was her second time, her first being with her fiancé back at home. Her friends continued to hold and comfort her, despite being covered with sweat and cum. She eventually drifted off to sleep in Char's arms.

Char and Jake exchanged saddened glances. Jake sighed. "This probably isn't going to be her last time." He said, dismally.

"I know..." Char responded. "She'll have to be strong, and we'll have to help be strong." Jake climbed to the top bunk and sat there.

"Yeah." the dragon said. "Zasz is a tough person, but with these regression attacks... she just seems vulnerable."

"And she is, and we'll have to do our best to support her." Char said, calmly. "And don't forget to save some concern for ourselves, we're not here just to keep Khrast updated on Zasz's condition." Jake swallowed hard and nodded. Char rested and covered Zasz's sleeping body, and climbed into his own bunk. They exchanged their goodnights, and fell asleep, dreading this place more than ever.