New School... Old Problems Part 1

Story by -Bambi- on SoFurry

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Y'know how university sucks? Oh right... Sorry.

Keith remembered how excited he had been about getting his acceptance letter through the mail. How he'd seen the uni-crest on the envelope and torn it open and screamed his happiness throughout the house. But now, that feeling of happiness was ebbing away from him as he sat in the lecture hall. He was realising how he knew no one on this course and was about to spend three-years doing a subject he picked on a dare and knew nothing about. Keith was a small, slender hare; jet black fur from head to toe except for white 'glove's of fur on his hands and the flash of pure white down his neck and chest that ended somewhere near his groin. The boy was thin and his muscled showed through his fur where it was bare, but not the tight worked muscle, more the type that happens when you eat as little as possible. Dressed in what he thought was trendy, a pair of black jeans which had patches on the thighs worn to a light grey from years of abuse; his torso was covered in a thin blue t-shirt that sported a particular evil baby from a Fox TV show and his excellent catch-phrase. He was idly chewing on a pen between his thin lips and looking around at the filled hall.

There were furs of every type, dogs, cats, scalies and even a few of those odd looking bald creatures. They all seemed to be talking amongst themselves and not concerned with making new friends as they'd come with a fair few between them. Each group seemed to be a bit like a clique which made Keith feel rather uncomfortable. He remembered how it had been at school, the jocks kept together, nailing the geeks who all hung out by the library fire escape, the fashionites and rich-daddy's girls hung out on the bleachers while the emo-kids, pot-heads and basers wandered about the grounds with no real landing zone. He was one of those guys, who could flit between groups without much trouble, with exception of the girl's and jocks of course. Keith used to hang out with the geeks as the coolest guy in the gang and then with the emo-kids suggesting new music bands they could go see. He avoided the basers less than he hung out with the pot-heads, having an older brother who dealt in such things made it pretty easy to get a bit of cash without drawing too much attention from teachers. As Keith sat in the lecture hall, the hare's long ears were tied behind his head against his scruffy mid-length hair. He'd added dyed-red tips to his hair, letting it stand out from the rest of his black body; he liked it but thought it might give the wrong impression to some folks.

Later that day, Keith was wandering through the corridors of a large science building, trying to find the research labs to hand in his study forms. The young psychology student was lost and trying to figure out where he was heading by a crudely scribbled map he'd rushed to get down during the orientation lecture that morning. Focused on working out where he was, the hare didn't see the group of students coming in the opposite direction. Clearly these guys were the trendy, fashionable popular kids that seemed to find pleasure from putting guys like Keith down. As Keith kept walking, the group of males made no effort to get out of his way and they collided in the corridor. The hare was bustled between the first two then tripped and shoved to the ground in a flurry of papers, books and pens. The hare heard them laughing as they carried on down the corridor as he lay on the cheap carpet cursing. He picked up his papers and books, then went for his pens; they had been knocked all over the place and as he was hurriedly picking them up, he noticed a blue stain on the red carpet. Confused, the hare looked about and saw many more of the marks and then he looked at his paws. A pen had been broken as his paws had been covered in thick blue ink, which he'd not only stained the carpet with, by smeared onto his books and papers. The hare cursed again and just as he was about to leave the scene, he felt a hand on his shoulder. He was gripped tightly and as the hare looked at who it was, he was met by a stern glare from a large bear.

"You little vandal! What're you doing?" He said in a gruff harsh voice that matched the dark-brown fur of the large grizzly male. Keith struggled a little to get his words out, having not spoken all day to anyone.

"I'm sorry sir, I got knocked down and my pen broke..." He was cut off by the large bear giving a growl and dragging him into his office where he shoved him roughly into a chair and shut the door. He rounded the plain but cluttered desk in the middle of the room and started tapping on his state-of-the-art computer.

"Name?" He demanded of the hare, who sat in the chair looking terrified and feeling rather stupid. "I asked for your name, boy." He said again. Keith looked at him blankly, mouthing words that never came to the scared teen. His eyes darted about the room and caught sight of his uni ID tag, apparently the bear was a Dr P. Gee. The bear gave an annoyed sigh and held out his large paw. "Just give me your uni-card now." He muttered, which the hare did. He handed over the small white card to the bear, who tapped his unique number into the university system and all his details came up.

"I'm s-sorry... I didn't mean to ruin that carpet out there... I got pushed over by these students and broke my pen; it's all over my stuff too. See?" The hare said quickly, finally finding his voice as he tossed his books and papers onto the bear's desk. The motion knocked a small glass of water over. The water splashed over the table and the various bits of paper on the table-top; it trickled over the edges and onto the bear's lap.

Dr Gee jumped to his feet and swore loudly as he looked about for something to clean up the mess quickly, with nothing to hand, he glared at the hare. Keith's eyes had been rather focused on the wet patch across the bear's pants. "You silly shit... I was just going to write you a warning note, but now... Now you've really pissed me off!" He said in a voice that really scared the young hare. He didn't shout or even growl, he just spoke with a dirty precision of intent and meaning. Keith gulped and lifted his gaze to the male's face.

"S...Sir?" Keith said in a small voice, biting his lower lip as the bear reached down himself and unbuckled his belt, pulling the clasp open and slipping the leather from around his waist. The bear doubled it over and snapped the straps together menacingly as he glared at the hare.

To Be Continued....

Thanks for giving this a read, I'm trying to get a bit of a story written by doing several updates a week and giving myself a time limit for each peice. This took just over seven mins to write down, so I hope you enjoy it and look forward to what happens next!

Thanks <3