Nightmares in the Sky

Story by CanuckMutt on SoFurry

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Nightmares in the Sky

Jason tossed a pebble into a puddle on the sidewalk, watching the water ripple out from the centre. The ground was still wet from a rainshower, though it had blown over quickly and the skies had turned blue again. The grey rabbit leaned back against the stone railing, and checked his watch again. He was supposed to be looking at an apartment, but the superintendent was already 10 minutes late. He flipped up the collar of his jacket, staving off the cool fall breeze that had picked up.

Bored, he picked up another pebble and was about to toss it in the puddle, when a reflection caught his eye. Above the door to the apartment building, a carved stone face stuck out of the wall. It was at the centre of the archway, high up and small but prominent. It seemed no one creature was used as inspiration, but instead a blend of creatures to make a demonic face. It had a long snout, like a dragon, but larger nostrils like a bat. Its horns curled down around its face like a ram, just in front of ears like an elf. The carved eyes gazed over the walkway, and it was sticking it's tongue out at all those who dared enter.

Jason knew the city had gargoyles all over the place, but he never really paid attention to them until now. "We don't see them, but they see us," he said aloud, without really thinking. The rabbit smirked at the thought. It was dramatic, and just a bit silly.

"Are you Jason," he heard behind him.

"What?" he asked, snapped out of his gaze. A stocky bulldog was standing at the bottom of the steps, adjusting his ballcap. "Oh, yeah. I'm here to see the apartment."

"Sure thing." he said, with a bit of inner city accent. "I got a couple for ya to look at."

He pulled out a large set of keys, and started searching for the right one.

"So, is there any story behind the face above the door?" he asked, trying to make a little light conversation.

The bulldog paused for a moment and glance at him, then started flipping through his keys again.

"You saw that?"

Jason shrugged. "Sure. It's not big, but it's pretty distinctive. Is something wrong with it?"

"Hmph." the bulldog grunted in reply, almost like a thought came to him. He finally found the key he was looking for, and opened the door.

"I'll show ya the top floor loft first," he said, calling the elevator down.

The elevator creaked and moaned as it came down, then the gates clanked open. Inside, the bulldog pulled out his keys again, but this time had no trouble finding the right key. He stuck it in the keyhole by number 14, and the elevator jumped to life.

Jason noticed there was no 13 on the list of numbers, and 14 was the only one that had a key to it. He had heard some architects were superstitious when many of the old buildings went up, and as such many buildings skipped the number 13 on the elevator panel. Something about that old time connection appealed to the bunny.

"So, you never answered my question. What's with the gargoyle?" he asked.

"Grotesque," the bulldog replied.


"Grotesque. Gargoyles are, um, water spouts. Grotesques are jus' carvin's"

"Alright then," Jason said growing a little frustrated. "What's so weird about it?"

The bulldog shrugged. "Nothin'. Jus' most people that live here never seem to see it."

"Oh," he said, a little disappointed.

The elevator found its stop, and the cage opened up to the top floor.

"It's different then the one I was gonna show ya. Most don't like it, but I figured I'd give it a shot."

"Whoa," Jason whispered, as his eyes adjusted to the sunlight. The loft took up the entire floor, with large windows overlooking the city. He knew the apartment was on a hill, but figured the other buildings around it would block the view. Instead, it seemed to overlook the entire downtown and into the bay.

Jason felt like an explorer seeing the inside of a pyramid for the first time. All the usual spots were there, big kitchen area with new appliances, bathroom with tiled flooring, and the rest was one big open space with wooden flooring, and exposed vents on the ceiling.

Then it sunk in what the bulldog said. "Alright, what's wrong with it?" he asked.

"Nothin'. Least, nothin' I can't fix if ya find something," he said, scratching under his hat. "Jus' takes that, whatcha call it? The artsy type."

"And you figured I would take it because of the gargoyle?"

"Grotesque," he corrected again.

"Whatever. Is that why?"

"Yep. Last guy that had it saw it. One before too. They stayed for a few years each, if ya were wonderin'."

Jason looked over the loft again, trying to spot anything that looked off.

"Look, if ya ain't interested I'll show ya the other one," said the bulldog.

"No, I really do like it," the rabbit said. "Guess your a good judge of character. Whats the rent?"

"$750 a month, utilities in. 'Bout $200 less then the other one"

The bunny looked over the apartment again. Everything about it seemed right, though he had a small niggle in his gut that said the superintendent wasn't telling him something. The price was good though. Better than good actually, and he was already in love with the view.

"I'll take it."

Jason moved in that afternoon, though most of his things were still in boxes around him. He lay in bed, not really able to sleep, listening to the hum of the city around him. Though he was a bit of a loner, he loved being so close to so many people. The city almost had a life of its own, with rhythms and cycles unique to itself.

A thump on the balcony snapped him to attention though, and he bolted upright. At first he didn't move, waiting to see if the sound came again. Then came the distinct sound of claws clicking against metal. He cursed silently, trying to remember where he left his cellphone. He saw the outline of the figure slide into view, the moon behind him silhouetting its form in the curtains. Whatever it was, it wasn't any species Jason had seen before. Now he wanted to run, wanted to yell for help, but something paralysed him in place.

The lock clicked open, and slowly the door opened. The figure almost floated through the door towards his bed. It spotted him right away with its piercing red eyes, the moonlight glinted off grey scales, and it's wings were translucent enough to let the light flow through. The figure was well toned, towering over Jason, and its malehood swayed freely as it came towards him.

"Welcome little one, to my building," it said in a deep voice, as it climbed onto his bed.

Jason gasped as its face finally came into view. The same face he had seen on the building was now grinning at him with a toothy smile!

"Your not real," he breathed quietly.

"Oh, I assure you I am," said the creature, forked tongue flicking in the air. "Do not worry though, I am not here to harm you."

The creature crawled over top of Jason, his hot breath warming the rabbit's body as he moved up. "You may not see us, but we see you."

"Who are you?" Jason whispered.

The creature grinned. "You may call me Aulac."

Jason started to tremble as the creature leaned forward and brushed his lips against his. The lips were so gentle as they kissed him Jason couldn't help but feel a stir in his crotch. A few more exploratory kisses probed Jason's mouth, before he left it open willingly for the creature. He felt a forked tongue slide against his, exploring Jason's mouth. Nervously he slide his hands up the creature's sides, feeling the cool scales warm under his touch. The creature responded by pressing his body against Jason's, sliding a hand along the back of his fuzzy neck. Jason could feel the talons against his skin, sharp but gentle, and the creature's hard member pressed into his own through the sheets.

The creature broke the kiss, a line of spit still connecting their mouths. He slid his hand down Jason's body, pulling the sheets down with it until his cock was exposed. Very gently the hand moved to his balls, fondling them and making Jason squirm. The other hand slid up his shaft, pulling the foreskin down and exposing his cockhead to the cool night air. The creature's reptilian tongue flicked across the top a few times before he very deftly slid his cock into its mouth.

Jason let out a shuddered sigh as the tongue wrapped around his cock. He felt it slide all around his sensitive glands like a ribbon being pulled around it, sending little shocks up his spine. A groan escaped from his lips, and he felt a little pre spurt out of his cock. The creature slurped it down, but then let Jason's cock slide out of his mouth.

"Turn over," the creature said, though not really as a command. At this point though there wasn't much Jason wouldn't do for the creature. He slowly slid himself over to expose his rear, bunny tail held high so there would be no mistaking he was ready for the creature to have its way with him.

Instead though the creature buried its face in Jason's ass, tongue flicking against his hole. The rabbit gasped, the slimy tongue wriggling its way inside. He felt the creature's wet saliva build up against his hole, lubing him up for the inevitable next step.

He felt the creature shift, climbing his way back up him again. It's member, burning hot against his body, slide between his butt cheeks towards it's target. Even though Jason was far from inexperience, he bit down on the pillow as the cock spread his hole open.

The creature hissed as it entered him, and inch by inch Jason felt the creature's cock slide into his gut. He moaned into the pillow as the pain drifted away to be replaced by the wonderful full sensation in his rump. Finally he felt the creature's body press onto his, balls connecting as the length of the cock was fully buried in his ass.

Jason groaned as the creature pulled out of him slowly, then slid back in again. Each thrust poked against his prostate massaging his innards with it's exquisitely smooth cock. It was like being fucked by silk, thought Jason.

"Harder. Fuck me harder," Jason gasped.

"Mmm, by your command," the creature purred.

The bed shifted as the creature slid himself forward. Two taloned hands pressed up against his shoulders. With a grunt the creature slammed into Jason's rear, making the bed springs creak. It was much less smooth now, the staccato rhythm of the creature's thrusts slapping against his ass.

"Oh god, Fuck!" Jason cried out, his own cock being ground against bed.

The pounding was more urgent, the creature building to an orgasm. He panted hard, talons digging into his should sending another wave of pleasure and pain through Jason's body. With a loud grunt the creature's cock spasmed , sending hot seed into his waiting rump.

The grinding stopped as the creature's orgasm faded. He pulled out of Jason's ass before the rabbit could orgasm though, sticky seed flowing out behind it.

"Dammit, gotta cum," Jason said, reaching between the sheets to his waiting member.

"Ah-ah, no you don't," Aulac said. Jason's arms were wrenched behind him before he could touch himself.

"Please, I need to," Jason whined.

"Face me," he ordered.

Jason couldn't help but obey. He turned over, the creature still pinning his arms down. A toothy grin with glowing red eyes greeted him. Without warning the creature dove down on his cock, inhaling its length in its maw. Jason grabbed the creature's horns, bucking his hips deep into it's throat. His whole body stiffened. The rabbit cried out in pleasure as seed burst out of his member, greedily swallowed by the creature.

He flopped back on the bed panting as Aulac released his slowly softening cock. The exhausted rabbit could barely keep his eyes open. He felt the creature lay down beside him.

"Thank you," he whispered into the rabbit's ear as he fell asleep.

Jason rubbed his eyes as the soft glow of dawn washed over his apartment. Siloutted on his balcony was Aulac, crouched on the railing. The rabbit couldn't help but let his eyes drift to the flaccid member hanging between the creature's legs.

"What are you?" Jason said.

The creature turned his head, one glowing eye looking at him.

"I am the building," he said, then tuned to jump off.

Jason threw the covers off, hardened seed tearing apart.

"Wait, why did you thank me last night?"

Aulac paused and smiled. "For letting me live again."

With that, Aulac swung himself over the railing.

Jason rushed to the balcony, not caring he was naked. He knew before he looked down though that the creature would be gone. However he had a feeling it would not be the only encounter.

The rabbit leaned on the railing and smiled, watching the city wake from it's slumber.

"We don't see them, but they see us," he murmured.

Jason felt an unusual spring in his step that morning, as he bounced down the stairs of the building. Once out the front door he turned and looked up. The grotesque's face was still there, same as it was yesterday, watching over all those who came into the building. When he turned the superintendent was coming around the corner.

"Thanks for the apartment," said Jason.

"So... it's alright then?"

"Yeah, it is. I think I might stay awhile.

The bulldog didn't look surprised. "I lived there too, when I first bought the building." he looked up and met Jason's eyes. "It will always treat you right."

The rabbit opened his mouth to ask a question, but thought better of it. He doubted the bulldog would say anything anyway.

"I'll remember that. See you around," he said.

The bulldog touched his baseball cap, and went into the building.

Jason took one last glance at the grotesque. It's face had shifted just slightly, into a smile.