
My shoes pounded against the battered pavement, echoing down the alleyway. Fuck, fuck fuck!" I swore, looking at my watch. Eight minutes to midnight. Jamie had said meet him at The Rubber Dawg at quarter to, and I was just barely running down...

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Nightmares in the Sky

Nightmares in the Sky Jason tossed a pebble into a puddle on the sidewalk, watching the water ripple out from the centre. The ground was still wet from a rainshower, though it had blown over quickly and the skies had turned blue again. The grey...

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Warrior's End

Sir Falkry groaned as his eyes fluttered open. The last thing he remembered was coming - no stumbling out of the ale house. He had enthralled the patrons with tales of his monster slayings, with a head or two to prove it. Upon leaving something had...

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