Krystal\'s Adventures

Story by MilesAvius on SoFurry

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Krystal's Adventures * * *

Disclaimer: I do not claim to own any of the characters owned by Nintendo in this story. All original characters on the other hand I do. This story either does or will at some point in time contain, but is not limited to: lesbian sex, heterosexual sex, sex with animals (dinosaurs)[AKA bestiality/zoophilia], anal play, women with penises, guys with penises, rocks with penises, penises with penises (you'll understand soon enough).

  • * * The ball flew over the grass and bounced off of a rock. Tricky ran after it with as much enthusiasm as he put behind everything he did. Krystal watched him bound back and forth across the meadow whenever he brought it to her and she threw it. It was a warm day on Dinosaur Planet. With the defeat of Andros and his Sharp Claw pawns, Fox and the others had decided to stay for a while for some R&R. Slippy was having the time of his life examining the old ruins and trying to discover their power (you know what fuck it Slippy's a prick anyway, nobody likes him and he acts gay so Slippy's a she from now on...and she's dead. Yeah that makes everyone happy.) Fox was off working on his ship in most of his free time, so that left Krystal with little to do. That allowed her and Tricky to become fast friends. "Hey what's that?" Krystal snapped out of her daydream and looked over at the young dinosaur prince. He was sniffing around the side of one of the cliffs near the river. Krystal stood up and walked over to the where he was examining a small rock. Squatting down Krystal looked and could see a faint glow coming from under the rock. She smiled as she thought to herself "It seems Fox didn't find all of the secrets to the planet." Pulling out her staff Krystal inserted the staff under the rock and quickly flipped it over. Underneath was a hole that must have led to one of the staff's power upgrades. Feeling the first excitement Krystal had for a long time she said. "Come on Tricky let's say we explore this tunnel" "Alright!" said Tricky with a gleam in his eyes. After they both hit the floor of the tunnel Krystal noticed that the way out didn't seem to be working. "Oh no!" yelled Krystal as she tried to get the gravity lift working. A few seconds later the walls began to glow, lighting the entire path through the tunnel. Or that's what Krystal thought it would do. "Come on Tricky let's see if we can't find a way out of here." Silently Krystal and Tricky walked down the stone corridor. For what seemed to be about 15 minutes they saw nothing but rough stone and the faint glow from the walls. Soon afterwards though they saw light coming from the end of the tunnel. Excited at the prospect of an exit the two ran forwards and burst into a brightly lit chamber. It didn't take long for their eyes to adjust to the new amount of light. In the middle of the room was a platform for a staff upgrade. "A staff upgrade! And Fox thought he already had all of the staff upgrades." Exclaimed Krystal, as she stared at the slot in front of her. "Oh well. An upgrade is an upgrade." said the eager fox lady. And with that she quickly raised the staff above her head. Lightning shot down and hit the staff, which began to glow, soon the upgrade was complete. "Now let's test this and find out what new ability this thing has." Elsewhere, "Where did those two get off to?" said Fox as he walked around the meadow looking for his two friends. It wasn't long before he found Tricky's ball next to the cliff face. As he bent down to pick it up he noticed that it was next to a hole in the ground. Figuring they must have gone down it he jumped down and slowly followed the tunnel through the mountain. He was surprised when he rounded a bend and found Krystal and Tricky walking towards him. Krystal looked flushed and Tricky looked as if he had used almost every ounce of his almost limitless energy. "What happened to you to two?" questioned Fox. The pair only looked at each other for a moment before replying "We were just exploring this cave that we found." "Oh really did you find anything interesting." Again the pair looked at each other and Krystal said "No we thought there might have been something but it just led to a dead end." "Okay then let's get out of here." Fox let Tricky and Krystal pass him so they could take the lead, but as they passed he thought he could smell a familiar and alluring aroma coming from them. But he put it off as an odor that came from some gas in the cave or something to that effect. When they reached the end Fox climbed out of the hole and helped Krystal and Tricky up. Then went back to work after he told the two to be more careful the next time they decide to go exploring. "Why didn't you want Fox to know about the new staff upgrade we found?" asked the little dinosaur as he took a big bite into one of his favorite mushrooms. Krystal looked over at him from where she was sitting on a rock. From her angle she could just barely see his sheath of skin just above his tail on his underbelly. A brief vision flashed before her eyes of him mounting her from behind while she begged him to thrust his cock into her virgin ass. Shaking her head to clear the visual Krystal said "What do you mean? The staff never got an upgrade. The platform must have lost its power over the millennia." "Oh I thought it had been upgraded, because after the lightning struck it I remember a very bright light and the next thing is us standing in the tunnel staring at a cave in where the upgrade chamber had once been." said Tricky through a mouth full of mushroom. Krystal too could only remember the light and then standing in front of rubble. "I guess because the chamber was so worn, when we tried to upgrade the staff it couldn't take anymore and overloaded. Then when the room started to cave in we just zoned out as we ran for our lives." Krystal looked up at the sky then back down to Tricky and said "I think it's time for you to go home it's getting late." "I think your right the sun is starting to go down." said Tricky looking up at the sky. "Well I guess I'll see you tomorrow." and with that he ran off toward home. As he left Krystal let out a gasp as she started to suddenly breathe heavily and her face became flushed. Her hand quickly dove under her loin cloth and slowly came back out. Her hand came back out covered in both Krystal's, and what she could only assume to be, Tricky's juices. The vision alone had caused her to cum. It had taken only some of her will power to not let Tricky see that something was amiss. The rest of her will power though was completely devoted to making an excuse for him to leave to keep herself from jumping on him and reenacting her vision. "What is wrong with me? I've never had sex, let alone thought about it until now and suddenly I cum from a perverse image of me being fucked by one of my close friends." quietly said Krystal as she continued to stare at her glistening hand. She had never gotten wet before and this new development had made her curious as well as frightened. Her hand drifted closer to her face as she examined her own juices. Becoming even more curious she gently sniffed at the pungent aroma coming from the thick liquid. It smelled familiar and so good that it elicited more images of her and Tricky together. Having become enticed by her own bodily juices she quickly found herself licking up the residue on her hand and savoring its taste. She quickly licked it clean and unable to take it anymore she reached under her loin cloth for another helping. She moaned as her fingers began to brush against her swollen lips. The wetness flowing from her cunt soaked the fur around it making Krystal all the hornier. Slowly as she drove her fingers into her snatch as a stream of honey made its way down to her ass. Looking down with a look of pure lust on her face Krystal said "Here I am giving all of my attention to my pussy and completely ignoring you. I'll have to fix that." And with that she moved her other hand down to her buttocks. Once there she began to massage it until the muscles had relaxed and she could drive her middle finger into it. Her pussy felt so hot Krystal was amazed she wasn't burning herself. Soon she had driven another two fingers into her once virgin anus. She could feel her climax building slowly. With wild abandon she took out her staff and plunged it deep within her swollen snatch. The new experience built her climax faster than her hand did. It seemed as though the staff had a mind of it's own as Krystal released it to bring one of her swollen nipples to her mouth while with her other hand her fingers continued to pound in and out of her ass. The staff was moving of its own accord the entire time when she felt it begin to increase in size and a small piece popped out and rubbed against her clitoris with every thrust. Unable to contain herself any longer Krystal let out a scream as she arched her back off the rock, before she collapsed and passed out. Krystal awoke hours later at sunset still on the rock with her staff still inside of her but it had stopped moving on its own. Noticing that her juices had dried and made her sticky she decided to go down to the river and quickly clean herself off. As she removed her loincloth and slowly stepped into the cool water she saw Tricky's mom downstream just bending over to get something to drink so she quietly entered the water behind some reeds. As she cleaned her fur Krystal began to think about the staff and why it now made her want to fuck everything that moved. She decided that the only way to solve this riddle was to go to the Temple of the Krozoa. And with that she quickly replaced her little bit of clothing and headed off to the warp platform. Arriving at the Temple of the Krozoa Krystal ran to the center chamber and up the platform. There she called to the Krozoa spirits to please answer her call for aid and send her a sign that they understood her plight. Light began to swirl around her and she heard various mechanisms moving in the temple. Slowly a large mirror began to materialize on the platform with her. "To understand the staff you must first know yourself." Was what Krystal heard the Krozoa spirits say to her, so she looked at herself intently in the mirror in front of her. It did not take long before she realized that the image of her in the mirror was doing something it wasn't supposed to do. It was moving of its own accord. In fact it seemed like it was coming through the mirror. Krystal fell to the ground and almost screamed as her mirror self's arm came through the mirror. Seconds later the rest of her was through and standing over her counterpart. "Who are you?" said Krystal aghast. "Me? Well I guess technically I would be called Latsyrk because I am the mirror image of you, but I think you can call me Fiona. It was then that Krystal felt her staff begin to react towards her other self. She quickly pulled it out and aimed it at her clone. But when she activated it, it did not have the effect she wanted it to have. Instead of a small energy blast it shocked her and made her fall to her knees. Krystal felt her body begin to grow hot with desire for something, anything to take her and plunge her into a world of ecstasy. With wild abandon Krystal ripped off her skimpy clothing and began to rub herself everywhere on her body out of sheer need. Fiona bent over and whispered in her ear "I think I can help you with that...that is if you want me to." Krystal didn't even give it a seconds thought as she screamed. "Yes. Please. Yes. Take me and fuck me like I've never been fucked before Fiona." "I think I can accommodate that." Fiona said as her loincloth began to lift and soon a seven inch penis stood erect in front of Krystal. She stared at it for a moment or two before she gave in fully to her desires and lunged forward and licked up the shaft from the base. Krystal was slowly working her way over every inch of her first cock, that she could remember. When she eventually got back down to the base she was amazed to find that Fiona also seemed to have a vagina. Her curiosity began to get the better of her, but not so much as to overpower the staff. Which is pretty much got her in so many different situations. So she could help but say "You also have a-" "Yes I do and trust me it's twice as sweet when it's another woman's. I know from experience." "But I thought that you were a mirror image of me. How could you have been with another woman?" "Well I also have a penis but that's not stopping you." Said Fiona as she pointed out that Krystal was jerking her off and putting in an occasional lick while she slowly rubbed her own clit. "That" "Look the mirror of this world is very different from the one you live in. We live out our own lives our paths just happen to cross at mirrors, even though we still have the same personality." Fiona said between moans at Krystal's continuous actions. "I still don't understand why you're a lesbian." "I'm not. I just sleep with whatever I feel like at the moment." Fiona said, but noticed that Krystal didn't understand. "You know how people say that you can't lie to yourself. Well in my world everybody's hidden feelings and secrets are in the open." "So you mean to tell me that deep down inside I'm actually a sex crazed person all the time." "Not all the time but you have been suppressing your urges for years. That is the new power of the staff that you got. It taps into all of your latent abilities." "O ut ur ayin ith-" "You're going to have to take my cock out of your mouth if you want me to understand what your saying honey." "Sorry. So what you're saying is that my suppressed sexual desire is a latent ability." "Yes." "Are there any other abilities that I have suppressed?" "We are very talented in most fields so your love of sex is the only thing the staff can tap into so it brings it all out to the point of it being a super power. Such as anything that has intercourse with you will share in your want of sex and become almost like a slave until you either one of you pass out or you are sated. That's why the staff was moving on its own and was able to morph to suit your desire" "Wait! What would happen if somebody was to drink some of my...honey even though it was diluted?" "You mean when you went to wash yourself off and the queen was just bending down to drink downstream? Well I would say that right now she is has a severe itch that she believes only you can scratch. And is most likely running everywhere looking for you." "I have to go find her. She might get hurt." "Oh, no you don't. First of all you would never be able to find her. Second she will come here eventually. And third you have to finish what you started." Fiona said. Krystal looked at her cock and saw that it was pulsing. "But what about the queen?" "Like I said she will look here eventually, so why don't we have some fun while we wait." Krystal quietly thought about it for a second. On one hand the queen might get in trouble but on the other it would be better if she waited for her to come here in her search "Alright but one more question." "What is it?" "I understand everything that you told me but what I still don't get is why you have a penis." "Deus ex machina." "What was that?" Krystal asked slightly afraid. "That's just one of the Krozoa spirits. He likes to break the fourth wall at times." "Now I'm more confused." "Get on with the sex it's what the readers want." "But I still-" "Magic alright. Fiona is magical in her world she screwed up a spell or pissed off a demon or something so now she has a penis okay. Are you happy now?" "Well actually." "What? What else could you possibly want? I'm the author here so get on with the sex." "...I'm just going to ignore that last comment because I think my head will explode if I even try to think about it." "I'm going to make something's head explode if you don't get on with the hot yiffing real soon." "I just want to know that since Fiona has a penis would I be able to have one to. I mean it would only be fair." "Fine, I was going to give you one anyway." "Thank you." "What ever." Krystal looked down and was delighted to see that the region just above her vagina began to morph into an 8 ½ inch erect penis. "Alright, I can definitely scratch the queen's itch with this. Now let's get this show on the road Fiona." "It's not fair." "What isn't?" "Yours is bigger than mine." "It's not much bigger. I mean I still don't even know how to use it yet and-" "Dammit I thought that we worked this out already. Why aren't you two mating like weasels?" "Fiona feels bad because my penis is bigger than hers." "What the hell? Jeez even in my own story nobody listens to me." "Well it wouldn't be this way if you weren't so biased towards me." "Let me do the job I'm not getting paid to do will you. I have other stories to work on so you know what Krystal, you and Fiona can now control phalluses. You can give them to people; you can change their shape, size, color, how much semen they shoot. Hell you could even make a tentacle monster and have it run around fucking everything that moves and some things that don't. I don't care anymore just get on with the fucking already." "Now that that's settled, let's do this thing." Krystal stood there for a little while every couple of seconds or so she would start to make a move and stop." "What's wrong now?" questioned Fiona. "Well the thing is that I still have no idea how to start this." "Oh, well if that's all then I can definitely help in that department." And with that Fiona worked Krystal down onto the floor of the chamber and laid on top of her, making the classic 69. She worked three of the fingers of her left hand into Krystal's wet snatch and one of her fingers on her right into her tight ass, all the while licking her why to the tip of the new shaft. Krystal lost all control at the feeling of the new sensation mixed with the old ones that until yesterday were also new. Fiona coughed as her twin had her first orgasm. With a little effort she was able to swallow most of the thick cream. Looking back Fiona said. "This isn't a solo job here. I expect as much as I give." Krystal looked at her breathlessly and without saying a word bucked her hips so that her cock found its way back into Fiona's mouth as she shoved almost all of her hand into Fiona's dripping pussy. Fiona had to strain not to bite into the piece of hot meat as she was stretched to new levels. Fiona didn't even suspect what she had unleashed in her parallel self. The quite and reserved vixen had now found ways to express herself freely in a way that benefited both sides. Krystal felt Fiona swell in her mouth and had a good idea of what was coming. Pulling back to the tip Krystal began to drink every spurt of Fiona's hot cum. With a quick finish Krystal spread her hand and quickly pulled it out of her partner. The sensation sent Fiona over the top again as she came once again into Krystal's expectant mouth. Breathing heavily the spent vixen could only lay there covered in her lover's own juices. "I have never felt like that before and I'm pretty kinky." panted Fiona. "How do you think I feel? This was unknown territory to me until less than a day ago." "I see your point." "So what's to become of you? Are you going to go back to your world or what?" questioned Krystal. "Why? You gonna miss me?" laughed Fiona. Krystal just blushed as she moved in and gave her a kiss. "Well I guess that's a yes." said Fiona as she returned the kiss making it deeper. They lay on the floor in each others embrace as the continued to explore the other's mouth until they had to break for some air. "It's not like I can't come back." Fiona stated as she cuddled with her counterpart. "Besides there are so many other people for you to experience things with, it would be a shame if I were the only one that got to have you." With that Fiona got up and began to walk back toward the mirror from where she came from. Just as she was about to go through it she felt Krystal grab her from behind. "I'm not through with you yet." Krystal said in a seductive voice. "Oh, I'm sure about that, but I think somebody else needs to see you." "What are you-" Krystal was cut off as she heard a dull thudding coming quickly towards the chamber, but while she was distracted Fiona to the opportunity to slip back through the mirror. At that moment the queen came bounding into the chamber looking as if she was in a frenzy until she spotted Krystal on top of the platform. With unnatural speed and agility she sprinted toward her target and leapt on to Krystal. Without even the courtesy of a "hello" she began to slowly grind her snatch over Krystal's genitals. "I don't know what's come over me, but please I beg of you. I need you to do something, anything, just so long as you fuck me as hard as you can." "Well anything for the Queen I suppose." mocked Krystal as she teased her highness by just barely entering her only to pull back out again. "But first I'm going to need you to get off of me." Like somebody who was used to taking orders rather than giving them the Queen immediately got off of her queen. "That's better. Now since you seem so intent on begging me for a favor I've got to wonder. Where should I start?" said Krystal as she slowly walked around the queen, eyeing her up and down. "Maybe here?" she said as she ran a hand over the outside of her swollen vagina. "Or maybe you like this one better?" Krystal questioned as she pushed a finger into her Majesties royal ass. "Oh please anything will do. Just fuck me." the queen whimpered. Enjoying her newfound power Krystal was more the than happy to oblige by quickly thrusting half her length into the Queen. Going deeper with each stroke Krystal said "For somebody who's had a child you sure are tight you're Highness. You know your not acting very royal right now so why don't we get formalities out of the way. You know my name, but I'm certainly not going to call you by your title with the way your acting, so why don't you tell me the name your parents gave you." "Ugh. It's N-n-," "Well we got the first letter out of the way, now how about the rest." "Natasha!" she moaned as she felt her first orgasm nearing. "There we go. I knew you had it in you somewhere and by the way you're squeezing me something else is fixing to come out to. Now I'll give you a choice where do you want me to cum?" "F-f-fill me with your sperm," Natasha gasped. "If I do that then you might get pregnant. I don't really know what this thing is capable of yet." "I don't care just please shoot it in me." "Well since you asked so nicely." and with that Krystal began to line the insides of Natasha with her thick cum. With one final thrust she pulled out and lay down on the floor, but the Queen still wasn't finished, she quickly turned around and noticing the shrinking cock took it in her mouth. Running her tongue over every bit of its surface she enjoyed the taste of her own juices mixed with remnants of Krystal's. Feeling something wet on her chin she looked down to find her master's wet pussy simply gushing with juices. Without hesitation she ran her tongue from her tail hole to the tip of her clit. "Your better at this then I thought you were." gasped Krystal. "Anything for you." was all Natasha said before she shoved her tongue into the wet orifice. The girth alone made Krystal scream, but added with the length of it was sheer ecstasy for the young vixen. Krystal collapsed from the three orgasms that were produced by the Queen's tongue fucking. Her stomach fur was coated with the sticky remnants of her orgasms which Natasha was more than happy to clean up. The vixen was exhausted from her new experience, but she refused to give in until Natasha was the one passed out on the ground. Slowly climbing to her feet Krystal walked to the back of her new friend and began to slowly rub her cock over the wet slit in front of her. Natasha began to moan loader and loader with every thrust, but she suddenly gasped when she felt the piece of meat enter her ass without warning. She had never felt anything like it before. It was like some door in her head had been opened and on the other side was a room with a table full of new and fragrant foods. (What did you expect? She doesn't have thumbs or any type of possessions that we know about so food was the default, she's a dinosaur so it makes sense.) She was wracked with orgasm after orgasm because the feeling just seemed to get more and more intense. It felt as if Krystal's shaft would get bigger, or twist, or grow bumps every minute or so. It wasn't until she felt another shaft enter into her vagina that she thought she was going crazy from pleasure. It was larger than it felt before and it pressed against the walls between her ass and cunt in a way that she could feel her mind going blank. Natasha had lost count of how many times she had orgasmed in the last few minutes, but Krystal hadn't shot her load even once. But that soon changed when she felt one of the shafts press its way into her cervix and began to fill it with warm jizz as the one in her ass also let loose. The Queen could feel the warmth in her belly and ass just before she orgasmed one last time and passed out. Krystal fell back on her ass exhausted. The floor was cold and wet from the heat of her handy work. She got up and stumbled into her clothes and made her way for the teleporter and back home.

End of part 1. Hope you enjoyed it. Send me a PM on Yiffstar for any suggestions you might have for pairings and the like. Just remember it is ultimately up to me if I use them, but if I do you'll get a mention in the story. And if you want to use an original character, just make sure it would actually make sense in the Star Fox Adventures universe, have a detailed description, and what you want them to do (or who in this case).