Alcrose - Chapter Two

Story by Zynnis on SoFurry

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#2 of Alcrose

The artificial lighting on the Haven was one of a kind. For some reason the builders decided that in order to keep every day living on a ship easier they would time the dimmers to the time of day it would be on Old Alcrose. The lighting effects were one of a kind and astonishing to first time passengers. At this time in the afternoon the lights had finally picked up to the point where sleeping was almost impossible, there was a manual override system, but in most passenger dorms they were disabled.

Styrr woke from his deep, heavy sleep with a groan. He stretched his long body under the thin sheet that covered him on the lush mattress that furnished the top bunk in Zynnis' private room. He let out a long groan as his still tired muscles stretched sorely, the bright light burning through his closed eyelids causing him to turn over and bury his face in the pillow.

"Not yet, not now, I need more sleep!" His argument with the automated lighting system of Haven was going to be a never ending, futile battle, "Just another hour, please, I'm still sore!"

He sighed as he threw the covers off of him, growling lowly as he opened his eyes and the light hit them painfully. He closed them again and sat up, hanging his feet off of the top bunk, his paws raised high above his head, his arms stretching and his back popping. He opened his eyes again and looked around the lit room.

The walls had changed their color from the matte black that had been present just the night before, to a clean white that didn't help his body and eyes adjust to the blazing light that had enveloped the room. He ran his paws through his bright read hair that hung down his head to shoulder length. Styrr yawned loudly, admiring the cleanliness and organization of his host's room.

Styrr's body jumped and almost fell from the bunk as the message screen at the head of his bed blared on suddenly and an image of Zynnis At-Manath, the ship's owner and the CEO of the mercenary group known as the Alcrose Royal Marine Corps, appeared on the screen. In a good lighted room, Zynnis' figure was mesmerizing. The Commanders features were stunning to say the least, it wasn't a recent image of him, that was known to Styrr simply because the hybrid was showing no signs of any wounds or injuries that he had shown the evening before.

This image of Zynnis had him clad in the ARMC's Topaz blue and white dress uniform that many knew to be worn by the best of the best fighters the universe had and would ever see. The uniform contrasted very well the the jet black fur of the hybrid, while it accented his body well, outlining the bulk that the hybrid had despite his short stature. His head was uncovered, and with good purpose, the silver studded horns that flowed backwards on his head behind his ears gave him an intimidated look that any fur would feel somewhat threatened by. His sharp, piercing green eyes seemed to be staring straight into Styrr's were magnificent to say the least, and his sharp, chiseled jaw gave him the look of a seasoned and experienced warrior. Styrr whistled at the image, the sheer beauty of the fur was in his posture, Zynnis knew he was good at what he did and held himself accordingly.

The computer beeped once, snapping Styrr out of his dazed admiration as the stern, yet less angry voice of the commander came from the speakers, "Mr. Kinster, I would like to offer my apologies for last night. I was somewhat out of line and very much unaware of any situation other than my own danger and anger. I had a short lapse of judgment and it pains me to know that I have treated a guest to my home as well as this fine carrier in a disrespectful manner," the voice stopped momentarily, seeming to be unsure of what to say next, but the words continued with the same stern tone, but now seeming somewhat apologetic, "If you would join me in my office in about an hour, if this message plays on time it will be at 1330 hours, I would be very grateful. I think we need to sit down, have a chat, and discuss some other matters that may have now arose. I'll be waiting."

The voice cut off immediately and without warning, but that was alright with Styrr, he liked the people he talked to to be honest, direct, and to the point. He hopped down from the bunk with a loud thud as his feet hit the floor. His naked body stood almost as magnificently as Zynnis'. His silver scales shown brightly around the red fur that ran down his bare chest from between his pecs. He turned and looked at himself in the mirror, looking close at his face, making sure it was as clean as he would have hoped, last nights shower was rushed, and he hadn't cared much for the tiny details as he usually did.

The face staring back at him was grinning, it's green eyes somewhat dulled with age and his pearl white teeth shining in the mirror back at him as he cracked a smile, "I look alright, guess I could get dressed and go see what At-Manath wants, hopefully he doesn't kill me."

Styrr chuckled as he padded over to his bags, still laying by the door where he had thrown them while held at gunpoint last night. He bent over and picked them up, moving them to the freshly made bed below his own. Styrr unzipped one of them, looking through his outfits, it wasn't hard for him to find a good choice of clothes for the impromptu meeting that lay ahead of him.

Styrr pulled out a pair of black leather pants and a white collared shirt, throwing them on the bed next to his bags before re-zipping his luggage and throwing the bags back on the floor. He picked up the shirt first, pulling his arms into the sleeves quickly before buttoning it up his muscled chest. The pants he quickly pulled on, letting his shirttails hang behind above it without thinking twice about tucking them in.

He admired himself in the mirror again before pulling out a pair of sunglasses from a side pocket on one of his bags and placed them on his face, completing his look. He smiled to himself in the mirror and turned towards the door, walking to it quickly before it flew open in front of him, startling him and stopping him dead in his tracks.

Before him stood the same fox from last night, looking somewhat unhappy and very upset, "Mr Kinster, I've been sent to fetch you and bring you to Commander At-Manath's office. I am very sorry about last night, I should have known better than to place you in the commanders quarters. I hope that whatever he has to say to you is much less easier to digest than the lashing I received," The fox chuckled nervously as he turned out the door quickly, "If you would follow me sir."

The fox left quickly, walking at a brisk pace that Styrr kept up with easily, "Look, it's part of business, you're going to take a few lashings on your way up the ladder, actually," Styrr chuckled and rubbed at his jaw, "The more you take, the more you learn, and the more you learn, the quicker you'll rise up through the ranks. Take last night as a learning situation, and work on bettering yourself. Trust me, if you can manage that, you'll be fine."

The dragon smiled at the fox's back, he would love to have had that one in his bed sometime, if not all the time. He quickly shook those thoughts from his head as the fox continued his brisk walk, not responding to Styrr's statement. Styrr was led through various winding passages and a few open areas that housed the ships many different attractions. The scene was a nice change of pace for the dragon, he was used to open cities and crowded alleys, the clean interior of Haven was somewhat new to him and the ship to him was very peaceful and quiet, almost serene. The fox stopped at the end of a long corridor, turning to him and nodding.

"This is it sir, since I've already taken one tongue lashing today, I'm going to take my leave, I've no want for another one." The fox saluted the dragon with his left hand over his chest, the salute of the Alcrosian Marines from times long gone, and quickly walked, almost ran, back down the passage he had just led Styrr.

Styrr could only chuckle quietly, he didn't dare say anything to the fox, not wanting to cause him any more discomfort than he had already. He looked at the door, the same color as the room he had woke in and the walls of the ship he had just traversed through. He thought about knocking, but before he could even raise an arm, the door swung open slowly, a burst of warmer are than that of the overall ship hitting him in the face.

Styrr was greeted by an unusually tall wolf, white wolf, "Mr. Kinster, I'm glad you accepted the Commanders request, he wont like that I'm telling you this, but if you had declined, I'm afraid any other suggestion at making peace I would have given him would have been shrugged off and ignored completely. Trust me when I say that when he does something, he does not regret it, even as harsh as it may be." The wolf held out a paw from the unzipped brown leather jacket he was wearing that oddly matched his jungle camouflaged cargo pants that he was wearing, "Trip Legacy at your service, if you need anything during your stay here, skip the regular peons we have around here and give me a ring. I run the business portion of this fine organization, so I highly suggest that if you need anything you don't talk to Zyn, he's a bit of an asshole when he's unexpectedly bothered."

Styrr grasped Trip's paw firmly and gave it a good, firm squeeze, "Nice to meet you sir, I'd give you a rather lengthy introduction myself, but I fear that you already know who I am." Styrr chuckled nervously, somewhat relieved a less hotheaded member of the organization had a solid foothold on a position of power, "I suppose some of the incident was my..."

Trip cut him off quickly, "That's not what we wanted to speak with you about, the incident is over, I'm sure you suffered enough at the hands of the commander, so let's enjoy a decent lunch, and get to know one another a little bit better."

The wolf led Styrr into the spacious office. The dragon had never seen an office like it. It was laid out almost like a house, it's own living room, dining area, and even a kitchen was broken off from the main area, where Zynnis sat stiff backed in a large, rather comfortable looking, black office chair. He wasn't wearing the uniform he had been wearing in his picture, but rather was bare chested, a somewhat blood-stained white bandage strapped across his chest.

Styrr nodded to him, "Commander At-Manath, It's good to see you again, especially under much less hostile conditions."

Zynnis glared at him, obviously biting his tongue, and seemingly rather hard, "It's good to see you again Kinster, I hope that my actions last evening weren't enough to run you off. Not that I'd usually care," He looked at the wolf behind Styrr, who was giving him a rather nasty look, "But I do appreciate you finding it in your heart to forgive my actions." Styrr and Trip could both see that he was finding it hard to find words to say to his guest, and both were relieved when he waved a paw at one of the sofas in the living area, "Why don't you join us for a bite to eat, we can discuss the next course of action that is going to be taken about your stay on this fine vessel."

Zynnis shot Trip a nasty look as if to ask the wolf if he was happy with Zynnis' speech. The wolf just rolled his eyes and continued to the living area, "We've tried to find you a new room, but unfortunately for the amount you're paying there isn't one available. The best room here is the one you are currently in, so Zynnis and I decided that it would be best if you stayed where you were. That is if you don't mind a bunk mate for the first part of your trip."

Styrr sat down on the offered sofa and kicked his feet up on the table, taking advantage of Trip's hospitality, he looked over to Zynnis, who had gotten up from his seat and was slowly limping his way over to the large recliner in the room and in the process gave Styrr a chastising look. The dragon didn't flinch, and kept his feet on the table, not caring much what the irritated commander was thinking, "I appreciate the offer, but if it were no trouble, I'd take a smaller room until then. I don't wish to deprave the Commander of his solace and quiet while I am here."

Zynnis sat down in his recliner and glared at the dragon angrily, "It is a problem, I've gone out of my way ignore your trespass and forgive you, and trust me, it is way out of my way. You're going to stay there, and you're going to like it, no if's, and's or buts. If there is an issue you can just pack your bags and take your ignorant ass..."

Trip jumped in again, cutting Zynnis off as he stood behind the commander, "Zyn, knock it off," He swatted the back of the hybrids head softly, "What Zyn means to say is that it would honor both of us greatly if you would accept the offer. We have an old saying from Old Alcrose, in a language you couldn't even begin to understand, but basically it means this: 'Honor your friends in every way that you could, and kill your enemies with every means necessary to provide a painless death.' The latter part doesn't really pertain to you, but we intend to live up to the former. Don't you agree Commander?"

Zynnis felt another slap to the back of his head and growled lowly at the taller wolf behind him, "I agree. You won't be imposing, I spend very little time in my room and I am going active in a week anyway, so most of your stay will be unimpeded by me."

The dragon sighed and looked at the hybrid in front of him, the commander looked drained, and by the look on his face trying his very hardest to be somewhat civilized, "I have one condition commander," Styrr looked Zynnis up and down, "do you wish to hear it?"

Trip spoke up before his boss could, "Yes, we'd love to hear it. If it is rational, then we will most likely accept it."

Zynnis sat quietly in his chair, his arms crossed in what looked like a painful position.

"I would like a full tour of Haven, given to me by none other than the great Commander At-Manath himself." Styrr saw the look of hatred come from Zynnis, and a confused look from Trip, "I'm not asking this simply out of spite, I came here for more than relaxation and rest, I was hoping to somehow get a chance to discuss a future business relationship. We may not be on the best terms as of yet, but I wish to change that. A mutual agreement could be very prosperous to both of us, and we all know that."

Zynnis sighed, and laid his head back on the headrest of the recliner, "Trip, don't say a damn thing, and don't interrupt. This is my business after all." The commander stood slowly, groaning and in excruciating pain, but still managed to stand straight up, his chest puffed with pride. The hybrids short stature didn't intimidate the dragon in the slightest bit, but he sat quietly, trying to anticipate the speech he was sure he was going to get, "I'm not some off the wall, piece of shit client you can bully into accepting a contract. I'm not assuming that is what you are trying to do necessarily, but I'm giving you a warning right now."

Zynnis had limped around behind Styrr, placing his paws beside the wide dragons shoulders on the sofa, "If you try to fuck with me and mine, I will unleash a world of hurt on you so powerful that you, and yours, will wish you never knew my name. I promise you Styrr Kinster, that I'm not one to be trifled with, I kill first, ask questions later. But you already know this, don't you?" He patted Styrr on the shoulder with a happy sigh, finally able to say what he wanted, the way he wanted it. "But I accept, it takes some balls to make orders out of your comfort zone, and I do respect that."

Styrr sat on the sofa unmoving and unflinching, deep down, he was somewhat worried about the promises that the Commander had uttered, he knew the furs reputation, and knew he didn't make idle threats, but he was a good businessman, and knew how to keep his composure, "Alright then, with that, I think I'll take my leave."

The dragon stood but stopped as Trip waved his paws at him quickly, "Please, not just yet, I have one more thing to offer you before you go." The wolf walked over to the desk Zynnis had been sitting at and pulled a small envelope off the top of it, "I was planning on giving you this before Zyn spat out his somewhat threatening and very insulting words at you," The wolf glared at his boss while he turned to him glaring, "I think you'll appreciate me giving this to him rather than you giving it to him boss."

The wolf padded his way quickly back over to Styrr and handed him the envelope, "Inside is an all access key to any area you wish to travel aboard Haven. Don't mistake this as a risk free pass to do whatever you want, our computers, and logistics are still off limits, and if you are caught snooping, you wont get a civilian trial, understood?" He saw the dragon nod to him quickly, "Also, like I said, boss is a bit of an ass, but he is reasonable, if you can manage to overlook his unsettling way with words then I think you two will get along fine. He wont ever admit it, but I'll admit it for him."

Zynnis chuckled low in Styrr's ear, "Yes, unsettling way with words is right, but very good about keeping my promises. In there is also a pass to all the dining and recreation areas, you wont be charged for anything, I think my 'theatrics' as Trip would put them, were enough to warrant at least that bit of kindness from me. Please use it as much as you want." He looked at Trip, who was still glaring at him, "As for our new relationship, please speak to us as you would friends," He frowned at his word choice, "I'm sorry, acquaintances, I hereby give you my permission to call me Zynnis, or Zyn, without any danger of me killing you."

The dragon stifled a growl and stood, nodding to each of his hosts in turn, "It's much appreciated, and with that, I'm leaving." He walked to the door quickly, envelope in hand, "Enjoy your evening Trip and Zynnis, for tomorrow, I think us two CEO's have some things to talk about."

The dragon exited quickly, shutting the door softly behind him and without uttering another word, or giving the crazy hybrid another chance to speak to him, "Fucking nuts, he's insane." He was muttering to himself as he slowly walked back to his room, trying to retrace the steps that the fox had taken him, "A nap, then a few calls, and perhaps I can get that fox to come for a visit later, doubtful, but maybe."

As their guest exited, the two hosts stood facing each other, Zynnis looking up angrily at the much taller wolf in front of him, "It's OK Zyn, you'll be alright. It's not too far out of your way to show some sort of courteous gesture to your guests." Zynnis was mocking the wolf in front of him, very unhappy with the way the meeting had ended, "You know what Pup, the only reason I didn't kill him last night was because I didn't want to deal with you this morning!"

Trip looked down at him, rolling his eyes, "You know what boss, if I thought you could handle yourself decently, I wouldn't have to step in and make you do these things." He put his paws on Zynnis' shoulders, which immediately calmed the flustered hybrid down, "I already know how you feel about him, don't worry, your secret is safe with me."

Zynnis opened his eyes wide and looked at Trip astonished, "And what the fuck do you mean by that? What secret are you talking about, and how do I feel about that arrogant fool? I'd rather kill him than spend another second with him!"

The wolf only laughed, "Oh shut up, you like him. You think he's cute, I already know about your dragon infatuation!" He patted Zynnis gently on the neck, "Sometimes I think I know you better than you know yourself. You like it when someone stands up to you, and you especially like it when they're bigger and stronger than you too!"

Zynnis ground his teeth loudly, "If I weren't in so much pain right now, I'd beat some sense into that over thinking head of yours, you know that?"

"I don't think you would, for the same reasons that I get to sit idle while you go out by yourself and do odd contracts. Especially when you know I could be more than helpful. I've logged just as much training hours as you in the simulator, and seen enough battle to know what to do when. Not to mention most of the things I know you either taught me ore we learned together." The wolf pushed his forehead down against Zynnis', "You know as well as I do you think that dragon is a force to be reckoned with, and I know just as well as you do that you're going to enjoy the challenge."

Trip smiled and licked Zynnis on the nose softly, "Now c'mon boss, let's go change that bandage and I'll try to loosen up some of that tension in your muscles."

Zynnis could only smile up at the wolf, "You know what pup? I think there is something wrong with your brain being missing."

Trip laughed and grabbed Zynnis by the paw, leading him behind the desk and to the hidden safe room behind it. "Now go lay down, and relax,"

Zynnis shook his head and rolled his eyes, "All I want is sleep right now, I'll feel better afterward, and we can change this nasty fucking thing in the morning." He gestured to his bandage and pushed a button on his desk's console, opening the door to another small room, this one just as well equipped as his office, but with an already laid out futon in place of the sofa.

Trip just sighed as he followed Zynnis in, rubbing the fur's shoulders as he did so, "You know, you're stubborn as hell, I wish you'd listen to me more often, you'd be in a lot less pain right now if you did."

Zynnis sighed as he laid himself in the bed, curling up into a ball on one side of it, "Shut the fuck up Trip, the last thing I need right now is you scolding me on the errors of my hardheaded ways."

The wolf slowly pulled his jacket off, the black tank top he was wearing standing out against his white fur, "I know boss, I know." The wolf laid down next to Zynnis and wrapped his body around the hybrid carefully, "Now get some sleep, and rest up, you've a long day ahead of you tomorrow."

Zynnis yawned loudly and closed his eyes, pushing back against the wolf gently, happy that his dearest friend was there with him, there had been a time they were apart, and it was unsettling to think about, so he quickly pushed those thoughts away, "Just shut up and I could, and quit calling me 'boss', there is no reason for that now, I was your boss five minutes ago, that bullshit is over with."

Trip could tell that Zynnis had wanted to say more, but the battered and wounded half lion, half dragon, had already fallen asleep in his arms. Trip kissed his his softly, and closed his eyes as well.