My Highschool Dream Love -- Part 12

Story by Tyrant Dragon on SoFurry

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I couldn't believe what I just heard.

"You're brother?!" I said in shock. "I didn't know you had a brother. You never told me that."

"I was ashamed to." Brad replied, looking away from me.

I could tell he was hurt. 'Why?' I wondered to myself. I guess Brad had read my mind.

"There is a reason why he has not with us and we don't talk about it. You see, my brother was a rebel. Ever since I could remember, he wouldn't do whatever my mom or dad would tell him to do. My parents were furious with him. They did everything to try to turn him around. They never used force. Only once as I can recall. However, nothing worked. He continued to act the way he did. I did everything I could as well to help him and my help did absolutely nothing. It only got worse. As he got older, he discovered drugs, weapons, and other stuff. When he was about 15, I caught him doing cocaine. I didn't tell my parents at first. I wanted to see if I could get him sober before I did. Unfortunately, I was not able to. It was such a shame. When he turned 16, I told my parents. They took him to rehab. He hated that place. He never became clean. Such a waste of money. When he got back, he demanded a driver's license for going to what he called the "hell hole". My parents refused to give it to him after everything they have experience with him. That didn't stop him though. He just went out with friends. Stayed out till at least 2 in the morning. He would usually come back drunk. I was so ashamed to have him as my brother. When he turned 18, I was only 15. He moved out of the house right away. I could tell he was so sick of livining with my parents. The day he was leaving..... Oh I could remember that day like he was yesterday. He walked to the door and just before he left he turned around and looked at me . He said these exact words: 'I will come back. I don't know when and I don't know what I'm going to do, but I will come back. Be aware.' and then he walked out."

I listened intently to Brad's story. I couldn't believe it. I wanted Brad's brother to go to jail. Even though that sounded mean but I wanted him to. I couldn't believe what Brad's brother did.

"And what's his name?" the officer asked Brad.

Brad was a little hesitant on his answer. I don't think Brad wanted to turn him in. I think Brad wanted to give him a second chance. He looked at me and he realized that I knew what he was thinking. I shook my head no.

"Tell him his name, Brad." I said quickly.

Brad stared at me for a good long time. He was debating on what to do.

"His name is..... Anthony." Brad said, shuddering as he said it.

I came up to him and wrapped my arms around him and hugged him tight. He started crying. I held him close. I felt pretty bad for him. This was extremely difficult for him.

"It's ok. You did the right thing." I said, trying to be comforting.

The officer turned his attention to Brad's mom.

"Do you have a picture of him? A most recent one would be nice."

"I'll do my best to look for one. Please excuse me."

The officer nodded as Brad's mom walked out of the room. I turned my attention back to Brad. He seemed to be getting back into controll. I could tell he knew that he did the right thing. It was getting late now.

"Brad, we should get some sleep. I'll spend the night with you. Let me just call my parents and let them know what I'm doing."

I called and updated them on what was going on with the crime. They were surprised as well that it was Brad's brother The let me spend the night and we hung up. I went back into the family room and found Brad watching t.v. on the couch. I came up and sat next to him. I layed my head on his chest. He petted my hair. It felt good to be alone with him. I looked up and I saw he fell asleep. Since I was really comfortable, I decided to fall asleep right there

When I woke up, I noticed Brad was still asleep. I got up and went to the washroom. When I came back, I realized that Brad had gotten up. I walked up and kissed him on the lips.

"Good morning, cutie." I said.

"Good morning." he said, smiling at me.

"I just realized something. I totally lost track of the time. Luckily we got up early." I said, looking at my watch and realizing the date.

"What do you mean?" Brad said, looking puzzled.

"It's the first day of school!" I shouted.

"What!?" Brad screamed, jumping up.

We scrambled into the shower and got dressed. We got into my car and drove there. I couldn't believe the first day of school had arrived. It literally just came out of no where. When we got there, we realized there was another problem. We didn't have our schedules! I wouldn't know where to go for out first class. I went to the office and grabbed an extra copy of my and Brad's schedules. It turnes out we had lunch again this year. My heart lifted when I realized that. I ran back out. There was only 5 minutes before the first class started. I found Brad and gave him his schedule. He kissed my goodbye and went off this his first class. I went to mine and sat down. I had some friends in this class. I talked to a couple of them before the teacher walked in and shooshed us. The first of day of school went by fast. However, it was very repetitive. The grading scale, rules, supplies, etc... The same thing just a different class. When the day was over, I met Brad outside. He was leaning on my car. He look so hot. I walked to him, made sure no one was looking, and kissed him deeply on the lips. I stopped shortly after and we got into the car. I drove him home. I needed to get home. I always prepare for the year after the first day of school. I saw my mom and asked for some money. I went out and got all my supplies. When I was on my way home, I got a TXT message from Brad. I opened the TXT message and what I read totally freaked me out.

"You know, my birthday is this weekend?" I read out loud.

Oh shit! I don't know what I was going to get him. I didn't want to use the same idea he used during my birthday. I started to panic. I didn't know what to do. I decided to reply.

"You...know..I..wouldn't...forget." I read out loud as I typed.

I sent it and continued driving home. I didn't know what to do. 'What could I possibly get him?' I thought to myself. I started panicking more. When I got home, I saw my mom laying down.

"Mom!" I kind of shouted.

She kind of jumped.

"What's wrong?" she said, looking slightly scared.

"Brad's birthday is this weekend and I totally forgot about it. I don't know what to get him!" I said.

"Alright, don't panic. What do you think Brad would like from you?" she asked.

Then it dawned on me. I ran out of the room and turned on the computer. I had to do some research. I found what I was looking for. I went back into my mom's room and told her what I wanted to do.

"Are you sure you want to do this? This will take awhile to prepare." my mom said, looking slightly concerned.

"We don't do anything major. I don't make this a huge deal." I said.

"Of course we'll have to! This is a huge thing that you want to do! I'm just so surprised you want to do it now."

"Well, we can wait a few months till my birthday. In fact, we're going to have to." I replied, begining to get excited.

"Alright, if you're sure about this." my mom said.

I ran out of the room and decided to head back to mall. I had to purchase it first. On my way there, I called my dad to let him know what I was doing. He was a little harder to convince but I managed to. I got what I wanted and headed back home. I couldn't wait until this weekend.


Today was the day. I was shaking so much. I knew we were going to have sex tonight. I walked up to Brad's front door and knocked. Brad opened the door and smiled at me.

"Happy birthday!" I shouted as I jumped on him.

He caught me and we kissed. I realized his friends were on the couch. I think they knew by now about me and Brad. They didn't mind us.

"I need to use your bathroom." I said.

"Alright." he said, starting to head back to the couch.

I ran upstairs and pretended like I went to the bathroom. Instead, I went to Brad's room and hid my gift in one of his drawers. I went back and flushed the toilet to make it look as realistic as possible. I came back down and I realized that Brad and his friends were playing video games. One I was particularily good at. I decided to have some fun with Brad's friends.

"What game are you all playing?" I asked cheerfully as I sat down.

"Halo 2" one of his more good looking friends replied.

"Hm, I'm afraid I've never played this game before. Mind if I try it out?" I said.

Brad looked and me and I winked at him. One of his friends threw me a controller and told me the controlles. I pretened like I listened. When the game started, I to do my best to make myself look like a noob. I ended up winning.

"Wow, you learn fast." one of his other friends said.

"Meh, I do learn pretty quick."

"I want to challenge you." another strange voice said.

I jumped when I realized another person came from the kitchen. I knew who it was but I never really talked to him.

"O..ok." I said, trying to look scared.

I gave him my remote and picked up a different one. The match started and he put up a good fight but I turned out to emerge victorius.

"You've played this before." he said.

"So what if I have?" I said, laughing.

"You bastard!" the other friend I beat shouted.

We all started laughing. We played a bunch of other games. Some I dominated in while others I got raped in. Most of Brad's friends began leaving around 1 in the morning but one stayed. I pulled Brad over and asked if he was spending the night.

"Ya, he really wanted to. I couldn't say no. Sorry. We really won't be able to do anything tonight."

"Aw..." I whimpered.

He put my arm around me and then I struck an idea.

"I think we'll be able to. If you don't mind having a little company." I said, shrugging.

"I don't know, are you sure you want to do this? I can't imagine you sucking someone else's cock except mine." Brad replied, looking mad.

"Alright, alright." I said quickly.

"I'll make him sleep in the guest room and we'll sleep together in my room and we won't make a lot of noise."

"Alright!" I said happily, making my tail wag.

When it was almost 1:30 in the morning, his friend decided to go to bed. Me and Brad went into his room and we started making out. I wanted to make this kind of quick cause I wanted to give Brad's present to him. I took off his shirt and leaned in to suck on his nipples. I couldn't get enough of them. felt so good in my mouth. I was begining to get hard. I laid Brad down on the bed and I undid his pants. I pulled his pants and his boxers down to reveal his nice piece of meat. I leaned in and licked the tip.

"So, what do you want to do tonight?" I asked while stroking his cock.

"Hm... Well, I was thinking you could fuck me tonight." he said.

That threw me over! Brad was always the dominant one when we got intimate.

"Well, if that's what you want." I asked. Brad turned over and got on all fours. I leaned in a little a licked his tail hole. I slid my tongue into it and kind of tongue fucked it.

"That feels so good baby, keep doing that." Brad moaned out.

I decided to change course. I inserted a finger in while I moved my head down towards his sac. I took one ball into my mouth and suckled on it. His musky scent tasted so good. I would never get enough of that either. When I decided his was lubed enouugh, I mounted him. I inserted the tip into his hole. He was really tight. I saw him wince in pain.

"Are you sure you want me to do this?" I asked.

"Yes, keep going." he said, smiling at me.

"Alright." I said.

I went deeper into his hole. His muscles contracted around my member. It felt so good. I could of orgasmed right there. I wanted to, but I didn't want to spoil the moment. I pulled out and went back in. I began a rythm.

"Oh my god Tom, that feels so nice. Go faster and deeper."

I did as I was told and went as I deep as I could. I felt his prostate. He wrapped his muscles around my cock again. I pulled out and went back in, making a faster rythm. His ass felt really good. I was really close to orgasming.

"I'm going to cum soon." I said inbetween grunts, clenching my eyes from the pleasure.

"Go ahead and cum in my ass." he replied to me.

I nodded to my self and kept thrusting into him. I went as deep as I could and leaned onto Brad and released my load into him. About four jets of cum came from me and went deep into him. Barely any got out and fell onto the bed. I pulled my cock out and slid under him to suckle on his cock. It didn't take him long to orgasm. He shot a good five waves of his seeed down my throat which is really unsual. However, I swallowed it all and enjoyed every last drop.

"Alright, time to give my present." I said, getting out of the bed.

"Oh, this was enough." he said.

"Oh no! There is more! MUCH more." I said, getting a little shakey.

"Alright." Brad said, smiling.

"Sit on the side of the bed and cover your eyes." I said quickly.

He did as he was told and I went to drawer that contained my present. I pulled it out and started talking.

"Well, I was doing a little research. It wasn't an easy decision on rather or not to do this, but I really wanted to." I said.

"What is it?" Brad asked.

"Before I show you. I must ask you this. Do you love me?" I asked.

"Of course I do, more than anything." Brad replied.

"Alright." I said.

I knelt down and opened the gift, showing the object infront of Brad even though his eyes were closed.

"Brad, open your eyes." I said.

He removed his hands and looked down and his eyes widen. The present was a box. And in the box was a ring. My next words were,

"Brad, will you marry me?"