Family Ties Pt2

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It didn't take long for Daddy to arrange his children, unhooking Amy's legs from her brother's shoulders so that she could lower them, then spinning the locked-together siblings around so that she was on top of her brother.

Amy's tail was wagging hard in anticipation, the pup eyeing her father's cock as he stripped off completely. She had been getting double-fucked every day since she was stretched out enough to handle it, and she still loved it just as much as the first time. Just having Ryan's knot in her was good enough, but her father's huge knot stuffed in her bottom as well? It was amazing!

Daddy was soon stripped down completely and lay down on the bed, leaning down to inspect his little girl. Her pussy was stretched out obscenely around her brother's cock, but it was pink and healthy looking, obviously not sore at all. Her little cunt couldn't hold much cum, so despite his boy being tied good and proper with her, his gooey white cum was still leaking out around his shaft. The adult husky stuck his big muzzle down under his little girl, lapping at where his children were joined together.

Both siblings moaned at the feel of his big flat tongue dragging over their bodies, starting at Ryan's cum-soaked balls, then up to where his cock disappeared into his sister, over what he could reach of her obscenely stretched cunt, and then finally up to lap at her lovely little tailhole. He savoured the taste of his kid's mixed cum, but was a little disappointed that Ryan had evidently cleaned her out so well. However, his tongue was longer than his son's, and when he wormed it all the way into his little girl, he could scoop some of the still-warm seed that filled her ass.

She whimpered loudly at the feeling, trying to push back against him but unable to move with Ryan's knot stuck in her. "Dadddyyy! Stop teasing!" she begged, her ears flat.

He pulled away from her ass and chuckled. "Just seeing how well my boy did." he told her, ruffling Ryan's headfur. "He cleaned you out good and proper...shame I'm going to make you messy again!"

The ten year old grinned at him over her shoulder. "No Daddy, it isn't a shame! I like having goo in me!" she told him. God that smile was adorable!

He couldn't wait any longer, not with her giving him that adoring look. The adult husky grabbed his little girl's tail, holding it tight and using his other paw to guide his thick shaft. All the saliva in her ass made for more than enough lube, especially combined with the slick pre that was spurting from his tip. He sunk his cock slowly and easily into his little girl, sighing happily as he felt her stretching out to accommodate him. She was just as hot inside as always, and once he had sunk a few inches into her, he could feel the familiar slick warmth of her cum-filled bowels caressing him. He loved the feel of fucking his little girl after another male was done with her!

Amy moaned, nuzzling into her brother's chest as her ass was filled by an adult cock for the fourth time that day. Her teacher had been rough, pinning her to the top of his desk and pounding her furiously, gagging her so as to not get caught. It seemed that her Daddy wanted to take his time, and that was just fine by her.

Ryan moaned too, as his father's entrance made his sister feel even tighter around his swollen knot. He gently kissed and licked at her, stroking her back and head, just enjoying the tightness and the warmth. She was so cute, nuzzling against him, her fingers curled in his fur, moaning softly as their father started slowly thrusting into her.

He was going at a slow pace, pushing every inch into his girl on the entrance, and pulling out all but his very tip on the back strokes. Suddenly, his cell phone began to ring. He'd left it on the bed beside himself, and without pulling out of his daughter or even slowing down, he answered it without bothering to check call ID. "Michael speaking."

The kids knew what to do if his cell rang and kept quiet. Amy stifled her cute moans, her paws gripping her brother's fur a little tighter. Still, Ryan gently grabbed her muzzle to silence her just in case. It turned out to be unnecessary however.

"Dave! Yeah, I know you enjoyed her." Michael said, Amy's teacher having identified himself. "Hehe, you really did a number on her ass, didn't you?...Guess again pal. Yup, got it in one. You like having Daddy's cock in you, don't you Amy?" he said, the last part aimed at his girl. She lifted her head, her fluffy tail wagging as Ryan released her muzzle.

"Yes Daddy!" she replied, happy to be able to moan again. She continued to do so, panting as her father fucked her at that slow and steady pace.

"Haha, I thought you would have heard her. I came home to Ry busting his nut in her...haha, yeah, it was a hell of a show." Michael said, casually continuing his conversation. He saw no need to stop fucking his little girl, after all, his friend had done it plenty of times today already. He laughed again. "All right, all right, I'll take some pictures for you tonight. You want Ryan to drop them over, and give you a little gift of his own?...Heh, I'll tell him pal. I'm going to go now, I want to focus on my little girl. You have fun later, eh? Bye!"

He ended the call, then tossed the phone down on the bed, smiling at his son. "Well, you might have guessed already, but I want you to ride your bike over to Mr O'Reilly's house after dinner, he wants some more pictures of you and Amy." he leant down to give his son a little kiss on the nose. "He also wants you to give him some fun..."

Ryan blushed, his ears flushing red. "Okay Dad..." he mumbled, kissing Amy when she glanced up at him. Mr O'Reilly had been his teacher when he was her age. He remembered well all the times he got down on his knees under his teacher's desk and swallowed his cum. It had been a while since he'd done anything for the older canine...he was a little worried that he wouldn't be able to suck on his old teachers entire length.

Amy noticed his slightly nervous look, and gave him a big slurp on the chin. "You'll do just fine Ry! He likes to talk about how he used to do you whenever he does me." she said with a little giggle. She blushed slightly and winked. "My bum is better, but he says you have a way better mouth!"

Ry smiled a bit at that. "Thanks Amy. I love you."

She smiled widely back at him. "Love you too Ry-yip!"

The last part was a little yip of pleasure as her father shifted his position a little, grinding deeper into her rump. It was a shame he didn't have his camera with him, because his friend would love to see this. He pulled out halfway and paused to inspect his little girl, enjoying the sight of her stretched out around his cock. He ran his finger around the rim of her tailhole, feeling the tight skin. "You like being stretched out by Daddy's cock, baby?"

"Yes feels so good..." she moaned out in reply. "You're so much thicker than Mr O'Reilly...he goes deeper, but you feel so nice..."

Michael gently rubbed and squeezed her ass, thrusting back in and grinding himself into his daughter. "Are you looking forward to when Daddy can get stuck in your front?"

She gave a tiny little nod, too content to be enthusiastic. "Yes Daddy...Ryan feels so good already!"

He chuckled, giving her rump a little slap. "I know he feels good baby, that's why I always find you two tied together. Because you can't get enough of his cock!"


Michael kept up his slow pace, smiling down at his kids. He reached down to grab his son's balls again, gently squeezing and rolling the soft orbs in his paw. Every now and again, he felt them clench, as Ryan let out another spurt of cum into his sister. What a good kid. "It's a shame that Ry is just one boy - he can only shoot so much into you, and can only go so many times...would you like having more playmates his age, that can keep you feeling good? Or hey, maybe even your own age..." he asked her. His heart started beating a little faster, but he kept his face straight so as to not betray his excitement. If he could get her playing with other kids...well, that was a gateway to having fun with them himself...

Amy's ears perked up. "That would be awesome!" she replied, her tail starting to wag rapidly at the thought. It paused for a moment, and she tilted her head. "But Daddy...I thought this was a secret?"

He smiled at her. "It is honey. If you'd like, we could let other people in on the secret."

Her tail started going again. "Oh! That makes sense! I'd love that!" she replied, but then hesitated. Her ears and tail drooped as she looked to her brother. "Um...Ry...if that's okay with you..." she mumbled, looking at him hopefully.

That made Ryan pause for a moment. He didn't want someone else humping his sister...but then again, other people were humping her! His Dad's friends played Amy, his Dad played with would be a bit silly to say no to her playing with other people, wouldn't it?

He smiled down at his little sister, meeting her eyes. She was giving him the full puppy eye treatment, huge and sad-looking, with just a hint of building tears. He knew that she used them to get what she wanted, but he'd already made up his mind. He gave his little sister a loving kiss, stroking her ear. "It's fine by me Amy, so long as you still give me a pup."

She nodded emphatically. "Of course! You know I'm going to give you a baby as soon as I can! Oh Ry...I can't wait until my first heat..."

"I can't wait either sis..." Ryan told her, kissing her again, deeply and lovingly. Before his kiss had finished though, she was yelping into his mouth and clutching at his chest, as their father began taking her rump at a rapid pace.

The sudden change from slow and steady to pounding away was because of his excitement. She was going to do it! Oh he was so proud of her! His little slutty darling was going to get some new playmates...and he was going to enjoy their company even more than she was!

Her father's sudden enthusiasm came as a very pleasant surprise to Amy, as she went from being content and relaxed to being roughly taken in the ass. He certainly wasn't holding back - every slam shoved his entire length into her, and rocked her atop her brother. He was thrusting so hard that every time her sunk in she felt two spikes of pleasure, one from his thick cock, and one from tugging against her brother's knot, threatening to pop free. The pleasure she felt from being rocked atop her brother only increased as she rapidly began to tighten around him, making his engorged knot seem even bigger.

Ryan let out a surprised yelp too, clutching Amy tight to his chest. She was gripping him like a vice, and the pleasure from it made him pant hard and his eyes roll back. He gasped out to his father. "Dad! Don't stop!" he begged. Amy was too far gone to follow suit, the pup starting to let out yelping screams of pleasure.

Michael growled loudly, deep in his chest. His little girl let out a high-pitched scream as she came, both holes clamping down around the cocks inside of her. She lifted her head, eyes tightly shut, her back arching as far as it could. That was the perfect opening. He ducked his own head down, tilting it to the side before chomping down on his little girl's neck. He scream was cut off as his fangs dug painfully into her, and her throat was crushed enough that she could barely breathe.

Ryan followed his father's example, growling and biting his sister's right collarbone, almost biting hard enough to punch through her skin. Both her collarbones had bite scars, as did her thighs and back. Anything that could be covered by clothing, her father or brother had bitten hard enough to mark at least once over the years. Her neck had a few scars too, from when they got too enthusiastic - if anyone asked they just said it was from rough-housing. The hard clamping around his knot just made him sink his teeth harder, feeling her quiver and hearing her strangled whimpers in response.

Michael kept shoving himself into his girl, though his pace was forced to slow down with her orgasm. She was just gripping him too tightly - if he tried to force it, he might hurt her. Her climax soon ebbed though, and her clenched tailhole relaxed. Then he was back into his rapid rhythm, refusing to release her neck. His boy would have lost it when she came, he knew, but he had greater self control. His balls were aching, and he could feel the pressure building, but he held it back.

Ryan began clawing at his sister's back, wanting to make her whimper even more. He could feel every thrust his father made, his father's adult cock stuffing his sister to the limit and making her feel tight around him. Her juices were leaking out around his knot now, and he growled continuously as he bit her. He couldn't see them, but he knew that her eyes would be rolling back in her head from pleasure.

Amy was lost in the sensations, pain and pleasure mixing into an overpowering force that threatened to crush her. She couldn't remember the last time her Daddy had been this rough. She knew that she was absolutely helpless - even if she wasn't tied to her brother and held with jaws and paws, her limbs were too weak to hold her weight right now. All she could do was try to whimper and try to breathe, panting shallowly as her father's teeth threatened to punch through her skin.

The young husky didn't know how long he pounded her little cum-filled ass for, but it seemed like forever. Eventually though, he was grunting and growling as he hilted himself in her and his knot grew. A moment after it swelled up to the size of a baseball, she began to feel her father's semen shooting into her rear, joining the cum already left there by her teacher. That was all that she needed to be shoved over into another massive orgasm, clenching hard around both knots.

Ryan stopped his clawing at her back in order to reach around her, grabbing his father's balls, just like his father had done to him. He massaged them as they clenched rhythmically, trying to milk his dad.

Michael was rutting at his daughter, growling loudly and constantly deep in his chest. She was so fucking tight! It felt like he was squeezing his knot with all his might using both paws. That just made him cum harder, his son's ministrations only heightening his pleasure. The was especially true when one paw left his balls, and a moment later, a finger covered in cum began pushing at his ass. He relaxed with some effort, gladly allowing entry, and let out a little grunt of enjoyment as his son began fingering his tailhole.

Ryan had of course swiped a finger through the mess on his own body, collecting his and his sister's juices that leaked from around his knot. There was no way anything was leaking out around his father's big knot! He was glad that his dad was happy with the treatment, and as he licked at his sister he scooped up more seed. With two of his fingers slicked up, he began working at his father slowly and gently, his other paw still massaging his father's testicles.

Michael murred loudly as he felt his son fingering him. Ryan's fingers were long enough to hit his prostate, but the angle was awkward, and Ryan's probing digits couldn't quite get deep enough. It didn't matter though - the extra stimulus was keeping his spurts of cum strong and rapid, shooting a new jet into his daughter every few seconds.

Amy was still whimpering constantly as she gradually came down from her climax, twitching a little with each new pulse. The heat from her teacher's seed had finally faded away, but her daddy's cum was filling her with new warmth, matching that from her brother. The little husky was finally satiated, her own need for sex fulfilled, but if the treatment her father had given her was any indication he probably wasn't similarly satisfied. Despite the fact that she was very much filled and content, she'd lift her tail and spread her legs for her father and brother - after all, she loved them. She wanted them to be happy! The fact that she usually was underneath them and thus didn't have to do any work helped, since she doubted that her quivering limbs could hold her weight any more.

Finally, Michael released his little girl's throat, letting her take a big gasp of air. He let out a little wheezing chuckle, panting hard himself from the exertion. "So then sweetie, I hope you enjoyed that..."

Amy nodded rapidly, still trying to catch her breath enough to speak. She rocked her hips a bit to show that she had enjoyed herself, grinding against her family, or pulling away to put pressure on their swollen knots.

Ryan murred under her, smiling. "I love doing feel so tight with both of us in you..." he told her, making his sister give a content, breathless giggle.

Michael chuckled as well, ruffling his son's head. "She's always tight, son. Enjoy it while you can - there's nothing like tying with a little girl. You won't find anything tighter, I guarantee you that! So enjoy it while it lasts."

Ryan tilted his head. "Well...Amy might get a little less tight when she grows up...but if we have a daughter I'll be able to tie with her, when she's trained enough."

Amy gave him a kiss on the nose, her tail wagging as best it could while held out of the way of her dad. "She'll love it Ry!" she told him, grinning from ear to ear.

Michael was floored. He'd long known that his children wanted to have a child together, but he didn't know that Ryan would follow his steps so closely! His mouth moved a little, but he couldn't find any words. He finally settled for just kissing them both, hard and passionate.

He eventually pulled away, looking down at his children. "I love you both, so very much..." he told them.

Both looked back, smiling widely. "Love you too." both replied, before setting about kissing lovingly, holding each other tight.