The Island - Lucario TF (LOTS of sex)

Story by WyraachUr on SoFurry

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?The sun was cast down upon the large island, several miles away from any form of civilisation. The waves crashed against the golden sands, as the motionless body of a human male was washed up onto the beach, the remnants of his boat drifting alongside him. He was rolled onto his back by the force of the waves as he laid there.

He was unconscious, but still alive and breathing. Hardly any man can be caught in a storm such as the one that struck him and his boat a few hours prior to that moment and live through it, but somehow he did, and he was mostly unharmed as well. But despite his tremendous luck, he was now laying on the hot sand under the sun, and staying there for too long would result fatal either way. Unfortunately, he was in no condition to move at that moment.

But his luck had yet to run out, and a few minutes later he was spotted by one of the inhabitants of the island.

That's when he started to come back to his senses. He was still weak, his body feeling like it was heavier than a thousand rocks, and his vision blurry and dark. Yet, he could make out a tall blueish humanoid figure approaching him, kneeling before him. He felt the warm touch of a hand on his back, and shortly after that the ground went missing from under his body, as he was picked up by the figure that had approached him.

What he saw afterwards was a confused series of blurry image, and faint distant sounds. He was still half unconscious, and his senses were still sending him distorted, blurry and confused feelings and images. Eventually though, he was put down, and the world went black once more.

He woke up a few hours later. As he opened his eyes, the world was much clearer now, and as he slowly came to his senses, the confusion he felt earlier was almost fully gone.

"Ugh...where on earth am I..." He groaned, holding a hand to his head as he gently pushed himself up from the ground. As he stood up, he noticed that he was sitting in the middle of a fairly large hut, made from various pieces of wood. He took a few gentle steps forward as he stepped towards the exit, a large piece of fabric draped over the doorway. He pushed it aside and stepped into the open.

"Woah..." He went wide eyed as he saw the little village around him, all made from wood and various materials. It was almost like a small town, it looked to be fairly busy and everything, but then he noticed the inhabitants of the village. From all he could see, there was nothing but male and female Lucario going from hut to hut, doing various tasks.

"Amazing..." He said quietly to himself as he watched the blue, jackal-like Pokémon intently. Where he had come from, there were not that many Lucario in the wild, and now he had found a whole island of them. Not to mention that they seemed bigger and somewhat different than those you'd normally find.

He slowly stepped back into the hut, noticing one of them was looking at him from the distance. He returned to the spot has was laying on, realising it was a large makeshift bed made out of what appeared to be bamboo, and a soft silk-like blanket. He took a while to admire the inside of the hut, which, while void of much furniture aside from two beds and a very short table, had some nice carvings all around the walls of symbols he did not recongise.

While he was intent looking at the walls, someone walked into the hut. He turned around, and he found himself face to face with one of the Lucario that inhabited the village. He could now tell for sure that those were no regular Lucarios. This one was tall, and had a much more humanoid shape, without the exaggerated "pants" and shoulders. This one also happened to be female by the looks of it, judging by the hourglass shaped body, thiner look, and...rather large breasts adorning her chest. She was wearing a white loincloth around her waist, and a large piece of cloth covering her breasts.

"Er...Hi there..." He said, looking away as his face turned red. "This...this is kinda new for me, I'm sorry."

"It's ok." She assured him, bringing his head back round to see her. "This is pretty new for us as well, we've never had a human wash ashore on our island... well not in any form of known history."

"Well then, this might be a new experience for the two of us..." He tried to chuckle, rubbing the back of his head nervously. "My name is Peter by the way, and what about you?" He extended one of his hands.

"My name is Laura. It's a pleasure to meet you, Peter." She smiled gently as she took his hand in her larger paw.

He smiled back at her. " come you can speak my language?" he had to ask.

She smiled. "It isn't us speaking, our auras are. Languages are no barrier with us" she said, tickling one of the large sensors on the side of her head.

He just nodded in response, even though he did not fully understand what that really meant. He looked over her a little, unsure on what to say next. She observed him carefully, walking around him as he stood there, still wearing the same clothes he had when he washed ashore, which were now dry, and covered in salt. She looked at him in the eyes, getting really close with her muzzle, to the point he could smell the vaguely peachy aroma coming from her fur.

"It seems what I gave you earlier was more than enough to get your strength's a good thing you didn't have any serious injuries, or else it would have taken a lot longer to heal" she said.

He nodded. "Yeah...I...guess I was lucky" he said, looking away. "Uhm...what exactly did you give me?"

She went to pick up a jar that was sitting on the table, and gave it to him. "It's the juice of a fruit that grows in this area. We drink it when we need to recover our energy, or when we don't feel well. You can drink the rest, it won't harm you" she said

He took a look inside the jar, and saw it to be half filled with a red watery liquid of some kind. The smell was....fruity, for lack of better words. He could tell it was some kind of fruit, but he couldn't tell what it was. He decided to go ahead and take a sip, and he found the taste to be...unlike anything he had ever tasted before. It was sweet, and it tasted good though, so that's all he needed. He drank the rest of the juice, as he was very thirsty. Surprisingly, drinking it did in fact made him feel better somehow.

He gave her back the jar with a smile. "Nice and refreshing"

"I'm glad that you liked it so much." She grinned, taking the jar back from him. "I'll get it cleaned out shortly, and I can refill it later on. As for your clothes, how about you take them off for now so we can properly clean them. I'm sure you'll feel a lot better if you're not wearing salty clothing anyway." She chuckled.

"That's true I suppose..." He blushed, looking at his clothing. "But what then, I can't really go around this island naked now, can I?"

"Oh don't worry, I'm sure I have a spare loincloth around here somewhere." Laura told him as she went to look for it, Peter removing his clothing and putting them aside for the Lucario to collect. She returned a few moments later with the loincloth in hand.

"Here you go....oh my..." It was her turn to blush now as she caught side of the fully nude human, getting a quick glimpse of his rather modest size. She looked on silently as she handed him the cloth. He hurriedly put it on, letting it cover himself.

"There, much better" she said, noticing that there was salt covering his skin still. "But, I think you might wanna take a bath now. On the northern edge of the village there is a cave that leads to a small underground lake. You can have a bath there...and maybe say hi to the others, and introduce yourself to the chief" she blinked

"The...chief?" he asked

She nodded. "Yes, the chief. Don't worry, he knows you're here, and he can't wait to meet you" she chuckled.

"Uhm...okay....where did you say the cave was?" he asked again.

She pointed at the door. "Follow the path and you'll get to it. I would accompany you, but I have something to take care of. No need to worry, you're safe as long as you don't leave the village alone"

"Is it dangerous out there?" he had to ask.

She paused to think about it for a second. "Well...not really, but, and don't take it the wrong way, you're a newcomer, and it might be unwise to wander around the jungle alone"

He nodded. "Fair enough...wasn't planing on leaving anyways"

"I'm sure you'll be fine though." She gave him a quick hug, holding her close to him. He thought that it was really unwise to do that, but as she hugged him, he noticed that she didn't have a large spike resting between her heaving bosom.

"Er...did you lose your spike or something in a fight?" Peter asked curiously.

"Huh? Oh no, I still have it. The females on this island can retract the spikes on their chest, it's really quite simple." She giggled, breaking up the hug as she focused for a second, lowering her breast cloth just a bit as a large metallic spike emerging from between her rack, sitting there for a few moments before going back into hiding.

"Ah. That's got to be an interesting skill to have." He smirked. "Well I better find this lake, so I'll see you later on, Laura!"

"Ok, be well Peter." She blew him a soft kiss as he left the tent once again, walking down along the path she had told him to follow. He couldn't help but blush a little. If he didn't know any better, he would say he was close to scoring with the lovely lady that rescued him from the beach.

As he walked through the village, he came across several other Lucarios, male and females, all going on with their daily routines. Some were just chilling out in the shades, some were working or cooking food, and others were walking around, carrying jars of water, or what he assumed was the same juice he had earlier. Every single one he came across took a moment to observe the newcomer. Laura had told him that they had never seen a human on the island, and judging by the looks they were giving him, he could tell she wasn't kidding.

The path he was following eventually ended right in front of a small opening, which appeared to lead into a much bigger cave. He stepped inside, and headed deep into the cave. What he saw in front of him was truly a sight to behold: a massive cave, going up for what looked like several hundred meters, all the way to an opening far above, and all around him he could see a large lake, the water perfectly calm, with the only waves caused by a few Lucarios swimming around.

He took a few steps forward, walking into the large lake. The water was warm and inviting, and he took a few more steps in before completely submerging himself. "Ahh..." He let out a content sigh, bathing himself as he swam around. "A guy could get used to water like this." He chuckled as he swam around for a little while, looking over at the Lucarios who were also bathing.

One in particular caught his attention, sitting on a rock near the edge, looking over the lake. It was obviously a male, but he appeared larger, and quite more muscles than the other males he had seen so far. He also seemed to be wearing a small golden pendant around his neck: a golden fang by the looks of it. Also, the male had his loincloth resting on the side, and the human couldn't help but notice that the male was....quite packing. Two large balls sat in between his legs, and above them a rather large sheath, which obviously contained an even bigger "surprise".

" that the chief Laura mentioned?" he asked himself, observing him.

As he watched on, he saw the large creature turn to look at him. Peter froze in his tracks as the muscular Lucario eyed him curiously, a smirk crossing his muzzle. "Well hello there, human..." He said as he got up, his loincloth resting back in place as he walked around the waters edge, standing as close to the young male as he could. "It really is rare that we get company of your kind around here... Be thankful we found you when we did, you could have died if we hadn't found you sooner."

"I know...and I'm really thankful that you saved my life. I guess that means I'm kinda indebted to you now, doesn't it?" He said as he swam towards the Lucario.

"Mmm...maybe it does, maybe it doesn't. It's Laura you have to thank for this though" He smirked, extending a paw and helping the human out of the water. "My name is Kiba, and I'm the chief around here."

"I can tell" he said, getting out of the water, finding himself quite short compared to the Lucario standing in front of him.

Kiba smiled at him, and sat back down on a nearby rock. "So tell me...what is your story?"

Peter shrugged, sitting in front of him. "Well, I was sailing back to the mainland after spending a few weeks with a few friends of mine. I got caught in the storm, and...well, I ended up here" he told him.

"I see...." the chief nodded slowly. "Are you a trainer?"

Peter stopped to think about it for a second, but he eventually decided to just be honest about it, and nodded to the Lucario. "Yes, I am a trainer"

"I see..." Kiba said, observing him closely. "I have nothing against trainers...but I do know that some of them can be quite....unpleasent, so I hope you are not planing on catching any of my people, because that would be unwise..." he said, his tone getting rather serious in those last few words.

Peter quickly shook his head. "Oh no, I would never try something like that....besides, my squad and my equipment is all at home"

Kiba stared at him for a few seconds, as if he was trying to read his mind. He eventually nodded, and went back to smiling. "I believe you. Sorry for being suspicious of you, but you can never be sure unless you...take a close look" he chuckled, blinking.

The human shrugged, looking down. "So...what's gonna happen to me now?"

Kiba stretched his arms a little. "Well, you are our guest for the time being, so I guess your only option right now is to stay with us until you can go back home"

Peter nodded. "And when would that be?"

The chief turned his head to the side, looking at the cave entrance in the distance. "We have three boats that travel between this island and the continent once per month to retrieve some extra supplies for the village. Unfortunately, the boats had just returned yesterday, so there won't be another expedition till the end of the month"

"So...I'm stuck here for a month?" Peter asked.

"Pretty much, yes....but do not worry, we will make sure you won't miss your home too much during your stay" he smiled.

"Well I'm sure that's a nice thought, but what will I be able to do here? Without any form of communication or electronic equipment, things could get boring very fast." He said to Kiba.

"Now I wouldn't worry about that too much. We have got stuff set up for everything electronic, but even with that there is never a dull moment on this place."

"I'll have to take your word for it...but aside from that, where will I be staying during this time? I mean I can't be expected to share a hut with someone who barely knows me, right?"

"Why not?" he chuckled. "Laura has taken a liking for you. I'm pretty sure she won't mind some company"

Peter smiled in response. He started to notice that the area was gaining a distinct reddish tint to it. He looked up, and saw the sky slowly darkening, the clouds a nice orange.

Kiba stood up, stretching again. "Sunset....better get back for now, it gets quite cold here in the evening" he said, picking up his loincloth and putting it back around his hips

Peter nodded, following the chief outside the cave and back into the village. It seemed like everyone was now cooking dinner, judging by the smell of cooked fish and meat in the air. Just before reaching Laura's hut, Kiba took a different route, claiming he had things to do. The two separated, and the human eventually came back to where he woke up earlier.

"Well, I might as well make the most of this the best I can..." He told himself as he approached the hut. His stomach was starting to rumble slightly, the scent of cooked fish not really helping in that respect.

"Laura, are you still in here?" He pulled the veil aside, stepping into the hut. When he went in, he saw Laura kneeling next to a small stove, watching the fish cooking.

"Yeah, I'm here." She purred, turning to look at the human. "I hope you don't mind, but I cooked a couple of extra fish. It would have been rude if I ate alone and I left you to starve."

"That's very kind of you." Peter smiled, sitting beside her.

"So, how was the chief?" she chuckled

He shrugged. "He was...nice..."

Laura gave him a nudge. "Quite the stud, eh?"

He couldn't help but nod. "Yeah...he was...quite gifted. Was that the reason why he is the chief here?"

Laura shook her head. "Nah...well, in some ways, yes, but technically he inherited it from his dad, our previous chief and founder of the village"

"What happened to him?" he asked

She sighed. "Well, he left. He said that he wanted to go and explore the world, so he passed the torch to Kiba. He has been a good chief"

"I can tell he is" he commented, watching the fish slowly cook on the stove. "Did you manage to wash my clothes?"

Laura sighed, and shook her head. "Sorry, didn't get the time....but trust me, you'll rather be naked or with a loincloth here. It can get pretty hot at times"

"Ah...okay..." he said, blushing.

She turned to look at him. "Relax, nobody is going to complain about you wearing the same thing we wear" she chuckled. "Actually, I'm sure many would prefer you going around this way"

The human blushed even more. "Well, I guess I'll just adapt then"

"It won't take you too long to get used to it, so don't worry." Laura purred gently as she turned back to check out the fish. "Looks like it's done!" She smiled as she skewered the two of them, handing one over to Peter. "Eat up, after all you've been through I bet you could do with..." She stopped when she saw him hungrily chowing down on the fish, having to spit out the occasional bone or two. "Wow." She laughed.

"Sorry." He chuckled to her as he made quick work of the fish, putting the remains of the skewered meal next to the grill. "Thank you for that though, it really hit the spot."

"You're welcome." She smirked, nowhere near done with her own meal.

He watched her eat, finding it impossible not to stare at that gorgeous body of hers. Even though she was a Lucario, her form was very human-like, and in his eyes she was quite a beautiful looking female.

She noticed the dreaming look in his eyes, and smiled at him. "Something on your mind?"

"Er..." He went red as she asked him that, wanting to make up an excuse but failing. "You're... you're quite beautiful looking, has anyone ever told you that?" He blushed, looking away shyly.

A rosy tint came to Laura's cheeks as she purred. "Well it's the first time I've heard it from a human being... and you're quite the cutie to look at as well, you know?"

"Uh...thanks" he looked down a little as he said that.

She smiled, gently caressing his cheek. "You know...there is no rule here that says that a human can't find one of us attractive....and neither there is a rule that would prevent of us to...have some fun, if you know what I mean" she winked.

"What do you....ah....uhm, I see...." he went almost entirely red from that comment she made.

She chuckled, giving him a pat on the back. "Relax, it was just an observation, that's all"

"I know, but it's all kinda sudden..." He said, still blushing as he slowly turned his head back towards Laura. "I mean how would that even work? Me a human and you a Lucario... I don't think I've ever really heard of inter-species relationships between humans and Pokémon before."

She smirked, edging a little closer to him. "I do have a mind of my own, so you wouldn't have to worry that much."

"True..." he slowly nodded.

Laura was about to say something, when all of a sudden, someone stepped into the hut. To Peter's surprise, it was none other than the chief, Kiba. For some reason, he was wearing a rather large loincloth now, which was going all the way down to his feet, unlike the last one he was wearing, which was much smaller. Also, alongside the golden fang, he was wearing golden bracelets, and a red leathery belt.

Laura bowed her head. "Chief"

Kiba smiled at the both of them. "Did I interrupt anything?"

Peter quickly shook his head. "No, we were just....having dinnner"

"Sure...dinner" Kiba chuckled "Anyways, we are having a small banquet at the campfire. I was wondering if you would like to join us"

"I'd love to! What about you?" Laura said, turning to Peter.

"Well, I am still a bit why not?" He grinned, standing up.

"That's good then. The two of you will be able to sit with me as well, if you'd so desire."

Laura went bright red at this - usually sitting beside the chief of the pack was an opportunity given to a chosen few.

The three left the hut, and headed for the center of the village, where a massive fire was lit, several Lucarios, males and females, sitting all around it at a safe distance. A multitude of plates and pots were scattered around, containing various types of meat, fruits and veggies. The chief and his guests sat down on the northern end of the camp, overlooking the place from a small rocky balcony.

Kiba sat down on a large red pillow in front of a large plate, filled to the brim with stuff. He smiled at them. "There ya go...enjoy" he said, grabbing an urn, which was filled with the same fruity juice Peter had earlier, and took a good sip.

"I'm pretty sure I will!" He grinned as he began to tuck into the food, eating his way through a pot full of meat.

"Your friend has quite the appitite, you know that?" Kiba smirked to Laura. "If we're not careful the guy might end up eating us out of hut and home." He added a wink to the end of the statement.

"The guy was shipwrecked, I'm sure he needs this right now." Laura smirked back to Kiba as the human quickly emptied the pot, filling the urn next to him with that juice and taking a few large gulps of it.

As he glanced over the fireplace, he noticed that a few of the villagers were starting to dance close to the fire. He observed them closer, and he noticed that said dancers were two females and a male, doing what he could describe as a very weird looking tango. But what caught his attention the most, was the fact that both females were topless, and the male was not wearing a loincloth, but a tight piece of cloth going around his hips, over his crotch, and over his buttcrack, leaving the rest exposed.

Kiba chuckled as he noticed the human looking down at the dancers. "We do know how to entertain ourselves, and the other members of this community" he chuckled

Peter nodded. "I can's very....uhm..."

"Sensual? Provocative?" Kiba chuckled. "It's meant to be like that. It gets everyone in the mood for some...private time later"

"Uhm...yeah?" Peter looked at him, feeling a little uncomfortable knowing that.

Kiba grinned. "Don't worry, I'm just messing around. But really, you have to admit those dancers are sooooo gooood" he murred

"Yeah, I'll admit that much." He was a little red as he said that. Even though he didn't want to admit it publicly, their dancing was on the sensual side, and he couldn't help but stare at them intently as they kept on with their routine.

Kiba looked over at Peter, chuckling softly as he watched them dance closer to the flames, the embers flying around them. He moved a little closer to sit beside him, as did Laura, the two Lucarios huddling near the human.

"Mhmm....I think I'll go take a closer look. You two watch my stuff" Kiba winked, getting up and heading down to the fire.

Laura watched him leave, before turning to the human. "All alone..."

"Yeah." He chuckled, turning to face Laura. "So what do you want to do right now?"

"Oh, I may have a few ideas... if you'd be willing to entertain them." She winked.

"What exactly do you have in mind?" he asked, watching her get a little closer now.

She smiled, moving closer still. "He gave us some privacy....I think you know exactly what he was expecting us to do now" she murred, slowly crawling on all fours towards him.

"I don't know about th..." he was about to say, but he failed to finish the sentence, as Laura let the piece of cloth covering her chest fall off.

She blushed a little, but that little bit of shyness did not stop her from slowly getting on top of him as he laid down on the large pillow. She rested her soft breasts against his chest, bringing her muzzle to his face.

"You're REALLY wanting to go through with this, aren't you?" He turned bright red as her muzzle was inches away from his lips, her crimson eyes staring into the human's yellow ones.

"Of course I do...I've always wanted to know how a human would feel like, and now I got my chance, so...get ready" She purred before suddenly lunging forward, her furry lips pressed against Peter's as she locked lips with him. He tried to let out a muffled protest but she just pressed harder against him.

There was nothing he could do to stop the suddenly horny female Lucario...but at that point, he didn't want her to stop anyways. The passion she was putting in that kiss, her soft, curvy body on top of him, her breasts rubbing against his chest....he couldn't resist the lustful desires popping up in his head.

He found himself starting to return the affection, leaning into kiss, and gently resting a hand on her back, his legs trembling.

As he held her closer in their embrace, he noticed his loincloth was being pushed away as his member sprang erect, gently pulsing with need as the head rubbed against the fur on her stomach. A few trails of pre matted the fur.

"See, you're getting into it now!" She giggled, feeling him slowly thrusting against her chest. The feeling of fur on skin was too much for him to properly describe as she stared into his eyes more, bringing her thick tongue into the kiss.

A swift movement of her hand, and the loincloth covering her crotch was tossed aside, leaving no part of her body hidden anymore. She pulled herself up a little, sitting in between his legs, looking down at his erect phallus.

"'s very different from our males' equipment...I like it" she chuckled, wrapping a hand around it and feeling it up gently.

"Mmm...I could do with it being a bit bigger, and not so plain looking." He chuckled as he gently pumped into Lauras grip, lining her paws with pre.

"Naughty boy..." She giggled, gripping it harder, the silky soft pads on her hands sending shivers up and down his spine.

She eventually stopped playing with her hands. The human looked at her with a smile, knowing exactly what she wanted now. Laura smiled back at him, moving back onto him. He felt her moist sex brush over his erect member, not allowing it to enter just yet. He moaned softly, his hand moving down to caress her gorgeous butt.

"That's it... Mmmrrrrahh..." She growled a little as he gripped it hard, feeling up the fine muscles under all that fur. She panted a little as his hands went between the cheeks, gently fingering at her slit, feeling the juices line his fingers.

"Feels like you need something to fill you up, doesn't it?" He joked. Laura just gave a panting nod as she guided his cock to her furry pussy, feeling the head probing gently along the wet lips of her sex. After a few moments, the head pushed its way past them, the rest of his cock slowly sinking into her steamy depths.

He was amazed at how well his human member fit in. She was not all that different from a human female down there, but at the same time, he could feel several little ridges and interesting shapes inside of her, which stimulated his penis in new, exotic ways. He moaned quite loudly as he thrusted in, only imagining what it could be like if he had a canine penis like the others of her species.

He thrusted in and out of her with increasing intensity, each thrust feeling better than the one before, her pussy growing more and more moist, and her moans and whimpers getting louder, and almost growl like.

He wished that the pleasure would never end, but eventually a familiar feeling in his cock told him that his orgasm was close. He intensified the pace, feeling her tremble, her own orgasm not too far away. In a last attempt to push her over the edge alongside him, he rubbed her clit with his hand, thrusting in one last time as he climaxed.

"Mmrrrraaawwhhh!" Laura let out a low bellow as she climaxed, her inner walls clamping around his cock as it was sprayed with her warm, feminine juices. Peter himself let out a groan as he came, a few ropes of white seed spraying her internal tunnels as they bathed in the afterglow, the Lucario rolling off to his side. "Mmm...That...really was something else!" She grinned, watching Peter's member slowly go limp.

"Indeed it was..." He was left quite breathless from all of this. "I think I need some of that fruit drink..." He said between gasps.

"Me too, me too" she said, taking a good sip from the urn next to her, before passing it to him.

The two just relaxed on the pillow, laying one next to the other, admiring the massive fire in the distance. They were lucky that nobody decided to go and check on them as they were playing, because that would have been embarrassing for both of them.

Kiba eventually returned. He was carrying another urn of the juice, as well as some fruits. He saw them, and smiled. "Had fun?" he asked, sitting next to them.

Laura simply nodded, blushing as she reached for her clothes, putting them back on. Peter never took off his loincloth, and because of that there were stains of both their juices all over it. Kiba chuckled as he saw that, which made him blush a little.

The chief gave him a pat on the back. "It's alright my friend, I'm glad your first day here ended on a very pleasant note"

He nodded, taking another sip of the fruit drink. "You...have been away for quite a while..." he said

Kiba nodded. "Yup...I may or may have not been been...spending some time with some of my people" he winked.

"Well it's good to know some of the people here have an unusually high sex drive." Peter couldn't help but laugh at that, looking over Kiba and Laura. "Not that there is any problem with having a high sex drive anyway. If anything it makes everyone pretty much fawn over you, no?"

"I suppose there is that benefit to it." Kiba grinned, revealing his fangs to the human, gleaming in the low light. "I just hope it isn't a problem. We wouldn't want to keep you up all night with our howling when we reach climax after all."

"Eh, I don't always retire early, so I'm sure I'll be just fine." Peter chuckled.

Thankfully, the rest of the evening went by without anything too intense going on. Even with the energy fruit juice, the sex he had with Laura drained him quite a bit, and he needed some time to recover. For some reason, he found himself scratching his crotch quite frequently, as it kept itching. It wasn't too bad though, and he managed to ignore it as he talked with the chief about the village, the Lucarios that lived there, and so on.

It was around midnight when the villagers started to head back to their huts, the fire now getting weaker.

Kiba stretched his arms, yawning. "I don't know about you, but I think I'll go back to my hut for now. I suggest you do the same, you'll need energy for tomorrow" he blinked.

Peter and Laura nodded, both getting up, and after a quick bow to the chief, they headed back to their hut through the now quiet street.

"Thank you for that." Peter said to Laura, still blushing a little bit. "I'll admit that it was a new experience for me...I suppose I'll end up getting used to it fairly quickly if I'm stuck here for a month." He chuckled.

"I'm just glad that you enjoyed it in the end, that was the main thing." She said with a wink, grasping his hand in her paw as she held it tight.

"Ah, that makes me wonder...where exactly am I going to sleep tonight? I mean wasn't that your bed that I was sleeping in earlier?"

"Yeah, but that bed is easily big enough for two people, so I don't mind you sharing it with me." She smiled.

"True" he chuckled as they got inside.

They went straight to the bed, laying down onto it, one next to the other, with him holding her against him. He was glad she was so soft and warm, because during the night the place was getting rather cold now that the fire had been extinguished.

She purred in content. "Good night"

"Good night" he replied, slowly closing his eyes.

He had some...unusual dreams that night. He didn't remember much of them, except that they involved Lucarios, and he...he was one as well, enjoying their company and spending time with them as if he was truly one of them.

Several hours later, morning had finally come around as the sun started to shine through the huts. Both Laura and Peter slowly came to at around the same time, still hugging each other as they yawned.

"Mmm, good morning..." Laura said with a soft smile, gently nuzzling the human. "I trust that you slept well, right?" She asked him.

"Yeah, I did. Aside from having some Lucario themed dreams anyway... Oh well, I guess that'll happen when you're sleeping on an island of them." He laughed.

She chuckled in amusement, getting up and stretching, before putting on a new loincloth and top. As she did that, Peter got up, scratching his back. It was itching quite a bit in that moment, and he wasn't sure why.

Laura noticed him doing that. "You okay?"

He nodded. "Yeah, but my back itches a little...maybe it's just a reaction to the bed?"

"Let me see" she said, stepping behind him. "It seems....oh my..."

"What is it? Is it bad?" he asked, turning his head to see her taring at his back in shock.

She immediately rushed outside, and returned seconds later with what appeared to be a small mirror. She held it behind him, so he could see as well...and what he saw, did shock him just as much.

The skin on his back was red, as if badly irritated, but that wasn't what shocked him the most. Scattered all about were some rather visible patches of cream yellow fur...the same kind of fur Laura, and the other Lucarios had.

Peter reached for the closest spot and felt it. He wasn't dreaming: it was real fur that was growing there, and it appeared to be spreading too, as upon closer inspection he could see new strands of fur starting to emerge from his skin.

"" he gulped.

Laura shook her head in confusion. "I don't have a....wait...could it be..." she mumbled, walking to the empty jar that used to store the fruit juice. She picked it up, lost in thoughts. " has to be..."

"Care to fill me in" Peter asked, still feeling that new part of himself.

She turned to look at him once more. "It's complicated, make it simple, the fruit we get this juice from is rumored to posses some...magical properties"

"Magical propreties....of what kind?" He asked.

"The kind that...strengthens the body and the spirit, to the point of even changing them...just like that" she said

Peter looked at her, then back at his growing fur. "And....if you knew this...why didn't you warn me?"

She blushed. "I didn't know...I thought it was just a rumor, I didn't expect...this"

"Well...maybe it won't be too bad..." He said, still examining the creamy fur that was growing over his form. "I mean who knows, it could be a blessing in disguise."

"You'd call that a blessing?" Laura asked, sounding a little confused. "I really don't know what kind of human would dream of becoming a Pokémon."

"Well...I am one of those people who wish I could be a little closer to my Pokémon. You know, being able to understand them better. help them out better than I could right now and so on..."

"I see..." She was a little puzzled by his comment.

"What I mean is that some people can only dream of being able to get to know their Pokémon better than they do right now, and if you are a Pokémon yourself..."

"You'd be able to bond with them a lot closer than you could as a human, is that what you're trying to say?"

"Pretty much that, yeah" A smirk crossed his face.

"'re not planing on trying to stop this?" she asked.

He shook his head. "Nope...unless it becomes dangerous for me, but I'm positive about this, I mean...this is a chance of a lifetime" he said

She silently nodded at him. "We better let Kiba know"

He smirked. "something tells me he already knows"

Laura was about to say something, but she was interrupted as Kiba himself walked into the tent. She bowed to him, as per usual, Kiba doing the same right after.

Peter saluted the chief as well. "Come to see me getting fuzzy?" he chuckled.

Kiba looked puzzled at first, but he then smiled and nodded. "So it seems that my theory proved to be accurate"

"You...knew this chief?" Laura asked.

He nodded. "As a matter of fact I did, yes" he said, taking a look at Peter's back. "I figured that if you were gonna stay with us for a might as well be one of us"

"I'm guessing that there is no real way of reverting this after the month has passed, is there?" Laura asked him curiously.

"Not at all. Once he has fully transformed, he'll be a Lucario for the rest of his days. He'll retain some of his human traits though, however little they may be."

"I'm sure that'll be a small price to pay anyway." Peter smirked as he finally stopped looking at the fur in the mirror, approaching Kiba. "So how long do you think it will take for this transformation to finish?"

"Hard to say...might take a day, might take a few days...I guess it depends on how much of the juice you intake and what activities you decide to get up to."

"Well however long it'll take to finish up, I know that I'm going to enjoy the ride." Peter grinned.

"I'll make sure you'll....enjoy the ride" Kiba grinned. "Well, have fun you two. If you need me, I'll be at the caves" he said as he left the hut.

Laura turned back to him. "I'm afraid I have work to do, so...I guess you can just have a walk around, and we can meet for lunch?" she asked

He nodded. "Sounds good to me, unless you want some help"

She shook her head. "I'll be alright...but I'm sure others would like a helping hand. Try the hunters, they always welcome help"

"Well OK then, I'll see what they need." He smiled, giving Laura a quick hug and a kiss. "I'll see you later on!" He said as he left the hut.

It didn't take him too long to locate the group of hunters as their hut had a few spears resting up against the entrance, the size of their hut was slightly bigger to the other ones around them. He took a few steps into the place.

"Is anyone in here?" He called out, and soon enough he was greeted by a group of five Lucarios, two females and three males.

The hunters were....definitely different than the other Lucarios he came across the previous day. The males were large and muscled, similar to Kiba, and they had some visible scars on their chests. The females were the same as the males: not so much the gentle looking ladies like Laura, but more rough, and well toned...also, they were topless

"Hey there, I guess you're the newcomer to this island." One of the males said with a grin, extending a paw. Peter took it and shook it.

"Pretty much. Laura said that you guys are always welcoming help, so I thought I might as well pop by and see what you wanted to do." he said.

"Assistance is always welcomed....unless you were thinking of taking a spear and hunt big beasts, because we don't let anyone go hunting unless they are trained for it" he pointed out. "But, checking the equipment, skinning the stuff we have caught, cutting the meat, or cooking it...that we always need help with"

Peter nodded. "Anything is good for me"

"That's good, it's nice to see someone around here who isn't full of themselves!" One of them said with a hearty laugh. "As it is around breakfast time, why don't you start by cooking up some of the fish that we caught earlier on?"

"Sure, I'll get straight to it!" He said as he made his way towards the kitchen area of the hut. It was a small, somewhat open area with a little bit of ventilation, the stove in the middle of it, nowhere near the walls of the hut.

"Wow, that's a LOT of fish." He chuckled to himself as he saw the neat little pile beside the stove, kept on top of a mat so that sand didn't get stuck to the scales. He picked up a couple and placed them down on the stove, turning it on. He watched over them intently as they slowly cooked and sizzled. The scent of cooked fish soon filled the hut, and a short while later he had emerged with several fish in his hands, each skewered on a little steak of wood. "Breakfast's on!" He called out to the hunters.

They walked to him and each took a fish, biting into them without really worrying about good manners. It only took them a few bites to finish.

The leader of the group, gave Peter the bones, smiling. "Thank you"

He smiled back. "You're welcome" he said, collecting the rest and putting everything away. He saw a jar with some of that juice. He took a sip just for the hell of it.

As he headed back to the kitchen, the hunters noticed the fur that had covered his entire back now. They looked at him, fascinated.

"Is something wrong?" He asked them curiously.

"Oh it's's just surprising that you're taking this so well is all." One said, looking at his furry back, the fur starting to slowly creep over his front now. "I'd have thought that most humans would freak out about becoming something different."

"Well you can't always tell these things, can you." He said with a smirk. "Besides, I'm enjoying it, so I might as well let it play its course."

"I see..." the leader said, nodding. "Anyhow, we are going out soon, but we are leaving our friend here behind to do some work here" he said, looking at one of the males. "He might use a hand, and perhaps he can even teach you a thing or two"

Peter nodded. "Sounds good to me"

The leader nodded, and signaled the others to get their stuff. The remaining male approached the human, shaking hands with him. "Call me Fang" he said.

"Hello Fang" Peter replied, following him in the back.

"Bet you weren't expecting to be washed ashore on a place like this, were you?" He chuckled as he walked to the nearby table, sitting down on one of the chairs.

"Not really, but I can't complain." Peter answered, sitting next to Fang. "I mean the Lucario here are all nice and friendly, so what's not to like about this place?"

"You're right there." He smirked. "I'm sure someone like you will get along just fine once your body finishes changing, but at least for now you're sporting some nice fur."

"That I am." He smiled, running a hand along his back, letting it flow through the creamy fur. "And I'll be looking forward to the rest of my changes all in due time"

He nodded, looking over his body. "Say...has there been any changes...down there?" he asked, looking at the human's loincloth.

"I...haven't checked actually" he blushed

"I don't mind if you do now" he smirked.

Peter shrugged, and lowered his loincloth a bit to check on his junk. He saw nothing unusual at first, but he quickly realised that both his penis and testicles were slightly larger than before, his soft member over an inch longer, and his balls looking just a little larger.

Fang glanced over the human's junk. "Anything different?"

"It...feels bigger" he blushed. "But it seems the sa..."

Just as he was about to say that, he pulled the foreskin of his cock back to check the head, and noticed that the flesh there was a much brighter red now.

Fang smiled. "Not quite the same, uh? In fact, if you want something for comparison..."

The Lucario stood up, and swiftly took his loincloth off. The human could now take a good look at the creature's large canine sheath, and rather large sack hanging in between its legs. Fang gently poked the opening on top of it, letting out a soft moan as he allowed his own member to grow erect and push out of its shelter.

"Well well..." He said with a chuckle, watching as Fang's canine cock emerged fully, pulsing slightly as it stood at around nine inches long, a fine musk wafting from the barbed head. "Looks like you're pretty big."

"Yeah, it's not too bad for our kind. I don't think I could ever dream of matching Kiba's though." He smirked.

"Don't knock it, you're pretty well equipped." He moved a little closer, eying it up as he rested a hand along Fang's furry thigh. As he did that, Fang noticed the human's excitement, the foreskin pulling back as it grew hard, revealing his red bulbous head.

"Are you feeling ok?" He asked the human curiously.

"Oh yeah..." He smirked. "I'm feeling goood..."

He chuckled, resting a hand on the human's chest. "You know, you look quite good already...if you were to train with us, you'll become a real beast" he murred.

"Mrrr...a beast you say?" he asked, his hand caressing Fang's muscled thighs.

Fang nodded. "Yes, a true alpha, if you know what I mean" he winked.

Peter chuckled. "Oh I know what you mean...and if you are offering to help me train, I'll gladly accept"

"Good then." Fang smiled as he looked over the human. "You should know that a lot of the training, aside from practical field stuff and all, will be some pretty physical stuff, hands on and all."

"Well that isn't much of a problem. I mean it might take a little bit of getting used to weight lifting and all."

"Well there is that, but we also train another way.. I could show you that way if you really want."

"Mmm, well right now I'm game for anything. Just tell me what I have to do!"

Fang smiled happily, resting his hands on the human's back, pulling him close to him, trying to be careful with the spike on his chest. His hands slowly caressed his back, moving lower and lower, until the human felt the Lucario's big hands right on his butt. He gasped, shivering a little.

Fang chuckled. "If you want me to stop, just tell me" he said, licking Peter's face.

The human shook his head. "No rather pleasent actually"

"Good...cause this is what I was getting at when I said some of the training is 'hands-on'" He purred, feeling the human's rump up. "Feels nice and tight, for a human anyway... That will change all in due time."

"Let me guess, it'll get nicer and tighter or something." Peter grinned.

"Mmm, perhaps..." Fang nuzzled his friend a little more before he pressed his furry lips against the humans, pushing into a slow, passionate kiss. He let out a muffled moan as he felt the human lean into it a little, their lips pressed tight as he continued to feel him up, their cocks starting to dribble pre a little bit.

Fang gently guided him down on the floor, resting on top of the human as they continued to kiss. For a second, Peter wondered if what he was doing would be considered cheating, since him and Laura got pretty intimate before...but considering how Kiba seemed to be pretty open when it came to pleasing his people, he figured that those Lucarios were much more open about "playing" with each other, so he just relaxed and enjoyed the moment.

As Fang continued to kiss and grope him, the human decided to return the favor, his hands moving to the Lucario's firm ass and gently squeezing those muscled butt-cheeks.

"That's it, good boy..." Fang moaned and panted, feeling those furless hands squeeze and grope his rump, rubbing up and down the sides of his was pretty much pure heaven. "I'm sure that you're going to love your time here very very quickly."

"I'm sure I will..." He said between moans as they broke up the kiss, looking eagerly over each other, their cocks pulsing with lustful need. "So who will be doing who right now?" He smirked.

"Mrrr....well...I'm on top, so I have the right to take you" he grinned, his cock resting closer to the human's rear. "That is...unless you think you can turn the table around."

Peter didn't need to be told twice, and without warning he pushed the Lucario off and immediately got on top. He didn't meet any real resistance, it was obvious that Fang let him do that on purpose.

Fang chuckled. "Oh, you got me" he said as he laid on his belly, the human on top, his cock already pressed against his butt.

"Sorry, but in these situations you've got to be very quick to react." He smirked as his cock slowly pushed into Fang's big blue ass. He let out a low growl as he felt the man penetrating him, his cheeks slowly being spread as his friend pushed the full length of his cock into the Lucario.

"Ooohhh...ooohh yeah..." Fang panted, his hands clawing into the ground as Peter began to pick up the pace a little, thrusting in a little harder as his balls began to slap against the beast, hilting him with some swift thrusting.

"I bet you like that, don't you? Being made to feel like a bitch." He said with a grin. In his right mind, he would have never dreamed about doing this before, but there and then, he felt all his inhibitions fade away. "You love taking a pounding, am I right?"

"Damm...right" he growled, spreading his legs some more.

The human smiled and continued to screw the big hunter, trembling in delight, not only from the pleasure he was getting from thrusting his cock deep into his tight ass, but also from the sense of power he was getting. He liked being the dominant one...he liked it a lot.

"Ghhh....gah, so soon" Fang whimpered, his cock trembling wildly, the knot swelling rapidly. Without any warning, the human gripped his sides and span him around to face him, a large trail of pre running down his throbbing length.

"Me too....ghhhh!" Peter moaned, going balls deep for the finale. His cock trembled violently as he orgasmed, cumming hard into the male Lucario's ass.

"MMRRRAAAHHH!" Fang cried out as he came too, ropes of hot spunk shooting from his cock, splattering across the humans chest, a good load of it striking his face.

"Ooohhh yeaahhh!" He panted, licking the seed away from his face as he stared at the Lucario for several moments, soon pulling his spent cock out of him. "I'd say...that concludes training for now, right?" He winked.

"Yes...I think we have done more than enough for a first session" he murred. "Now we need a bath though"

"Yes we do" Peter chuckled. "One quick trip to the caves then?"

"You got it" he said, the two putting their loincloths back on, and heading out.

It only took them a couple of minutes for the two of them to reach the caves, and as soon as they got in there they jumped into the water, swimming around for a little bit.

"Mmm, that feels so nice...nothing like a good swim after a 'workout', eh?" Peter chuckled to Fang as he bathed in the lovely warm waters.

"Indeed." Fang smirked as he swam around the human, looking all over him.

The nice, soft fur was showing up all over the human now, following a distinct pattern that were quite familiar to both of them. Peter had to put some more energy into swimming as the soaked fur was starting to add some significant weight to his body.

"Doing alright?" Fang asked, getting out of the water and onto the rocky edge.

Peter followed him, feeling the fur that was growing on his legs now. "Never felt better" he smiled.

Fang nodded. "Well, break his over, time to get to work"

Peter nodded, and got up to follow Fang, when he suddenly felt an immense amount of pressure in the middle of his chest. He coughed, suddenly getting the unpleasant sensation of something sharp going through his sternum. With a rather loud crack, a massive spike emerged from that spot, somehow not spilling a single drop of blood.

Fang immeditely rushed to Peter's side. "Woah, I got scared for a moment..."

"Yeah...I got a bit freaked out myself..." He chuckled a little, feeling up the large, gleaming spike that was protruding at least half a foot out of his chest. "Was a little bit on the painful side... I'd hate to imagine how the ones on my hands would grow in, that's for sure."

"I'm sure it won't be as painful as this one was - I mean it did grow out of your chest, so of course it's going to knock a bit of wind out of you." Fang said as he saw the human taking slightly deeper breaths, his chest barrelling out slightly with each breath he took. "But hey, you're starting to look more and more like a Lucario with each change you go through, so that isn't a bad thing."

"You're right there... I'm just loving how it feels though, some stages seem more intense then others."

"I can name a few stages that you might enjoy quite a eh" Fang chuckled, eyeing up the buldge on the human's loincloth, as well as his now furry ass.

The two followed the road back to the hunters' hut, a few villagers taking interest in Peter's new chest spike. Back in, Fang decided Peter how to skin the captured prey, and prepare the meat for later use. The human had never done something like that, and in any other situation he would have never considered it either, but now that he was turning into what could in some ways be considered a vicious predator, he didn't mind cutting some meat like that.

The two worked together for over an hour, Peter picking up the technique rather quickly.

"Looks like you're really getting the hang of this." Fang smiled to Peter as he finished skinning the last of the corpses. Since he didn't have claws just yet, he was having to make do with a knife that they had lying around the hut.

"What can I say, I'm a quick learner!" Peter laughed as he tossed the last of the skins onto a pile, looking over at all the meat they had prepared for the future.

"Not bad at all, very clean cuts and everything!" Fang purred as he examined the meat closely.

"You know it's going to be lunchtime soon - would you perhaps like to have something to eat with me, Fang?"

"Sure. I've got nothing better to do right now, and it would be fun to eat with company." Fang purred in response.

This time the Lucario decided to go ahead and get some meat cooking while Peter sat on the floor, looking at the fur covering him. Shortly after, he started getting an uncomfortable sensation at the base of his spine, right where his coccyx was, just above his anus. He felt the area with his hand, feeling a little bump there, as if his spine was trying to push out. He assumed it was the tail, as the fur there seemed thicker.

That wasn't the only thing he noticed that wasn't right. His muscles felt tense everywhere in his body. It was that uncomfortable sensation you get after doing too much exercise without stretching them at all. He gently ran a hand on his pecs, finding them to be slightly larger and bulkier than before. Upon moving his hand lower, he felt his abs there, harder and thicker.

Fang eventually walked into the room, carrying two large porkchops. He looked at the human, tilting his head to the side. "Did something change, or is it just me?"

"A little, why don't you take a closer look" He smirked as Fang put the meat down on the table in front of them, sitting by Peter and looking over him.

"I don't see anything different about you..." He looked on a little puzzled at the changing human.

"Why don't you feel a bit closer then." He grinned as he grabbed one of Fang's paws and pressed it against his chest, guiding it all over the growing muscles.

"Wow, you're starting to get buff!" Fang purred, feeling his muscles eagerly. "If you keep growing like this, you might end up becoming an alpha just like Kiba!"

"Mrrr...well I'm starting to feel a little like an alpha...I feel stronger and bolder for one, thanks to all this." Peter replied, chuckling.

The two ate their meal without any more words, enjoying the delicious meat Fang had cooked. It was a little raw on the inside, but it was delicious that way.

"So..." Peter said, putting down the empty plate. "When are the others going to be back?"

Fang shrugged. "In the evening if everything goes right. Until then we are on our own. If you don't have anything better to do, you can come with me so I can show you how a hunter trains around here"

Peter shrugged. "I won't be going anywhere for a while, so...sure thing"

Fang nodded, and got back on his feet, leaving the hut, the human following him right away. The two followed a separate path that initially appeared to lead into the jungle, but instead stopped at a rather large open area surrounded by a tall wall of rocks. A few spears rested on the ground nearby.

"Nice place" Peter said, looking around the place.

Fang nodded, smiling. "Yup, now follow my lead" he said, stretching his arm and getting down for some push ups.

Peter got down beside him and started to do a few push ups along side the Lucario, taking care that he didn't fall and get his spiked chest caught in the ground. As he did the exercises, he noticed that he had a bit more energy than he used to - in the past he would have only been able to manage around 10-15 before his arms started to strain and give out, but now he was going way beyond that, managing to get to around 200 of them in before he had to pause. Fang looked on at him in amazement - he had to pause around the 150 mark.

"Wow...I've never seen another Lucario able to do that many push-ups in one go...that's almost on the same level as Kiba." Fang let out an impressed whistle.

"Yeah, what's his record?" Peter said, drawing in a little breath.

"The last time I checked was around...500, I believe."

"Really now?" He grinned. "I'll have to give it another try when i get my breath back!"

Fang then pushed himself back to his feet and immediately started running back and forth around the area. Peter followed, breathing heavily, but somehow keeping up. He was once again surprised at how much he could run, even after the pushups. Fang himself eventually started showing signs of being tired, but he he kept on going for what seemed like hours. Eventually, they both stopped, catching their breath.

"Okay, slowing down now" Fang chuckled, walking to the middle of the area, followed by Peter.

The Lucario then proceeded to take off his loincloth, tossing it to the side. The human did the same. Fang then slowly spread his legs and went down on the ground, stretching them quite a bit. Peter tried to imitate him, but his muscles didn't respond well to being stretched like that, and he couldn't quite get it right.

Fang chuckled. "Seems like the changes in your muscles have made them quite hard and hard to stretch. We hunters need to be agile, so that's something we need to work on" he said, pulling his feet upward, and behind his head in a rather crazy pose.

"And just what exactly does that mean?" Peter said with a slight smirk. "Are you saying that I can't be flexable?"

"Well, not as you are right now." Fang laughed to his friend. "But with a bit more training, you'll be ready for just about everything that comes your way."

"Well how about I try something like this?" He said as he stared down at his shaft. Grabbing his left leg, he began to lean forward, lifting his leg upwards so he could attempt to bring himself to his member. He was soon able to get to it, his tongue going slightly across the head.

" can do that just fine, so that's a start" Fang chuckled.

The two kept on working on muscle flexibility for a while. Thankfully, it seemed that Peter's muscles were starting to collaborate once their growth spurt had passed, so he could get most of poses no problem.

"Eh, you're getting there now" Fang chuckled, striking a rather suggestive pose, ass in the air while arching his back, looking at the human with the head upside down.

"Am I now?" Peter said with a smirk, looking over the oddly positioned Lucario intently, eyes trailing around his furry ass.

"Yes, you are...and is something wrong, you seem to be staring at something." He grinned, noticing the human looking at his furred rump.

"Well then, there's either a fly or some other insect crawling around your rear, or maybe it's just because you have a really nice ass."

"Oh, this thing?" He laughed, patting it. "Can't really complain too much about it, I got it like this thanks in part of my training, after all."

"I'll have to keep training then" he chuckled, flexing his arms.

Fang chuckled, getting up and stepping towards him. It was then that both of them heard a rather loud cracking noise coming from the changing human. He fell on his knees, as his spine was thrusted out of his body and into a full fledged furry Lucario tail behind him.

Peter gasped, looking back at it, waving about. "Damm, quite...sudden"

Fang gently stroked the new appendage he had, chuckling. "Indeed...but hey, a nice fluffy tail"

The human nodded, but another unusual sensation made him gasp before he could get up. His anus suddenly seemed to stretch upward, moving closer to his new tail, quickly followed by his ballsac, repositioning a bit further up. The sensation made him moan in pleasure as he fell on all fours, his rear tingling.

"Ahhh....ooohhhhh...." He panted, moaning as he moved a hand to grasp his ass, feeling it slowly pulsing under his grip, the muscles firming as it seemed to slowly grow bigger.

"Hey, looks like your ass is coming in nicely!" Fang purred, kneeling beside his friend, his muzzle pressing slightly against it.

"Uuhhhaa....uh-huh..." He moaned, turning to face Fang, his tongue hanging from his mouth as the Lucario ran his own tongue along his fuzzy rump, sending shivers down the human.

"You know, I can make it much larger and firmer if you want... I know a special way to do so..." He purred again, licking along Peter's vent, causing him to groan louder, his cock growing erect pretty quickly as it sprayed a little pre.

"" He gasped as he felt that long, rough tongue work over his cheeks, going in deep.

"All I need to do is to give it a nice, sound pounding...and everything else will work out on it's own..." He smiled, still rimming the man.

" it..." Peter said, a growl leaving his throat.

Fang grinned, ready to take his turn. His throbbing canine length was gently pressed against that wonderfully shaped ass, rubbing against it, covering it in pre. The human shivered, legs relaxing. The tip of Fang's member eventually met his friend's quivering hole, and quickly found its way in.

"There we go, that's it...mrrrrrr!" Fang moaned, thrusting it in right away.

Peter trembled, gritting his teeth as the Lucario spread him wide. He expected to feel pain, but the recent changes have made him far more flexible in every sense of the word, and he was now moaning in delight as his friend was pounding him. With every thrust, his already well shaped ass seemed to change, getting closer and closer to what any male or female would consider the absolute perfect caboose.

Fang noticed the changes there, and could not help but roar in delight, fondling that wonderful butt. It wasn't long until he realised that the humans insanely hard cock was starting to be affected by the changes as well, for real this time.

"Ggrrraaahhh....rrrriiiooo....Oh fuck..." He snarled, his crimson cock slowly expanding in size, the foreskin slowly pulling backwards as it gathered around the base of the shaft, growing into a large canine sheath that rested between his furry legs. His cock had reached the nine-inch mark, throbbing proudly as the growth seemed to stop for a moment.

"Look at've grown to quite an impressive size..." Fang said between thrusts, looking down at the humans cock. "I think Kiba will be quite pleased with....oh?"

"Rrrrraaaiioo....Luuuucccarrriiooo..." Peter said through heavy growls, looking at Fang with a lustful smirk as it suddenly grew larger, soon reaching past the one foot mark as the head of his cock grew into a large point, barbs and spines working their way around it. To top it off, a huge knot formed at the base of his dick, swelling large as his member stopped at around the eighteen inch mark.

"Holy....that's....that's..." Fang gulped at the sight of it.

" my spear" the human grinned, his new dick leaking pre all over the grass below him. "I'll make sure to put it to good use...mrrrr" he moaned, stroking it.

Fang could not help himself, and he grabbed the massive rod, stroking it and squeezing it. Peter shivered, loving that sensation. The hunter smiled, and continued to both thrust and stroke, giving his changing friend the experience of a lifetime.

"!" Peter growled, feeling his knot tingle, seed filling it, ready to be shot.

Fang growled, his own orgasm approaching. He slammed his own knot right into the other's ass, right before reaching an explosive climax.

"Grrraaahhhh!! LUUUUUCCCAARRRRIIOOOOOO!!" Peter roared at the top of his lungs as he felt Fang release hard inside of him, filling him to the brim with his rich seed. He couldn't hold back any longer either as his huge cock sprayed a good few gallons of cum over the ground, some of it splashing off and striking his chest and face. "Oooohhhhahhahhrhrh!"

"Aahahahah! Ooooh my!" Fang panted, pulling out of him slowly as his knot deflated. "I...I wasn't expecting it to go like this...but mmm..." He smiled as he fell back, looking at his friends giant cock.

"Always willing to please" Peter grinned, sitting there, watching his member slowly retreat in its new sheath.

"I...guess we are done training for today" Fang chuckled, looking at the mess they have made.

"Agreed...I better go and say hi to Laura, she must be wondering where I have been all this time. And of course, I want her to see all of this" he smiled, patting his new genitalia and now perfect ass.

Fang nodded. "The others will be back shortly, so they'll need help with whatever they have caught. And don't worry, we can manage without you. Go and meet your lovely lady" he smirked.

Peter nodded. "Say, should I mention...well..."

Fang chuckled. "Afraid she is not gonna be happy about it? Let me tell you a little secret: Laura has a friend she likes to...spend some time with from time to time" he blinked.

"A friend?" he asked.

Fang nodded. "Yup, a lovely lady she is very close to. You'll probably meet her sometimes" he chuckled

Peter nodded. "Oh, another eh, now I see" he smiled. He forgot that the Lucarios there were far more open when it comes to relationships.

"Well I won't keep you any longer than you're needed, so go pay her a visit!" Fang grinned as Peter turned around, suddenly breaking into a full on dash as he ran back towards the village. " this rate, I wouldn't be surprised if he ends up surpassing Kiba..."

The slowly changing human was able to make quick time making his way back to the village, reaching it within a few short minutes, not even feeling slightly winded, beads of sweat matting his furry chest as his fuzzy balls swung about between his legs, his loincloth resting snugly against his sheath. He saw Laura's hut was within sight, and made a break for it.

"He's been gone for a while..." Laura thought to herself as she looked towards the mountain. "I wonder how they are doing with his training?" Just as she finished that thought, she felt a hand resting on her shoulder. Quickly spinning around, she saw Peter standing right behind her, a big grin on his face.

"Hello there, Laura. Miss me much?" He chuckled.

She stared at him for a moment, as if she didn't know who she was looking at. "Is much has changed..." she gasped, running a hand over his massive pecs.

He chuckled. "Well ya know...a good day spent training with the hunters would make anyone suddenly...level up" he grinned.

She smiled, caressing that muscular body of his, quickly finding the best part of him, as well as the tail attached to it. He murred, returning the gesture, caressing Laura's body, which he now found more attractive than ever before, his new Lucario pheromones making him lust for the sexy female in front of him. But despite that, he didn't want to appear like a mindless horny beast, so he repressed the thoughts and just acted like a loving mate to her.

" lovely Laura..." He purred, holding her closer to him, leaning into a long, passionate kiss as his human lips locked with her muzzle. He took in a few deep breaths, getting a good noseful of her pheromones. He had to groan a little, feeling his sheath swell slightly, but he was doing his best to hold it back, just wanting to spend some quiet time with Laura - he knew there would be time to screw her silly soon enough, but for now, he just wanted to be cute.

"It shouldn't take too much longer, and you'll be a fully formed Lucario...Judging by how you look so far, you're going to be so handsome." Laura smiled.

He was about to say something, when someone stepped into the hut. He turned to see Kiba walking in, holding a pair of jars in his hands.

Peter bowed. "Chief"

Kiba chuckled. "Fang told me you left not too long ago, so I figured you were here with this lovely lady" he said, making Laura blush. He looked over the half changed human, smirking. "Well, this went much faster than I had anticipated. You're looking good"

Peter smiled. "Thanks chief...dare I say that I'm looking more and more like you?"

Kiba grinned. "Eh eh, you're free to say that" he said, flexing his arms. "But anyhow, do you mind coming with me for a little while?"

"Uhm...sure" the human said. "Laura, do you mind if I..."

Laura chuckled and nodded. "No problem. I'll see you for dinner later"

"I'll be back by then" He nodded, following the chief outside.

As they walked, Kiba was looking over Peter intently, chuckling at his hulking form. "With how you look now, you're not too far off from being called an Alpha." He said, looking at the rather tight looking loincloth that rested above his sheath. "Fang told me you've gained a rather impressive spear...I might have to investigate that soon enough!"

"Mmm, if that's what you want to do, then by all means, chief."

"Please, call me Kiba. We're pretty much equal now." Kiba smirked.

"Alright Kiba" he chuckled, noticing they were back at the cave where the lake was. It was rather quiet at that time of the day.

Kiba lead the human to a little path on the eastern side of the lake. They followed it for a few minutes, and eventually reached a small area hidden behind rocks. A small waterfall could be seen above, as well as a smaller pool of water in front of them

Kiba purred. "My secret spot"

"Looks like a nice place." Peter smiled, the sound of rushing water echoing around them. A fine mist was coming from where the water crashed against the rocks, the entire area feeling nice and cool.

"Thank you, Peter." He said. "No one but a few select Lucario know the existence of this place. Normally I wouldn't show this place to any newcomers, but I thought it might be a little fun to mix things up for a change."

"I'm sure that there is a hidden meaning to this somewhere, but I'm honoured that you trust me enough to reveal your own private sanctuary to me."

He chuckled. "There are two reasons why I would bring someone here. Either I want him or her to receive a high position in the tribe....or because I want with them in a more private place"

Peter looked at Kiba slowly stepping into the water, tossing his loincloth aside. "Well...I guess I'm here for the second reason, am I not?" he grinned, letting his own loincloth fall as he stepped in.

The chief smirked. "I was thinking both actually"

Peter stopped where he was. "Excuse me?"

Kiba eyed him up, purring in excitement. "You're looking more and more like an alpha, and alphas are known to be powerful in the body, and in the mind. If you are to become one, then you deserve to be part of my circle"

"I...don't think I understand" he said, looking down.

Kiba chuckled. "I'm talking about being one of the candidates to replace me once my days come to an end"

"Ah...but I thought that is a good few years away from now." Peter blinked.

"It is...we live well on this island, and those who are from here live very long lives...the same will be said for you once your transformation is over." Kiba purred, looking at the muscled half human, half Lucario. "So until that time was to pop up, the two of us would be ruling side by side. And think about it, in this position you'd be able to accept Laura as an alpha as well, if you so desired."

"Really now...that is honestly very tempting." Peter grinned.

"All I ask of you to do for this honour, aside from accepting it, is to have some fun with me. The final stages of your change should come into play very soon, and once it's over, we'll be able to see just how much of an alpha Lucario you truly are... so what do you say?"

" can I refuse such an offer?" he purred

Kiba grinned happily. "It's decided let's take a good look at yourself"

Before he could react, Kiba grabbed him and turned him around, pushing him against the edge of the pool. Kiba smiled, and nuzzled him back, his two hands holding his friend's plump rear, caressing those firm buttcheeks.

Peter smirked, and let him do, resting his upper body on a rock, ass in the air. He felt Kiba's large tongue run over his large balls, making them bounce a bit. His own cock quickly made it's way out, and so did kiba's...and what a sight to behold. There was a reason why spending some private time with the chief was a privilege: with a tool that large, chances of an unforgetable experience were high.

" know, having a bit of this inside you could end up making you into a real beast." Kiba smirked, stroking his large rod. "Whether or not that will happen though, I have no idea. I guess there's only one sure fire way to find out about it, isn't there?" He winked, slapping his friends ass. Peter let out a low, lustful growl as he turned to look at Kiba, stroking his own cock with his hands.

"Then do it... Drive it hard into me and give me a good, long ride." He shook his ass teasingly. "Being taken by such a big stud...that thought alone is making me hornier than you can imagine." He grinned, the head of his shaft now dribbling pre.

Kiba smirked, and pressed his own length against his friend's ass. The other shivered in delight, stretching his they began to crack and elongate, the final series of the changes beginning now.

The chief eventually found the opening he was looking for, and drove the massive member straight into the changing human's anus. Despite having spent a good time with Fang earlier, Kiba was on a whole new level, and he initially had troubles taking him....but it was just for a few moments, and after that it was pure ecstasy once again.

Kiba moaned in delight himself, looking down at the human's feet, which were now as long and as big as his, the toes merging into three, growing some nice claws on them, pads swelling on soles.

"" He snarled, his voice deepening once again as his claws sank into the ground. As Kiba continued to thrust into him, he dug his fingers into the sides of the water pool. He didn't notice his digits sinking into the rock as his hands swelled, cracking as they stretched a little. The undersides of his hands grew into soft pads as his fingers grew a little wider, long white claws growing from his fingertips, leaving deep indentations in the rock.

"Oh my...this really is unexpected..." Kiba panted between thrusts, watching as his friend's hands grew a little more, a pair of large, silvery spikes growing from the back of his hands.

" better hope...that you've done me good..." He snarled, his voice deeper still. "Cause when you're done with me...I'm going to fuck you into submission...make you scream out my name....uuuhhrhaha..."

Kiba tried to ignore the sudden change of attitude, but he couldn't shake off the feeling that his friend was going to turn the table on him soon. He slammed his knot against his friend's ass and forced it in, fully knotting him as he felt the orgasm approach.

"Ghhh....your name...tell me your name..." Kiba grinned. "You need...something more....fitting"

"My me...Hadou..." He grinned savagely as he bucked hard against the alpha, letting out a low howl as he pushed him over the edge, feeling the chief Lucario emptying his huge cock into his ass, warm cum flooding into him as he snarled.

"Uuuhhhhh! Hadou....sounds like such....a powerful name..." He groaned, pulling out after a few moments. Peter, now Hadou, pushed himself around to face him, feeling his body pulsing a little bit.

" going to be goooooood..." Hadou roared, his body suddenly undergoing one more growth spurt, which was slowly edging him towards being even bigger than the chief.

Kiba watched as the human face he had started to tremble, loud cracks echoing in the air as his jaws seemed to stretch and shift. His human teeth quickly sharpened at the tips, pushing into vicious canine fangs. His tongue expanded in size, growing more flexible....perfect for some nice licking action.

"Gggrraaahhh....RRriiiooooo...." He hissed, his muscles swelling larger once more as his cock throbbed and pulsed, taking it into his muzzle as the size of it surpassed Kiba's. He let out some muffled growls as he worked his fangs and tongue over it. Kiba could only watch on in amazement as Hadou sucked himself off, his ears growing larger and pointed, moving to the top of his head. As blue and black fur began to cover it, he closed his eyes, growling as he continued to blow himself.

"You're...a huge...monstrous...beast..." Kiba said in complete adoration as a pair of large aura sensors grew from the back of his head, hair mixing in with his fur as his nose sank into his upper jaw. He felt his orgasm approaching, throwing his head back slightly as he suddenly came hard, shooting gallons of cum into his maw. Some of it spilled out the sides as his eyes snapped open, the color a mix of red and yellow, thin slitted pupils sitting in the middle of them as his transformation completed.

He looked back down at the chief, letting go of his own cock, which was still leaking seed all around. He then looked over himself once more, feeling better than ever.

Kiba slowly moved closer to him. "Hadou..."

The new Lucario grinned, resting a hand on Kiba's shoulder. The chief was about to say anything, but he was quickly grabbed by his friend, forced to sit on his lap, their members pressed together.

Hadou smirked. "I said I would make you scream my name...let's see how long before you do so"

"Mmm...against that thing, I don't think I'll last too long...but I gotta give it my best..." He said, looking at it hungrily. He leant forward, slowly licking up and down along the lenght of the immense shaft, smeared in pre and cum.

"Good...I like a challenge." He laughed, moaning as he felt Kiba clean his cock, lapping up every last drop of his seed. "But before I get down to business, I need to prepare you for your pounding...and I know just the way." He told him as he suddenly lifted the other Lucario high above him, exposing his furry ass to him.

Kiba let the other do so, looking back at him. Hadou purred, and gently nuzzled the chief's firm ass, his tongue pressing against his hanging sack. Kiba moaned, letting his tongue out, enjoying the teasing. Hadou smiled to him, and gently ran his tongue over his sensitive tailhole, feeling Kiba tremble under his touch. He poked it in a few times, stroking Kiba's leaking member as he did so.

"Hadou....ooooh...." Kiba moaned, shivering.

"Mmm...that's a good start...but it's too quiet for my liking." Hadou smirked, leaving a long, slimy trail of saliva all over him as he then lowered Kiba down towards his cock, placing his vent gently against the pointed head. "Now then...this may sting a little..." He warned him as he suddenly pushed him down hard onto it, the sheer girth of it spreading the Lucario wide as Hadou wrapped his arms around Kiba, starting to furiously thrust into him.

"GGGAHHAHH....RRRIIOOOO!!" Kiba snarled as he slowly got used to his friend's equipment, the many barbs along it flaring up wide as he was pushed further and further down onto it.

"Hadouuuu!!!!!" Kiba roared, his cock shaking wildly, already on the bring of a climax.

Hadou smiled, pleased. He forced his knot into the chief and braced himself, finally hitting his own orgasm. Kiba felt like he was gonna explode from all the cum that was being pumped into him, his own cock spraying a new load of seed right onto Hadou.

The two held each other close, both releasing and experiencing the strongest climax they've had thus far. Kiba could hardly believe he got that kind of intense orgasm from actually being on the receiving end.

"Aahhh....Ooohhh....Thank you...." Kiba panted, turning to Hadou, gently nuzzling his cum-soaked nuzzle. Hadou's tongue flickered out to lick the seed away before pulling Kiba into a deep, passionate kiss.

"I should be the one thanking you for all this, my friend...I'm honoured to become part of your tribe...even if I've ended up as an Alpha." He laughed.

"Indeed...and now your transformation is complete, we should really throw our new Alpha a celebration...but that can wait till tomorrow... Until then, why don't you go back to Laura and show her your new body?"

"Oh yeah, that's right" Hadou grinned. "I need some female company as well after all"

Kiba chuckled. "Eh eh...don't forget to pay a visit to the hunters too. I'm sure spending time with them will help you grow even stronger"

" much I can do now...I can't believe how bright the future looks now" he smiled, looking up at the sky from the opening far above.

Kiba purred, nuzzling him. "Say though...will you go back to the main land some day?"

Hadou thought about it for a moment. "Well...I can't leave my I will have to at least go back and retrieve them. There is still a lot I plan to do with my team, and it would be silly to give up on all of that, even after what has happened to me on this island. But don't worry Kiba, I'm part of this community now, and I will not neglect my duties here now"

Kiba smiled. "That's the spirit my friend. May we live glorious lives"

Hadou smiled at the sky above. "We will...all of us"